Example #1
 def test_limit_scope3(self):
     """Test that two modifiers of the same type limit the scope of the first modifier."""
     doc = nlp("no evidence of CHF, neg for pneumonia")
     item = ConTextItem("no evidence of", "DEFINITE_NEGATED_EXISTENCE", "FORWARD")
     item2 = ConTextItem("neg for", "DEFINITE_NEGATED_EXISTENCE", "FORWARD")
     tag_object = TagObject(item, 0, 3, doc)
     tag_object2 = TagObject(item2, 5, 7, doc)
     assert tag_object.limit_scope(tag_object2)
Example #2
 def test_terminate_limit_scope_custom2(self):
     """Test that a modifier will be explicitly terminated by a modifier with a category
     in terminated_by."""
     doc = nlp("flu is negative, pneumonia is positive.")
     item = ConTextItem("negative", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", rule="BACKWARD")
     item2 = ConTextItem("positive", "POSITIVE_EXISTENCE", rule="BACKWARD", terminated_by={"NEGATED_EXISTENCE"})
     tag_object = TagObject(item, 2, 3, doc)
     tag_object2 = TagObject(item2, 6, 7, doc)
     assert tag_object2.limit_scope(tag_object)
Example #3
 def test_terminate_limit_scope_custom(self):
     """Test that a modifier will be explicitly terminated by a modifier with a category
     in terminated_by."""
     doc = nlp("negative for flu, positive for pneumonia.")
     item = ConTextItem("negative for", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", rule="FORWARD", terminated_by={"POSITIVE_EXISTENCE"})
     item2 = ConTextItem("positive for", "POSITIVE_EXISTENCE", rule="FORWARD")
     tag_object = TagObject(item, 0, 2, doc)
     tag_object2 = TagObject(item2, 4, 6, doc)
     assert tag_object.limit_scope(tag_object2)
Example #4
    def test_terminate_limit_scope_backward(self):
        """Test that a 'TERMINATE' modifier will limit the scope of a 'BACKWARD' modifier.
        doc = nlp("Pt has chf but pneumonia is ruled out")
        item = ConTextItem("is ruled out", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", "BACKWARD")
        tag_object = TagObject(item, 6, 8, doc)

        item2 = ConTextItem("but", "TERMINATE", "TERMINATE")
        tag_object2 = TagObject(item2, 3, 4, doc)
        assert tag_object.limit_scope(tag_object2)
Example #5
    def test_overlapping_target(self):
        """Test that a modifier will not modify a target if it is
        in the same span as the modifier.
        doc = nlp("Pt presents for r/o of pneumonia.")
        item = ConTextItem("r/o", "UNCERTAIN", rule="BIDIRECTIONAL")
        tag_object = TagObject(item, 3, 4, doc)
        target = Span(doc, 3, 4, "TEST")

        assert tag_object.modifies(target) is False
Example #6
    def test_on_modifies_false(self):
        def on_modifies(target, modifier, span_between):
            return False

        item = ConTextItem("no evidence of", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", on_modifies=on_modifies)
        doc = nlp("There is no evidence of pneumonia or chf.")
        doc.ents = (doc[5:6], doc[7:8])
        tag = TagObject(item, 2, 5, doc)

        assert tag.modifies(doc.ents[0]) is False
Example #7
    def test_on_modifies_arg_types(self):
        def check_arg_types(target, modifier, span_between):
            for arg in (target, modifier, span_between):
                if not isinstance(arg, spacy.tokens.Span):
                    return False
            return True

        item = ConTextItem("no evidence of", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", on_modifies=check_arg_types)
        doc = nlp("There is no evidence of pneumonia or chf.")
        doc.ents = (doc[5:6], doc[7:8])
        tag = TagObject(item, 2, 5, doc)

        assert tag.modifies(doc.ents[0]) is True
Example #8
    def test_max_scope_none(self):
        """Test that if max_scope is not None it will reduce the range
        of text which is modified.
        doc = self.create_num_target_examples()
        assert len(doc.ents) == 3
        item = ConTextItem(
            "vs", category="UNCERTAIN", rule="BIDIRECTIONAL", max_scope=None
        tag_object = TagObject(item, 5, 6, doc)

        for target in doc.ents:
            if tag_object.modifies(target):
        assert tag_object.num_targets == 3
Example #9
    def test_on_modifies_arg_values(self):
        def check_arg_types(target, modifier, span_between):
            if target.lower_ != "chf":
                return False
            if modifier.lower_ != "no evidence of":
                return False
            if span_between.lower_ != "pneumonia or":
                return False
            return True

        item = ConTextItem("no evidence of", "NEGATED_EXISTENCE", on_modifies=check_arg_types)
        doc = nlp("There is no evidence of pneumonia or chf.")
        doc.ents = (doc[5:6], doc[7:8])
        tag = TagObject(item, 2, 5, doc)

        assert tag.modifies(doc.ents[1]) is True
Example #10
    def context_graph(self):
        doc = nlp("There is no evidence of pneumonia but there is chf.")
        item_data1 = ConTextItem("no evidence of",
                                 "DEFINITE_NEGATED_EXISTENCE", "forward")
        tag_object1 = TagObject(item_data1, 2, 5, doc)

        item_data2 = ConTextItem("evidence of", "DEFINITE_EXISTENCE",
        tag_object2 = TagObject(item_data2, 3, 5, doc)

        item_data3 = ConTextItem("but", "TERMINATE", "TERMINATE")
        tag_object3 = TagObject(item_data3, 6, 7, doc)

        graph = ConTextGraph()
        graph.modifiers = [tag_object1, tag_object2, tag_object3]
        return doc, graph
Example #11
 def create_objects(self):
     doc = nlp(
         "family history of breast cancer but no diabetes. She has afib.")
     item = ConTextItem("family history of",
     tag_object = TagObject(item, 0, 3, doc)
     return doc, item, tag_object
Example #12
 def test_set_scope_context_window_no_sentences(self):
     """Test that setting the scope succeeds if sentence boundaries haven't been set but _use_context_window is True."""
     doc = nlp.tokenizer(
         "family history of breast cancer but no diabetes. She has afib.")
     item = ConTextItem("family history of",
     tag_object = TagObject(item, 0, 3, doc, _use_context_window=True)
     assert tag_object.scope == doc[3:5]
Example #13
 def test_set_scope_fails_no_sentences(self):
     """Test that setting the scope fails if sentence boundaries haven't been set."""
     doc = nlp.tokenizer(
         "family history of breast cancer but no diabetes. She has afib.")
     item = ConTextItem("family history of",
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exception_info:
         # This should fail because doc.sents are None
         TagObject(item, 0, 3, doc)
         "ConText failed because sentence boundaries have not been set")
Example #14
    def test_no_limit_scope_same_category_different_allowed_types(self):
        """Test that a two TagObjects of the same type but with different
         allowed types does not limits the scope of the tag object.
        doc = nlp("no history of travel to Puerto Rico, neg for pneumonia")

        item = ConTextItem(
            "no history of",
        item2 = ConTextItem(
            "neg for",
        tag_object = TagObject(item, 0, 3, doc)
        tag_object2 = TagObject(item2, 8, 10, doc)
        assert not tag_object.limit_scope(tag_object2)
Example #15
 def test_set_scope_fails_no_sentences(self):
     """Test that setting the scope fails if sentence boundaries haven't been set."""
     nlp = spacy.blank("en")
     assert nlp.pipeline == []
     doc = nlp("family history of breast cancer but no diabetes. She has afib.")
     item = ConTextItem("family history of", "FAMILY_HISTORY", rule="FORWARD")
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exception_info:
         # This should fail because doc.sents are None
         TagObject(item, 0, 3, doc)
         "ConText failed because sentence boundaries have not been set. "
         "Add an upstream component such as the dependency parser, Sentencizer, or PyRuSH to detect sentence boundaries."
Example #16
    def test_not_remove_modifiers_overlap_target(self):
        """Test that a modifier which overlaps with a target is not pruned but does not modify itself."""
        doc = nlp("The patient has heart failure.")
        doc.ents = (Span(doc, 3, 5, "CONDITION"), )
        context_item = ConTextItem("failure", "MODIFIER")
        tag_object = TagObject(context_item, 4, 5, doc)
        graph = ConTextGraph(remove_overlapping_modifiers=False)

        graph.modifiers = [tag_object]
        graph.targets = doc.ents

        assert overlap_target_modifiers(tag_object.span, doc.ents[0])
        assert len(graph.modifiers) == 1
Example #17
 def test_no_types(self):
     """Test that not specifying allowed_types or excluded_types will modify all targets."""
     doc = self.create_target_type_examples()
     item = ConTextItem(
         "no history of travel to",
     tag_object = TagObject(item, 0, 5, doc)
     travel, condition = doc.ents  # "puerto rico", "pneumonia"
     assert tag_object.modifies(travel) is True
     assert tag_object.modifies(condition) is True
Example #18
    def test_max_targets_none(self):
        """Check that if max_targets is None it will not reduce the targets
        to the two closest ents.
        doc = self.create_num_target_examples()
        assert len(doc.ents) == 3
        item = ConTextItem(
            "vs", category="UNCERTAIN", rule="BIDIRECTIONAL", max_targets=None
        # Set "vs" to be the modifier
        tag_object = TagObject(item, 5, 6, doc)
        for target in doc.ents:
        assert tag_object.num_targets == 3

        assert tag_object.num_targets == 3
Example #19
    def test_max_targets_less_than_targets(self):
        """Check that if max_targets is not None it will reduce the targets
        to the two closest ents.
        doc = self.create_num_target_examples()
        assert len(doc.ents) == 3
        item = ConTextItem(
            "vs", category="UNCERTAIN", rule="BIDIRECTIONAL", max_targets=2
        # Set "vs" to be the modifier
        tag_object = TagObject(item, 5, 6, doc)
        for target in doc.ents:
        assert tag_object.num_targets == 3

        assert tag_object.num_targets == 2
        for target in tag_object._targets:
            assert target.lower_ in ("pneumonia", "copd")
Example #20
 def test_limit_scope2(self):
     doc, item, tag_object = self.create_objects()
     item2 = ConTextItem("but", "TERMINATE", "TERMINATE")
     tag_object2 = TagObject(item2, 2, 4, doc)
     assert not tag_object2.limit_scope(tag_object)
Example #21
 def test_limit_scope(self):
     """Test that a 'TERMINATE' TagObject limits the scope of the tag object"""
     doc, item, tag_object = self.create_objects()
     item2 = ConTextItem("but", "TERMINATE", "TERMINATE")
     tag_object2 = TagObject(item2, 2, 4, doc)
     assert tag_object.limit_scope(tag_object2)