Example #1
    def generate(self, T, lam, c, plower, pupper, ramp, rc, rp):
        import cvxpy as cp

        constraints = []
        u = cp.Variable((T, 1))
        r = cp.Variable((T, 1))
        objective = cp.Minimize(
            cp.sum(c[0] * u**2 + cp.multiply(c[1], u) + rc[0] * r**2 +
                   rc[1] * r - cp.multiply(lam, u) - cp.multiply(rp, r)))
        for i in range(0, T):
            constraints += [u[i] >= plower, u[i] <= pupper, r[i] >= 0]
            if i < T - 1:
                constraints += [
                    u[i + 1] - u[i] <= ramp, u[i] - u[i + 1] <= ramp
        prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
        result = prob.solve(solver=cp.ECOS_BB, verbose=True)

        return u.value, r.value
Example #2
 def test_rank_one_nmf(self):
     X = cvxpy.Variable((3, 3), pos=True)
     x = cvxpy.Variable((3, ), pos=True)
     y = cvxpy.Variable((3, ), pos=True)
     xy = cvxpy.vstack([x[0] * y, x[1] * y, x[2] * y])
     R = cvxpy.maximum(cvxpy.multiply(X, (xy)**(-1.0)),
                       cvxpy.multiply(X**(-1.0), xy))
     objective = cvxpy.sum(R)
     constraints = [
         X[0, 0] == 1.0,
         X[0, 2] == 1.9,
         X[1, 1] == 0.8,
         X[2, 0] == 3.2,
         X[2, 1] == 5.9,
         x[0] * x[1] * x[2] == 1.0,
     # smoke test.
     prob = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(objective), constraints)
     prob.solve(SOLVER, gp=True)
Example #3
 def test_sum_matrix(self):
     w = cvxpy.Variable((2, 2), pos=True)
     h = cvxpy.Variable((2, 2), pos=True)
     problem = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(
         cvxpy.sum(h)), [cvxpy.multiply(w, h) >= 10,
                         cvxpy.sum(w) <= 20])
     problem.solve(SOLVER, gp=True)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(problem.value, 8)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(h.value, np.array([[2, 2], [2, 2]]))
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(w.value, np.array([[5, 5], [5, 5]]))
Example #4
def solve_glasso(cov, lambda_):
    p = cov.shape[0]
    X = cp.Variable((p, p), PSD=True)
    constraints = [X >> 0]
    objective = cp.Minimize(
        cp.sum(cp.multiply(cov, X)) - cp.log_det(X) + lambda_ * cp.pnorm(X, 1))
    prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
    theta = X.value
    return theta
Example #5
 def _constraints(self, l_cs_param, r_cs_param, beta_param, component_r0):
     constraints = [l_cs_param * r_cs_param >= 0, r_cs_param[0] >= 0]
     if self._power_signals_d.shape[1] > 365:
         r = r_cs_param[0, :].T
         if self._is_degradation_calculated:
                 cvx.multiply(1. / component_r0[:-365],
                              r[365:] - r[:-365]) == beta_param,
                 beta_param >= -.25
             if self._max_degradation is not None:
                 constraints.append(beta_param <= self._max_degradation)
             if self._min_degradation is not None:
                 constraints.append(beta_param >= self._min_degradation)
                 cvx.multiply(1. / component_r0[:-365], r[365:] -
                              r[:-365]) == 0)
     return constraints
Example #6
    def set_objective(self, X, y, lmbd):

        self.X, self.y, self.lmbd = X, y, lmbd

        n_features = self.X.shape[1]
        self.beta = cp.Variable(n_features)

        loss = cp.sum(cp.logistic(-cp.multiply(self.y, self.X * self.beta)))
        self.problem = cp.Problem(
            cp.Minimize(loss + self.lmbd * cp.norm(self.beta, 1)))
Example #7
 def test_sum_vector(self):
     w = cvxpy.Variable(2, pos=True)
     h = cvxpy.Variable(2, pos=True)
     problem = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(
         cvxpy.sum(h)), [cvxpy.multiply(w, h) >= 10,
                         cvxpy.sum(w) <= 10])
     problem.solve(SOLVER, gp=True)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(problem.value, 4)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(h.value, np.array([2, 2]))
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(w.value, np.array([5, 5]))
Example #8
 def __init__(self, nb_measure, alpha=0.95):
     self.h = cp.Variable(nb_measure, nonneg=True)
     self.p = cp.Parameter(nb_measure, nonneg=True)
     self.v = cp.Parameter(nb_measure)
     objective = cp.Maximize(cp.matmul(self.v, cp.multiply(self.h, self.p)))
     constraints = [
         self.h <= 1 / (1 - alpha),
         cp.matmul(self.h, self.p) == 1
     self.problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
Example #9
    def get_trades(self, portfolio, t=None):
        Get optimal trade vector for given portfolio at time t.

        portfolio : pd.Series
            Current portfolio vector.
        t : pd.timestamp
            Timestamp for the optimization.

        if t is None:
            t = pd.datetime.today()

        value = sum(portfolio)
        w = portfolio / value
        z = cvx.Variable(w.size)  # TODO pass index
        wplus = w.values + z

        if isinstance(self.return_forecast, BaseReturnsModel):
            alpha_term = self.return_forecast.weight_expr(t, wplus)
            alpha_term = cvx.sum(cvx.multiply(
                time_locator(self.return_forecast, t, as_numpy=True), wplus))


        costs, constraints = [], []

        for cost in self.costs:
            cost_expr, const_expr = cost.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
            constraints += const_expr

        constraints += [item for item in (con.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
                                          for con in self.constraints)]

        for el in costs:
            assert (el.is_convex())

        for el in constraints:
            assert (el.is_dcp())

        self.prob = cvx.Problem(
            cvx.Maximize(alpha_term - sum(costs)),
            [cvx.sum_entries(z) == 0] + constraints)

        self.prob.solve(solver=self.solver, **self.solver_opts)

            f'The problem is {self.prob.status}. Defaulting to no trades')
        return self._nulltrade(portfolio)

        return pd.Series(index=portfolio.index, data=(z.value.A1 * value))
Example #10
def solve_svm(X, y, C, sample_weight=None, solver_kws={}):
    Solves soft-margin SVM problem.

    min_{beta, intercept}
    (1/n) * sum_{i=1}^n [1  - y_i * (x^T beta + intercept)] + C * ||beta||_1

    X: (n_samples, n_features)

    y: (n_samples, )

    C: float
        Strictly positive tuning parameter.

    sample_weight: None, (n_samples, )
        Weights for samples.

    solver_kws: dict
        Keyword arguments to cp.solve

    beta, intercept, problem

    beta: (n_features, )
        SVM normal vector.

    intercept: float
        SVM intercept.

    problem: cp.Problem

    y_hat = np.sign(x.dot(beta) + intercept)
    if sample_weight is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    n_samples, n_features = X.shape
    y = y.reshape(-1, 1)

    beta = cp.Variable((n_features, 1))
    intercept = cp.Variable()
    C = cp.Parameter(value=C, nonneg=True)

    # TODO: should we make this + intercept
    loss = cp.sum(cp.pos(1 - cp.multiply(y, X * beta + intercept)))
    reg = cp.norm(beta, 1)
    objective = loss / n_samples + C * reg

    problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective))

    return beta.value, intercept.value, problem
Example #11
    def fit_OLD(self, x, y):
        # Detect the number of samples and classes
        nsamples = x.shape[0]
        ncols = x.shape[1]
        classes, cnt = np.unique(y, return_counts=True)
        nclasses = len(classes)
        # Convert classes to a categorical format
        yc = keras.utils.to_categorical(y, num_classes=nclasses)

        # Build a disciplined convex programming model
        w = cp.Variable(shape=(ncols, nclasses))
        # Additional variables representing the actual predictions.
        yhat = cp.Variable(shape=(nsamples, nclasses), boolean=True)
        bigM = 1e3
        constraints = [
            cp.sum(yhat, axis=1) == 1,  # only one class per sample.
        constraints += [
            x @ w[:, i] - x @ w[:, i+1] <= bigM * (yhat[:, i] - yhat[:, i+1]) for i in range(nclasses - 1)
        log_reg = x @ w
        # out_xpr = [cp.exp(log_out_xpr[c]) for c in range(nclasses)]
        Z = [cp.log_sum_exp(log_reg[i]) for i in range(nsamples)]
        # log_likelihood = cp.sum(
        #     cp.sum([cp.multiply(yc[:, c], log_out_xpr[c])
        #             for c in range(nclasses)]) - Z
        # )
        log_likelihood = cp.sum(
            cp.sum([cp.multiply(yc[:, c], log_reg[:, c]) for c in range(nclasses)])) - cp.sum(Z)

        reg = 0
        # Compute counts
        maxc = int(np.ceil(nsamples / nclasses))
        for c in classes:
            reg += cp.square(maxc - cp.sum(yhat[c]))

        # Start the training process
        obj_func = - log_likelihood / nsamples + self.alpha * reg
        problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj_func), constraints)

        # for c in range(nclasses):
        #     wgt[c] = cp.Variable(ncols)
        #     # xpr = cp.sum(cp.multiply(y, x @ wgt) - cp.logistic(x @ wgt))
        #     log_out_xpr[c] = x @ wgt[c]
        #     out_xpr[c] = cp.exp(x @ wgt[c])
        #     if c == 0: log_likelihood = xpr
        #     else: log_likelihood += xpr
        # problem = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(log_likelihood/nsamples))
        # # Start the training process
        # problem.solve()

        # Store the weights
        # print(wgt.value)
        self.weights = w.value
Example #12
def grid_search_cv(samples, alphas, K=10, p=0.7):
    training_datasets, test_datasets = generate_partitions(samples, K=K, p=p)

    test_losses = np.empty((len(alphas), K))
    for alpha_ix, alpha in enumerate(alphas):
        for data_ix, (training_data, test_data) in enumerate(
                tqdm(zip(training_datasets, test_datasets), total=K)):
            cov_train = np.cov(training_data, rowvar=False)
            p = cov_train.shape[1]
            X = cp.Variable((p, p), PSD=True)
            constraints = [X >> 0]
            cov_train_cp = cp.Parameter((p, p), PSD=True)
            cov_train_cp.value = cov_train
            objective = cp.Minimize(
                cp.sum(cp.multiply(cov_train, X)) - cp.log_det(X) +
                alpha * cp.pnorm(X, 1))
            prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
            theta = X.value

            cov_test = np.cov(test_data, rowvar=False)
            test_loss = np.sum(cov_test * theta) - np.log(np.linalg.det(theta))
            test_losses[alpha_ix, data_ix] = test_loss

    avg_losses = test_losses.mean(axis=1)
    min_ix = np.argmin(avg_losses)
    best_alpha = alphas[min_ix]

    cov_train = np.cov(samples, rowvar=False)
    p = cov_train.shape[1]
    X = cp.Variable((p, p), PSD=True)
    constraints = [X >> 0]
    cov_train_cp = cp.Parameter((p, p), PSD=True)
    cov_train_cp.value = cov_train
    objective = cp.Minimize(
        cp.sum(cp.multiply(cov_train, X)) - cp.log_det(X) +
        best_alpha * cp.pnorm(X, 1))
    prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
    theta = X.value

    return alphas[min_ix], theta
    def _construct_problem(self, bound='upper'):
        """ Construct the cvxpy minimization problem.
        It depends on the fairness regularizer chosen.

        # Variable to optimize
        self.alpha_var = cp.Variable((len(self.reason_pts_index), 1))
        # Parameter for Kernel Matrix
        self.kernel_matrix = cp.Parameter(shape=(self.x_train.shape[0],
        self.fair_reg_cparam = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Form SVM with L2 regularization
        if self.fairness_lambda == 0:
            self.loss = cp.sum(
                    cp.multiply(self.y_train.reshape(-1, 1),
                                self.kernel_matrix @ self.alpha_var))
            ) + self.reg_beta * self.nmb_pts * cp.square(
                cp.norm(self.alpha_var, 2))
            sy_hat = cp.multiply(self.s_train.reshape(-1, 1),
                                 self.kernel_matrix @ self.alpha_var)

            if self.fairness_regularizer == 'wu':
                if bound == 'upper':
                    fairness_relaxation = cp.sum(
                                    self.cvx_kappa(sy_hat))) - 1
                    fairness_relaxation = -1 * cp.sum(
                                    self.cvx_delta(sy_hat))) - 1

            elif self.fairness_regularizer == 'linear':
                if bound == 'upper':
                    fairness_relaxation = cp.sum(
                                    self.kernel_matrix @ self.alpha_var))
                    fairness_relaxation = -1 * cp.sum(
                                    self.kernel_matrix @ self.alpha_var))

            if self.reg_beta == 0:
                self.loss = (1/self.nmb_pts) * cp.sum(self.loss_func(cp.multiply(self.y_train.reshape(-1, 1), self.kernel_matrix @ self.alpha_var))) + \
                                self.fair_reg_cparam * fairness_relaxation
                self.loss = (1 / self.nmb_pts) * cp.sum(self.loss_func(cp.multiply(self.y_train.reshape(-1, 1), self.kernel_matrix @ self.alpha_var))) + \
                            self.fair_reg_cparam * fairness_relaxation + self.reg_beta * cp.square(cp.norm(self.alpha_var, 2))

        self.prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(self.loss))
Example #14
def exprval_in_vec_eq(expr, vec):
    # Reference: https://docs.mosek.com/modeling-cookbook/mio.html#fixed-set-of-values

    assert len(expr.shape) == 1
    n_entries = expr.shape[0]
    repeated_vec = np.broadcast_to(vec, (n_entries, len(vec)))
    z = Variable(repeated_vec.shape, boolean=True)

    main_con = cp.sum(cp.multiply(repeated_vec, z), axis=1) == expr
    aux_cons = [cp.sum(z, axis=1) == 1]
    return main_con, aux_cons
Example #15
def objective_function(w, z, X, y):

    revenue = -1 * cp.sum(cp.multiply(X[0:nw*3], v1)) # (1')
    storage_cost_B = cp.multiply(data['facility_cost']['B'], cp.sum(X[0:nw])) # (2')
    storage_cost_C = cp.multiply(data['facility_cost']['C'][0], cp.pos(cp.sum(X[nw:nw*2]) - data['weight_threshold']['C'])) \
                     + cp.multiply(data['facility_cost']['C'][0], cp.sum(z[nw:nw*2]))  # (3')
    storage_cost_D = cp.sum(cp.multiply(v4, y)) # (4)
    transportation_cost_D1 = cp.sum(cp.multiply(X[0:nw*3], v5)) # (5')
    transportation_cost_D2 = cp.sum(cp.multiply(X[0:nw*2], v6a)) + cp.sum(cp.multiply(X[nw*3:], v6b)) # (6')

    return revenue + storage_cost_B + storage_cost_C + storage_cost_D + transportation_cost_D1 + transportation_cost_D2
Example #16
 def solve(self, solver: str = "ECOS"):
     x, constraints = self._prepare()
     if self._use_factor:
         risk = cp.sum_squares(cp.multiply(np.sqrt(self._factor_special), x)) \
                + cp.quad_form((x.T @ self._factor_load).T, self._factor_var)
         risk = cp.quad_form(x, self._variance)
     constraints.append(risk <= self._var_target)
     prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(x @ self._cost), constraints=constraints)
     return x.value, prob.value, prob.status
Example #17
 def __init__(self, nb_measure, q=2, c=1):
     self.h = cp.Variable(nb_measure, nonneg=True)
     self.p = cp.Parameter(nb_measure, nonneg=True)
     self.v = cp.Parameter(nb_measure)
     self.g = cp.multiply(self.p, 1 + self.h - cp.matmul(self.h, self.p))
     objective = cp.Maximize(cp.matmul(self.v, self.g))
     constraints = [
         self.g >= 0,
         cp.matmul(cp.power(self.h, q), self.p) <= c**q
     self.problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
def l2_norm_LinearSVM_Primal(X, y, C):
    start_time = time.time()
    w = cp.Variable(2)
    b = cp.Variable()
    xi = cp.Variable(51)
    obj = cp.Minimize(1 / 2 * cp.sum_squares(w) + C / 2 * cp.sum_squares(xi))
    constraints = [cp.multiply(y, (w.T * X.T + b)) >= np.ones(51) - xi]
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
    sol_time = time.time() - start_time
    return w, b, sol_time
Example #19
    def primal_expr(self, y_var, voxel_weights=None):
		Return :math:`c * \omega^T y`, for :math:`\omega\equiv```voxel_weights``
        if voxel_weights is None:
            return self.weight * cvxpy.sum(y_var)
            voxel_weights = np.reshape(voxel_weights,
                                       y_var.shape)  # kelsey added
            return self.weight * cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.multiply(
                voxel_weights, y_var))
    def __optimize__(self, full_set, labels):
        # Citation: https://www.cvxpy.org/examples/machine_learning/logistic_regression.html
        n = 2
        beta = cp.Variable(n)
        log_likelihood = cp.sum(
            cp.multiply(labels, full_set @ beta) -
            cp.logistic(full_set @ beta))
        problem = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(log_likelihood))

        return beta.value
Example #21
    def _estimate(self, t, wplus, z, value):
        F = locator(self.exposures, t)
        f = (wplus.T * F.T).T
        Sigma_F = locator(self.factor_Sigma, t)
        D = locator(self.idiosync, t)
        self.expression = cvx.sum_squares(
            cvx.multiply(np.sqrt(D), wplus)) + \
            cvx.quad_form(f, Sigma_F) + \
            self.epsilon * (cvx.abs(f).T * np.sqrt(np.diag(Sigma_F)))**2

        return self.expression
 def test_conv_prob(self):
     """Test a problem with convolution.
     import numpy as np
     N = 5
     y = np.asmatrix(np.random.randn(N, 1))
     h = np.asmatrix(np.random.randn(2, 1))
     x = cvx.Variable(N)
     v = cvx.conv(h, x)
     obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum(cvx.multiply(y, v[0:N])))
     print((cvx.Problem(obj, []).solve()))
def RicciCurvature_Edge(G, vertex_1, vertex_2, alpha, length):

	EPSILON = 1e-7	# to prevent division by zero

	assert vertex_1 != vertex_2, "Self loop is not allowed."	

	if length[vertex_1][vertex_2] < EPSILON:
		assert "ricciCurvature" in G[vertex_1][vertex_2], "Divided by Zero and no ricci curvature exist in Graph!"
		print("Zero Weight edge detected, return previous ricci Curvature instead.")
		return G[vertex_1][vertex_2]["ricciCurvature"]

	vertex_1_nbr = list(G.neighbors(vertex_1))
	vertex_2_nbr = list(G.neighbors(vertex_2))

	assert len(vertex_1_nbr) > 0, "vertex_1 Nbr=0?"
	assert len(vertex_2_nbr) > 0, "vertex_2 Nbr=0?" + str(vertex_1) + " " + str(vertex_2)
	x = [(1.0 - alpha) / len(vertex_1_nbr)] * len(vertex_1_nbr)
	y = [(1.0 - alpha) / len(vertex_2_nbr)] * len(vertex_2_nbr)


	# construct the cost dictionary from x to y
	d = np.zeros((len(x), len(y)))

	for i, s in enumerate(vertex_1_nbr):
		for j, t in enumerate(vertex_2_nbr):
			assert t in length[s], "vertex_2 node not in list, should not happened, pair (%d, %d)" % (s, t)
			d[i][j] = length[s][t]

	x = np.array([x]).T	# the mass that vertex_1 neighborhood initially owned
	y = np.array([y]).T	# the mass that vertex_2 neighborhood needs to received

	t0 = time.time()
	rho = cvx.Variable(shape=(len(vertex_2_nbr), len(vertex_1_nbr)))

	# objective function d(x,y) * rho * x, need to do element-wise multiply here
	obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum(cvx.multiply(np.multiply(d.T, x.T), rho)))

	# \sigma_i rho_{ij}=[1,1,...,1]
	vertex_1_sum = cvx.sum(rho, axis=0)
	constrains = [rho * x == y, vertex_1_sum == np.ones(len(vertex_1_nbr)), 0 <= rho, rho <= 1]
	prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constrains)

	m = prob.solve(solver='ECOS')	
	#print(time.time() - t0, " secs for cvxpy.",)

	result = 1 - (m / length[vertex_1][vertex_2])	# divided by the length of d(i, j)
	#print("#vertex_1_nbr: %d, #vertex_2_nbr: %d, Ricci curvature = %f	"%(len(vertex_1_nbr), len(vertex_2_nbr), result))
	#print("%s\t%s\t%f"%(vertex_1, vertex_2, result))
	EF.write("%s\t%s\t%f\n"%(vertex_1, vertex_2, result*2))
	return result
Example #24
 def test_sum_matrix(self) -> None:
     w = cp.Variable((2, 2), pos=True)
     h = cp.Variable((2, 2), pos=True)
     alpha = cp.Parameter(pos=True, value=1.0)
     beta = cp.Parameter(pos=True, value=20)
     kappa = cp.Parameter(pos=True, value=10)
     problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(alpha * cp.sum(h)),
                          [cp.multiply(w, h) >= beta,
                           cp.sum(w) <= kappa])
     gradcheck(problem, gp=True, solve_methods=[s.SCS], atol=1e-1)
     perturbcheck(problem, gp=True, solve_methods=[s.SCS], atol=1e-1)
Example #25
 def min_R(self, calc_deg=True, max_deg=0., min_deg=-0.25):
     if self.R_cs.shape[1] < 365 + 2:
         n_tilde = 365 + 2 - self.R_cs.shape[1]
         R_tilde = cvx.hstack(
             [self.R_cs, cvx.Variable(shape=(self.k, n_tilde))])
         R_tilde = self.R_cs
     W1 = np.diag(self.weights)
     f1 = cvx.sum(
         (0.5 * cvx.abs(self.D - self.L_cs.value * self.R_cs) +
          (self.tau - 0.5) * (self.D - self.L_cs.value * self.R_cs)) * W1)
     f2 = self.mu_R * cvx.norm(
         R_tilde[:, :-2] - 2 * R_tilde[:, 1:-1] + R_tilde[:, 2:], 'fro')
     constraints = [self.L_cs.value * self.R_cs >= 0, self.R_cs[0] >= 0]
     if self.D.shape[1] > 365:
         r = self.R_cs[0, :].T
         if calc_deg:
                 cvx.multiply(1. / self.r0[:-365],
                              r[365:] - r[:-365]) == self.beta,
                 self.beta >= -.25
             if max_deg is not None:
                 constraints.append(self.beta <= max_deg)
             if min_deg is not None:
                 constraints.append(self.beta >= min_deg)
                 cvx.multiply(1. / self.r0[:-365], r[365:] - r[:-365]) == 0)
         f3 = self.mu_R * cvx.norm(R_tilde[1:, :-365] - R_tilde[1:, 365:],
         f3 = self.mu_R * cvx.norm(R_tilde[:, :-365] - R_tilde[:, 365:],
     objective = cvx.Minimize(f1 + f2 + f3)
     problem = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
     if problem.status != 'optimal':
         raise ProblemStatusError('Minimize R status: ' + problem.status)
     self.r0 = self.R_cs.value[0, :]
Example #26
    def run(self, bl, bu, y0, yp):
        constraints = [self.P >> 0, self.P[0][0] == 1.0]

        p = 1 + self.shapes[0]
        for i in range(1, len(self.shapes) - 1):
            constraints.append(self.P[p:(p + self.shapes[i]), 0] >= 0)
                self.P[p:(p + self.shapes[i]),
                       0] >= cp.matmul(self.Ws[i - 1], self.P[
                           (p - self.shapes[i - 1]):p, 0]) + self.bs[i - 1])
                cp.diag(self.P)[p:(p + self.shapes[i])] == cp.diag(
                        self.Ws[i - 1], self.P[(p - self.shapes[i - 1]):p,
                                               p:(p + self.shapes[i])])) +
                cp.multiply(self.bs[i - 1], self.P[p:(p + self.shapes[i]), 0]))
            p += self.shapes[i]

        p = 1
        for i in range(0, len(self.shapes) - 1):
                cp.diag(self.P)[p:(p + self.shapes[i])] <= cp.multiply(
                    (bl[i] + bu[i]), self.P[p:(p + self.shapes[i]), 0]) -
                np.multiply(bl[i], bu[i]))
            p += self.shapes[i]

        obj = (self.Ws[-1][yp] - self.Ws[-1][y0]) * self.P[
            -self.shapes[-2]:, 0] + self.bs[-1][yp] - self.bs[-1][y0]

        self.prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(obj), constraints)
        # self.prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK, verbose=True, mosek_params={
        #     # 'optimizerMaxTime': self.timeout,
        #     'MSK_DPAR_OPTIMIZER_MAX_TIME': self.timeout,
        #     # 'numThreads': self.threads,
        #     'MSK_IPAR_NUM_THREADS': self.threads,
        #     # 'lowerObjCut': 0.,
        #     'MSK_DPAR_LOWER_OBJ_CUT': 0.,
        # })
        self.prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS, verbose=True, warm_start=True, eps=1e-2)
        print('status:', self.prob.status)
        print('optimal value:', self.prob.value)
Example #27
def optim_with_cvxpy2(rtns,levs,mns,mcovs,headers,labels,worst,log_tdiscount,row_weight,ob):

    for i in range(nlevs):
        print("Risk Aversion: ",lev)
        if ob=='MV':           
            constraints =[sum(xx)==1, 0<=xx, xx<=1] #Long-only portfolios                   
            objective=cp.Minimize(-cp.sum(cp.multiply(mns,xx)) + lev*cp.quad_form(xx,mcovs)/2.0)
            merit['M_objective'][headers[i]]= np.sum(mns*xxvalue) - levs[i]*np.dot(np.dot(xxvalue,mcovs),xxvalue.T)/2.0
            merit['W_objective'][headers[i]]= np.sum(np.multiply(row_weight,(np.log1p(np.dot(levreturn,xxvalue.T))+log_tdiscount)))   

        elif ob=='LLS':
            constraints =[sum(xx)==1, 0<=xx, xx<=1, -1.0+barrier <= levreturn @ xx ] #Long-only portfolios                              
            objective=cp.Maximize(cp.sum(cp.multiply(row_weight,cp.log1p(levreturn @ xx)+log_tdiscount)))
            if xxvalue is None:                
                print('WARNING!!!! cvxpy problem appears not feasible.')
            merit['M_objective'][headers[i]]= sum(mns*xxvalue) - levs[i]*np.dot(np.dot(xxvalue,mcovs),xxvalue.T)/2.0
            merit['W_objective'][headers[i]]= np.sum(np.multiply(row_weight,(np.log1p(np.dot(levreturn,xxvalue.T))+log_tdiscount)))       
        merit['norm2'][headers[i]] = np.dot(xxvalue,xxvalue)        
    return (prtns[::].T,alloc[::],pd.DataFrame.copy(merit,deep=True))
def square_optimize6_6():
    x_2 = [1.5, 1, 0.85]
    x_1 = [3, -8.2, -1.95]
    x = cp.Variable(shape=(3))
    obj = cp.Minimize(x_2 * x**2 + x_1 * x)
    cond_matrix = [
        [1, 0, 1],
        [-1, 2, 0],
        [0, 1, 2],
    value = [2, 2, 3]
    cond_matrix = np.array(cond_matrix)
    cond = [
        cp.sum(cp.multiply(cond_matrix[0], x)) <= value[0],
        cp.sum(cp.multiply(cond_matrix[1], x)) <= value[1],
        cp.sum(cp.multiply(cond_matrix[2], x)) <= value[2],
        cp.sum(x) == 3
    func = cp.Problem(obj, cond)
Example #29
    def add_type_specific(self, baseProblem):
        # Problem Specific variables and constraints
        baseProblem.b = cvx.Variable(name="offset")  # shift
        point_distances = cvx.multiply(
            baseProblem.Y, baseProblem.X * baseProblem.omega + baseProblem.b)
        baseProblem.loss = cvx.sum(cvx.pos(1 - point_distances))
        baseProblem.weight_norm = cvx.norm(baseProblem.omega, 1)

            baseProblem.weight_norm <= baseProblem.initL1,
            baseProblem.loss <= baseProblem.initLoss
Example #30
 def test_sum_squares_vector(self) -> None:
     alpha = cp.Parameter(shape=(2, ), pos=True, value=[1.0, 1.0])
     beta = cp.Parameter(pos=True, value=20)
     kappa = cp.Parameter(pos=True, value=10)
     w = cp.Variable(2, pos=True)
     h = cp.Variable(2, pos=True)
     problem = cp.Problem(
         cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(alpha + h)),
         [cp.multiply(w, h) >= beta,
          cp.sum(alpha + w) <= kappa])
     gradcheck(problem, gp=True, atol=1e-1)
     perturbcheck(problem, gp=True, atol=1e-1)