def test_robust_regression(self):
        # Compare cvxpy solutions to cvxopt ground truth
        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize,
                           huber, sum, leq, geq, square, norm2,
                           ones, zeros, quad_form)
        tol_exp = 5 # Check solution to within 5 decimal places
        m, n = self.m, self.n
        A = matrix(self.A)
        b = matrix(self.b)

        # Method 1: using huber directly
        x = variable(n)
        p = program(minimize(sum(huber(A*x - b, 1.0))))

            x.value, self.xh, tol_exp)

        # Method 2: solving the dual QP
        x = variable(n)
        u = variable(m)
        v = variable(m)
        p = program(minimize(0.5*quad_form(u, 1.0) + sum(v)),
                    [geq(u, 0.0), leq(u, 1.0), geq(v, 0.0),
                     leq(A*x - b, u + v), geq(A*x - b, -u - v)])
            x.value, self.xh, tol_exp)
Example #2
    def to_cvxpy(self, weight_var, weight_var_series, init_weights):
        constraints = []
        labels = self.labels
        groups = self.max_weights.index.union(self.min_weights.index).unique()

        msg_fmt = '组"{}"最小值"{}"应小于等于最大值"{}"'
        for g in groups:
            min_ = self.min_weights[g]
            max_ = self.max_weights[g]
            # 只有二方都限定,才比较
            limited_min = min_ != 'NotConstrained'
            limited_max = max_ != 'NotConstrained'
            if limited_min and limited_max:
                assert min_ <= max_, msg_fmt.format(g, min_, max_)
            # 该组涉及到的股票
            assets = labels[labels == g].index
            # 股票对应的变量位置序号
            ix = get_ix(weight_var_series, assets)

            # 如果该组没有对应序号,跳过
            if len(ix) == 0:

            var_list = weight_var[ix]

            # 如果限定该组上限
            # if limited_max and len(var_list):
            if limited_max:
                constraints.append(cvx.sum(var_list) <= max_)

            # 如果限定该组下限
            # if limited_min  and len(var_list):
            if limited_min:
                constraints.append(cvx.sum(var_list) >= min_)
        return constraints
Example #3
 def to_cvxpy(self, weight_var, weight_var_series, init_weights):
     min_cons, max_cons = [], []
     loadings = self.loadings  #.loc[weight_var_series.index].dropna()
     ix = get_ix(weight_var_series, self.loadings.index)
     for c in loadings.columns:
         min_ = self.min_exposures[c]
         max_ = self.max_exposures[c]
         assert min_ <= max_, '{} 列{}最小值"{}"必须小于等于最大值"{}"'.format(
             str(self), c, min_, max_)
         min_cons.append(cvx.sum(weight_var[ix] * loadings[c]) >= min_)
         max_cons.append(cvx.sum(weight_var[ix] * loadings[c]) <= max_)
     return min_cons + max_cons
Example #4
def _cqp(D, o, k, m, N):
    ''' solves using cvxpy '''
    # cast to object.
    D = cvxpy.matrix(D)
    N = cvxpy.matrix(N)	
    o = cvxpy.matrix(o)
    # create variables.
    f = cvxpy.variable(k, 1, name='f')
    x=cvxpy.variable(m, 1, name='x')
    y=cvxpy.variable(m, 1, name='y')    
	# create constraints.
    geqs = cvxpy.greater_equals(f,0.0)
	#TO DO: Sum of all f = sum of observed reads classes (and not equal to 1)
    sum1 = cvxpy.equals(cvxpy.sum(f), 1.0)
    #sum1 = cvxpy.equals(cvxpy.sum(f), sum_obs_freq)
    #dev = cvxpy.equals(D*f-o-x,0.0)	
	#4. matrix N (m x m) * x - y = 0
    sizeConstr = cvxpy.equals(N*x-y,0.0)
    #Check now to do N^2
	#sizeConstr = cvxpy.equals(N^2*x-y,0.0)
    #This might not work but try
    #sizeConstr = cvxpy.equals(x/N-y,0.0)
    #constrs = [geqs, sum1, dev, sizeConstr]
    constrs = [geqs, sum1]
    log.debug('\tin _cqp function: \n\t\tPrint matrices shapes:')
    log.debug('\t\t\t%s', D.shape)
    log.debug('\t\t\t%s', f.shape)
    log.debug('\t\t\t%s', o.shape)
    # create the program.
    #p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.norm2(y)),constraints=constrs)
    p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.norm2(D*f-o)),constraints=constrs)
    p.options['abstol'] = 1e-6 ## 'abstol' - Absolute accuracy	Default: 1e-7
    p.options['reltol'] = 1e-5 ## 'reltol' - Relative accuracy	Default: 1e-6
    p.options['feastol'] = 1e-5 ## 'feastol' - Tolerance for feasibility conditions	Default: 1e-6
    p.options['maxiters'] = 500 ## 'maxiters' - Maximum number of iterations	Default: 100
    # solve the program.
    # return results.
    #print np.around(f.value, decimals=20)
    #print "Print using loop"
    getcontext().prec = 20
    #for i in f.value:
    #    temp_fi=str(i).strip('[]')	
    #    print temp_fi
    return f.value
def cvxpy_test():
    n = 10
    mu = numpy.abs(numpy.random.randn(n, 1))
    Sigma = numpy.random.randn(n, n)
    Sigma =

    w = cvxpy.Variable(n)
    gamma = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)
    ret = mu.T*w
    risk = cvxpy.quad_form(w, Sigma)
    result = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Maximize(ret - gamma*risk),
                           [cvxpy.sum(w) == 1, w >= 0])
    return f"csvpy test >>> {result}" 
def construct_lp_relaxation( demand_hist, M, transport_graph, cost_label='cost' ) :
    demand_hist is a dictionary from ordered station pairs (i,j) -> whole integers
    M is a membership graph with edges (i,x) for all corresponding stations-state pairs
    A is a DiGraph on X, with cost given by property 'cost'
    APSP = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length( transport_graph, weight=cost_label )
    cost = 0.
    constr = []
    """ create enroute variables """
    S = nx.DiGraph()        # service "edges"
    for (i,j), NUM in demand_hist.iteritems() :
        VARS = []
        for x,y in itertools.product( M.neighbors_iter(i), M.neighbors_iter(j) ) :
            var = cvxpy.variable()
            distance = APSP[x][y]
            cost += var * distance
            constr.append( cvxpy.geq( var, 0. ) )   # needs to be non-negative
            S.add_edge( x, y, var=var, distance=distance )
            VARS.append( var )
        constr.append( cvxpy.eq( cvxpy.sum(VARS), NUM ) )   # total such trips should sum to num
    """ create balance variables """
    B = nx.DiGraph()
    HEADS = [ h for h, d in S.in_degree_iter() if d > 0 ]
    TAILS = [ t for t, d in S.out_degree_iter() if d > 0 ]
    for y,x in itertools.product( HEADS, TAILS ) :
        var = cvxpy.variable()
        cost += var * APSP[y][x]
        constr.append( cvxpy.geq( var, 0. ) )
        B.add_edge( y,x, var=var )
    """ generate flow conservation constraints """
    for x in S.nodes_iter() :
        sin = sum( [ data['var'] for _,__,data in S.in_edges_iter( x, data=True ) ] )
        sout = sum( [ data['var'] for _,__,data in S.out_edges_iter( x, data=True ) ] )
        bin = sum( [ data['var'] for _,__,data in B.in_edges_iter( x, data=True ) ] )
        bout = sum( [ data['var'] for _,__,data in B.out_edges_iter( x, data=True ) ] )
        constr.append( cvxpy.eq( sin, bout ) )
        constr.append( cvxpy.eq( sout, bin ) )
    #service_vars = S        # alias
    return cost, constr, S
Example #7
 def FindKineticOptimum(self, bounds=None):
     """Use the power of convex optimization!
     minimize sum (protein cost)
     we can do this by using ln(concentration) as variables and leveraging 
     the convexity of exponentials.         
     assert self.dG0_f_prime is not None
     ln_conc, constraints = self._MakeMinimumFeasbileConcentrationsProblem()
     total_inv_conc = cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.exp(-ln_conc))
     program = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(total_inv_conc), constraints)
     return ln_conc.value, total_inv_conc.value
Example #8
    def test_convexify_obj(self):
        Test convexify objective
        obj = cvx.Maximize(cvx.sum(cvx.square(self.x)))
        self.x.value = [1,1]
        obj_conv = convexify_obj(obj)
        prob_conv = cvx.Problem(obj_conv, [self.x <= -1])

        obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sqrt(self.a))
        self.a.value = [1]
        obj_conv = convexify_obj(obj)
        prob_conv = cvx.Problem(obj_conv,cvx.sqrt(self.a).domain)
    def test_problem_expdesign(self):

        # test problem needs review
        print 'skipping, needs review'
        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize,
                           log, det_rootn, diag, sum, geq, eq, zeros)
        tol_exp = 6
        V = matrix(self.V)
        n = V.shape[1]
        x = variable(n)

        # Use cvxpy to solve the problem above
        p = program(minimize(-log(det_rootn(V*diag(x)*V.T))),
                    [geq(x, 0.0), eq(sum(x), 1.0)])
            x.value, self.xd, tol_exp)
Example #10
def mixing_sp(y_fit,ref1,ref2):
    """mix two reference spectra to match the given ones

    y_fit : ndarray, shape m * n
        an array containing the signals with m datapoints and n experiments
    ref1 : ndarray, shape m
        an array containing the first reference signal
    ref2 : ndarray, shape m
        an array containing the second reference signal

    out : ndarray, shape n
        the fractions of ref1 in the mix

    Performs the calculation by minimizing the sum of the least absolute value of the objective function:
        obj = sum(abs(y_fit-(ref1*F1 + ref2*(1-F1))))

    Uses cvxpy to perform this calculation

        import cvxpy
    except ImportError:
        print('ERROR: Install cvxpy>=1.0 to use this function.')

    ref1 = ref1.reshape(1,-1)
    ref2 = ref2.reshape(1,-1)
    F1 = cvxpy.Variable(shape=(y_fit.shape[1],1))

    objective = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.abs(F1*ref1 + (1-F1)*ref2 - y_fit.T))) 

    constraints = [0 <= F1, F1 <= 1]

    prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
    return np.asarray(F1.value).reshape(-1)
Example #11
    def to_cvxpy(self, weight_var, weight_var_series, init_weights):
        # 在原权重中分别找出多头与空头权重序列
        long_w = init_weights[init_weights >= 0]
        short_w = init_weights[init_weights < 0]

        # 为使shape一致,需要使用fillna,以0值填充
        common_index = long_w.index.union(short_w.index).unique()
        # 与其值无关
        # long_w = long_w.reindex(common_index).fillna(0)
        # short_w = short_w.reindex(common_index).fillna(0)

        # 找到涉及到变量的位置
        ix = get_ix(weight_var_series, common_index)
        # 如果没有相应位置序列,则返回空限制(即无限制)
        if len(ix) == 0:
            return []
        # 限定其和的绝对值不超过容忍阀值
        return [
            cvx.abs(cvx.sum(weight_var[ix])) <= self.tolerance,
            def f_Gamma(c):
                # For fixed c solve the semidefinite program for Algorithm 4
                # Variable Gamma_plus (for \Gamma_{i+1})
                d_plus = variable(2*n, 1, name='d_plus')
                # Constraints
                constr = []
                for j in range(2*n):
                    ctt =  less_equals(d_plus[j,0], 0)
                    constr.append( less_equals(-d_plus[j,0], 0))
                    constr.append( less_equals( d_plus[j,0], d[j,0]))
                    constr.append( less_equals( J[j,j]*d_plus[j,0] + sum([abs(J[i,j])*d_plus[i,0] for i in range(2*n)]) - abs(J[j,j])*d_plus[j,0], c* d_plus[j,0]))
                # Objective function
                obj = geo_mean(d_plus)
                # Find solution
                p = program(maximize(obj), constr)

                return d_plus.value
Example #13
 def calculate_accumulation(self):
     self.accumulation = cvx.sum(self.edge_flows)
Example #14
def bregman_map_cvxtorch(s_mat, Wk_plus_value, Wk_minus_value,
                         gamma, l1_pen, dagness_pen, dagness_exp):
    """ Solves argmin g(W) + <grad f (Wk), W-Wk> + 1/gamma * Dh(W, Wk)
        with new CVXPY layers and PyTorch
        this is only implemented for a specific penalty and kernel

            s_mat (np.array): data matrix
            Wk_plus_value (np.array): current iterate value for W+
            Wk_minus_value (np.array): current iterate value for W-
            gamma (float): Bregman iteration map param
            l1_pen (float): lambda in paper
            dagness_pen (float): mu in paper
            dagness_exp (float): alpha in paper

    n = s_mat.shape[1]

    W_plus = cp.Variable((n, n), nonneg=True)
    W_plus.value = Wk_plus_value
    W_minus = cp.Variable((n, n), nonneg=True)
    inv_gamma_param = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True)
    l1_pen_param = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True)
    Wk_plus_param = cp.Parameter((n, n), nonneg=True)
    Wk_minus_param = cp.Parameter((n, n), nonneg=True)
    W_minus.value = Wk_minus_value
    sum_W = W_plus + W_minus  # sum variable

    obj_ll = cp.norm(s_mat @ (np.eye(n) - W_plus + W_minus), "fro") ** 2
    obj_spars = l1_pen_param * cp.sum(W_plus + W_minus)

    # Compute C
    sum_Wk = Wk_plus_value + Wk_minus_value
    C = compute_C(n, sum_Wk, dagness_pen, dagness_exp, inv_gamma_param)

    obj_trace = cp.trace(C @ sum_W)
    obj_kernel = inv_gamma_param * (dagness_pen * (n - 1) * (1 + dagness_exp * cp.norm(sum_W, "fro"))**n)

    obj = obj_ll + obj_spars + obj_trace + obj_kernel
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), [cp.sum(W_plus) + cp.sum(W_minus) >= n/((n-2)*dagness_exp)])
    assert prob.is_dpp(), "{}{}{}{}".format((dagness_pen * (n - 1) * (1 + dagness_exp * cp.norm(sum_W, "fro"))**n).is_dpp())


    layer = CvxpyLayer(prob, parameters = [inv_gamma_param, l1_pen_param], variables = [W_plus, W_minus])

    #TODO allow GPU
    torch_gamma = torch.tensor(1 / gamma)
    torch_l1_pen = torch.tensor(l1_pen)

    x_star = layer(torch_gamma, torch_l1_pen) #W_plus.value, W_minus.value
    next_W_plus, next_W_minus = x_star[0].numpy(), x_star[1].numpy()

    tilde_W_plus = np.maximum(next_W_plus - next_W_minus, 0.0)
    tilde_W_minus = np.maximum(next_W_minus - next_W_plus, 0.0)
    tilde_sum = tilde_W_plus + tilde_W_minus
    if np.sum(tilde_sum) >= n / ((n - 2) * dagness_exp):
        return tilde_W_plus, tilde_W_minus
        return np.maximum(next_W_plus, 0), np.maximum(next_W_minus, 0)
Example #15
    def total_loss(self, v_0, treated_outcome, treated_covariates,
                   control_outcome, control_covariates, pairwise_difference,
                   pen, placebo, data):
        Solves for w*(v) that minimizes loss function 1 given v,
        Returns loss from loss function 2 with w=w*(v)

        placebo: bool
            indicates whether the optimization is ran for finding the real synthetic control
            or as part of a placebo-style validity test. If True, only placebo class attributes are affected.

        assert placebo in [
            False, "in-time", "in-space"
        ], "TypeError: Placebo must False, 'in-time' or 'in-space'"

        n_controls = control_outcome.shape[1]

        if pen == "auto":
            V = np.diag(v_0[:-1])
            pen_coef = v_0[-1]
            V = np.diag(v_0)
            pen_coef = pen

        # Construct the problem - constrain weights to be non-negative
        w = cvx.Variable((n_controls, 1), nonneg=True)

        #Define the objective

        #PROBLEM: treated_synth_difference = cvx.sum(V @ cvx.square(treated_covariates.T - control_covariates @ w)) runs better for normal sc,
        #but it doesnt work at all for in-time placebos, this probably means I am messing up the dimensionality somewhere in the processing
        #This is a work-around that works, but it ain't pretty
        if placebo == 'in-time':
            treated_synth_difference = cvx.sum(
                V @ cvx.square(treated_covariates - control_covariates @ w))
            treated_synth_difference = cvx.sum(
                V @ cvx.square(treated_covariates.T - control_covariates @ w))

        pairwise_difference = cvx.sum(
            V @ (cvx.square(pairwise_difference) @ w))
        objective = cvx.Minimize(treated_synth_difference +
                                 pen_coef * pairwise_difference)

        #Add constraint sum of weights must equal one
        constraints = [cvx.sum(w) == 1]

        #Solve problem
        problem = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

        try:  #Try solving using current value of V, if it doesn't work return infinite loss
            result = problem.solve(verbose=False)
            loss = (treated_outcome - control_outcome @ w.value).T @ (
                treated_outcome - control_outcome @ w.value)
            return float(np.inf)

        #If loss is smaller than previous minimum, update loss, w and v
        if not placebo:
            if loss < data.min_loss:
                data.min_loss = loss
                data.w = w.value
                data.v = np.diagonal(V) / np.sum(
                )  #Make sure its normailzed (sometimes the optimizers diverge from bounds)
                data.pen = pen_coef
                data.synth_outcome = data.w.T @ data.control_outcome_all.T  #Transpose to make it (n_periods x 1)
                data.synth_covariates = data.control_covariates @ data.w

        elif placebo == "in-space":
            data.in_space_placebo_w = w.value

        elif placebo == "in-time":
            data.in_time_placebo_w = w.value

        #Return loss
        return loss
def iter_dccp(self, max_iter, tau, mu, tau_max, solver, ep, max_slack_tol,
    ccp iterations
    :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations in ccp
    :param tau: initial weight on slack variables
    :param mu:  increment of weight on slack variables
    :param tau_max: maximum weight on slack variables
    :param solver: specify the solver for the transformed problem
        value of the objective function, maximum value of slack variables, value of variables
    # split non-affine equality constraints
    constr = []
    for constraint in self.constraints:
        if str(
        ) == "<class ''>" and not constraint.is_dcp(
            constr.append(constraint.args[0] <= constraint.args[1])
            constr.append(constraint.args[0] >= constraint.args[1])
    obj = self.objective
    self = cvx.Problem(obj, constr)
    it = 1
    converge = False
    # keep the values from the previous iteration or initialization
    previous_cost = float("inf")
    previous_org_cost = self.objective.value
    variable_pres_value = []
    for var in self.variables():
    # each non-dcp constraint needs a slack variable
    var_slack = []
    for constr in self.constraints:
        if not constr.is_dcp():

    while it <= max_iter and all(var.value is not None
                                 for var in self.variables()):
        constr_new = []
        # objective
        convexified_obj = convexify_obj(self.objective)
        if not self.objective.is_dcp():
            # non-sub/super-diff
            while convexified_obj is None:
                # damping
                var_index = 0
                for var in self.variables():
                    var.value = 0.8 * var.value + 0.2 * variable_pres_value[
                    var_index += 1
                convexified_obj = convexify_obj(self.objective)
            # domain constraints
            for dom in self.objective.expr.domain:
        # new cost function
        cost_new = convexified_obj.expr

        # constraints
        count_slack = 0
        for arg in self.constraints:
            temp = convexify_constr(arg)
            if not arg.is_dcp():
                while temp is None:
                    # damping
                    var_index = 0
                    for var in self.variables():
                        var.value = 0.8 * var.value + 0.2 * variable_pres_value[
                        var_index += 1
                    temp = convexify_constr(arg)
                newcon = temp[0]  # new constraint without slack variable
                for dom in temp[1]:  # domain
                constr_new.append(newcon.expr <= var_slack[count_slack])
                constr_new.append(var_slack[count_slack] >= 0)
                count_slack = count_slack + 1

        # objective
        if self.objective.NAME == 'minimize':
            for var in var_slack:
                cost_new += tau * cvx.sum(var)
            obj_new = cvx.Minimize(cost_new)
            for var in var_slack:
                cost_new -= tau * cvx.sum(var)
            obj_new = cvx.Maximize(cost_new)

        # new problem
        prob_new = cvx.Problem(obj_new, constr_new)
        # keep previous value of variables
        variable_pres_value = []
        for var in self.variables():
        # solve
        if solver is None:
            prob_new_cost_value = prob_new.solve(**kwargs)
            prob_new_cost_value = prob_new.solve(solver=solver, **kwargs)
        if prob_new_cost_value is not None:
                "iteration=%d, cost value=%.5f, tau=%.5f, solver status=%s",
                it, prob_new_cost_value, tau, prob_new.status)
                "iteration=%d, cost value=%.5f, tau=%.5f, solver status=%s",
                it, np.nan, tau, prob_new.status)

        max_slack = None
        # print slack
        if (prob_new._status == "optimal" or prob_new._status
                == "optimal_inaccurate") and not var_slack == []:
            slack_values = [v.value for v in var_slack if v.value is not None]
            max_slack = max([np.max(v) for v in slack_values] + [-np.inf])
  "max slack = %.5f", max_slack)
        if prob_new.value is not None and np.abs(previous_cost - prob_new.value) <= ep and np.abs(self.objective.value - previous_org_cost) <= ep \
                and (max_slack is None or max_slack <= max_slack_tol):
            it = max_iter + 1
            converge = True
            previous_cost = prob_new.value
            previous_org_cost = self.objective.value
            tau = min([tau * mu, tau_max])
            it += 1
    # return
    if converge:
        self._status = "Converged"
        self._status = "Not_converged"
    var_value = []
    for var in self.variables():
    if not var_slack == []:
        return (self.objective.value, max_slack, var_value, self._status)
        return (self.objective.value, var_value, self._status)
Example #17
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dccp
n = 10
r = np.linspace(1, 5, n)

c = cvx.Variable((n,2))
constr = []
for i in range(n-1):
    for j in range(i+1, n):
        constr.append(cvx.norm(cvx.vec(c[i,:]-c[j,:]), 2) >= r[i]+r[j])
prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.max(cvx.max(cvx.abs(c), axis=1) + r)), constr)
prob.solve(method = 'dccp', solver='ECOS', ep = 1e-2, max_slack = 1e-2)

l = cvx.max(cvx.max(cvx.abs(c),axis=1)+r).value*2
pi = np.pi
ratio = pi*cvx.sum(cvx.square(r)).value/cvx.square(l).value
print "ratio =", ratio
# plot
circ = np.linspace(0,2*pi)
x_border = [-l/2, l/2, l/2, -l/2, -l/2]
y_border = [-l/2, -l/2, l/2, l/2, -l/2]
for i in xrange(n):
Example #18
    def init_gusto_problem(self):
        cons = []

        # Variables
        x = cp.Variable((2*self.n,self.N)) # state
        u = cp.Variable((self.m,self.N-1))  # control
        xlb_slack_vars = cp.Variable((2*self.n, self.N), nonneg=True)
        xub_slack_vars = cp.Variable((2*self.n, self.N), nonneg=True)
        tr_slack_vars = cp.Variable(2*self.N-1, nonneg=True)
        sdf_slack_vars = cp.Variable(self.N*self.n_obs, nonneg=True)
        self.gusto_prob_variables = {'x':x, 'u':u,
          'xlb_slack_vars':xlb_slack_vars, 'xub_slack_vars':xub_slack_vars,
          'tr_slack_vars':tr_slack_vars, 'sdf_slack_vars':sdf_slack_vars}

        # Parameters
        x0 = cp.Parameter(2*self.n)
        xg = cp.Parameter(2*self.n)
        obstacles = cp.Parameter((4, self.n_obs))
        omega = cp.Parameter(1)
        delta = cp.Parameter(1)
        x_bar = cp.Parameter((2*self.n, self.N)) # state reference
        u_bar = cp.Parameter((self.m, self.N-1))  # control reference
        dists = cp.Parameter(self.N*self.n_obs)
        sdf_grads = cp.Parameter((self.n, self.N*self.n_obs))
        self.gusto_prob_parameters = {'x0': x0, 'xg': xg, 'obstacles': obstacles,
          'omega':omega, 'delta':delta, 'x_bar':x_bar, 'u_bar':u_bar,
          'dists':dists, 'sdf_grads':sdf_grads}

        # Initial condition
        cons += [x[:,0] == x0]

        # Dynamics constraints
        for ii in range(self.N-1):
            cons += [x[:,ii+1] - (self.Ak @ x[:,ii] + self.Bk @ u[:,ii]) == np.zeros(2*self.n)]

        # Control constraints
        for i_t in range(self.N-1):
            cons += [cp.norm(u[:, i_t]) <= self.umax]

        penalty_cost = 0.0
        # State bounds penalties
        for i_t in range(self.N):
            for jj in range(self.n):
                cons += [self.posmin[jj] - x[jj,i_t] <= xlb_slack_vars[jj, i_t]]
                cons += [x[jj,i_t] - self.posmax[jj] <= xub_slack_vars[jj, i_t]]
                cons += [self.velmin - x[self.n+jj, i_t] <= xlb_slack_vars[self.n+jj, i_t]]
                cons += [x[self.n+jj, i_t] - self.velmax <= xub_slack_vars[self.n+jj, i_t]]
        penalty_cost += omega*cp.sum(xlb_slack_vars) + omega*cp.sum(xub_slack_vars)

        # Collision avoidance penalty
        for i_t in range(self.N):
            for ii_obs in range(self.n_obs):
                n_hat, dist = sdf_grads[:, self.n_obs*i_t+ii_obs], dists[self.n_obs*i_t+ii_obs]
                cons += [-(dist + n_hat.T @ (x[:self.n, i_t] - x_bar[:self.n, i_t])) <= sdf_slack_vars[self.n_obs*i_t+ii_obs]]
        penalty_cost += omega*cp.sum(sdf_slack_vars)

        # Trust region penalties
        for i_t in range(self.N):
            cons += [cp.norm(x[:, i_t] - x_bar[:, i_t], 1) - delta <= tr_slack_vars[i_t]]
        for i_t in range(self.N-1):
            cons += [cp.norm(u[:, i_t] - u_bar[:, i_t], 1) - delta <= tr_slack_vars[self.N+i_t]]
        penalty_cost += omega*cp.sum(tr_slack_vars)

        lqr_cost = 0.
        # l2-norm of lqr_cost
        for i_t in range(self.N):
            lqr_cost += cp.quad_form(x[:, i_t]-xg, self.Q)

        for i_t in range(self.N-1):
            lqr_cost += cp.quad_form(u[:, i_t], self.R)

        self.gusto_prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(lqr_cost+penalty_cost), cons)
Example #19
def remove_dc_from_spad_test(noisy_spad,
    def anscombe(x):
        return 2 * np.sqrt(x + 3. / 8)

    def inv_anscombe(x):
        return (x / 2)**2 - 3. / 8

    assert len(noisy_spad.shape) == 1
    C = noisy_spad.shape[0]

    assert bin_edges.shape == (C + 1, )
    bin_widths = bin_edges[1:] - bin_edges[:-1]
    spad_equalized = noisy_spad / bin_widths
    x = cp.Variable((C, ), "signal")
    z = cp.Variable((1, ), "dc")
    nx = cp.Variable((C, ), "signal noise")
    nz = cp.Variable((C, ), "dc noise")
    if use_poisson:
        # Need tricky stuff
        if use_anscombe:
            #             plt.figure()
            #   , spad_equalized, log=True)
            #             plt.title("Before")
            #         d_ans = cp.Variable((C,), "denoised anscombe")
            # Apply Anscombe Transform to data:
            spad_ans = anscombe(spad_equalized)
            # Apply median filter to remove Gaussian Noise
            spad_ans_filt = scipy.signal.medfilt(spad_ans, kernel_size=15)
            # Apply Inverse Anscombe Transform
            spad_equalized = inv_anscombe(spad_ans_filt)

#             plt.figure()
#   , spad_equalized, log=True)
#             plt.title("After")

        if use_quad_over_lin:
            obj = \
                    cp.sum([cp.quad_over_lin(nx[i], x[i]) for i in range(C)]) + \
                    cp.sum([cp.quad_over_lin(nz[i], z) for i in range(C)]) + \
                    lam2 * cp.sum(bin_weight*cp.abs(x))
            constr = [
                x >= 0, x + nx >= 0, z >= cp.min(spad_equalized),
                z + nz >= cp.min(spad_equalized),
                x + nx + z + nz == spad_equalized
            prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constr)
            prob.solve(solver=cp.ECOS, verbose=True, reltol=eps_rel)
            obj = cp.sum_squares(spad_equalized - (x + z)) + lam2 * cp.sum(
                bin_weight * cp.abs(x))
            constr = [x >= 0, z >= 0]
            prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constr)
            prob.solve(solver=cp.OSQP, verbose=True, eps_rel=eps_rel)
        # No need for tricky stuff
        obj = cp.sum_squares(spad_equalized -
                             (x + z)) + 1e0 * cp.sum(bin_weight * cp.abs(x))
        constr = [x >= 0, z >= 0]
        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constr)
        prob.solve(solver=cp.OSQP, eps_rel=eps_rel)
    denoised_spad = np.clip(x.value * bin_widths, a_min=0., a_max=None)
    print("z.value", z.value)
    return denoised_spad
Example #20
X_test_file = "~/development/cvxopt/hwk7/quad_metric_data_norng/X_test.csv"
Y_test_file = "~/development/cvxopt/hwk7/quad_metric_data_norng/Y_test.csv"
d_test_file = "~/development/cvxopt/hwk7/quad_metric_data_norng/d_test.csv"

X = np.loadtxt(open(X_file, "rb"), delimiter=",")
Y = np.loadtxt(open(Y_file, "rb"), delimiter=",")
d = np.loadtxt(open(d_file, "rb"), delimiter=",")
X_test = np.loadtxt(open(X_test_file, "rb"), delimiter=",")
Y_test = np.loadtxt(open(Y_test_file, "rb"), delimiter=",")
d_test = np.loadtxt(open(d_test_file, "rb"), delimiter=",")

N = X.shape[1]
Z = X - Y
P = cp.Variable((5, 5), symmetric=True)
t1 = 1 / N * (d**2).sum()
t2 = 1 / N * cp.sum(
    [-2 * d[i] * cp.quad_form(Z[:, i], P)**(1 / 2) for i in range(N)])
t3 = 1 / N * cp.sum([cp.quad_form(Z[:, i], P) for i in range(100)])
obj = t1 + t2 + t3

p = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), [P >> 0])

Z_test = X_test - Y_test
N = X_test.shape[1]
errors = [
    d_test[i] - (cp.quad_form(Z_test[:, i], P.value)**(1 / 2)).value
    for i in range(N)
mse = np.sum(np.array(errors)**2) / N
Example #21
#solving problem of hw3_1 (extra question)
import cvxpy as cp
import cvxopt
A= cvxopt.matrix([1,2,0,1,0,0,3,1,0,3,1,1,2,1,2,5,1,0,3,2],(4,5)).T
c_max = cvxopt.matrix([100,100,100,100,100],(5,1))
p= cvxopt.matrix([3,2,7,6])
objective = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(u))
constraints1 =[cp.min(p[i]*x[i],p[i]*q[i]+p_disc[i]*(x[i]-q[i]))>=u[i] for i in range(4)]
constraints =[x>=0, A*x<=c_max]
prob = cp.Problem(objective,constraints1)
print x.value
lamb = constraints1[2].dual_value

#original fomulation
print "equavlent form"
xx = cp.Variable(4,1)
objective1 = cp.Maximize(sum([cp.min(p[i]*xx[i],p[i]*q[i]+p_disc[i]*(xx[i]-q[i])) for i in range(4)]))
constraints2 = [xx>=0, A*xx<=c_max]
prob1 = cp.Problem(objective1, constraints2)
print xx.value
Example #22
a_arr[a_arr < prob] = 0

a_arr_sp = spmatrix(a_arr[a_arr.nonzero()[0],
					size=(m, n))

W = cp.Variable(n, 4)
constraints = []

constraints.append(W[0,0] == 0)
constraints.append(W[:,0] >= 0)
lam = 8
beta = 0.5
loss = cp.sum(a_arr_sp[:,0] - a_arr_sp*W[:,0])
l2_reg = 0.5*beta*cp.sum(cp.square(W[:,0]))
l1_reg = lam*cp.sum(W[:,0])
obj = cp.Minimize(l2_reg)
# TODO No constraints, get error.
p = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)

import cProfile'p.solve()')
objective, constr_map, dims = p.canonicalize()

all_ineq = itertools.chain(constr_map[s.EQ], constr_map[s.INEQ])
var_offsets, x_length = p._get_var_offsets(objective, all_ineq)

c, obj_offset = p._constr_matrix([objective], var_offsets, x_length,
Example #23
 def to_cvxpy(self, weight_var, weight_var_series, init_weights):
     return [cvx.sum(cvx.abs(weight_var)) <= self.max_]
Example #24
def iter_dccp(self, max_iter, tau, mu, tau_max, solver, ep, max_slack_tol, **kwargs):
    ccp iterations
    :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations in ccp
    :param tau: initial weight on slack variables
    :param mu:  increment of weight on slack variables
    :param tau_max: maximum weight on slack variables
    :param solver: specify the solver for the transformed problem
        value of the objective function, maximum value of slack variables, value of variables
    # split non-affine equality constraints
    constr = []
    for constraint in self.constraints:
        if str(type(constraint)) == "<class ''>" and not constraint.is_dcp():
            constr.append(constraint.args[0] <= constraint.args[1])
            constr.append(constraint.args[0] >= constraint.args[1])
    obj = self.objective
    self = cvx.Problem(obj, constr)
    it = 1
    converge = False
    # keep the values from the previous iteration or initialization
    previous_cost = float("inf")
    previous_org_cost = self.objective.value
    variable_pres_value = []
    for var in self.variables():
    # each non-dcp constraint needs a slack variable
    var_slack = []
    for constr in self.constraints:
        if not constr.is_dcp():

    while it <= max_iter and all(var.value is not None for var in self.variables()):
        constr_new = []
        # objective
        convexified_obj = convexify_obj(self.objective)
        if not self.objective.is_dcp():
            # non-sub/super-diff
            while convexified_obj is None:
                # damping
                var_index = 0
                for var in self.variables():
                    #var_index = self.variables().index(var)
                    var.value = 0.8*var.value + 0.2* variable_pres_value[var_index]
                    var_index += 1
                convexified_obj = convexify_obj(self.objective)
            # domain constraints
            for dom in self.objective.expr.domain:
        # new cost function
        cost_new =  convexified_obj.expr

        # constraints
        count_slack = 0
        for arg in self.constraints:
            temp = convexify_constr(arg)
            if not arg.is_dcp():
                while temp is None:
                    # damping
                    for var in self.variables:
                        var_index = self.variables().index(var)
                        var.value = 0.8 * var.value + 0.2 * variable_pres_value[var_index]
                    temp = convexify_constr(arg)
                newcon = temp[0]  # new constraint without slack variable
                for dom in temp[1]:# domain
                constr_new.append(newcon.expr <= var_slack[count_slack])
                constr_new.append(var_slack[count_slack] >= 0)
                count_slack = count_slack + 1

        # objective
        if self.objective.NAME == 'minimize':
            for var in var_slack:
                cost_new += tau*cvx.sum(var)
            obj_new = cvx.Minimize(cost_new)
            for var in var_slack:
                cost_new -= tau*cvx.sum(var)
            obj_new = cvx.Maximize(cost_new)

        # new problem
        prob_new = cvx.Problem(obj_new, constr_new)
        # keep previous value of variables
        variable_pres_value = []
        for var in self.variables():
        # solve
        if solver is None:
  "iteration=%d, cost value=%.5f, tau=%.5f", it, prob_new.solve(**kwargs), tau)
  "iteration=%d, cost value=%.5f, tau=%.5f", it, prob_new.solve(solver=solver, **kwargs), tau)
        max_slack = None
        # print slack
        if (prob_new._status == "optimal" or prob_new._status == "optimal_inaccurate") and not var_slack == []:
            slack_values = [v.value for v in var_slack if v.value is not None]
            max_slack = max([np.max(v) for v in slack_values] + [-np.inf])
  "max slack = %.5f", max_slack)
        if prob_new.value is not None and np.abs(previous_cost - prob_new.value) <= ep and np.abs(self.objective.value - previous_org_cost) <= ep \
                and (max_slack is None or max_slack <= max_slack_tol ):
            it = max_iter+1
            converge = True
            previous_cost = prob_new.value
            previous_org_cost = self.objective.value
            tau = min([tau*mu,tau_max])
            it += 1
    # return
    if converge:
        self._status = "Converged"
        self._status = "Not_converged"
    var_value = []
    for var in self.variables():
    if not var_slack == []:
        return(self.objective.value, max_slack, var_value)
        return(self.objective.value, var_value)
Example #25
 def to_cvxpy(self, weight_var, weight_var_series, init_weights):
     total = cvx.sum(weight_var)
     return [total >= self.min_, total <= self.max_]
Example #26
    value=np.random.randn(len(time_range), price_scenarios) * 10 + 120,
    shape=(len(time_range), price_scenarios),

# bid_price = cvx.Variable(len(time_range), name='bid_pri')
# offer_price = cvx.Variable(len(time_range), name='off_pri')

bid_volume = cvx.Variable((len(time_range), soc_scenarios), name='bid_vol')
offer_volume = cvx.Variable((len(time_range), soc_scenarios), name='off_vol')

bought_volume = cvx.Variable((len(time_range), soc_scenarios), name='bid_vol')
sold_volume = cvx.Variable((len(time_range), soc_scenarios), name='off_vol')

soc = cvx.Variable((len(time_range) + 1, soc_scenarios), name='off_pri')

battery_cycles = cvx.sum(offer_volume) / BATTERY_ENERGY

constraints = [
    bid_volume >= 0,
    offer_volume >= 0,
    soc >= 0,
    bid_volume <= BATTERY_POWER / 2,
    offer_volume <= BATTERY_ENERGY / 2,
    soc[0] == initial_soc,
    soc[1:] == soc[:-1] + bid_volume * EFFICIENCY**.5 -
    offer_volume / EFFICIENCY**.5,
    soc <= BATTERY_ENERGY,
    battery_cycles <= MAX_CYCLES / 365 * len(time_range) / 48,
constraints += [
    bid_volume[:, i - 1] == bid_volume[:, i]
Example #27
    def constraints(self, mask, sizing_for_rel=False, find_min_soe=False):
        """Default build constraint list method. Used by services that do not have constraints.

            mask (DataFrame): A boolean array that is true for indices corresponding to time_series data included
                    in the subs data set

            A list of constraints that corresponds the battery's physical constraints and its service constraints
        constraint_list = []
        size = int(np.sum(mask))

        ene_target = self.soc_target * self.effective_soe_max  # this is init_ene

        # optimization variables
        ene = self.variables_dict['ene']
        dis = self.variables_dict['dis']
        ch = self.variables_dict['ch']
        uene = self.variables_dict['uene']
        udis = self.variables_dict['udis']
        uch = self.variables_dict['uch']
        on_c = self.variables_dict['on_c']
        on_d = self.variables_dict['on_d']
        start_c = self.variables_dict['start_c']
        start_d = self.variables_dict['start_d']

        if sizing_for_rel:
            constraint_list += [
                cvx.Zero(ene[0] - ene_target + (self.dt * dis[0]) -
                         (self.rte * self.dt * ch[0]) - uene[0] +
                         (ene[0] * self.sdr * 0.01))
            constraint_list += [
                cvx.Zero(ene[1:] - ene[:-1] + (self.dt * dis[1:]) -
                         (self.rte * self.dt * ch[1:]) - uene[1:] +
                         (ene[1:] * self.sdr * 0.01))
            # energy at beginning of time step must be the target energy value
            constraint_list += [cvx.Zero(ene[0] - ene_target)]
            # energy evolution generally for every time step
            constraint_list += [
                cvx.Zero(ene[1:] - ene[:-1] + (self.dt * dis[:-1]) -
                         (self.rte * self.dt * ch[:-1]) - uene[:-1] +
                         (ene[:-1] * self.sdr * 0.01))

            # energy at the end of the last time step (makes sure that the end of the last time step is ENE_TARGET
            constraint_list += [
                cvx.Zero(ene_target - ene[-1] + (self.dt * dis[-1]) -
                         (self.rte * self.dt * ch[-1]) - uene[-1] +
                         (ene[-1] * self.sdr * 0.01))

        # constraints on the ch/dis power
        constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos(ch - (on_c * self.ch_max_rated))]
        constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos((on_c * self.ch_min_rated) - ch)]
        constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos(dis - (on_d * self.dis_max_rated))]
        constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos((on_d * self.dis_min_rated) - dis)]

        # constraints on the state of energy
        constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos(self.effective_soe_min - ene)]
        constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos(ene - self.effective_soe_max)]

        # account for -/+ sub-dt energy -- this is the change in energy that the battery experiences as a result of energy option
        # if sizing for reliability
        if sizing_for_rel:
            constraint_list += [cvx.Zero(uene)]
            constraint_list += [
                cvx.Zero(uene + (self.dt * udis) - (self.dt * uch * self.rte))

        # the constraint below limits energy throughput and total discharge to less than or equal to
        # (number of cycles * energy capacity) per day, for technology warranty purposes
        # this constraint only applies when optimization window is equal to or greater than 24 hours
        if self.daily_cycle_limit and size >= 24:
            sub = mask.loc[mask]
            for day in sub.index.dayofyear.unique():
                day_mask = (day == sub.index.dayofyear)
                constraint_list += [
                        cvx.sum(dis[day_mask] + udis[day_mask]) * self.dt -
                        self.ene_max_rated * self.daily_cycle_limit)
        elif self.daily_cycle_limit and size < 24:
                'Daily cycle limit did not apply as optimization window is less than 24 hours.'

        # note: cannot operate startup without binary
        if self.incl_startup and self.incl_binary:
            # startup variables are positive
            constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos(-start_c)]
            constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos(-start_d)]
            # difference between binary variables determine if started up in
            # previous interval
            constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos(cvx.diff(on_d) - start_d[1:])]
            constraint_list += [cvx.NonPos(cvx.diff(on_c) - start_c[1:])]
        return constraint_list
    def test_readme_examples(self):
        import numpy
        # cvx.Problem data.
        m = 30
        n = 20
        A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
        b = numpy.random.randn(m)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(n)
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b))
        constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 1]
        p = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

        # The optimal objective is returned by p.solve().
        # The optimal value for x is stored in x.value.
        # The optimal Lagrange multiplier for a constraint
        # is stored in constraint.dual_value.


        # Scalar variable.
        a = cvx.Variable()

        # Column vector variable of length 5.
        x = cvx.Variable(5)

        # Matrix variable with 4 rows and 7 columns.
        A = cvx.Variable((4, 7))


        # Positive scalar parameter.
        m = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Column vector parameter with unknown sign (by default).

        # Matrix parameter with negative entries.
        G = cvx.Parameter((4, 7), nonpos=True)

        # Assigns a constant value to G.
        G.value = -numpy.ones((4, 7))

        # Raises an error for assigning a value with invalid sign.
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            G.value = numpy.ones((4, 7))
                         "Parameter value must be nonpositive.")

        a = cvx.Variable()
        x = cvx.Variable(5)

        # expr is an Expression object after each assignment.
        expr = 2 * x
        expr = expr - a
        expr = cvx.sum(expr) + cvx.norm(x, 2)


        import numpy as np

        # cvx.Problem data.
        n = 10
        m = 5
        A = np.random.randn(n, m)
        b = np.random.randn(n)
        gamma = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(m)
        objective = cvx.Minimize(
            cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b) + gamma * cvx.norm(x, 1))
        p = cvx.Problem(objective)

        # Assign a value to gamma and find the optimal x.
        def get_x(gamma_value):
            gamma.value = gamma_value
            return x.value

        gammas = np.logspace(-1, 2, num=2)
        # Serial computation.
        [get_x(value) for value in gammas]

        n = 10

        mu = np.random.randn(1, n)
        sigma = np.random.randn(n, n)
        sigma =
        gamma = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        gamma.value = 1
        x = cvx.Variable(n)

        # Constants:
        # mu is the vector of expected returns.
        # sigma is the covariance matrix.
        # gamma is a cvx.Parameter that trades off risk and return.

        # cvx.Variables:
        # x is a vector of stock holdings as fractions of total assets.

        expected_return = mu @ x
        risk = cvx.quad_form(x, sigma)

        objective = cvx.Maximize(expected_return - gamma * risk)
        p = cvx.Problem(objective, [cvx.sum(x) == 1])

        # The optimal expected return.

        # The optimal risk.


        N = 50
        M = 40
        n = 10
        data = []
        for i in range(N):
            data += [(1, np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=2.0, size=n))]
        for i in range(M):
            data += [(-1, np.random.normal(loc=-1.0, scale=2.0, size=n))]

        # Construct problem.
        gamma = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        gamma.value = 0.1
        # 'a' is a variable constrained to have at most 6 non-zero entries.
        a = cvx.Variable(n)  # mi.SparseVar(n, nonzeros=6)
        b = cvx.Variable()

        slack = [
            cvx.pos(1 - label * (sample.T @ a - b)) for (label, sample) in data
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(a, 2) + gamma * sum(slack))
        p = cvx.Problem(objective)
        # Extensions can attach new solve methods to the CVXPY cvx.Problem class.
        # p.solve(method="admm")

        # Count misclassifications.
        errors = 0
        for label, sample in data:
            if label * (sample.T @ a - b).value < 0:
                errors += 1

        print("%s misclassifications" % errors)
    def __init__(self, m, K):
        # Variables:
        self.var = dict()
        self.var['X'] = cvxpy.Variable((m.n_x, K))
        self.var['U'] = cvxpy.Variable((m.n_u, K))
        self.var['sigma'] = cvxpy.Variable(nonneg=True)
        self.var['nu'] = cvxpy.Variable((m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.var['delta_norm'] = cvxpy.Variable(nonneg=True)
        self.var['sigma_norm'] = cvxpy.Variable(nonneg=True)

        # Parameters:
        self.par = dict()
        self.par['A_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.par['B_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_u, K - 1))
        self.par['C_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x * m.n_u, K - 1))
        self.par['S_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x, K - 1))
        self.par['z_bar'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x, K - 1))

        self.par['X_last'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_x, K))
        self.par['U_last'] = cvxpy.Parameter((m.n_u, K))
        self.par['sigma_last'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        self.par['weight_sigma'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_delta'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_delta_sigma'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        self.par['weight_nu'] = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Constraints:
        constraints = []

        # Model:
        constraints += m.get_constraints(
            self.var['X'], self.var['U'], self.par['X_last'], self.par['U_last'])

        # Dynamics:
        # x_t+1 = A_*x_t+B_*U_t+C_*U_T+1*S_*sigma+zbar+nu
        constraints += [
            self.var['X'][:, k + 1] ==
            cvxpy.reshape(self.par['A_bar'][:, k], (m.n_x, m.n_x)) *
            self.var['X'][:, k] +
            cvxpy.reshape(self.par['B_bar'][:, k], (m.n_x, m.n_u)) *
            self.var['U'][:, k] +
            cvxpy.reshape(self.par['C_bar'][:, k], (m.n_x, m.n_u)) *
            self.var['U'][:, k + 1] +
            self.par['S_bar'][:, k] * self.var['sigma'] +
            self.par['z_bar'][:, k] +
            self.var['nu'][:, k]
            for k in range(K - 1)

        # Trust regions:
        dx = cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.square(
            self.var['X'] - self.par['X_last']), axis=0)
        du = cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.square(
            self.var['U'] - self.par['U_last']), axis=0)
        ds = self.var['sigma'] - self.par['sigma_last']
        constraints += [cvxpy.norm(dx + du, 1) <= self.var['delta_norm']]
        constraints += [cvxpy.norm(ds, 'inf') <= self.var['sigma_norm']]

        # Flight time positive:
        constraints += [self.var['sigma'] >= 0.1]

        # Objective:
        sc_objective = cvxpy.Minimize(
            self.par['weight_sigma'] * self.var['sigma'] +
            self.par['weight_nu'] * cvxpy.norm(self.var['nu'], 'inf') +
            self.par['weight_delta'] * self.var['delta_norm'] +
            self.par['weight_delta_sigma'] * self.var['sigma_norm']

        objective = sc_objective

        self.prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)
    def test_intro(self):
        """Test examples from introduction.
        import numpy

        # cvx.Problem data.
        m = 30
        n = 20
        A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
        b = numpy.random.randn(m)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(n)
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b))
        constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 1]
        prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

        # The optimal objective is returned by p.solve().
        # The optimal value for x is stored in x.value.
        # The optimal Lagrange multiplier for a constraint
        # is stored in constraint.dual_value.


        # Create two scalar variables.
        x = cvx.Variable()
        y = cvx.Variable()

        # Create two constraints.
        constraints = [x + y == 1, x - y >= 1]

        # Form objective.
        obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.square(x - y))

        # Form and solve problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)
        prob.solve()  # Returns the optimal value.
        print("status:", prob.status)
        print("optimal value", prob.value)
        print("optimal var", x.value, y.value)


        # Create two scalar variables.
        x = cvx.Variable()
        y = cvx.Variable()

        # Create two constraints.
        constraints = [x + y == 1, x - y >= 1]

        # Form objective.
        obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.square(x - y))

        # Form and solve problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)
        prob.solve()  # Returns the optimal value.
        print("status:", prob.status)
        print("optimal value", prob.value)
        print("optimal var", x.value, y.value)

        self.assertEqual(prob.status, cvx.OPTIMAL)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 1.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 1.0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(y.value, 0)


        # Replace the objective.
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(x + y), prob.constraints)
        print("optimal value", prob.solve())

        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 1.0, places=3)

        # Replace the constraint (x + y == 1).
        constraints = prob.constraints
        constraints[0] = (x + y <= 3)
        prob = cvx.Problem(prob.objective, constraints)
        print("optimal value", prob.solve())

        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 3.0, places=2)


        x = cvx.Variable()

        # An infeasible problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(x), [x >= 1, x <= 0])
        print("status:", prob.status)
        print("optimal value", prob.value)

        self.assertEqual(prob.status, cvx.INFEASIBLE)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, np.inf)

        # An unbounded problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(x))
        print("status:", prob.status)
        print("optimal value", prob.value)

        self.assertEqual(prob.status, cvx.UNBOUNDED)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, -np.inf)


        # A scalar variable.

        # Column vector variable of length 5.
        x = cvx.Variable(5)

        # Matrix variable with 4 rows and 7 columns.
        A = cvx.Variable((4, 7))

        import numpy

        # cvx.Problem data.
        m = 10
        n = 5
        A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
        b = numpy.random.randn(m)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(n)
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b))
        constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 1]
        prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

        print("Optimal value", prob.solve())
        print("Optimal var")
        print(x.value)  # A numpy matrix.

        self.assertAlmostEqual(prob.value, 4.14133859146)

        # Positive scalar parameter.
        m = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Column vector parameter with unknown sign (by default).

        # Matrix parameter with negative entries.
        G = cvx.Parameter((4, 7), nonpos=True)

        # Assigns a constant value to G.
        G.value = -numpy.ones((4, 7))

        # Create parameter, then assign value.
        rho = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
        rho.value = 2

        # Initialize parameter with a value.
        rho = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True, value=2)


        import numpy

        # cvx.Problem data.
        n = 15
        m = 10
        A = numpy.random.randn(n, m)
        b = numpy.random.randn(n)
        # gamma must be positive due to DCP rules.
        gamma = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)

        # Construct the problem.
        x = cvx.Variable(m)
        error = cvx.sum_squares(A @ x - b)
        obj = cvx.Minimize(error + gamma * cvx.norm(x, 1))
        prob = cvx.Problem(obj)

        # Construct a trade-off curve of ||Ax-b||^2 vs. ||x||_1
        sq_penalty = []
        l1_penalty = []
        x_values = []
        gamma_vals = numpy.logspace(-4, 6)
        for val in gamma_vals:
            gamma.value = val
            # Use expr.value to get the numerical value of
            # an expression in the problem.
            l1_penalty.append(cvx.norm(x, 1).value)

        import numpy

        X = cvx.Variable((5, 4))
        A = numpy.ones((3, 5))

        # Use expr.size to get the dimensions.
        print("dimensions of X:", X.size)
        print("dimensions of sum(X):", cvx.sum(X).size)
        print("dimensions of A @ X:", (A @ X).size)

        # ValueError raised for invalid dimensions.
            A + X
        except ValueError as e:
Example #31
     [-0.0006, -0.0013, 0.0599, 0.0276, 0.0635, 0.0230, 0.0330, 0.0480],
     [-0.0007, -0.0006, 0.0276, 0.0296, 0.0266, 0.0215, 0.0207, 0.0299],
     [0.0001, -0.0022, 0.0635, 0.0266, 0.1025, 0.0427, 0.0399, 0.0660],
     [0.0001, -0.0010, 0.0230, 0.0215, 0.0427, 0.0321, 0.0199, 0.0322],
     [-0.0004, 0.0014, 0.0330, 0.0207, 0.0399, 0.0199, 0.0284, 0.0351],
     [-0.0004, -0.0015, 0.0480, 0.0299, 0.0660, 0.0322, 0.0351, 0.0800]],

volatility = np.sqrt(np.diag(covar), dtype=float)

w = cp.Variable(8)
target_volatility = 0.8594
ret = returns.T @ w
risk = cp.quad_form(w, covar)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(ret),
                  [cp.sum(w) == 1, risk <= target_volatility])
#prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(ret),[cp.sum(w) == 1, risk <= target_volatility, w >= 0]) # long only
print("\nThe optimal return is {}".format(prob.value))
print("\nThe optimal weights is {}".format(w.value))

print("\nQuiz begins here")
                            Mean-Variance Analysis and CAPM
Consider a market with d=3d=3 risky assets and 1 risk-free asset with the following parameters:
mu = [6,2,4] V = [[8,-2,4],[-2,2,-2],[4,-2,8]]X10e-3, rf = 1%
Note that the mean returns on the assets are in % but the variance is not
Note that the asset returns and variances are not representative of realistic market conditions. 

Example #32
def total_variation_plus_seasonal_quantile_filter(signal,
    This performs total variation filtering with the addition of a seasonal baseline fit. This introduces a new
    signal to the model that is smooth and periodic on a yearly time frame. This does a better job of describing real,
    multi-year solar PV power data sets, and therefore does an improved job of estimating the discretely changing

    :param signal: A 1d numpy array (must support boolean indexing) containing the signal of interest
    :param c1: The regularization parameter to control the total variation in the final output signal
    :param c2: The regularization parameter to control the smoothness of the seasonal signal
    :return: A 1d numpy array containing the filtered signal
    n = len(signal)
    if residual_weights is None:
        residual_weights = np.ones_like(signal)
    if tv_weights is None:
        tv_weights = np.ones(len(signal) - 1)
    if use_ixs is None:
        use_ixs = np.ones(n, dtype=np.bool)
    # selected_days = np.arange(n)[index_set]
    # np.random.shuffle(selected_days)
    # ix = 2 * n // 3
    # train = selected_days[:ix]
    # validate = selected_days[ix:]
    # train.sort()
    # validate.sort()

    s_hat = cvx.Variable(n)
    s_seas = cvx.Variable(max(n, 366))
    s_error = cvx.Variable(n)
    s_linear = cvx.Variable(n)
    c1 = cvx.Parameter(value=c1, nonneg=True)
    c2 = cvx.Parameter(value=c2, nonneg=True)
    c3 = cvx.Parameter(value=c3, nonneg=True)
    tau = cvx.Parameter(value=tau)
    # w = len(signal) / np.sum(index_set)
    beta = cvx.Variable()
    objective = cvx.Minimize(
        # (365 * 3 / len(signal)) * w * cvx.sum(0.5 * cvx.abs(s_error) + (tau - 0.5) * s_error)
        2 * cvx.sum(0.5 * cvx.abs(cvx.multiply(residual_weights, s_error)) +
                    (tau - 0.5) * cvx.multiply(residual_weights, s_error)) +
        c1 * cvx.norm1(cvx.multiply(tv_weights, cvx.diff(s_hat, k=1))) +
        c2 * cvx.norm(cvx.diff(s_seas, k=2)) + c3 * beta**2)
    constraints = [
        signal[use_ixs] == s_hat[use_ixs] + s_seas[:n][use_ixs] +
        cvx.sum(s_seas[:365]) == 0
    if True:
        constraints.append(s_seas[365:] - s_seas[:-365] == beta)
        constraints.extend([beta <= 0.01, beta >= -0.1])
    problem = cvx.Problem(objective=objective, constraints=constraints)
    return s_hat.value, s_seas.value[:n]
Example #33
File: Project: bop-hz/convex
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
my_data = np.genfromtxt('xy_train.csv', delimiter=',')
y = my_data[:, 2]
x1 = my_data[:, 0]
x2 = my_data[:, 1]
my_data = np.delete(my_data, 2, 1)
C = 1
nn = 200
p = 2
epsilion_vec = cp.Variable(nn)
beta0 = cp.Variable()
beta_vec = cp.Variable(p)
cost = 0.5 * cp.sum_squares(beta_vec) + C * cp.sum(epsilion_vec)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), [
    epsilion_vec >= 0,
    cp.multiply(y, my_data @ beta_vec + beta0) + epsilion_vec >= 1

beta0 = beta0.value
beta_vec = beta_vec.value
x = np.linspace(-3, 4, num=50)
yy = -(beta_vec[0] * x + beta0) / beta_vec[1]
plt.scatter(x1[y == 1], x2[y == 1], marker='+')
plt.scatter(x1[y == -1], x2[y == -1], marker='s')
plt.plot(x, yy)
Example #34
def total_variation_plus_seasonal_filter(signal,
    This performs total variation filtering with the addition of a seasonal baseline fit. This introduces a new
    signal to the model that is smooth and periodic on a yearly time frame. This does a better job of describing real,
    multi-year solar PV power data sets, and therefore does an improved job of estimating the discretely changing

    :param signal: A 1d numpy array (must support boolean indexing) containing the signal of interest
    :param c1: The regularization parameter to control the total variation in the final output signal
    :param c2: The regularization parameter to control the smoothness of the seasonal signal
    :return: A 1d numpy array containing the filtered signal
    if residual_weights is None:
        residual_weights = np.ones_like(signal)
    if tv_weights is None:
        tv_weights = np.ones(len(signal) - 1)
    if use_ixs is None:
        index_set = ~np.isnan(signal)
        index_set = np.logical_and(use_ixs, ~np.isnan(signal))
    s_hat = cvx.Variable(len(signal))
    s_seas = cvx.Variable(len(signal))
    s_error = cvx.Variable(len(signal))
    c1 = cvx.Constant(value=c1)
    c2 = cvx.Constant(value=c2)
    #w = len(signal) / np.sum(index_set)
    if transition_locs is None:
        objective = cvx.Minimize(
            # (365 * 3 / len(signal)) * w *
            # cvx.sum(cvx.huber(cvx.multiply(residual_weights, s_error)))
            10 * cvx.norm(cvx.multiply(residual_weights, s_error)) +
            c1 * cvx.norm1(cvx.multiply(tv_weights, cvx.diff(s_hat, k=1))) +
            c2 * cvx.norm(cvx.diff(s_seas, k=2))
            # + c2 * .1 * cvx.norm(cvx.diff(s_seas, k=1))
        objective = cvx.Minimize(
            10 * cvx.norm(cvx.multiply(residual_weights, s_error)) +
            c2 * cvx.norm(cvx.diff(s_seas, k=2)))
    constraints = [
        signal[index_set] == s_hat[index_set] + s_seas[index_set] +
        cvx.sum(s_seas[:365]) == 0
    if len(signal) > 365:
        constraints.append(s_seas[365:] - s_seas[:-365] == 0)
        if periodic_detector:
            constraints.append(s_hat[365:] - s_hat[:-365] == 0)
    if transition_locs is not None:
        loc_mask = np.ones(len(signal) - 1, dtype=bool)
        loc_mask[transition_locs] = False
        # loc_mask[transition_locs + 1] = False
        constraints.append(cvx.diff(s_hat, k=1)[loc_mask] == 0)
    if seas_max is not None:
        constraints.append(s_seas <= seas_max)
    problem = cvx.Problem(objective=objective, constraints=constraints)
    return s_hat.value, s_seas.value
Example #35
def OPF(ppc, PloadProfile, QloadProfile, u):
    Yb = Ybus(ppc)  #Ybus Matrix
    nbus = Yb.shape[0]  #number of buses
    ngen = ppc['gen'].shape[0]
    ngenInfo = ppc['gen'].shape[1]
    genMatrix = np.zeros((nbus, ngenInfo))
    for i in range(ngen):
        genMatrix[int(ppc['gen'][i][0]) - 1, :] = ppc['gen'][i]
    genBusIndex = ppc['gen'][:, 0].astype(int) - 1
    ck2 = ppc['gencost'][:, 4]
    ck1 = ppc['gencost'][:, 5]
    ck0 = ppc['gencost'][:, 6]
    baseMVA = ppc['baseMVA']
    Pload = np.zeros((nbus))
    Qload = np.zeros((nbus))
    Pload = PloadProfile / baseMVA
    Qload = QloadProfile / baseMVA
    Qmax = genMatrix[:, 3] / baseMVA
    Qmin = genMatrix[:, 4] / baseMVA
    Pmax = genMatrix[:, 8] / baseMVA
    Pmin = genMatrix[:, 9] / baseMVA
    Vmin = 0.94 * np.ones(nbus)
    Vmax = 1.06 * np.ones(nbus)
    e = np.eye(nbus, dtype=int)
    Yac = np.zeros((nbus, nbus, nbus), dtype=complex)
    OnesMatrix = np.zeros((nbus, nbus, nbus))
    for k in range(nbus):
        a = e[:, k].reshape(-1, 1)
        b = e[k, :].reshape(1, -1)
        OnesMatrix[:, :, k] = np.matmul(a, b)
        Yac[:, :, k] = np.matmul(OnesMatrix[:, :, k], Yb.todense())

    Y = np.zeros((2 * nbus, 2 * nbus, 2 * nbus))
    Ybar = np.zeros((2 * nbus, 2 * nbus, 2 * nbus))
    M = np.zeros((2 * nbus, 2 * nbus, 2 * nbus))
    Z = np.zeros((nbus, nbus, nbus))
    # print(Yb)
    # Y=sparse.csr_matrix(np.zeros((2*nbus,2*nbus,2*nbus)))
    # Ybar=sparse.csr_matrix(np.zeros((2*nbus,2*nbus,2*nbus)))
    # M=sparse.csr_matrix(np.zeros((2*nbus,2*nbus,2*nbus)))
    # Z=sparse.csr_matrix(np.zeros((nbus,nbus,nbus)))
    for k in range(nbus):
        a1 = np.real(Yac[:, :, k] + np.transpose(Yac[:, :, k]))
        a2 = np.imag(np.transpose(Yac[:, :, k]) - Yac[:, :, k])
        a3 = np.imag(Yac[:, :, k] - np.transpose(Yac[:, :, k]))
        a4 = np.real(Yac[:, :, k] + np.transpose(Yac[:, :, k]))
        Y[:, :, k] = 0.5 * np.bmat([[a1, a2], [a3, a4]])

    for k in range(nbus):
        a1 = np.imag(Yac[:, :, k] + np.transpose(Yac[:, :, k]))
        a2 = np.real(Yac[:, :, k] - np.transpose(Yac[:, :, k]))
        a3 = np.real(np.transpose(Yac[:, :, k]) - Yac[:, :, k])
        a4 = np.imag(Yac[:, :, k] + np.transpose(Yac[:, :, k]))
        Ybar[:, :, k] = -0.5 * np.bmat([[a1, a2], [a3, a4]])

    for k in range(nbus):
        M[:, :, k] = np.bmat([[OnesMatrix[:, :, k], Z[:, :, k]],
                              [Z[:, :, k], OnesMatrix[:, :, k]]])

    W = cp.Variable((2 * nbus, 2 * nbus), symmetric=True)
    a = cp.Variable((ngen, 1))
    DeltaP = cp.Variable((nbus))
    weight = 1000
    constraints = [W >> 0]
    constraints += [
        cp.trace(Y[:, :, k] @ W) <= u[k] * Pmax[k] - (Pload[k] + DeltaP[k])
        for k in range(nbus)
    constraints += [
        cp.trace(Y[:, :, k] @ W) >= u[k] * Pmin[k] - (Pload[k] + DeltaP[k])
        for k in range(nbus)
    constraints += [
        cp.trace(Ybar[:, :, k] @ W) <= Qmax[k] - Qload[k] for k in range(nbus)
    constraints += [
        cp.trace(Ybar[:, :, k] @ W) >= Qmin[k] - Qload[k] for k in range(nbus)

    constraints += [
        cp.trace(M[:, :, k] @ W) >= Vmin[k]**2 for k in range(nbus)

    constraints += [
        cp.trace(M[:, :, k] @ W) <= Vmax[k]**2 for k in range(nbus)
    constraints += [
            ck1[np.where(genBusIndex == k)[0][0]] *
            (cp.trace(Y[:, :, k] @ W) + Pload[k] + DeltaP[k]) * baseMVA -
            a[np.where(genBusIndex == k)[0][0]] -
            ck0[np.where(genBusIndex == k)[0][0]],
            np.sqrt(ck2[np.where(genBusIndex == k)[0][0]]) *
            (cp.trace(Y[:, :, k] @ W) + Pload[k] + DeltaP[k]) * baseMVA
                     np.sqrt(ck2[np.where(genBusIndex == k)[0][0]]) *
                     (cp.trace(Y[:, :, k] @ W) + Pload[k] + DeltaP[k]) *
                     baseMVA, -1
                 ]]) << 0 for k in genBusIndex
    prob = cp.Problem(
        cp.Minimize(cp.sum(a) + weight * cp.norm(DeltaP, 1) * baseMVA),

    prob.solve(verbose=True, warm_start=True)

    # Print result.
    print("Number of buses is", nbus)
    print("Number of generators is", ngen)
    print("The optimal value (total generation cost plus penalty) is")
    print(round(prob.value, 3), "= ", round(cp.sum(a).value, 3), " $", " + ",
          round((weight * cp.norm(DeltaP, 1) * baseMVA).value, 2), "penalty")
    print("The solution to power level of the generators is")
    for k in genBusIndex:
            np.round(((cp.trace(Y[:, :, k] @ W) + Pload[k] + DeltaP[k]) *
                      baseMVA).value, 3), "MW")
    print("The solution to voltage of buses is")
    for k in range(nbus):
        print(np.round(cp.sqrt(cp.trace(M[:, :, k] @ W)).value, 3), "pu")
    print("The solutions to DeltaP is")
    for k in range(nbus):
        print(np.round((DeltaP[k] * baseMVA).value, 3), "MW")
    print("The eigenvalues of matrix W are")
    print(np.round(np.linalg.eig(W.value)[0], 2))
Example #36
import pandas as pd

u = ut.get_cvx_utility()

t = get_data()
r = get_target_return(t, months=3)
r = r.fillna(0)  # A voir si c'est necessaire?

n, p = r.shape
w_cp = cp.Variable(p)
λ = 1
reg = λ * cp.norm1(w_cp)
objective = cp.Maximize(1 / n * cp.sum(u(r.values @ w_cp)) - reg)
constraints = [w_cp >= 0, cp.sum(w_cp) == 1]
prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
result = prob.solve(solver="ECOS", verbose=True)

# %%
w = pd.Series(w_cp.value, index=t.columns)
w = w[w >= 0.01]  # On ne garde que les titres avec un poids >= 1%

# %%
w.index =

Example #37
    def setup_solver_cvx(self):
        if self.dataterm != "W1":
            raise Exception("Only W1 dataterm is implemented in CVX")

        c = self.constvars
        imagedims = c['imagedims']
        n_image = c['n_image']
        d_image = c['d_image']
        l_labels = c['l_labels']
        m_gradients = c['m_gradients']
        s_manifold = c['s_manifold']
        l_shm = c['l_shm']

        f_flat =, l_labels).T
        f = np.array(f_flat.reshape((l_labels, ) + imagedims), order='C')
        normalize_odf(f, c['b'])
        f_flat = f.reshape(l_labels, n_image)

        self.cvx_x = Variable(
            ('p', (l_labels, d_image, n_image)),
            ('g', (n_image, m_gradients, s_manifold, d_image)),
            ('q0', (n_image, )),
            ('q1', (l_labels, n_image)),
            ('p0', (l_labels, n_image)),
            ('g0', (n_image, m_gradients, s_manifold)),

        self.cvx_y = Variable(
            ('u', (n_image, l_labels)),
            ('v', (n_image, l_shm)),
            ('w', (m_gradients, n_image, d_image, s_manifold)),
            ('w0', (m_gradients, n_image, s_manifold)),
            ('misc', (n_image * m_gradients, )),

        p, g, q0, q1, p0, g0 = [
            cvxVariable(*a['shape']) for a in self.cvx_x.vars()
        self.cvx_vars = p + sum(g, []) + [q0, q1, p0] + g0

        self.cvx_obj = cvx.Maximize(-cvx.vec(f_flat).T *
                                    cvx.vec(cvx.diag(c['b']) * p0) -

        div_op = sparse_div_op(imagedims)

        self.cvx_dual = True
        self.cvx_constr = []

        # u_constr
        for i in range(n_image):
            for k in range(l_labels):
                    c['b'][k]*(q0[i] + p0[k,i] \
                        - cvxOp(div_op, p[k], i)) - q1[k,i] >= 0)

        # v_constr
        for i in range(n_image):
            for k in range(l_shm):
                Yk = cvx.vec(c['Y'][:, k])
                self.cvx_constr.append(-Yk.T * q1[:, i] == 0)

        # w_constr
        for j in range(m_gradients):
            Aj = c['A'][j, :, :]
            Bj = c['B'][j, :, :]
            Pj = c['P'][j, :]
            for i in range(n_image):
                for t in range(d_image):
                    for l in range(s_manifold):
                            Aj*g[i][j][l,t] == sum([Bj[l,m]*p[Pj[m]][t,i] \
                                                    for m in range(3)]))

        # w0_constr
        for j in range(m_gradients):
            Aj = c['A'][j, :, :]
            Bj = c['B'][j, :, :]
            Pj = c['P'][j, :]
            for i in range(n_image):
                self.cvx_constr.append(Aj * g0[i][j, :].T == Bj * p0[Pj, i])

        # additional inequality constraints
        for i in range(n_image):
            for j in range(m_gradients):
                self.cvx_constr.append(cvx.norm(g[i][j], 2) <= c['lbd'])
                self.cvx_constr.append(cvx.norm(g0[i][j, :], 2) <= 1.0)
Example #38
r1 = np.sqrt(3.4*np.random.rand(Nt1,1)) # Radius
t1 = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(Nt1,1)  # Angle
testdata1 = np.concatenate((r1*np.cos(t1), r1*np.sin(t1)), axis=1) # Points
r2 = np.sqrt(2.4*np.random.rand(Nt2,1)) # Radius
t2 = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(Nt2,1)      # Angle
testdata2 = np.concatenate((3+r2*np.cos(t2), r2*np.sin(t2)), axis=1) # points

## training linear SVM based on CVX optimizer
X = np.concatenate((data1, data2), axis=0)
y = np.concatenate((np.ones((N1, 1)), - np.ones((N2, 1))), axis=0)

C = 2
w = cp.Variable((D, 1))
b = cp.Variable()
epsilon = cp.Variable((N1+N2, 1))
objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum(cp.square(w))*0.5 + cp.sum(cp.square(epsilon)*C))
constraints = [cp.multiply(y, (X @ w + b)) >= 1 - epsilon,  epsilon >= 0]
prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
print("status:", prob.status)
print("optimal value", prob.value)
print("optimal var w = {}, b = {}".format(w.value, b.value))

## visualize decision boundary for training data
d = 0.02
x1 = np.arange(np.min(X[:,0]), np.max(X[:,0]), d)
x2 = np.arange(np.min(X[:,1]), np.max(X[:,1]), d)
x1Grid, x2Grid = np.meshgrid(x1, x2)
xGrid = np.stack((x1Grid.flatten('F'), x2Grid.flatten('F')), axis=1)
scores1 = + b.value
scores2 = - b.value
Example #39
# Define all the edges in the network
for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
        # If  an edge exists in the graph, create it and append its nodes
        if graph[i][j] != 0:
            new_edge = Edge(graph[i][j])
            new_edge.connect(nodes[j], nodes[i])

# Once all the edges are defined, calculate the accumlation of the network
for node in nodes:

# Create an array of all the flows, as this is what we will be trying to maximize
flows = []
for edge in edges:
flow = np.array(flows)

constraints = []
# We create a seperate function for the node contraints since we want to avoid
# accidentally contraining the source node
for i in range(len(nodes)):
    if i != source_node:
for edge in edges:

obj = cvx.Maximize(cvx.sum(flows))
prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints=constraints)
print("The max sum of all a_i is", prob.solve())
N = X1.shape[0]
M = X0.shape[0]

X = np.vstack([X1, X0])
y = np.vstack([np.ones([N,1]), -np.ones([M,1])])

X = np.asmatrix(X)
y = np.asmatrix(y)

m = N+M
z = np.hstack([np.ones([m,1]), np.sqrt(2)*X[:,0], np.sqrt(2)*X[:,1],
               np.square(X[:,0]), np.sqrt(2)*np.multiply(X[:,0],X[:,1]),np.square(X[:,1])])

w = cvx.Variable([6,1])
obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum(cvx.logistic(-cvx.multiply(y,z*w))))
prob = cvx.Problem(obj).solve()
w = w.value

# to plot
[X1gr, X2gr] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-3,3,0.1), np.arange(-3,3,0.1))

Xp = np.hstack([X1gr.reshape(-1,1), X2gr.reshape(-1,1)])
Xp = np.asmatrix(Xp)

m = Xp.shape[0]
Zp = np.hstack([np.ones([m,1]), np.sqrt(2)*Xp[:,0], np.sqrt(2)*Xp[:,1], np.square(Xp[:,0]),
                np.sqrt(2)*np.multiply(Xp[:,0], Xp[:,1]), np.square(Xp[:,1])])
q = Zp*w # linear boundary

B = []
Example #41
## Nonnegtivity constraints
constraints = [y >= 0, x >= 0]
constraints.append(y[0] == 0)

## Flow constraint, ie what I produce + what I have in inventory
## should equal demand + inventory for next period
for s in scenarios:
    for t in range(1, T + 1):
        constraints.append(x[sv(s, t)] + y[sv(s, t - 1)] == Xi[sp(s, t)] +
                           y[sv(s, t)])

## Objective: for all scenarios, for all time periods add cost
objective = cp.Minimize(
        prob(s) * (x[sv(s, t)] * p[t - 1] + y[sv(s, t)] * h[t - 1])
        for t in range(1, T + 1) for s in scenarios

## Define linear problem and solve
prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
result = prob.solve(solver=cp.GLPK)

## Save results
og_out = sys.stdout

with open('results.txt', 'w') as f:
    sys.stdout = f
    print('Optimal objective value: %f' % result)
    for s in scenarios:
Example #42
def fit_ellipse_eps_insensitive(x, y):
    fit ellipoid using epsilon-insensitive loss

    x = numpy.array(x)
    y = numpy.array(y)

    print "shapes", x.shape, y.shape

    assert len(x) == len(y)

    N = len(x)
    D = 5

    dat = numpy.zeros((N, D))
    dat[:,0] = x*x
    dat[:,1] = y*y
    #dat[:,2] = y*x
    dat[:,2] = x
    dat[:,3] = y
    dat[:,4] = numpy.ones(N)

    print dat.shape
    dat = cvxpy.matrix(dat)
    #### parameters

    # data
    X = cvxpy.parameter(N, D, name="X")

    # parameter for eps-insensitive loss
    eps = cvxpy.parameter(1, name="eps")

    #### varibales

    # parameter vector
    theta = cvxpy.variable(D, name="theta")

    # dim = (N x 1)
    s = cvxpy.variable(N, name="s")

    t = cvxpy.variable(N, name="t")

    # simple objective 
    objective = cvxpy.sum(t)
    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(objective))
    # add constraints 
    # (N x D) * (D X 1) = (N X 1)
    p.constraints.append(X*theta <= s)
    p.constraints.append(-X*theta <= s)
    p.constraints.append(s - eps <= t)
    p.constraints.append(0 <= t)
    #p.constraints.append(theta[4] == 1)
    # trace constraint
    p.constraints.append(theta[0] + theta[1] == 1)
    ###### set values
    X.value = dat
    eps.value = 0.0
    #solver = "mosek" 

    w = numpy.array(cvxpy.value(theta))

    ## For clarity, fill in the quadratic form variables
    A        = numpy.zeros((2,2))
    A[0,0]   = w[0]
    A.ravel()[1:3] = 0#w[2]
    A[1,1]   = w[1]
    bv       = w[2:4]
    c        = w[4]
    ## find parameters
    z, a, b, alpha = util.conic2parametric(A, bv, c)

    return z, a, b, alpha
Example #43
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
    FontPath = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/takao-gothic/TakaoPGothic.ttf'
jpfont = FontProperties(fname=FontPath)
#%% 収益率データの読み込み
R = pd.read_csv('asset_return_data.csv', index_col=0)
T = R.shape[0]
N = R.shape[1]
Mu = R.mean().values
Return = R.values / T
#%% 期待ショートフォール最小化問題の設定
Weight = cvx.Variable(N)
Deviation = cvx.Variable(T)
VaR = cvx.Variable()
inv_Alpha = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
Target_Return = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True)
Risk_ES = cvx.sum(Deviation) * inv_Alpha - VaR
Opt_Portfolio = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(Risk_ES),
                            [Weight.T @ Mu == Target_Return,
                             cvx.sum(Weight) == 1.0,
                             Weight >= 0.0,
                             Deviation >= 0.0,
                             Return @ Weight - VaR / T + Deviation >= 0.0])
#%% 最小ESフロンティアの計算
V_Alpha = np.array([0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50])
V_Target = np.linspace(Mu.min(), Mu.max(), num=250)
V_Risk = np.zeros((V_Target.shape[0], V_Alpha.shape[0]))
for idx_col, Alpha in enumerate(V_Alpha):
    inv_Alpha.value = 1.0 / Alpha
    for idx_row, Target_Return.value in enumerate(V_Target):
        V_Risk[idx_row, idx_col] = Risk_ES.value
Example #44
File: Project: locuslab/lml
    from IPython.core import ultratb
    sys.excepthook = ultratb.FormattedTB(mode='Verbose',

    m = 10
    n = 2

    x = npr.random(m)

    import cvxpy as cp
    import numdifftools as nd

    y = cp.Variable(m)
    obj = cp.Minimize(-x * y - cp.sum(cp.entr(y)) - cp.sum(cp.entr(1. - y)))
    cons = [0 <= y, y <= 1, cp.sum(y) == n]
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, cons)
    prob.solve(cp.SCS, verbose=True)
    assert 'optimal' in prob.status
    y_cp = y.value

    x = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x), requires_grad=True)
    x = torch.stack([x, x])
    y = LML(N=n)(x)

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y[0].data.numpy(), y_cp, decimal=3)

    dy0, = grad(y[0, 0], x)
    dy0 = dy0.squeeze()
Example #45
# discretize outcomes of R1 and R2
r = np.linspace(r_min, r_max, n)

# marginal distributions
p1 = norm(mu1, sigma1).pdf(r)
p1 = p1 / np.sum(p1)
p2 = norm(mu2, sigma2).pdf(r)
p2 = p2 / np.sum(p2)

# form mask of region where R1 + R2 <= 0
r1p = r * np.ones((1, n))
r2p = r1p.T
loss_mask = (r1p + r2p <= 0).T

P = cp.Variable((n, n))
objective = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(cp.sum(P[loss_mask])))
constraints = [
    P >= 0,
    cp.sum(P, 1) == p1,
    cp.sum(P, 0) == p2, (r - mu1).T @ P @ (r - mu2) == rho * sigma1 * sigma2
prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

result = prob.solve()

P = P.value
X = np.linspace(r_min, r_max, n)
Y = np.linspace(r_min, r_max, n)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
Z = P
Example #46
from cvxpy import Minimize, Variable, Problem, max, abs, sum
import numpy as np

n = 3
N = 30
A = np.matrix([[-1, 0.4, 0.8], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
b = np.matrix([1, 0, 0.3]).T
x0 = zeros((n, 1))
xdes = np.matrix([7, 2, -6]).T
x = Variable(n, N + 1)
u = Variable(1, N)
objective = Minimize(sum(max(abs(u), 2 * abs(u) - 1)))
constraints1 = [x[:, 1 : N + 1] == A * x[:, 0:N] + b * u]
constraints2 = [x[:, 0] == x0]
constraints3 = [x[:, N] == xdes]
constraints = constraints1 + constraints2 + constraints3
prob1 = Problem(objective, constraints)
print u.value
step(range(30), u.value.T)
Example #47
    def setup_solver_cvx(self):
        c = self.constvars
        imagedims = c['imagedims']
        n_image = c['n_image']
        d_image = c['d_image']
        l_labels = c['l_labels']
        m_gradients = c['m_gradients']
        s_manifold = c['s_manifold']
        l_shm = c['l_shm']

        self.cvx_x = Variable(
            ('p', (l_labels, d_image, n_image)),
            ('g', (n_image, m_gradients, s_manifold, d_image)),
            ('q0', (n_image,)),
            ('q1', (l_labels, n_image)),
            ('q2', (l_labels, n_image)),

        self.cvx_y = Variable(
            ('u1', (n_image, l_labels)),
            ('v', (n_image, l_shm)),
            ('w', (m_gradients, n_image, d_image, s_manifold)),
            ('misc', (n_image*m_gradients,)),

        p, g, q0, q1, q2 = [cvxVariable(*a['shape']) for a in self.cvx_x.vars()]
        self.cvx_vars = p + sum(g,[]) + [q0,q1,q2]

        self.cvx_obj = cvx.Maximize(
            - 0.5*cvx.sum(
                cvx.diag(1.0/c['b'])*cvx.square(q2 + cvx.diag(c['b'])*c['f'].T)
            ) - cvx.sum(q0))

        div_op = sparse_div_op(imagedims)

        self.cvx_dual = True
        self.cvx_constr = []

        # u1_constr
        for i in range(n_image):
            for k in range(l_labels):
                    c['b'][k]*(q0[i] - cvxOp(div_op, p[k], i)) \
                        - q1[k,i] >= 0)

        # v_constr
        for i in range(n_image):
            for k in range(l_shm):
                Yk = cvx.vec(c['Y'][:,k])
                self.cvx_constr.append(Yk.T*(c['M'][k]*q2[:,i] + q1[:,i]) == 0)

        # w_constr
        for j in range(m_gradients):
            Aj = c['A'][j,:,:]
            Bj = c['B'][j,:,:]
            Pj = c['P'][j,:]
            for i in range(n_image):
                for t in range(d_image):
                    for l in range(s_manifold):
                            Aj*g[i][j][l,t] == sum([Bj[l,m]*p[Pj[m]][t,i] \
                                                    for m in range(3)]))

        # additional inequality constraints
        for i in range(n_image):
            for j in range(m_gradients):
                self.cvx_constr.append(cvx.norm(g[i][j], 2) <= c['lbd'])
Example #48
def explicit_minimizer(args):
    # print("len(args):",len(args))
        if len(args) == 3:
            (D, y, pshape) = args

            # y =,x)
            x_val = None
            scale = 2
            while x_val is None and scale < 16:
                x = cp.Variable(D.shape[1])
                objective = cp.Minimize(
                    cp.sum(cp.abs(x)) / (float(D.shape[1])**scale))

                constraints = [D * x - y.flatten() == 0]

                prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

                result = prob.solve(verbose=False, solver='SCS')
                # result = prob.solve(verbose=False, solver='OSQP')
                # result = prob.solve(verbose=False)
                x_val = x.value

                scale += 0.1
            if x_val is None:
                print("x.value is None. scale:" + str(scale))
            # print 'optimal val :', result
            # return np.append(np.zeros(pshape), x.value)  # .reshape(self.pshape+D.shape[1],1)
            return x.value
            (D, y, params, K, cshape, pshape) = args
            a = np.append(np.diag(np.ones(pshape)),
                          np.zeros((pshape, D.shape[1] - pshape)),
            for i in range(1, K):
                b = np.zeros((1, D.shape[1]))
                b[0, pshape + (i - 1) * cshape:pshape + (i) * cshape] = 1
                # print("a.shape, b.shape:", a.shape, b.shape)
                a = np.append(a, b, axis=0)

            scale = 2
            x_val = None
            while x_val is None and scale < 16:
                x = cp.Variable(D.shape[1])
                objective = cp.Minimize(
                    cp.sum(cp.abs(x)) / (float(D.shape[1])**scale))
                # /float(D.shape[1])+cp.sum_square(a[:self.pshape]*x-params[:self.pshape])/float(self.pshape)+cp.sum_square(a[self.pshape:]*x-params[self.pshape:])/float(K-1))
                constraints = [D * x - y.flatten() == 0]

                constraints = constraints + [a * x - params.flatten() == 0]
                prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

                result = prob.solve(solver='SCS')
                # result = prob.solve()
                x_val = x.value
                scale += 0.1
            if x_val is None:
                print("x.value is None. scale:" + str(scale))
            # print 'optimal val:', result
            return x.value  # .reshape(D.shape[1],1)
    except Exception as e:
        print("???", str(e))
        print 'str(e):', str(e)
        print 'repr(e):\t', repr(e)
        print 'e.message:\t', e.message
        print 'traceback.print_exc():', traceback.print_exc()
        print 'traceback.format_exc():\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()
        print("D.shape, y.shape", D.shape, y.shape)
    def MinimizeConcentration(self, metabolite_index=None,
        """Finds feasible concentrations minimizing the concentration
           of metabolite i.
            metabolite_index: the index of the metabolite to minimize.
                if == None, minimize the sum of all concentrations.
            concentration_bounds: the Bounds objects setting concentration bounds.
        my_bounds = concentration_bounds or self.DefaultConcentrationBounds()

        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(m=1, n=self.Ncompounds, name='lnC')
        ln_conc_lb, ln_conc_ub = my_bounds.GetLnBounds(self.compounds)
        constr = [cvxpy.geq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_lb)),
                  cvxpy.leq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_ub))]
        my_dG0_r_primes = np.matrix(self.dG0_r_prime)
        # Make flux-based constraints on reaction free energies.
        # All reactions must have negative dGr in the direction of the flux.
        # Reactions with a flux of 0 must be in equilibrium.
        S = np.matrix(self.S)
        for i, flux in enumerate(self.fluxes):
            curr_dg0 = my_dG0_r_primes[0, i]
            # if the dG0 is unknown, this reaction imposes no new constraints
            if np.isnan(curr_dg0):
            rcol = cvxpy.matrix(S[:, i])
            curr_dgr = curr_dg0 + RT * ln_conc * rcol
            if flux == 0:
                constr.append(cvxpy.eq(curr_dgr, 0.0))
                constr.append(cvxpy.leq(curr_dgr, 0.0))        
        objective = None
        if metabolite_index is not None:
            my_conc = ln_conc[0, metabolite_index]
            objective = cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.exp(my_conc))
            objective = cvxpy.minimize(
        name = 'CONC_OPT'
        if metabolite_index:
            name = 'CONC_%d_OPT' % metabolite_index
        problem = cvxpy.program(objective, constr, name=name)
        optimum = problem.solve(quiet=True)        

        status = problem.solve(quiet=True)
        if status != 'optimal':
            status = optimized_pathway.OptimizationStatus.Infeasible(
                'Pathway infeasible given bounds.')
            return ConcentrationOptimizedPathway(
                self._model, self._thermo,
                my_bounds, optimization_status=status)
        opt_ln_conc = np.matrix(np.array(ln_conc.value))
        result = ConcentrationOptimizedPathway(
            self._model, self._thermo,
            my_bounds, optimal_value=optimum,
        return result
Example #50
    def __init__(self, ruleset: RuleSet) -> None:
        # set membership matrix; how many copies of a given tile are present in
        # a given set. Each column is a set, each row a tile
        slen = len(ruleset.sets)
        smatrix = np.zeros((ruleset.tile_count, slen), dtype=np.uint8)
                np.fromiter(chain.from_iterable(ruleset.sets), np.uint8) - 1,
                    np.arange(slen), np.fromiter(map(len, ruleset.sets), np.uint16)

        # Input parameters: counts for each tile on the table and on the rack
        table = self.table = cp.Parameter(ruleset.tile_count, "table", nonneg=True)
        rack = self.rack = cp.Parameter(ruleset.tile_count, "rack", nonneg=True)

        # Output variables: counts per resulting set, and counts per
        # tile taken from the rack to be added to the table.
        sets = self.sets = cp.Variable(len(ruleset.sets), "sets", integer=True)
        tiles = self.tiles = cp.Variable(ruleset.tile_count, "tiles", integer=True)

        # Constraints for the optimisation problem
        numbertiles = tiles
        joker_constraints = []
        if ruleset.jokers:
            numbertiles, jokers = tiles[:-1], tiles[-1]
            joker_constraints = [
                # You can place multiple jokers from your rack, but there are
                # never more than *ruleset.jokers* of them.
                0 <= jokers,
                jokers <= ruleset.jokers,

        constraints = [
            # placed sets can only be taken from selected rack tiles and what
            # was already placed on the table.
            smatrix @ sets == table + tiles,
            # the selected tiles must all come from your rack
            tiles <= rack,
            # A given set could appear multiple times, but never more than
            # *repeats* times.
            0 <= sets,
            sets <= ruleset.repeats,
            # You can place multiple tiles with the same colour and number
            # but there are never more than *ruleset.repeats* of them.
            0 <= numbertiles,
            numbertiles <= ruleset.repeats,
            # variable joker constraints for the current ruleset

        p: dict[SolverMode, cp.Problem] = {}
        # Problem solver maximising number of tiles placed
        p[SolverMode.TILE_COUNT] = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(cp.sum(tiles)), constraints)

        # Problem solver maximising the total value of tiles placed
        tilevalue = np.tile(
            np.arange(ruleset.numbers, dtype=np.uint16) + 1, ruleset.colours
        if ruleset.jokers:
            tilevalue = np.append(tilevalue, 0)
        p[SolverMode.TOTAL_VALUE] = cp.Problem(
            cp.Maximize(cp.sum(tiles @ tilevalue)), constraints

        # Problem solver used for the opening move ("initial meld").
        # Initial meld scoring is based entirely on the sets formed, and must
        # be equal to or higher than the minimal score. Maximize the tile count
        # _without jokers_.
        setvalue = np.array(ruleset.setvalues, dtype=np.uint16)
        initial_constraints = [
            sets @ setvalue >= ruleset.min_initial_value,
        p[SolverMode.INITIAL] = cp.Problem(
            cp.Maximize(cp.sum(numbertiles)), initial_constraints

        self._problems = p
def mu_1(J):
    n, m = J.shape
    assert n == m
    return max([J[i,i] + sum([abs(J[i,j]) for j in range(n)]) - abs(J[i,i]) for i in range(n)])
def logistic_loss(weights, Y, K, reg = 1e-5):
    norm = cp.quad_form(weights, K)
    n = weights.shape[0]
    f_x = K@weights 

    return norm*reg/2 + cp.sum(cp.logistic(f_x) - cp.multiply(f_x, Y), axis = 0)/n
Example #53
def main():
    T = 75
    N = p.N
    M = p.M

    target = np.array([0, 0, 0, np.pi])
    A, B = p.linearize(target, np.zeros((M)))
    Qf = 1000 * np.eye(N)
    Qf[0, 0] = 10
    Qf[1, 1] = 10

    R = 1 * np.eye(M)
    K, _, _ = dlqr(A, B, Qf, R)
    print("K", K)
    print("A", A)
    print("B", B)


    U = cp.Variable((T, M))
    X = cp.Variable((T + 1, N))

    control = np.zeros((T, M))
    states = np.zeros((T + 1, N))
    atempt = 0
    while 1:
        atempt += 1
        const = []
        const.append(X[0, :] == np.zeros((N)))

        p.state = np.array(init)
        states[0, :] = p.state
        for i in range(T):
            # print(i)
            A, B = p.linearize(p.state, control[i])

            # print(p.state)
            states[i + 1, :] = p.state
            const.append(X[i + 1, :] == A @ X[i, :] + B @ U[i, :])

            # if atempt > 100:
            #     sleep(0.020)
            d.update(p.state[1], p.state[3])

        if atempt > 100:
            for i in range(300):
                u = np.clip(K @ (p.state - target), -1, 1)
                d.update(p.state[1], p.state[3])

        X_p = X + states
        U_p = U + control

        const.append(U_p <= 1)
        const.append(U_p >= -1)
        const.append(X_p[:, 1] <= 2)
        const.append(X_p[:, 1] >= -2)

        const.append(U[:, 0] >= -0.1)
        const.append(U[:, 0] <= 0.1)

        # cost_pend = 1000*cp.sum((X_p[-1:,0] - np.pi)**2) + \
        #             1000*cp.sum((X_p[-1:,1]   )**2) +\
        #         10* cp.sum((X_p[:,0]- np.pi)**2) + \
        #         0
        # 1* cp.sum((U_p)**2)
        # 0.1* cp.sum((U_p[1:] - U_p[:-1])**2)

        cost =1000* cp.sum((X_p[-1,:]  - target)**2) + \
                1000* cp.sum((X_p[-2,:]  - target)**2) + \
                1000* cp.sum((X_p[-3,:]  - target)**2) + \
                10* cp.sum((X_p[:,3]   -  np.pi)**2) + \
                10* cp.sum((X_p[:,2]           )**2) +\
                 2* cp.sum((X_p[:,1]           )**2) +\
                 2* cp.sum((X_p[:,0]           )**2) +\
                 1* cp.sum((U_p[:,0]           )**2) +\

        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), const)
        # print(U.value)

        # for a,b in zip(U.value+control, X.value+states):
        #     print("angle", b[0], "vel", b[1], "act", a[0])
        control += U.value

Example #54
    def to_cvxpy(self, weight_var, weight_var_series, init_weights):
        constraints = []
        locs = weight_var_series.index.get_indexer(

        # BasicMaterials
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['BasicMaterials']) >=
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['BasicMaterials']) <=

        # ConsumerCyclical
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['ConsumerCyclical']) >=
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['ConsumerCyclical']) <=

        # FinancialServices
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['FinancialServices']) >=
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['FinancialServices']) <=

        # RealEstate
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['RealEstate'])
            >= self.min_real_estate)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['RealEstate'])
            <= self.max_real_estate)

        # ConsumerDefensive
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['ConsumerDefensive']) >=
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['ConsumerDefensive']) <=

        # HealthCare
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['HealthCare'])
            >= self.min_health_care)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['HealthCare'])
            <= self.max_health_care)

        # Utilities
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['Utilities'])
            >= self.min_utilities)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['Utilities'])
            <= self.max_utilities)

        # CommunicationServices
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['CommunicationServices']) >=
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['CommunicationServices']) <=

        # Energy
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['Energy']) >= self.min_energy)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['Energy']) <= self.max_energy)

        # Industrials
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['Industrials'])
            >= self.min_industrials)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['Industrials'])
            <= self.max_industrials)

        # Technology
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['Technology'])
            >= self.min_technology)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['Technology'])
            <= self.max_technology)

        # Momentum
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['Momentum']) >= self.min_momentum)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['Momentum']) <= self.max_momentum)

        # Value
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['Value']) >= self.min_value)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['Value']) <= self.max_value)

        # Size
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['Size']) >= self.min_size)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['Size']) <= self.max_size)

        # ShortTermReversal
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['ShortTermReversal']) >=
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] *
                    self.risk_model_loadings['ShortTermReversal']) <=

        # Volatility
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['Volatility'])
            >= self.min_volatility)
            cvx.sum(weight_var[locs] * self.risk_model_loadings['Volatility'])
            <= self.max_volatility)
        return constraints