Example #1
N = R.shape[1]
BenchmarkIndex = R.dot(np.tile(1.0/N, N)) + st.norm(0.0, 3.0).rvs(T)
#%% トラッキングエラー最小化問題のバックテスト
MovingWindow = 96
BackTesting = T - MovingWindow
V_Tracking = np.zeros(BackTesting)
Weight = cvx.Variable(N)
Error = cvx.Variable(MovingWindow)
TrackingError = cvx.sum_squares(Error)
Asset_srT = R / np.sqrt(T)
Index_srT = BenchmarkIndex / np.sqrt(T)
for Month in range(0, BackTesting):
    Asset = Asset_srT.values[Month:(Month + MovingWindow), :]
    Index = Index_srT.values[Month:(Month + MovingWindow)]
    Min_TrackingError = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(TrackingError),
                                    [Index - Asset*Weight == Error,
                                     cvx.sum(Weight) == 1.0,
                                     Weight >= 0.0])
    V_Tracking[Month] = R.values[Month + MovingWindow, :].dot(Weight.value)
#%% バックテストの結果のグラフ
fig1 = plt.figure(1, facecolor='w')
plt.plot(list(range(1, BackTesting + 1)), BenchmarkIndex[MovingWindow:], 'k-')
plt.plot(list(range(1, BackTesting + 1)), V_Tracking, 'k--')
plt.legend([u'ベンチマーク・インデックス', u'インデックス・ファンド'],
           loc='best', frameon=False, prop=jpfont)
plt.xlabel(u'運用期間(年)', fontproperties=jpfont)
plt.ylabel(u'収益率(%)', fontproperties=jpfont)
plt.xticks(list(range(12, BackTesting + 1, 12)),
           pd.date_range(R.index[MovingWindow], periods=BackTesting//12,
Example #2
    def cal_fund_regression_exposure_index(self,
        用指数去你基金收益率 最小化跟踪误差的前提
        指数权重之和为1 指数不能做空 指数和上期权重换手不能太大

        date_series = Date().get_trade_date_series(beg_date, end_date, period)
        data_beg_date = Date().get_trade_date_offset(beg_date,
        end_date = Date().change_to_str(end_date)

        code_list = [reg_code]

        data = self.asset_pct.loc[data_beg_date:end_date, code_list]
        data = data.dropna(subset=[reg_code])

        if len(data) < self.regression_period:
            return None

        print("Regression %s With %s" % (reg_code, self.index_code_list))
        print("Length of Return Data Is %s " % len(data))

        date_series = list(set(date_series) & set(data.index))

        # 上次计算的风格
        last_date = Date().get_trade_date_offset(date_series[0], -1)
        params_old = self.get_fund_regression_exposure_index_date(
            reg_code, last_date)
        params_old = params_old.T
        print("old", params_old)

        for i_date in range(0, len(date_series)):

            # 回归所需要的数据 过去60个交易日

            period_end_date = date_series[i_date]
            period_beg_date = Date().get_trade_date_offset(
                period_end_date, -self.regression_period)
            data_end_date = Date().get_trade_date_offset(period_end_date, -0)

            period_date_series = Date().get_trade_date_series(
                period_beg_date, data_end_date)
            data_periods = data.loc[period_date_series, :]
            data_periods = data_periods.dropna(subset=[reg_code])
            data_periods = data_periods.T.dropna(how='all').T
            data_periods = data_periods.T.fillna(data_periods.mean(axis=1)).T
            data_periods = data_periods.dropna()

                "########## Calculate Regression Exposure %s %s %s %s ##########"
                % (reg_code, period_beg_date, period_end_date,

            if len(data_periods) > self.regression_period_min and (len(
                    data_periods.columns) > 1):

                y = data_periods.iloc[:, 0].values
                x = data_periods.iloc[:, 1:].values
                n = x.shape[1]

                if params_old.empty or params_old.sum().sum() < 0.5:
                    params_old = pd.DataFrame(n * [1 / n],

                turnover = self.turnover
                params_old = params_old.loc[:, data_periods.columns[1:]]
                params_old = params_old.fillna(0.0)
                weight_old = params_old.values[0]

                w = cvx.Variable(n)
                sigma = y - x * w
                prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(sigma)), [
                    cvx.sum(w) == 1, w >= 0,
                    cvx.sum(cvx.abs(w - weight_old)) <= turnover
                print('Solver Status : ', prob.status)

                # 计算回归 R2
                n = len(y)
                k = x.shape[1]
                tss = np.sum((y - np.mean(y))**2) / n
                y_res = y - np.dot(x, w.value)
                rss = np.sum(y_res**2) / (n - k - 1)
                r2 = 1 - rss / tss

                params_add = pd.DataFrame(w.value,
                params_add.loc[period_end_date, "R2"] = r2
                print('new', params_add)
                params_old = params_add

                last_date = Date().get_trade_date_offset(period_end_date, -1)
                params_old = self.get_fund_regression_exposure_index_date(
                    reg_code, last_date)
                params_old = params_old.T
                print("old", params_old)
                params_add = params_old

            if i_date == 0:
                params_new = params_add
                params_new = pd.concat([params_new, params_add], axis=0)

        # 合并新数据
        file = '%s_%s_%s.csv' % (self.file_prefix, self.folder_name, reg_code)
        out_file = os.path.join(self.index_exposure_path, file)

        if os.path.exists(out_file):
            params_old = pd.read_csv(out_file, index_col=[0], encoding='gbk')
            params_old.index = params_old.index.map(str)
            params = FactorOperate().pandas_add_row(params_old, params_new)
            params = params_new

Example #3
    # M = 500

    intensity_vec = []

    for i in range(0, M):
        mask = mask_vec[i]
        masked = mask * X
        intensity = np.sum(masked)

    # do L1 optimization
    AX = A[0:M, :]
    print AX.shape
    vx = cvx.Variable(nx * ny)
    objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(vx, 1))
    constraints = [AX * vx == intensity_vec]
    prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
    result = prob.solve(verbose=True)
    Xat2 = np.array(vx.value).squeeze()

    # reconstruct signal
    Xat = Xat2.reshape(nx, ny).T  # stack columns
    Xa = idct2(Xat)
    Xa = Xa.astype("float64")
    X = X.astype("float64")
    print ssim(Xa, X)
    ssim_vec.append(ssim(Xa, X))

    def regress_fund(self, fund_code, beg_date, end_date):

        """ 回归单只基金区间内指数暴露 """

        period = "W"
        date_series = Date().get_trade_date_series(beg_date, end_date, period)

        fund_return = self.fund_pct[fund_code]
        fund_return = fund_return.dropna()
        date_series = list(set(date_series) & set(fund_return.index))

        # 季报持仓
        quarter_weight = Fund().get_fund_holding_quarter(fund_code)
        r2_series = pd.DataFrame([], index=date_series, columns=['r2'])

        for i_date in range(0, len(date_series)):

            # 时间确定
            ed_date = date_series[i_date]
            ed_date = Date().get_trade_date_offset(ed_date, -0)
            quarter_date = Date().get_last_fund_quarter_date(ed_date)

            bg_date = Date().get_trade_date_offset(ed_date, -(self.regression_len - 1))
            bg_date = max(bg_date, quarter_date)
            bg_date = Date().get_trade_date_offset(bg_date, -0)

            date_diff = Date().get_trade_date_diff(bg_date, ed_date)

            # 上期持仓
                stock_weight = pd.DataFrame(quarter_weight[quarter_date])
                stock_weight = stock_weight.dropna()
                stock_weight.columns = ['Weight']

                # 收益率数据
                data = pd.concat([fund_return, self.stock_pct, self.bold_pct], axis=1)
                data['885062.WI'] = data['885062.WI'].fillna(0.0)
                regress_date_series = Date().get_trade_date_series(bg_date, ed_date)
                data = data.loc[regress_date_series, :]
                data = data.T.dropna(thresh=self.regression_min_len).T
                data = data.fillna(data.mean(axis=1))

                # 股票池
                stock_pool = list(stock_weight.index)
                stock_pool = list(set(stock_pool) & set(data.columns[1:]))

                stock_ratio = self.get_fund_stock_ratio(fund_code, quarter_date)
                stock_weight['Weight'] /= stock_weight['Weight'].sum()
                stock_weight['Weight'] *= stock_ratio
                stock_weight.loc["885062.WI", "Weight"] = 100 - stock_ratio
                stock_weight /= 100.0
                stock_weight = stock_weight.loc[stock_pool, :]
                stock_weight['Weight'] /= stock_weight['Weight'].sum()

                print("## Cal Regress %s %s %s %s %s ##" % (fund_code, quarter_date, bg_date, ed_date, len(data)))

                if (len(data) > self.regression_min_len) and (len(stock_pool) > 4):

                    # 利用指数去你和基金收益率 最小化跟踪误差的前提
                    # 指数权重之和为1 指数不能做空 指数和上期权重换手不能太大

                    y = data[fund_code].values / 100.0
                    x = data[stock_pool].values / 100.0
                    n = len(y)
                    k = x.shape[1]
                    weight_old = stock_weight.T.values[0]
                    turnover = date_diff * 0.8 / 100
                    print("TurnOver %s " % turnover)

                    w = cvx.Variable(k)
                    sigma = y - x * w
                    prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(sigma)),
                                       [cvx.sum(w) == 1.0,
                                        w >= 0,
                                        cvx.sum(cvx.abs(w - weight_old)) <= turnover
                    tss = np.sum((y - np.mean(y)) ** 2) / n
                    y_res = y - np.dot(x, w.value)
                    rss = np.sum(y_res ** 2) / (n - k - 1)
                    r2 = 1 - rss / tss
                    r2_series.loc[ed_date, "r2"] = r2

                    print('Solver Status : ', prob.status)
                    params_add = pd.DataFrame(w.value, columns=[ed_date], index=stock_pool)
                    # print(params_add.T)
                    # print(pd.concat([stock_weight, params_add], axis=1))

                    params_add = pd.DataFrame([], columns=[ed_date], index=stock_pool)
            except Exception as e:
                params_add = pd.DataFrame([], columns=[ed_date])

            if i_date == 0:
                params_new = params_add
                params_new = pd.concat([params_new, params_add], axis=1)

        # 合并新数据
        params_new = params_new.T
        out_file = os.path.join(self.data_path_exposure, fund_code + '.csv')

        if os.path.exists(out_file):
            params_old = pd.read_csv(out_file, index_col=[0], encoding='gbk')
            params_old.index = params_old.index.map(str)
            params = FactorOperate().pandas_add_row(params_old, params_new)
            params = params_new

        r2_series = r2_series.dropna()
        out_file = os.path.join(self.data_path_exposure, fund_code + '_r2.csv')
Example #5
    def test_intro(self):
        """Test examples from cvxpy.org introduction.
        import numpy

        # cvx.Problem data.
        m = 30
        n = 20
        A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
        b = numpy.random.randn(m)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(n)
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b))
        constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 1]
        prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

        # The optimal objective is returned by p.solve().
        # The optimal value for x is stored in x.value.
        # The optimal Lagrange multiplier for a constraint
        # is stored in constraint.dual_value.


        # Create two scalar variables.
        x = cvx.Variable()
        y = cvx.Variable()

        # Create two constraints.
        constraints = [x + y == 1,
                       x - y >= 1]

        # Form objective.
        obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.square(x - y))

        # Form and solve problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)
        prob.solve()  # Returns the optimal value.
        print("status:", prob.status)
        print("optimal value", prob.value)
        print("optimal var", x.value, y.value)


        # Create two scalar variables.
        x = cvx.Variable()
        y = cvx.Variable()

        # Create two constraints.
        constraints = [x + y == 1,
                       x - y >= 1]

        # Form objective.
        obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.square(x - y))

        # Form and solve problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)
        prob.solve()  # Returns the optimal value.
        print("status:", prob.status)
        print("optimal value", prob.value)
        print("optimal var", x.value, y.value)

        self.assertEqual(prob.status, cvx.OPTIMAL)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 1.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 1.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(y.value, 0)


        # Replace the objective.
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(x + y), prob.constraints)
        print("optimal value", prob.solve())

        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 1.0, places=3)

        # Replace the constraint (x + y == 1).
        constraints = prob.constraints
        constraints[0] = (x + y <= 3)
        prob = cvx.Problem(prob.objective, constraints)
        print("optimal value", prob.solve())

        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 3.0, places=2)


        x = cvx.Variable()

        # An infeasible problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(x), [x >= 1, x <= 0])
        print("status:", prob.status)
        print("optimal value", prob.value)

        self.assertEqual(prob.status, cvx.INFEASIBLE)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, np.inf)

        # An unbounded problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(x))
        print("status:", prob.status)
        print("optimal value", prob.value)

        self.assertEqual(prob.status, cvx.UNBOUNDED)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, -np.inf)


        # A scalar variable.

        # Column vector variable of length 5.
        x = cvx.Variable(5)

        # Matrix variable with 4 rows and 7 columns.
        A = cvx.Variable((4, 7))

        import numpy

        # cvx.Problem data.
        m = 10
        n = 5
        A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
        b = numpy.random.randn(m)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(n)
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b))
        constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 1]
        prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

        print("Optimal value", prob.solve())
        print("Optimal var")
        print(x.value)  # A numpy matrix.

        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 4.14133859146)

        # Positive scalar parameter.
        m = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Column vector parameter with unknown sign (by default).

        # Matrix parameter with negative entries.
        G = cvx.Parameter((4, 7), nonpos=True)

        # Assigns a constant value to G.
        G.value = -numpy.ones((4, 7))

        # Create parameter, then assign value.
        rho = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        rho.value = 2

        # Initialize parameter with a value.
        rho = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True, value=2)


        import numpy

        # cvx.Problem data.
        n = 15
        m = 10
        A = numpy.random.randn(n, m)
        b = numpy.random.randn(n)
        # gamma must be positive due to DCP rules.
        gamma = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(m)
        error = cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b)
        obj = cvx.Minimize(error + gamma*cvx.norm(x, 1))
        prob = cvx.Problem(obj)

        # Construct a trade-off curve of ||Ax-b||^2 vs. ||x||_1
        sq_penalty = []
        l1_penalty = []
        x_values = []
        gamma_vals = numpy.logspace(-4, 6)
        for val in gamma_vals:
            gamma.value = val
            # Use expr.value to get the numerical value of
            # an expression in the problem.
            l1_penalty.append(cvx.norm(x, 1).value)

        import numpy

        X = cvx.Variable((5, 4))
        A = numpy.ones((3, 5))

        # Use expr.size to get the dimensions.
        print("dimensions of X:", X.size)
        print("dimensions of sum(X):", cvx.sum(X).size)
        print("dimensions of A @ X:", (A @ X).size)

        # ValueError raised for invalid dimensions.
            A + X
        except ValueError as e:
Example #6
    def fit(self, x, y, c_factor):
        x = check_feature_input(x)
        y = check_target_input(y)

        self.features = x.shape[1]

        x = Normalizer.normalize(x, self.normalize, self.axis)

        sample_num, feature_num = x.shape
        class_num = y.shape[1]
        class_info = AllLabelInfo()
        """ Franke and Wolfe Method applied on the optimization problem """

        # organize labels for preparation
        for sample_index in range(sample_num):
            sample_y = y[sample_index]
            labels = []
            not_labels = []
            for label_index in range(class_num):
                if sample_y[label_index] == 1:
            class_info.append(labels, not_labels)
        Alpha ought to have 3-dimensions. For convenience, it is flattened into a list.
        It's length is sum(yi*nyi) for i in range(samle_num)
        alpha = np.zeros(class_info.totalProduct)
        alpha_var = cvx.Variable(class_info.totalProduct)
        C has 4 dimensions, which is hard to present.
        In this program it has 2 dimensions, which is i(sample index) and k(class index).
        Each c[i][k] contains a yi*nyi array, which is initialized according to the original paper.
        c = [[0 for k in range(class_num)] for i in range(sample_num)]
        for i in range(sample_num):
            sample_shape, labels, not_labels = class_info.get_shape(i, True)
            for k in range(class_num):
                matrix = np.zeros(sample_shape)
                if k in labels:
                    index = labels.index(k)
                    matrix[index, :] = 1
                    index = not_labels.index(k)
                    matrix[:, index] = -1
                c[i][k] = matrix.flatten()
        c = np.array(c)

        beta = np.zeros((class_num, sample_num))
        beta_new = np.zeros((class_num, sample_num))
        wx_inner = np.zeros((class_num, sample_num))

        # TODO: this can cut half of the running time
        x_inner = np.array([[np.inner(x[i], x[j]) for j in range(sample_num)]
                            for i in range(sample_num)])
        g_ikl = np.zeros(class_info.totalProduct)
        """ prepare for the first linear programming """
        c_i = class_info.eachProduct
        bnds = []
        for i in range(sample_num):
            bnds += [c_factor / c_i[i] for j in range(c_i[i])]
        bnds = np.array(bnds)

        zeros = np.zeros(class_info.totalProduct)
        A_lp = []
        for k in range(1, class_num):
            A_lp.append(np.concatenate(c[:, k]).tolist())
        A_lp = np.array(A_lp)
        b_lp = np.zeros(class_num - 1)

        cons = [
            zeros <= alpha_var, alpha_var <= bnds, A_lp * alpha_var == b_lp

        converge = False
        iteration_count = 0
        # iterate training until converge
        while not converge:
            iteration_count += 1
            # compute beta
            for i in range(sample_num):
                alpha_range = class_info.get_range(i)
                alpha_piece = alpha[alpha_range[0]:alpha_range[1]]
                c_list = c[i]
                for k in range(class_num):
                    beta[k][i] = np.inner(c_list[k], alpha_piece)

            # compute <w_k, x_j>
            for k in range(class_num):
                beta_list = beta[k]
                for j in range(sample_num):
                    x_innerlist = x_inner[:, j]
                    wx_inner[k][j] = np.inner(beta_list, x_innerlist)

            # compute g_ikl
            for i in range(sample_num):
                g_range = class_info.get_range(i)
                shape, labels, not_labels = class_info.get_shape(i, True)
                wx_list = wx_inner[:, i]
                g_ikl[g_range[0]:g_range[1]] = np.repeat(
                    wx_list[labels], shape[1]) - np.tile(
                        wx_list[not_labels], shape[0]) - 1
            optimization problem 1:
            solve min<g, alpha_new> with corresponding constraints

            if self.print_procedure:
                print('iteration %d...' % iteration_count)
            cvxopt.solvers.lp Solves a pair of primal and dual LPs

            minimize    c'*x
            subject to  G*x + s = h
                        A*x = b
                        s >= 0

            maximize    -h'*z - b'*y
            subject to  G'*z + A'*y + c = 0
                        z >= 0.

            cvxopt.solvers.lp(c, G, h[, A, b[, solver[, primalstart[, dualstart]]]])

            obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(g_ikl * alpha_var))
            prob = cvx.Problem(obj, cons)

            alpha_new = np.array(alpha_var.value).T[0]
            """ now the problem collapse into a really simple qp problem """
            # compute beta_new
            for i in range(sample_num):
                alpha_range = class_info.get_range(i)
                alpha_piece = alpha_new[alpha_range[0]:alpha_range[1]]
                c_list = c[i]
                for k in range(class_num):
                    beta_new[k][i] = np.inner(c_list[k], alpha_piece)
            We need to find lambda which will make W(alpha + lambda*alpha_new) be maximum
            and alpha + lambda*alpha_new satisfies the previous constraints.

            After calculating the formula, it is now:
            new_W = old_W + [sum formula of beta_new and beta] + [sum formula of beta and beta_new]
            + [sum formula of beta_new and beta_new] + [sum of the new alpha]

            old_W is fixed and has no effect on the choice of the lambda during the maximum process.
            Then we can calculate the coeffient of lambda. The final problem will look like:

            maximize    a*lambda_square + b*lambda
                        c <= lambda <= d

            It is apparently easy to solve.
            # init coeffient of lambda
            lambda_11 = np.sum(beta_new.T.dot(beta) * x_inner)
            lambda_12 = np.sum(beta.T.dot(beta_new) * x_inner)
            lambda_13 = np.sum(alpha_new)
            # coefficient of lambda
            lambda_1 = lambda_13 - lambda_11 / 2 - lambda_12 / 2
            # coefficient of lambda square
            lambda_2 = np.sum(beta_new.T.dot(beta_new) * x_inner) / (-2)

            # prepare constraints
            left_vec = -alpha
            right_vec = bnds - alpha
            left = float('-inf')
            right = float('inf')
            for alpha_index in range(class_info.totalProduct):
                if not alpha_new[alpha_index] == 0:
                    left = max(left_vec[alpha_index] / alpha_new[alpha_index],
                    right = min(
                        right_vec[alpha_index] / alpha_new[alpha_index], right)

            optifunc = lambda z: lambda_2 * z * z + lambda_1 * z

            # decide lambda's value
            if lambda_2 < 0:
                opti_lambda = -lambda_1 / (lambda_2 * 2)
                if opti_lambda < left:
                    final_lambda = left
                elif opti_lambda > right:
                    final_lambda = right
                    final_lambda = opti_lambda
            elif lambda_2 == 0:
                if lambda_1 >= 0:
                    final_lambda = right
                    final_lambda = left
                worst_lambda = -lambda_1 / (lambda_2 * 2)
                if worst_lambda < left:
                    final_lambda = right
                elif worst_lambda > right:
                    final_lambda = left
                    final_lambda = left if optifunc(left) >= optifunc(
                        right) else right

            if self.print_procedure:
                print("final lambda: " + str(final_lambda))
                print("optifunc: " + str(optifunc(final_lambda)))

            # converge condition
            if optifunc(final_lambda) <= 1 or final_lambda <= 1e-3:
                converge = True
                alpha += final_lambda * alpha_new
        """ compute w and b via KKT conditions """
        w = [0 for i in range(class_num)]
        for k in range(class_num):
            beta_vec = np.asarray([beta[k]])
            w[k] = beta_vec.dot(x)[0]

        w = np.array(w)
        b = np.zeros(class_num)

        # use x[0] to compute differences of b
        x_list = x[0]
        shape, labels, not_labels = class_info.get_shape(0, True)
        We know that once the differences between each element and the first element is known
        we can get all the values of the list.
        As the classification system is based on ranking, we can make any element 0 as a start of calculation,
        which will not affect the final ranking.
        # make the first label's b=0, it won't affect the fianl ranking
        for l in not_labels:
            b[l] = np.inner(w[labels[0]] - w[l], x_list) - 1

        # then use b[falselabels[0]] to compute b[actuallabels[1:]]
        falselabelb = b[not_labels[0]]
        falselabel_index = not_labels[0]
        for labelIndex in range(1, len(labels)):
            b[labels[labelIndex]] = 1 + falselabelb - np.inner(
                w[labels[labelIndex]] - w[falselabel_index], x_list)

        # build threshold for labeling
        x_extend = np.concatenate((x, np.array([np.ones(sample_num)]).T),
        w_extend = np.concatenate((w, np.array([b]).T), axis=1)
        model_outputs = np.dot(x_extend, w_extend.T)
        self.threshold = ThresholdFunction(model_outputs, y)
        self.w = w_extend

        self.trained = True
        return self
Example #7
def cvx_fit(data: np.array,
            basis_matrix: np.array,
            weights: Optional[np.array] = None,
            psd: bool = True,
            trace: Optional[int] = None,
            trace_preserving: bool = False,
            ) -> np.array:
    Reconstruct a quantum state using CVXPY convex optimization.

    **Objective function**

    This fitter solves the constrained least-squares minimization:
    :math:`minimize: ||a * x - b ||_2`

    subject to:

    * :math:`x >> 0` (PSD, optional)
    * :math:`\text{trace}(x) = t` (trace, optional)
    * :math:`\text{partial_trace}(x)` = identity (trace_preserving, optional)

    * a is the matrix of measurement operators :math:`a[i] = vec(M_i).H`
    * b is the vector of expectation value data for each projector
      :math:`b[i] ~ \text{Tr}[M_i.H * x] = (a * x)[i]`
    * x is the vectorized density matrix (or Choi-matrix) to be fitted

    **PSD constraint**

    The PSD keyword constrains the fitted matrix to be
    postive-semidefinite, which makes the optimization problem a SDP. If
    PSD=False the fitted matrix will still be constrained to be Hermitian,
    but not PSD. In this case the optimization problem becomes a SOCP.

    **Trace constraint**

    The trace keyword constrains the trace of the fitted matrix. If
    trace=None there will be no trace constraint on the fitted matrix.
    This constraint should not be used for process tomography and the
    trace preserving constraint should be used instead.

    **Trace preserving (TP) constraint**

    The trace_preserving keyword constrains the fitted matrix to be TP.
    This should only be used for process tomography, not state tomography.
    Note that the TP constraint implicitly enforces the trace of the fitted
    matrix to be equal to the square-root of the matrix dimension. If a
    trace constraint is also specified that differs from this value the fit
    will likely fail.

    **CVXPY Solvers**

    Various solvers can be called in CVXPY using the `solver` keyword
    argument. See the `CVXPY documentation
    for more information on solvers.

        data: (vector like) vector of expectation values
        basis_matrix: (matrix like) measurement operators
        weights: (vector like) weights to apply to the
            objective function (default: None)
        psd: (default: True) enforces the fitted matrix to be positive
            semidefinite (default: True)
        trace: trace constraint for the fitted matrix
            (default: None).
        trace_preserving: (default: False) Enforce the fitted matrix to be
            trace preserving when fitting a Choi-matrix in quantum process
            tomography (default: False).
        **kwargs: kwargs for cvxpy solver.
        ImportError: if cvxpy is not present
        RuntimeError: In case cvx fitting failes
        The fitted matrix rho that minimizes
            :math:`||basis_matrix * vec(rho) - data||_2`.

    # Check if CVXPY package is installed
    if not _HAS_CVX:
        raise ImportError("The CVXPY package is required to use the cvx_fit() "
                          "function. You can install it with 'pip install "
                          "cvxpy' or use a `lstsq` fitter instead of cvx_fit.")

    # Since CVXPY only works with real variables we must specify the real
    # and imaginary parts of rho seperately: rho = rho_r + 1j * rho_i

    dim = int(np.sqrt(basis_matrix.shape[1]))
    rho_r = cvxpy.Variable((dim, dim), symmetric=True)
    rho_i = cvxpy.Variable((dim, dim))


    # The constraint that rho is Hermitian (rho.H = rho)
    # transforms to the two constraints
    #   1. rho_r.T = rho_r.T  (real part is symmetric)
    #   2. rho_i.T = -rho_i.T  (imaginary part is anti-symmetric)

    cons = [rho_i == -rho_i.T]

    # Trace constraint: note this should not be used at the same
    # time as the trace preserving constraint.

    if trace is not None:
        cons.append(cvxpy.trace(rho_r) == trace)

    # Since we can only work with real matrices in CVXPY we can specify
    # a complex PSD constraint as
    #   rho >> 0 iff [[rho_r, -rho_i], [rho_i, rho_r]] >> 0

    if psd is True:
        rho = cvxpy.bmat([[rho_r, -rho_i], [rho_i, rho_r]])
        cons.append(rho >> 0)

    # Trace preserving constraint when fitting Choi-matrices for
    # quantum process tomography. Note that this adds an implicity
    # trace constraint of trace(rho) = sqrt(len(rho)) = dim
    # if a different trace constraint is specified above this will
    # cause the fitter to fail.

    if trace_preserving is True:
        sdim = int(np.sqrt(dim))
        ptr = partial_trace_super(sdim, sdim)
        cons.append(ptr @ cvxpy.vec(rho_r) == np.identity(sdim).ravel())
        cons.append(ptr @ cvxpy.vec(rho_i) == np.zeros(sdim*sdim))

    # Rescale input data and matrix by weights if they are provided
    if weights is not None:
        w = np.array(weights)
        w = w / np.sqrt(sum(w**2))
        basis_matrix = w[:, None] * basis_matrix
        data = w * data


    # The function we wish to minimize is || arg ||_2 where
    #   arg =  bm * vec(rho) - data
    # Since we are working with real matrices in CVXPY we expand this as
    #   bm * vec(rho) = (bm_r + 1j * bm_i) * vec(rho_r + 1j * rho_i)
    #                 = bm_r * vec(rho_r) - bm_i * vec(rho_i)
    #                   + 1j * (bm_r * vec(rho_i) + bm_i * vec(rho_r))
    #                 = bm_r * vec(rho_r) - bm_i * vec(rho_i)
    # where we drop the imaginary part since the expectation value is real

    bm_r = np.real(basis_matrix)
    bm_i = np.imag(basis_matrix)

    # CVXPY doesn't seem to handle sparse matrices very well so we convert
    # sparse matrices to Numpy arrays.

    if isinstance(basis_matrix, sps.spmatrix):
        bm_r = bm_r.todense()
        bm_i = bm_i.todense()

    arg = bm_r @ cvxpy.vec(rho_r) - bm_i @ cvxpy.vec(rho_i) - np.array(data)

    # SDP objective function
    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.norm(arg, p=2))

    # Solve SDP
    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, cons)
    iters = 5000
    max_iters = kwargs.get('max_iters', 20000)
    # Set default solver if none is specified
    if 'solver' not in kwargs:
        if 'CVXOPT' in cvxpy.installed_solvers():
            kwargs['solver'] = 'CVXOPT'

    problem_solved = False
    while not problem_solved:
        kwargs['max_iters'] = iters
        if prob.status in ["optimal_inaccurate", "optimal"]:
            problem_solved = True
        elif prob.status == "unbounded_inaccurate":
            if iters < max_iters:
                iters *= 2
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "CVX fit failed, probably not enough iterations for the "
        elif prob.status in ["infeasible", "unbounded"]:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "CVX fit failed, problem status {} which should not "
            raise RuntimeError("CVX fit failed, reason unknown")
    rho_fit = rho_r.value + 1j * rho_i.value
    return rho_fit
    def main(self,train,test,true_weights,true_lambda,true_beta):
        # dataset = 'dataset_100_0_95_0_15_0_85.csv'
        dataset = 'gammadataset_100_0_35_0_15_0_85.csv'
        # true_weights = [0.15,0.85]
        # true_beta = 0.85
        # true_lambda = 100
        pred_lam = 1
        pred_bet = 1

        lam_error = {}
        beta_error = {}
        fileContent = self.readDataset(dataset)

        pst = predictStoppingTime()
        # preparedData = pst.prepareData(fileContent,true_weights)
        # # preparedData = preparedData[:3]
        # train = preparedData[:100]
        # # print("train",train)
        # test = preparedData[900:]
        error = {}
        for i in range(len(train)):
            # train = train_df[:i+1]
            num_of_noise_variables = len(train[i])
            # for i in range(len(train[i])):
            #     # print(len(train[i]))
            #     num_of_noise_variables += len(train[i])
            A = self.generateAmatrix(train[i],num_of_noise_variables)
            A = np.array(A)
            # print("A:",A)
            X = cp.Variable(2+num_of_noise_variables)
            b = self.generatebVector(train[i])
            b = np.array(b)
            b = np.reshape(b,(b.shape[0],))
            # print("b:",b)
            # print("sahpes: ",A.shape,X.shape,b.shape)

            beta_limit_matrix = [0,1]+[0 for i in range(num_of_noise_variables)]
            lambda_limit_matrix = [1,0]+[0 for i in range(num_of_noise_variables)]
            constraint_matrix = [[1 if i==j and i!=1 else 0 for j in range(num_of_noise_variables+2)] for i in range(num_of_noise_variables+2)]
            constraints = [0 >= beta_limit_matrix@X, [0 for i in range(num_of_noise_variables+2)] <= constraint_matrix@X]
            if i != 0:
                objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(((A@X)-b),2)+1000*(cp.square(beta_limit_matrix@X - pred_bet)))
                objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(((A@X)-b),2))
            prob = cp.Problem(objective,constraints)
                alpha = 0.7
                pred_lam_step = 2**X.value[0]
                pred_bet_step = 2**X.value[1]
                pred_lam = alpha*pred_lam + (1-alpha)*pred_lam_step if(i!=0) else pred_lam_step
                pred_bet = alpha*pred_bet + (1-alpha)*pred_bet_step if(i!=0) else pred_bet_step
                pred_bet = 1 if pred_bet > 1 else pred_bet
            except Exception as e:
            lam_error[i] = (true_lambda - pred_lam)**2/true_lambda**2
            beta_error[i] = (true_beta - pred_bet)**2/true_beta**2
            error[i] = pst.calculateError([train[i]],pred_lam,pred_bet)

        # print(error)    
        # plt.plot(list(error.keys()),list(error.values()),label=r'$E((T-\hat{T})^2/T^2)$')
        # plt.plot(list(lam_error.keys()),list(lam_error.values()),'r-*',label='Lambda Error')
        # plt.plot(list(beta_error.keys()),list(beta_error.values()),'g--^',label='Beta Error')
        # plt.legend()
        # #plt.ylim(0,1)
        # plt.xlabel("Number of Simulations")
        # plt.ylabel("WST Normalized Average Error")
        # plt.grid()
        # plt.show()
        # print(pred_lam,pred_bet)
        test_rmse = pst.calculateError(test,pred_lam,pred_bet)
        return error,lam_error,beta_error,test_rmse
Example #9
 def build_qp(self, point_collisions, sweep_collisions, N, theta0, mu,
     """Create the qp problem to be solved.
     point_collisions is an Iterable of JointObjectInfo storing all point collision
     sweep_collisions is an Iterable of SweepJointObjectInfo storing all sweeping collisions
     theta0 is the trajectory at the last step
     mu is the penalty parameter to constraints
     warm means only trust region size is updated and we can reuse
     N, dim_x = theta0.shape
     thetas = cp.Variable((N, dim_x), name="Configurations")
     trsize = cp.Parameter(name='Trust Region Size')
     # the sos loss is easy
     loss = 0
     if self.losses is None:
         loss += cp.sum_squares(thetas[1:] - thetas[:-1])
         for lossi in self.losses:
             obj, grad, hess = lossi.compute(theta0.flatten(), 2)
             delta = thetas.flatten() - theta0.flatten()
             loss = obj + grad * delta
             loss += 0.5 * cp.quad_form(delta, hess)
     # constraints on initial and final configuration
     # cons = [thetas[0] == self.q0, thetas[-1] == self.qf]
     cons = []
     if self.fixedq0:
         cons.append(thetas[0] == self.q0)
     if self.fixedqf:
         cons.append(thetas[-1] == self.qf)
     for idx_, con in self.constrs.eqs:
         for idx in self._indexes(idx_):
             if (idx == 0 and self.fixedq0) or (idx == N - 1
                                                and self.fixedqf):
             val, jac = con.compute(theta0[idx], grad_level=1)
             pt = cp.Variable(val.size)
             loss += mu * cp.sum(pt)
             cons.append(pt >= val + jac * (thetas[idx] - theta0[idx]))
             cons.append(pt >= -(val + jac * (thetas[idx] - theta0[idx])))
     for idx_, con in self.constrs.ineqs:
         for idx in self._indexes(idx_):
             if (idx == 0 and self.fixedq0) or (idx == N - 1
                                                and self.fixedqf):
             val, jac = con.compute(theta0[idx], grad_level=1)
             ineqpt = cp.Variable(val.size)
             loss += mu * cp.sum(ineqpt)
             cons.append(ineqpt >= 0)
             cons.append(ineqpt >= val + jac * (thetas[idx] - theta0[idx]))
     if self.config.limit_joint and self.config.joint_limits_by_bound:
             thetas >= np.tile(self.qmin[None, :],
                               (N, 1)))  # hope broadcasting works here
         cons.append(thetas <= np.tile(self.qmax[None, :], (N, 1)))
     # Now let's handle point_collisions
     n_point_collide = len(point_collisions)
     n_collide = n_point_collide + len(sweep_collisions)
     if n_collide > 0:
         pt = cp.Variable(n_collide, name='Auxiliary Variable')
         # all pt are added to the cost function and are positive
         loss += cp.sum(pt) * mu
         cons.append(pt >= 0)
     for i, pc in enumerate(point_collisions):
         # constraint that t > g_i(x) = d_safe - d0 - n^T J (theta - theta0)
         lin_coef = pc.normal.dot(pc.jacobian[:3])
         qid = pc.qid
             pt[i] >= d_safe - pc.distance -
             cp.sum(cp.multiply(lin_coef, thetas[qid] - theta0[qid])))
     for i, pc in enumerate(sweep_collisions):
         lin_coef1 = pc.normal.dot(pc.jacobian1[:3])
         lin_coef2 = pc.normal.dot(pc.jacobian2[:3])
         alpha, beta = pc.alpha, 1 - pc.alpha
         qid1, qid2 = pc.qid1, pc.qid1 + 1
             pt[i + n_point_collide] >= d_safe - pc.distance -
             cp.sum(alpha *
                    (cp.multiply(lin_coef1, thetas[qid1] - theta0[qid1])) +
                    beta *
                    (cp.multiply(lin_coef2, thetas[qid2] - theta0[qid2]))))
     # add trust region constraints, here I use infinite norm
     cons.append(cp.pnorm(thetas - theta0, 'inf') <= trsize)
     # ready to build the problem and cache them
     prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(loss), cons)
     self.cp_cache = (prob, trsize, thetas)
Example #10
def optimization(polygon,
    A pre-mature optimization for given polygon.
    Referencing to curve optimization detail from [Zhao, et al. 16] without spacing-preserving term
    # deal with nest polygon structures
    # space inefficient, but whatever...
    if local and type(polygon) is list:
        return [
            optimization(nest_polygon, param_reg, param_smh, param_spacing,
                         local) for nest_polygon in polygon

    # original coords
    m, n = get_xy(polygon, local)
    mn = np.concatenate((m, n))

    # variables to be optimized
    x = cp.Variable(m.shape)
    y = cp.Variable(n.shape)

    # penalty for magnitude of the perturbations, formulated as distance least squares
    x_reg_cost = cp.sum_squares(x - m)
    y_reg_cost = cp.sum_squares(y - n)

    # construct modified scalar for mid-point scheme
    coords = get_coord_list(polygon)

    u = []
    for i in range(m.shape[0] - 2):
        u_i = dist(coords[i], coords[i + 1]) / (dist(
            coords[i], coords[i + 1]) + dist(coords[i + 1], coords[i + 2]))
    u = np.matrix(u)

    # construct matrix L, a (n-2)-by-n matrix where n=m.shape, or the number of variables
    # it encodes scalars for calculating f_smooth
    L = []
    for i in range(m.shape[0] - 2):
        row_i = [0 for j in range(m.shape[0])]
        row_i[i] = 1 - u.item(i)
        row_i[i + 1] = -1
        row_i[i + 2] = u.item(i)
    L = np.matrix(L)

    # smoothness potential, formualted as L2 norm
    # note that we cannot explicitly write out the whole expression in matrix form
    # using x.T @ L.T will cause the cvxpy fails to realize the whole objective is actually convex
    # as it treats x.T and x as two different variable vectors
    x_smh_ptnt = cp.sum_squares(L @ x)
    y_smh_ptnt = cp.sum_squares(L @ y)

    optimize = cp.Problem(
        cp.Minimize((x_reg_cost + y_reg_cost) * param_reg +
                    (x_smh_ptnt + y_smh_ptnt) * param_smh))

    points = []
    for i in range(len(x.value)):
        points.append((x.value[i][0], y.value[i][0]))

    # depending on what we optimize on, the output will be in different format
    if local:
        return Polygon(points)
        return points
Example #11
def cvx_fit(data,
    Reconstruct a quantum state using CVXPY convex optimization.

        data (vector like): vector of expectation values
        basis_matrix (matrix like): matrix of measurement operators
        weights (vector like, optional): vector of weights to apply to the
            objective function (default: None)
        PSD (bool, optional): Enforced the fitted matrix to be positive
            semidefinite (default: True)
        trace (int, optional): trace constraint for the fitted matrix
            (default: None).
        trace_preserving (bool, optional): Enforce the fitted matrix to be
            trace preserving when fitting a Choi-matrix in quantum process
            tomography (default: False).
        **kwargs (optional): kwargs for cvxpy solver.

        The fitted matrix rho that minimizes
        ||basis_matrix * vec(rho) - data||_2.

    Additional Information:

        Objective function
        This fitter solves the constrained least-squares minimization:

            minimize: ||a * x - b ||_2
            subject to: x >> 0 (PSD, optional)
                        trace(x) = t (trace, optional)
                        partial_trace(x) = identity (trace_preserving,

            a is the matrix of measurement operators a[i] = vec(M_i).H
            b is the vector of expectation value data for each projector
              b[i] ~ Tr[M_i.H * x] = (a * x)[i]
            x is the vectorized density matrix (or Choi-matrix) to be fitted

        PSD constraint
        The PSD keyword constrains the fitted matrix to be
        postive-semidefinite, which makes the optimization problem a SDP. If
        PSD=False the fitted matrix will still be constrained to be Hermitian,
        but not PSD. In this case the optimization problem becomes a SOCP.

        Trace constraint
        The trace keyword constrains the trace of the fitted matrix. If
        trace=None there will be no trace constraint on the fitted matrix.
        This constraint should not be used for process tomography and the
        trace preserving constraint should be used instead.

        Trace preserving (TP) constraint
        The trace_preserving keyword constrains the fitted matrix to be TP.
        This should only be used for process tomography, not state tomography.
        Note that the TP constraint implicitly enforces the trace of the fitted
        matrix to be equal to the square-root of the matrix dimension. If a
        trace constraint is also specified that differs from this value the fit
        will likely fail.

        CVXPY Solvers:
        Various solvers can be called in CVXPY using the `solver` keyword
        argument. Solvers included in CVXPY are:
            'CVXOPT': SDP and SOCP (default solver)
            'SCS'   : SDP and SOCP
            'ECOS'  : SOCP only
        See the documentation on CVXPY for more information on solvers.

    # Check if CVXPY package is installed
    if cvxpy is None:
        raise Exception('CVXPY is not installed. Use `mle_fit` instead.')
    # Check CVXPY version
    version = cvxpy.__version__
    if not (version[0] == '1' or version[:3] == '0.4'):
        raise Exception('Incompatible CVXPY version. Install 1.0 or 0.4')


    # Since CVXPY only works with real variables we must specify the real
    # and imaginary parts of rho seperately: rho = rho_r + 1j * rho_i

    dim = int(np.sqrt(basis_matrix.shape[1]))
    if version[:3] == '0.4':
        # Compatibility with legacy 0.4
        rho_r = cvxpy.Variable(dim, dim)
        rho_i = cvxpy.Variable(dim, dim)
        rho_r = cvxpy.Variable((dim, dim))
        rho_i = cvxpy.Variable((dim, dim))


    # The constraint that rho is Hermitian (rho.H = rho)
    # transforms to the two constraints
    #   1. rho_r.T = rho_r.T  (real part is symmetric)
    #   2. rho_i.T = -rho_i.T  (imaginary part is anti-symmetric)

    cons = [rho_r == rho_r.T, rho_i == -rho_i.T]

    # Trace constraint: note this should not be used at the same
    # time as the trace preserving constraint.

    if trace is not None:
        cons.append(cvxpy.trace(rho_r) == trace)

    # Since we can only work with real matrices in CVXPY we can specify
    # a complex PSD constraint as
    #   rho >> 0 iff [[rho_r, -rho_i], [rho_i, rho_r]] >> 0

    if PSD is True:
        rho = cvxpy.bmat([[rho_r, -rho_i], [rho_i, rho_r]])
        cons.append(rho >> 0)

    # Trace preserving constraint when fiting Choi-matrices for
    # quantum process tomography. Note that this adds an implicity
    # trace constraint of trace(rho) = sqrt(len(rho)) = dim
    # if a different trace constraint is specified above this will
    # cause the fitter to fail.

    if trace_preserving is True:
        sdim = int(np.sqrt(dim))
        ptr = partial_trace_super(sdim, sdim)
        cons.append(ptr * cvxpy.vec(rho_r) == np.identity(sdim).ravel())

    # Rescale input data and matrix by weights if they are provided
    if weights is not None:
        w = np.array(weights)
        w = w / np.sqrt(sum(w**2))
        basis_matrix = w[:, None] * basis_matrix
        data = w * data


    # The function we wish to minimize is || arg ||_2 where
    #   arg =  bm * vec(rho) - data
    # Since we are working with real matrices in CVXPY we expand this as
    #   bm * vec(rho) = (bm_r + 1j * bm_i) * vec(rho_r + 1j * rho_i)
    #                 = bm_r * vec(rho_r) - bm_i * vec(rho_i)
    #                   + 1j * (bm_r * vec(rho_i) + bm_i * vec(rho_r))
    #                 = bm_r * vec(rho_r) - bm_i * vec(rho_i)
    # where we drop the imaginary part since the expectation value is real

    bm_r = np.real(basis_matrix)
    bm_i = np.imag(basis_matrix)

    # CVXPY doesn't seem to handle sparse matrices very well so we convert
    # sparse matrices to Numpy arrays.

    if isinstance(basis_matrix, sps.spmatrix):
        bm_r = bm_r.todense()
        bm_i = bm_i.todense()

    arg = bm_r * cvxpy.vec(rho_r) - bm_i * cvxpy.vec(rho_i) - np.array(data)

    # SDP objective function
    obj = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.norm(arg, p=2))

    # Solve SDP
    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, cons)
    iters = 5000
    max_iters = kwargs.get('max_iters', 20000)

    # Set the default solver to 'CVXOPT'
    if 'solver' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['solver'] = 'CVXOPT'

    problem_solved = False
    while not problem_solved:
        kwargs['max_iters'] = iters
        if prob.status in ["optimal_inaccurate", "optimal"]:
            problem_solved = True
        elif prob.status == "unbounded_inaccurate":
            if iters < max_iters:
                iters *= 2
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "CVX fit failed, probably not enough iterations for the "
        elif prob.status in ["infeasible", "unbounded"]:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "CVX fit failed, problem status {} which should not "
            raise RuntimeError("CVX fit failed, reason unknown")
    rho_fit = rho_r.value + 1j * rho_i.value
    return rho_fit
Example #12
def proj(cvx_set, value):
    objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(cvx_set - value, 2))
    return cvx_set.value
Example #13
def dist(lh_set, rh_set):
    objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(lh_set - rh_set, 2))
    return cvx.Problem(objective).solve(solver=cvx.CVXOPT)
Example #14
def contains(cvx_set, value):
    p = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(0), [cvx_set == value])
    return p.status == cvx.OPTIMAL
Example #15
def direct_optimization(N, dt, path_state, Ux, path_idx, ds):
    s0 = path_state[0]
    s_dot0 = path_state[1]
    e0 = path_state[2]
    e_dot0 = path_state[3]
    dpsi0 = path_state[4]
    dpsi_dot0 = path_state[5]

    est_idx = Ux * N * dt / ds
    split_idx = est_idx / N
    K = np.rint(split_idx * np.arange(0, N))
    K_dot = np.zeros(N)
    for idx in range(1, N):
        K_dot[idx] = K[idx] - K[idx - 1]

    delta = cp.Variable((N, 1))
    s = cp.Variable((N, 1))
    s_dot = cp.Variable((N, 1))
    e = cp.Variable((N, 1))
    e_dot = cp.Variable((N, 1))
    dpsi = cp.Variable((N, 1))
    dpsi_dot = cp.Variable((N, 1))

    f0 = -s[-1]
    objective = cp.Minimize(f0)
    #subject to x_i+1 = x_i + hAx_i + hBu_i + hC
    constraints = [
        s[0] == s0, e[0] == e0, dpsi[0] == dpsi0, dpsi_dot[0] == dpsi_dot0,
        e_dot[0] == e_dot0, s_dot[0] == Ux
    constraints += [delta[0] <= np.radians(25), delta[0] >= np.radians(-25)]
    for idx in range(1, N):
        constraints += [s[idx] == s[idx - 1] + s_dot[idx - 1] * dt]
        constraints += [s_dot[idx] == Ux]
        constraints += [e[idx] == e[idx - 1] + e_dot[idx - 1] * dt]
        constraints += [
            e_dot[idx] == e_dot[idx - 1] + dt *
            (-(Ca_f + Ca_r) / (m * Ux) * e_dot[idx - 1] +
             (Ca_f + Ca_r) / m * dpsi[idx - 1] + (b * Ca_r - a * Ca_f) /
             (m * Ux) * dpsi_dot[idx - 1]) + dt * (Ca_f / m) * delta[idx - 1] +
            dt * (-K[idx - 1] * (Ux**2 - (b * Ca_r - a * Ca_f) / m))
        constraints += [dpsi[idx] == dpsi[idx - 1] + dpsi_dot[idx - 1] * dt]
        constraints += [
            dpsi_dot[idx] == dpsi_dot[idx - 1] + dt *
            ((b * Ca_r - a * Ca_f) / (Iz * Ux) * e_dot[idx - 1] +
             (a * Ca_f - b * Ca_r) / Iz * dpsi[idx - 1] -
             (a**2 * Ca_f + b**2 * Ca_r) / (Iz * Ux) * dpsi_dot[idx - 1]) +
            dt * a * Ca_f / Iz * delta[idx - 1] + dt *
            (-K[idx - 1] *
             (a**2 * Ca_f + b**2 * Ca_r) / Iz - K_dot[idx - 1] * Ux)
        constraints += [
            delta[idx] <= np.radians(25), delta[idx] >= np.radians(-25)
        constraints += [
            e[idx] <= TRACK_WIDTH / 2.0, e[idx] >= -TRACK_WIDTH / 2.0

    prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
    result = prob.solve()

    return -delta.value[0][0]
Example #16
def contains(cvx_set, value):
    p = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(0), [cvx_set == value])
    return cp.get_status(p.solve()) == cp.SOLVED
T, N = R.shape
BenchmarkIndex = R.dot(np.tile(1.0/N, N)) \
                 + st.norm.rvs(loc=0.0, scale=3.0, size=T)
MovingWindow = 96
BackTesting = T - MovingWindow
V_Tracking = np.zeros(BackTesting)
Weight = cp.Variable(N)
Error = cp.Variable(MovingWindow)
TrackingError = cp.sum_squares(Error)
Asset_srT = R / np.sqrt(T)
Index_srT = BenchmarkIndex / np.sqrt(T)
for Month in range(0, BackTesting):
    Asset = Asset_srT.values[Month:(Month + MovingWindow), :]
    Index = Index_srT.values[Month:(Month + MovingWindow)]
    Min_TrackingError = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(TrackingError),
                                   [Index - Asset*Weight == Error,
                                    cp.sum_entries(Weight) == 1.0,
                                    Weight >= 0.0])
    V_Tracking[Month] = R.values[Month + MovingWindow, :].dot(Weight.value)
fig1 = plt.figure(num=1, facecolor='w')
plt.plot(list(range(1, BackTesting + 1)), BenchmarkIndex[MovingWindow:], 'b-')
plt.plot(list(range(1, BackTesting + 1)), V_Tracking, 'r--')
plt.legend(['benchmark index', 'index fund'], loc='best', frameon=False)
plt.ylabel('return (%)')
plt.xticks(list(range(12, BackTesting + 1, 12)),
           pd.date_range(R.index[MovingWindow], periods=BackTesting//12,
Example #18
def dist(lh_set, rh_set):
    objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm2(lh_set - rh_set))
    return cp.Problem(objective).solve()
Example #19
    def test_gurobi_warm_start(self):
        """Make sure that warm starting Gurobi behaves as expected
           Note: This only checks output, not whether or not Gurobi is warm starting internally
        if cvx.GUROBI in cvx.installed_solvers():
            import numpy as np

            A = cvx.Parameter((2, 2))
            b = cvx.Parameter(2)
            h = cvx.Parameter(2)
            c = cvx.Parameter(2)

            A.value = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
            b.value = np.array([1, 0])
            h.value = np.array([2, 2])
            c.value = np.array([1, 1])

            objective = cvx.Maximize(c[0] * self.x[0] + c[1] * self.x[1])
            constraints = [self.x[0] <= h[0],
                           self.x[1] <= h[1],
                           A * self.x == b]
            prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
            result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
            self.assertEqual(result, 3)
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [1, 2])

            # Change A and b from the original values
            A.value = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])   # <----- Changed
            b.value = np.array([0, 1])              # <----- Changed
            h.value = np.array([2, 2])
            c.value = np.array([1, 1])

            # Without setting update_eq_constrs = False,
            # the results should change to the correct answer
            result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
            self.assertEqual(result, 3)
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [2, 1])

            # Change h from the original values
            A.value = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
            b.value = np.array([1, 0])
            h.value = np.array([1, 1])              # <----- Changed
            c.value = np.array([1, 1])

            # Without setting update_ineq_constrs = False,
            # the results should change to the correct answer
            result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
            self.assertEqual(result, 2)
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [1, 1])

            # Change c from the original values
            A.value = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
            b.value = np.array([1, 0])
            h.value = np.array([2, 2])
            c.value = np.array([2, 1])              # <----- Changed

            # Without setting update_objective = False,
            # the results should change to the correct answer
            result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
            self.assertEqual(result, 4)
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [1, 2])

            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
                prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(self.x, 1)), [self.x == 0])
                prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
            self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "The solver %s is not installed." % cvx.GUROBI)
Example #20
def proj(cvx_set, value):
    objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm2(cvx_set - value))
    return cvx_set.value
Example #21
        for c in range(4):
            s += vars[r][c][v]
        constraints.append(s == 1)

for p1 in range(2):
    for p2 in range(2):
        for r in range(2 * p1, 2 * p1 + 2):
            for c in range(2 * p2, 2 * p2 + 2):
                s = 0
                for v in range(4):
                    s += vars[r][c][v]
                constraints.append(s == 1)

constraints.append(vars[0][0][1] == 1)
constraints.append(vars[0][1][0] == 1)
constraints.append(vars[1][1][2] == 1)
constraints.append(vars[3][0][0] == 1)
constraints.append(vars[1][2][1] == 1)
constraints.append(vars[2][3][3] == 1)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(0), constraints)

solution = np.zeros((4, 4))
for r in range(4):
    for c in range(4):
        for v in range(4):
            if vars[r][c][v].value > 0.9:
                solution[r][c] = v + 1
def tight_infer_with_partial_graph(y_val, s1_val, s0_val):
    partial_cbn = load_xml_to_cbn(partial_model)

    S = partial_cbn.v['S']
    W = partial_cbn.v['W']
    A = partial_cbn.v['A']
    Y_hat = partial_cbn.v['Y']

    if s1_val == s0_val:
        # there is no difference when active value = reference value
        return 0.00, 0.00
        # define variable for P(r)
        PR = cvx.Variable(W.domain_size**(S.domain_size))

        # define ell functions
        g = {}
        for v in {S, W, A, Y_hat}:
            v_index = v.index
            v_domain_size = v.domain_size
            parents_index = partial_cbn.index_graph.pred[v_index].keys()
            parents_domain_size = np.prod(
                [partial_cbn.v[i].domain_size for i in parents_index])
            g[v_index] = list(
                product(range(v_domain_size), repeat=int(parents_domain_size)))

        # format
        # [(), (), ()]
        # r corresponds to the tuple
        # parents corresponds to the location of the tuple

        # assert the response function. (t function of Pearl, I function in our paper)
        def Indicator(obs, parents, response):
            # sort the parents by id
            par_key = parents.keys()
            # map the value to index
            par_index = 0
            for k in par_key:
                par_index = par_index * partial_cbn.v[
                    k].domain_size + parents.dict[k]

            return 1 if obs.first_value() == g[
                obs.first_key()][response][par_index] else 0

        # build the object function
        weights = np.zeros(shape=[W.domain_size**(S.domain_size)])

        for rw in range(W.domain_size**(S.domain_size)):
            # the first term for pse
            sum_identity = 0.0
            for w1, w0, a1 in product(W.domains.get_all(), W.domains.get_all(),
                product_i = Indicator(Event({W: w1}), Event({S: s1_val}), rw) * \
                            partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({A: a1}), Event({W: w1})) * \
                            Indicator(Event({W: w0}), Event({S: s0_val}), rw) * \
                            partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Y_hat: y_val}), Event({S: s1_val, W: w0, A: a1}))
                sum_identity += product_i

            weights[rw] += sum_identity

            # the second term for pse
            sum_identity = 0.0
            for w0, a0 in product(W.domains.get_all(), A.domains.get_all()):
                product_i = Indicator(Event({W: w0}), Event({S: s0_val}), rw) * \
                            partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({A: a0}), Event({W: w0})) * \
                            partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Y_hat: y_val}), Event({S: s0_val, W: w0, A: a0}))
                sum_identity += product_i

            weights[rw] -= sum_identity

        # build the objective function
        objective = weights.reshape(1, -1) @ PR

        ### to build the constraints

        ### the inferred model is consistent with the observational distribution
        A_mat = np.zeros((S.domain_size, W.domain_size, A.domain_size,
                          Y_hat.domain_size, W.domain_size**(S.domain_size)))
        b_vex = np.zeros(
            (S.domain_size, W.domain_size, A.domain_size, Y_hat.domain_size))

        # assert r -> v
        for s, w, a, y in product(S.domains.get_all(), W.domains.get_all(),
            # calculate the probability of observation
            b_vex[s.index, w.index, a.index, y.index] = partial_cbn.get_prob(
                    S: s,
                    Y_hat: y,
                    W: w,
                    A: a
            # sum of P(r)
            for rw in range(W.domain_size**(S.domain_size)):
                product_i = partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({S: s}), Event({})) * partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Y_hat: y}), Event({S: s, W: w, A: a})) * \
                            Indicator(Event({W: w}), Event({S: s}), rw) * partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({A: a}), Event({W: w}))

                A_mat[s.index, w.index, a.index, y.index, rw] = product_i

        # flatten the matrix and vector
        A_mat = A_mat.reshape(
            S.domain_size * W.domain_size * A.domain_size * Y_hat.domain_size,
        b_vex = b_vex.reshape(-1, 1)

        ### the probability <= 1
        C_mat = np.identity(W.domain_size**(S.domain_size))
        d_vec = np.ones(W.domain_size**(S.domain_size))

        ### the probability is positive
        E_mat = np.identity(W.domain_size**(S.domain_size))
        f_vec = np.zeros(W.domain_size**(S.domain_size))

        constraints = [
            A_mat @ PR == b_vex,
            # C_mat @ PR == d_vec,
            C_mat @ PR <= d_vec,
            E_mat @ PR >= f_vec

        # minimize the causal effect
        problem = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(objective), constraints)

        # print('tight lower effect: %f' % (problem.value))
        lower = problem.value

        # maximize the causal effect
        problem = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(objective), constraints)

        # print('tight upper effect: %f' % (problem.value))
        upper = problem.value

        return upper, lower
Example #23
    def test_readme_examples(self):
        import numpy
        # cvx.Problem data.
        m = 30
        n = 20
        A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
        b = numpy.random.randn(m)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(n)
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b))
        constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 1]
        p = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

        # The optimal objective is returned by p.solve().
        # The optimal value for x is stored in x.value.
        # The optimal Lagrange multiplier for a constraint
        # is stored in constraint.dual_value.


        # Scalar variable.
        a = cvx.Variable()

        # Column vector variable of length 5.
        x = cvx.Variable(5)

        # Matrix variable with 4 rows and 7 columns.
        A = cvx.Variable((4, 7))


        # Positive scalar parameter.
        m = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Column vector parameter with unknown sign (by default).

        # Matrix parameter with negative entries.
        G = cvx.Parameter((4, 7), nonpos=True)

        # Assigns a constant value to G.
        G.value = -numpy.ones((4, 7))

        # Raises an error for assigning a value with invalid sign.
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            G.value = numpy.ones((4, 7))
        self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Parameter value must be nonpositive.")

        a = cvx.Variable()
        x = cvx.Variable(5)

        # expr is an Expression object after each assignment.
        expr = 2*x
        expr = expr - a
        expr = cvx.sum(expr) + cvx.norm(x, 2)


        import numpy as np

        # cvx.Problem data.
        n = 10
        m = 5
        A = np.random.randn(n, m)
        b = np.random.randn(n)
        gamma = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(m)
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b) + gamma*cvx.norm(x, 1))
        p = cvx.Problem(objective)

        # Assign a value to gamma and find the optimal x.
        def get_x(gamma_value):
            gamma.value = gamma_value
            return x.value

        gammas = np.logspace(-1, 2, num=2)
        # Serial computation.
        [get_x(value) for value in gammas]

        n = 10

        mu = np.random.randn(1, n)
        sigma = np.random.randn(n, n)
        sigma = sigma.T.dot(sigma)
        gamma = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        gamma.value = 1
        x = cvx.Variable(n)

        # Constants:
        # mu is the vector of expected returns.
        # sigma is the covariance matrix.
        # gamma is a cvx.Parameter that trades off risk and return.

        # cvx.Variables:
        # x is a vector of stock holdings as fractions of total assets.

        expected_return = mu @ x
        risk = cvx.quad_form(x, sigma)

        objective = cvx.Maximize(expected_return - gamma*risk)
        p = cvx.Problem(objective, [cvx.sum(x) == 1])

        # The optimal expected return.

        # The optimal risk.


        N = 50
        M = 40
        n = 10
        data = []
        for i in range(N):
            data += [(1, np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=2.0, size=n))]
        for i in range(M):
            data += [(-1, np.random.normal(loc=-1.0, scale=2.0, size=n))]

        # Construct problem.
        gamma = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        gamma.value = 0.1
        # 'a' is a variable constrained to have at most 6 non-zero entries.
        a = cvx.Variable(n)  # mi.SparseVar(n, nonzeros=6)
        b = cvx.Variable()

        slack = [cvx.pos(1 - label*(sample.T @ a - b)) for (label, sample) in data]
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(a, 2) + gamma*sum(slack))
        p = cvx.Problem(objective)
        # Extensions can attach new solve methods to the CVXPY cvx.Problem class.
        # p.solve(method="admm")

        # Count misclassifications.
        errors = 0
        for label, sample in data:
            if label*(sample.T @ a - b).value < 0:
                errors += 1

        print("%s misclassifications" % errors)
def test_basic_init(basic_init_fixture, solver_name, i, H, g, x_ineq):
    """ A basic test case for wrappers.

    Notice that the input fixture `basic_init_fixture` is known to have two constraints,
    one velocity and one acceleration. Hence, in this test, I directly formulate
    an optimization with cvxpy to test the result.

    basic_init_fixture: a fixture with only two constraints, one velocity and
        one acceleration constraint.

    constraints, path, path_discretization, vlim, alim = basic_init_fixture
    if solver_name == "cvxpy":
        from toppra.solverwrapper.cvxpy_solverwrapper import cvxpyWrapper
        solver = cvxpyWrapper(constraints, path, path_discretization)
    elif solver_name == 'qpOASES':
        from toppra.solverwrapper.qpoases_solverwrapper import qpOASESSolverWrapper
        solver = qpOASESSolverWrapper(constraints, path, path_discretization)
    elif solver_name == 'hotqpOASES':
        from toppra.solverwrapper.hot_qpoases_solverwrapper import hotqpOASESSolverWrapper
        solver = hotqpOASESSolverWrapper(constraints, path, path_discretization)
    elif solver_name == 'ecos' and H is None:
        from toppra.solverwrapper.ecos_solverwrapper import ecosWrapper
        solver = ecosWrapper(constraints, path, path_discretization)
    elif solver_name == 'seidel' and H is None:
        from toppra.solverwrapper.cy_seidel_solverwrapper import seidelWrapper
        solver = seidelWrapper(constraints, path, path_discretization)
        return True  # Skip all other tests

    xmin, xmax = x_ineq
    xnext_min = 0
    xnext_max = 1

    # Results from solverwrapper to test
    result_ = solver.solve_stagewise_optim(i - 2, H, g, xmin, xmax, xnext_min, xnext_max)
    result_ = solver.solve_stagewise_optim(i - 1, H, g, xmin, xmax, xnext_min, xnext_max)
    result = solver.solve_stagewise_optim(i, H, g, xmin, xmax, xnext_min, xnext_max)

    # Results from cvxpy, used as the actual, desired values
    ux = cvxpy.Variable(2)
    u = ux[0]
    x = ux[1]
    _, _, _, _, _, _, xbound = solver.params[0]  # vel constraint
    a, b, c, F, h, ubound, _ = solver.params[1]  # accel constraint
    a2, b2, c2, F2, h2, _, _ = solver.params[2]  # random constraint
    Di = path_discretization[i + 1] - path_discretization[i]
    v = a[i] * u + b[i] * x + c[i]
    v2 = a2[i] * u + b2[i] * x + c2[i]
    cvxpy_constraints = [
        x <= xbound[i, 1],
        x >= xbound[i, 0],
        F * v <= h,
        F2[i] * v2 <= h2[i],
        x + u * 2 * Di <= xnext_max,
        x + u * 2 * Di >= xnext_min,
    if not np.isnan(xmin):
        cvxpy_constraints.append(x <= xmax)
        cvxpy_constraints.append(x >= xmin)
    if H is not None:
        objective = cvxpy.Minimize(0.5 * cvxpy.quad_form(ux, H) + g * ux)
        objective = cvxpy.Minimize(g * ux)
    problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, cvxpy_constraints)
    problem.solve(verbose=True)  # test with the same solver as cvxpywrapper
    if problem.status == "optimal":
        actual = np.array(ux.value).flatten()
        result = np.array(result).flatten()
        npt.assert_allclose(result, actual, atol=5e-3, rtol=1e-5)  # Very bad accuracy? why?
        assert np.all(np.isnan(result))
Example #25
                [epoch, epoch_w, loss_l_cum, loss_u_cum, loss_ent_cum])

    # update unlabel estimates with cumulative loss:
    target_var_list = [{'params': estimated_y, 'lr': ETA_Y}]
    optimizer_y = optim.SGD(target_var_list, momentum=0, weight_decay=0)

    # Project onto probability polytope
    est_y_num = estimated_y.data.cpu().numpy()
    U = cvxpy.Variable((est_y_num.shape[0], est_y_num.shape[1]))
    objective = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.square(U - est_y_num)))
    constraints = [U >= EPSILON, cvxpy.sum(U, axis=1) == 1]
    prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
    estimated_y.data = torch.from_numpy(np.float32(U.value)).cuda()

    # save estimated labels and labeled indexes on unlabeled data:
    state = {
        "lab_inds": lab_inds,
        "estimated_y": estimated_y.data.cpu().numpy(),
        "epoch": epoch,
        "y_acc": y_acc,
    np.save(Y_U_FOLDER + file_name + '.npy', state)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
r = 20
A = np.hstack((np.random.randn(r, 1), np.ones([r, 1])))
c = np.array([A[:, 0]]).T
b = (10.0 * np.random.randn() * c) + \
    + (0.5 * np.random.randn(r, 1))
b = b.T.tolist()
x = cp.Variable(2)
obj = cp.Minimize(sum(cp.square(A @ x - b)))
P = cp.Problem(obj)

s = np.arange(c.min() - 0.3, c.max() + 0.3, 0.1)
t = np.asscalar(x.value[0]) * s + np.asscalar(x.value[1])
plt.plot(s, t)
plt.plot(c.T, b, 'ro')
Example #27
    n = A.shape[1]
    q = B.shape[1]
    summand = 0
    for i in range(q):
        for j in range(n):
            summand += v[i, j] * e(q, i) * e(n, j).T
    return A + B * summand

def gamma_func(alpha, A, B, C, P, R):
    """Defined as Gamma(alpha) = A(alpha)'*P + P*A(alpha) - (C'*R + R'*C)"""
    aff = affine_func(alpha, A, B)
    return aff.T * P + P * aff - (C.T * R + R.T * C)

# Compose variables to optimize over
P = cvx.Semidef(4, 'P')
R = cvx.Variable(1, 4, 'R')

# Compose the LMI block matrix
bl1, bl2 = [gamma_func(alpha, A, B, C, P, R) for alpha in V_H]
Z = np.zeros((4, 4))
lmi = cvx.vstack(cvx.hstack(bl1, Z), cvx.hstack(Z, bl2))

# Form the input to cvxpy
obj = cvx.Minimize(0)
consts = [lmi <= -1e-13, P >= 1e-13]
prob = cvx.Problem(obj, consts)

# Solve the problem
Example #28
    def __solve__(self):
        """ Solve the optimization problem associated with each point """

        # Cones on the plus and minus side
        sup_plus_vars = cvx.Variable(shape=(len(self.points), self.dim))
        inf_plus_vars = cvx.Variable(shape=(len(self.points), self.dim))
        sup_minus_vars = cvx.Variable(shape=(len(self.points), self.dim))
        inf_minus_vars = cvx.Variable(shape=(len(self.points), self.dim))
        constraints = [
            sup_plus_vars >= 0, inf_plus_vars >= 0, sup_minus_vars >= 0,
            sup_plus_vars >= 0

        # inf/sup relational constraints
        constraints += [sup_plus_vars >= inf_plus_vars]
        constraints += [sup_minus_vars <= inf_minus_vars]

        # Cone constraints
        for (i, (pone, vone)) in enumerate(self.points.items()):
            # point i has to be able to project into point j
            for (j, (ptwo, vtwo)) in enumerate(self.points.items()):
                if i == j: continue
                lhs_sup = 0.0
                lhs_inf = 0.0
                for (di, (poned, ptwod)) in enumerate(zip(pone, ptwo)):
                    run = ptwod - poned
                    supvar = 0.0
                    infvar = 0.0
                    if ptwod > poned:
                        supvar = sup_plus_vars[i, di]
                        infvar = inf_plus_vars[i, di]
                    elif ptwod < poned:
                        supvar = sup_minus_vars[i, di]
                        infvar = inf_minus_vars[i, di]
                    lhs_sup += run * supvar
                    lhs_inf += run * infvar
                constraints += [lhs_sup >= vtwo - vone, lhs_inf <= vtwo - vone]

        # Optimization : minimize cone width
        objective = cvx.Minimize(
            cvx.norm(sup_plus_vars - inf_plus_vars) +
            cvx.norm(inf_minus_vars - sup_minus_vars))
        p = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
        # Run it!
        # Post-mortem...
        if p.status != 'optimal' and p.status != 'optimal_inaccurate':
            raise ScoreCreationError(
                "Could not create scoring function: Optimization Failed")
            return None
        # Pull out the coefficients from the variables
        plus_vars = [[(sup_plus_vars[i, j].value, inf_plus_vars[i, j].value)
                      for j in range(self.dim)]
                     for i in range(len(self.points))]
        minus_vars = [[(sup_minus_vars[i, j].value, inf_minus_vars[i, j].value)
                       for j in range(self.dim)]
                      for i in range(len(self.points))]
        return plus_vars, minus_vars
Example #29
        def __add_constraints(self, structure, exact=False):
			Add constraints from ``structure`` to problem.

			Constraints built with slack variables if
			:attr:`SolverCVXPY.use_slack` is ``True`` at call time. When
			slacks are used, each slack variable is registered in the
			dictionary :attr:`SolverCVXPY.slack_vars` under the
			corresponding constraint's ID as a key for later retrieval
			of optimal values.

			A nonnegativity constraint on each slack variable is
			added to :attr:`SolverCVXPY.problem.constraints`.

			When ``structure`` includes percentile-type dose constraints,
			and a convex restriction (i.e., a hinge loss approximation)
			is used, the reciprocal of the slope of the hinge loss is a
			variable; each such slope variable is registered in the
			dictionary :attr:`SolverCVXPY.dvh_vars` under the
			corresponding constraint's ID as a key for later retrival of
			optimal values.

			A nonnegativity constraint on each slope variable is added
			to :attr:`SolverCVXPY.problem.constraints`.

				structure (:class:`~conrad.medicine.Structure`):
					Structure from which to read dose matrix and dose
				exact (:obj:`bool`, optional): If ``True`` *and*
					:attr:`SolverCVXPY.use_2pass` is ``True`` *and*
					``structure`` has a calculated dose vector, treat
					percentile-type dose constraints as exact
					constraints. Otherwise, use convex restrictions.


				ValueError: If ``exact`` is ``True``, but other
					conditions for building exact constraints not met.
            # extract dvh constraint from structure,
            # make slack variable (if self.use_slack), add
            # slack to self.objective and slack >= 0 to constraints
            if exact:
                if not self.use_2pass or structure.y is None:
                    raise ValueError('exact constraints requested, but '
                                     'cannot be built.\nrequirements:\n'
                                     '-input flag "use_2pass" must be '
                                     '"True" (provided: {})\n-structure'
                                     ' dose must be calculated\n'
                                     '(structure dose: {})\n'
                                     ''.format(self.use_2pass, structure.y))

            for cid in structure.constraints:
                c = structure.constraints[cid]
                cslack = not exact and self.use_slack and c.priority > 0
                if cslack:
                    gamma = self.gamma_prioritized(c.priority)
                    slack = cvxpy.Variable(1)
                    self.slack_vars[cid] = slack
                    self.problem.objective += cvxpy.Minimize(gamma * slack)
                    self.problem.constraints += [slack >= 0]
                    if not c.upper:
                        self.problem.constraints += [slack <= c.dose.value]
                    slack = 0.
                    self.slack_vars[cid] = None

                if isinstance(c, MeanConstraint):
                    if c.upper:
                        self.problem.constraints += [
                            structure.A_mean * self.__x - slack <= c.dose.value
                        self.problem.constraints += [
                            structure.A_mean * self.__x + slack >= c.dose.value

                elif isinstance(c, MinConstraint):
                    self.problem.constraints += \
                     [structure.A * self.__x >= c.dose.value]

                elif isinstance(c, MaxConstraint):
                    self.problem.constraints += \
                     [structure.A * self.__x <= c.dose.value]

                elif isinstance(c, PercentileConstraint):
                    if exact:
                        # build exact constraint
                        dvh_constr = self.__percentile_constraint_exact(

                        # add it to problem
                        self.problem.constraints += [dvh_constr]

                        # beta = 1 / slope for DVH constraint approximation
                        beta = cvxpy.Variable(1)
                        self.dvh_vars[cid] = beta
                        self.problem.constraints += [beta >= 0]

                        # build convex restriction to constraint
                        dvh_constr = self.__percentile_constraint_restricted(
                            structure.A, self.__x, c, beta, slack)

                        # add it to problem
                        self.problem.constraints += [dvh_constr]

                self.__constraint_indices[cid] = None
                self.__constraint_indices[cid] = len(
                    self.problem.constraints) - 1
Example #30
 def test_basic_gp(self):
     x, y, z = cvxpy.Variable((3, ), pos=True)
     constraints = [2 * x * y + 2 * x * z + 2 * y * z <= 1.0, x >= 2 * y]
     problem = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(1 / (x * y * z)), constraints)
     problem.solve(SOLVER, gp=True)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(15.59, problem.value, places=2)