def CWATMexe2(settings, meteo): """ Base subroutine of the CWATM model for calibration * parses the settings file * read the information for the netcdf files * check if dates are alright * check flags for screen output * loads meteo data from MEMORY * runs the model """ parse_configuration(settings) read_metanetcdf(cbinding('metaNetcdfFile'), 'metaNetcdfFile') checkifDate('StepStart', 'StepEnd', 'SpinUp', cbinding('PrecipitationMaps')) # checks if end date is later than start date and puts both in modelSteps days = 1 + dateVar["intEnd"] - dateVar["intStart"] for i in inputcounter.keys(): inputcounter[i] = inputcounter[i] - days CWATM = CWATModel() CWATM.var.meteo = meteo stCWATM = ModelFrame(CWATM, firstTimestep=dateVar["intStart"], lastTimeStep=dateVar["intEnd"]) start_time = if Flags['loud']: print("%-6s %10s %11s\n" % ("Step", "Date", "Discharge"), end=' ') if Flags['printtime']: print("\n\nTime profiling") print("%2s %-17s %10s %8s" % ("No", "Name", "time[s]", "%")) timeSum = np.array(timeMesSum) timePrint = timeSum for i in range(len(timePrint)): print("%2i %-17s %10.2f %8.1f" % (i, timeMesString[i], timePrint[i], 100 * timePrint[i] / timePrint[-1])) # return with last value and true for successfull run for pytest return (True, CWATM.var.firstout)
def initial(self): """ Initial part of the water demand module - industry """ if "industryTimeMonthly" in binding: if returnBool('industryTimeMonthly'): self.var.industryTime = 'monthly' else: self.var.industryTime = 'yearly' else: self.var.industryTime = 'monthly' if "industryWithdrawalvarname" in binding: self.var.indWithdrawalVar = cbinding("industryWithdrawalvarname") else: self.var.indWithdrawalVar = "industryGrossDemand" if "industryConsuptionvarname" in binding: self.var.indConsumptionVar = cbinding("industryConsuptionvarname") else: self.var.indConsumptionVar = "industryNettoDemand"
def initial(self): """ Initial part of the water demand module """ if "domesticTimeMonthly" in binding: if returnBool('domesticTimeMonthly'): self.var.domesticTime = 'monthly' else: self.var.domesticTime = 'yearly' else: self.var.domesticTime = 'monthly' if "domesticWithdrawalvarname" in binding: self.var.domWithdrawalVar = cbinding("domesticWithdrawalvarname") else: self.var.domWithdrawalVar = "domesticGrossDemand" if "domesticConsuptionvarname" in binding: self.var.domConsumptionVar = cbinding("domesticConsuptionvarname") else: self.var.domConsumptionVar = "domesticNettoDemand"
def initial(self): """ Initial part of the water demand module - livestock """ self.var.livestockTime = 'monthly' if "livestockTimeMonthly" in binding: if returnBool('livestockTimeMonthly'): self.var.livestockTime = 'monthly' else: self.var.livestockTime = 'yearly' else: self.var.livestockTime = 'monthly' if "livestockvarname" in binding: self.var.livVar = cbinding("livestockvarname") else: self.var.livVar = "livestockDemand" if "uselivestock" in binding: self.var.uselivestock = returnBool('uselivestock') else: self.var.uselivestock = False
def CWATMexe(settings): """ Base subroutine of the CWATM model * parses the settings file * read the information for the netcdf files * check if dates are alright * check flags for screen output * runs the model """ parse_configuration(settings) # print option # print binding # read all the possible option for modelling and for generating output # read the settings file with all information about the catchments(s) # read the meta data information for netcdf outputfiles read_metanetcdf(cbinding('metaNetcdfFile'), 'metaNetcdfFile') # os.chdir(outputDir[0]) # this prevent from using relative path in settings! checkifDate('StepStart', 'StepEnd', 'SpinUp', cbinding('PrecipitationMaps')) # checks if end date is later than start date and puts both in modelSteps if Flags['check']: dateVar["intEnd"] = dateVar["intStart"] CWATM = CWATModel() stCWATM = ModelFrame(CWATM, firstTimestep=dateVar["intStart"], lastTimeStep=dateVar["intEnd"]) """ ---------------------------------------------- Deterministic run ---------------------------------------------- """ print(CWATMRunInfo([outputDir[0], settingsfile[0]])) start_time = if Flags['loud']: print("%-6s %10s %11s\n" % ("Step", "Date", "Discharge"), end=' ') #'') # python -m cProfile -o l1.pstats settings1.ini # gprof2dot -f pstats l1.pstats | dot -T png -o callgraph.png # pyreverse -AS -f ALL -o png -p Main if Flags['printtime']: print("\n\nTime profiling") print("%2s %-17s %10s %8s" % ("No", "Name", "time[s]", "%")) timeSum = np.array(timeMesSum) timePrint = timeSum for i in range(len(timePrint)): print("%2i %-17s %10.2f %8.1f" % (i, timeMesString[i], timePrint[i], 100 * timePrint[i] / timePrint[-1])) if Flags['loud']: current_time = print("\nStart: " + start_time.isoformat()) print("End: " + current_time.isoformat()) # return with last value and true for successfull run for pytest if Flags['calib']: return (CWATM.var.meteo, True, CWATM.var.firstout) else: return (True, CWATM.var.firstout)