def Reconcile(argList): """Takes command-line arguments of a .newick file, duplication, transfer, and loss costs, the type of scoring desired and possible switch and loss ranges. Creates Files for the host, parasite, and reconciliations""" fileName = argList[1] #.newick file D = float(argList[2]) # Duplication cost T = float(argList[3]) # Transfer cost L = float(argList[4]) # Loss cost freqType = argList[5] # Frequency type # Optional inputs if freqType == xscape switchLo = float(argList[6]) # Switch lower boundary switchHi = float(argList[7]) # Switch upper boundary lossLo = float(argList[8]) # Loss lower boundary lossHi = float(argList[9]) # Loss upper boundary host, paras, phi = newickFormatReader.getInput(fileName) hostRoot = cycleCheckingGraph.findRoot(host) hostv = cycleCheckingGraph.treeFormat(host) Order = # Default scoring function (if freqtype== Frequency scoring) DTLReconGraph, numRecon = DP.DP(host, paras, phi, D, T, L) print DTLReconGraph, numRecon #uses xScape scoring function if freqType == "xscape": DTLReconGraph = calcCostscapeScore.newScoreWrapper(fileName, switchLo, \ switchHi, lossLo, lossHi, D, T, L) #uses Unit scoring function elif freqType == "unit": DTLReconGraph = unitScoreDTL(host, paras, phi, D, T, L) DTLGraph = copy.deepcopy(DTLReconGraph) scoresList, rec = Greedy.Greedy(DTLGraph, paras) for n in range(len(rec)): graph = cycleCheckingGraph.buildReconciliation(host, paras, rec[n]) currentOrder = if currentOrder == "timeTravel": rec[n], currentOrder = detectCycles.detectCyclesWrapper( host, paras, rec[n]) currentOrder = hostOrder = hOrder(hostv, currentOrder) hostBranchs = branch(hostv, hostOrder) if n == 0: newickToVis.convert(fileName, hostBranchs, n, 1) else: newickToVis.convert(fileName, hostBranchs, n, 0) # filename[:-7] is the file name minus the .newick reconConversion.convert(rec[n], DTLReconGraph, paras, fileName[:-7], n)
def Reconcile(argList): """Takes command-line arguments of a .newick file, duplication, transfer, and loss costs, the type of scoring desired and possible switch and loss ranges. Creates Files for the host, parasite, and reconciliations""" fileName = argList[1] #.newick file D = float(argList[2]) # Duplication cost T = float(argList[3]) # Transfer cost L = float(argList[4]) # Loss cost freqType = argList[5] # Frequency type # Optional inputs if freqType == xscape switchLo = float(argList[6]) # Switch lower boundary switchHi = float(argList[7]) # Switch upper boundary lossLo = float(argList[8]) # Loss lower boundary lossHi = float(argList[9]) # Loss upper boundary host, paras, phi = newickFormatReader.getInput(fileName) hostRoot = cycleCheckingGraph.findRoot(host) hostv = cycleCheckingGraph.treeFormat(host) Order = # Default scoring function (if freqtype== Frequency scoring) DTLReconGraph, numRecon = DP.DP(host, paras, phi, D, T, L) print DTLReconGraph, numRecon #uses xScape scoring function if freqType == "xscape": DTLReconGraph = calcCostscapeScore.newScoreWrapper(fileName, switchLo, \ switchHi, lossLo, lossHi, D, T, L) #uses Unit scoring function elif freqType == "unit": DTLReconGraph = unitScoreDTL(host, paras, phi, D, T, L) DTLGraph = copy.deepcopy(DTLReconGraph) scoresList, rec = Greedy.Greedy(DTLGraph, paras) for n in range(len(rec)): graph = cycleCheckingGraph.buildReconciliation(host, paras, rec[n]) currentOrder = if currentOrder == "timeTravel": rec[n], currentOrder = detectCycles.detectCyclesWrapper(host, paras, rec[n]) currentOrder = hostOrder = hOrder(hostv,currentOrder) hostBranchs = branch(hostv,hostOrder) if n == 0: newickToVis.convert(fileName,hostBranchs, n, 1) else: newickToVis.convert(fileName,hostBranchs, n, 0) # filename[:-7] is the file name minus the .newick reconConversion.convert(rec[n], DTLReconGraph, paras, fileName[:-7], n)
def buildReconciliation(HostTree, ParasiteTree, reconciliation): """Takes as input a host tree, a parasite tree, and a reconciliation, and returns a graph where the keys are host or parasite nodes, and the values are a list of the children of a particular node. The graph represents temporal relationships between events. The function also returns a list transferList containing all the transfers in the reconciliation in the form """ # create a dictionary with a list of parents of each host and parasite node parents = createParentsDict(HostTree, ParasiteTree) H = treeFormat(HostTree) P = treeFormat(ParasiteTree) cycleCheckingGraph = H cycleCheckingGraph.update(P) transferList = [] for key in reconciliation: # deal with transfer case: if reconciliation[key][0] == 'T': # add the children of the parasite node to the list of children # of the host node in cycleCheckingGraph cycleCheckingGraph[key[0]] = P[key[0]] + \ [reconciliation[key][1][1], reconciliation[key][2][1]] # find the parents of the take-off and landing host nodes parent1 = parents[reconciliation[key][1][1]] parent2 = parents[reconciliation[key][2][1]] # add the parasite node as a child of parent1 and parent2 cycleCheckingGraph[parent1] = cycleCheckingGraph[parent1] + \ [key[0]] cycleCheckingGraph[parent2] = cycleCheckingGraph[parent2] + \ [key[0]] transferEdge1 = reconciliation[key][1][1] transferEdge2 = reconciliation[key][2][1] transferList.append([key[0], parent1, transferEdge1, parent2, \ transferEdge2]) # deal with speciation case: elif reconciliation[key][0] == 'S': parent = parents[key[0]] if parent != 'Top': cycleCheckingGraph[parent] = cycleCheckingGraph[parent] + \ [key[1]] cycleCheckingGraph[key[1]] = cycleCheckingGraph[key[1]] + \ cycleCheckingGraph[key[0]] # deal with duplication case: elif reconciliation[key][0] == 'D': parent = parents[key[1]] if parent != 'Top': cycleCheckingGraph[parent] = cycleCheckingGraph[parent] + \ [key[0]] cycleCheckingGraph[key[0]] = cycleCheckingGraph[key[0]] + [key[1]] # deal with contemporary case: elif reconciliation[key][0] == 'C': cycleCheckingGraph[key[1]] = [None] cycleCheckingGraph[key[0]] = [None] for key in cycleCheckingGraph: cycleCheckingGraph[key] = list(set(cycleCheckingGraph[key])) return cycleCheckingGraph, transferList