Example #1
def Ising_exact(N,beta,dpp):
    CyDtype = mappingDtype2Cytnx(dpp)
    Ten = cy.zeros((N,N,N,N),dtype=CyDtype)
    iTen = cy.zeros((N,N,N,N),dtype=CyDtype)
    for ii in range(N**4):
        Lab = dNb(N,ii,4)
        if np.mod(np.sum(Lab),N)==0:
            N0 = 0
            for jj in range(len(Lab)):
                if Lab[jj]==0: N0+=1

            NL = 4-N0
            VAL =np.exp(-2*beta)*( (np.sqrt(np.exp(beta*2.)+N-1))**(N0)*\
                (np.sqrt(np.exp(beta*2.)-1))**(NL) )/N

            Ten[Lab[0],Lab[1],Lab[2],Lab[3]]= VAL

        if np.mod(np.sum(Lab),N)==1:
            N0 = 0
            for jj in range(len(Lab)):
                if Lab[jj]==0: N0+=1

            NL = 4-N0
            VAL =np.exp(-2*beta)*( (np.sqrt(np.exp(beta*2.)+N-1))**(N0)*\
                (np.sqrt(np.exp(beta*2.)-1))**(NL) )/N

            iTen[Lab[0],Lab[1],Lab[2],Lab[3]]= VAL

    return Ten, iTen
Example #2
def eig_Lanczos(psivec,
    """ Lanczos method for finding smallest algebraic eigenvector of linear \
    operator defined as a function"""

    psi_columns = cytnx.zeros([len(psivec), krydim + 1])
    krylov_matrix = cytnx.zeros([krydim, krydim])
    Elast = 0
    cvg = False
    for ik in range(maxit):
        norm = psivec.Norm().item()
        psi_columns[:, 0] = psivec / norm
        for ip in range(1, krydim + 1):

            psi_columns[:, ip] = linFunct(psi_columns[:, ip - 1], *functArgs)
            for ig in range(ip):
                krylov_matrix[ip - 1,
                              ig] = cytnx.linalg.Dot(psi_columns[:, ip],
                                                     psi_columns[:, ig])
                krylov_matrix[ig, ip - 1] = krylov_matrix[ip - 1, ig]

            for ig in range(ip):
                # print(cytnx.linalg.Dot(psi_columns[:, ig], psi_columns[:, ip]))
                vp = psi_columns[:, ip]
                vg = psi_columns[:, ig]
                vp = vp - cytnx.linalg.Dot(vg, vp).item() * vg

                # print('psi_columns[:,ip].reshape(-1).Norm().item() = ', psi_columns[:,ip].reshape(-1).Norm().item())
                norm = vp.Norm().item()
                psi_columns[:, ip] = vp / norm  ## only access set() once!!

        [energy, psi_columns_basis] = cytnx.linalg.Eigh(krylov_matrix)
        psivec = cytnx.linalg.Matmul(
            psi_columns[:, :krydim],
            psi_columns_basis[:, 0].reshape(krydim, 1)).flatten()
        if (abs(energy[0].item() - Elast) < Cvgcrit):
            cvg = True
        Elast = energy[0].item()

    if (cvg == False):
        print("[WARNING!!] Lanczos does not fully converge!")

    norm = psivec.Norm().item()
    psivec = psivec / norm
    gs_energy = energy[0].item()
    return psivec, gs_energy
Example #3
def Create_loop_gas_operator(spin):
    """Returns loop gas (LG) operator Q_LG for spin=1/2 or spin=1 Kitaev model."""

    tau_tensor = cytnx.zeros(
        (2, 2, 2), dtype=cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)  # tau_tensor_{i j k}

    if '/' in spin:
        tau_tensor[0, 0, 0] = -1j
        tau_tensor[0, 0, 0] = 1

    tau_tensor[0, 1, 1] = tau_tensor[1, 0, 1] = tau_tensor[1, 1, 0] = 1

    sx, sy, sz, one = Get_spin_operators(spin)
    d = one.shape()[0]

    Q_LG = cytnx.zeros((d, d, 2, 2, 2),
                       dtype=cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)  # Q_LG_{s s' i j k}

    u_gamma = None

    if '/' in spin:
        u_gamma = list(
            map(lambda x: -1j * cytnx.linalg.ExpM(1j * np.pi * x),
                (sx, sy, sz)))
        u_gamma = list(
            map(lambda x: cytnx.linalg.ExpM(1j * np.pi * x), (sx, sy, sz)))

    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            for k in range(2):
                temp = cytnx.eye(d)
                if i == 0:
                    temp = cytnx.linalg.Matmul(temp, u_gamma[0])
                if j == 0:
                    temp = cytnx.linalg.Matmul(temp, u_gamma[1])
                if k == 0:
                    temp = cytnx.linalg.Matmul(temp, u_gamma[2])

                for s in range(d):
                    for sp in range(d):
                        Q_LG[s, sp, i, j,
                             k] = tau_tensor[i, j, k] * temp[s, sp]

    return Q_LG
Example #4
 def matvec(self,v):
     out = cy.zeros(v.shape()[0],v.dtype(),v.device());
     for a in range(v.shape()[0]):
         for i in range(self.L):
             oid,amp = self.SzSz(i,(i+1)%self.L,a)
             out[oid] += amp*self.J*v[a]
             oid,amp = self.Sx(i,a)
             out[oid] += amp*(-self.Hx)*v[a]
     return out
Example #5
def Ising_exact2(N,beta,dpp,weightMatrix=None):
    """ N: vertex of each node ; beta: J/(KB*T),dpp: datatype --> tensor Ten/iTen,
    try to construct the whole partition function with tensor Ten and iTen(impurity).
    For Ising model the weight is given by (assume kB=J=1)
            [ [exp(beta),exp(-beta)],
    if not weightMatrix : # default will be Ising weight
        weightMatrix = np.array([[np.exp(beta),np.exp(-1*beta)],
        weightMatrix = cy.form_numpy(weightMatrix)
    CyDtype = mappingDtype2Cytnx(dpp)
    NetworkConstruct = PartitionNetwork('square')
    pureNode = cy.zeros((N,N,N,N),dtype=CyDtype)
    pureNode[0,0,0,0] = pureNode[1,1,1,1] = 1
    impureNode = cy.zeros((N,N,N,N),dtype=CyDtype)
    impureNode[0,0,0,0] = 1;impureNode[1,1,1,1] = -1
    Ten = NetworkConstruct(pureNode,weightMatrix).next()
    iTen = NetworkConstruct(impureNode,weightMatrix).next()
    return Ten, iTen
Example #6
# Author: Kai-Hsin Wu

#Example of 1D Ising model 
## iTEBD

chi = 20
J  = 1.0
Hx = 1.0
CvgCrit = 1.0e-10
dt = 0.1

## Create onsite-Op
Sz = cytnx.zeros([2,2])
Sz[0,0] = 1
Sz[1,1] = -1

Sx = cytnx.zeros([2,2])
Sx[0,1] = Sx[1,0] = Hx

I = Sz.clone()
I[1,1] = 1 


## Build Evolution Operator
TFterm = cytnx.linalg.Kron(Sx,I) + cytnx.linalg.Kron(I,Sx)
ZZterm = cytnx.linalg.Kron(Sz,Sz)
Example #7
#### Set paramaters
beta = 0.4
Tval = 1 / beta
chi = 20
RGstep = 20

Q = cytnx.Tensor([2, 2])
p_beta = np.exp(beta)
m_beta = np.exp(-beta)
Q[0, 0] = Q[1, 1] = p_beta
Q[1, 0] = Q[0, 1] = m_beta
w, v = La.Eigh(Q)
Q_sqrt_tmp = v @ La.Diag(w)**0.5 @ La.Inv(v)
Q_sqrt = cyx.CyTensor(Q_sqrt_tmp, 0)

delta_tmp = cytnx.zeros([2, 2, 2, 2])
delta_tmp[0, 0, 0, 0] = delta_tmp[1, 1, 1, 1] = 1
delta = cyx.CyTensor(delta_tmp, 0)
anet = cyx.Network('Network/Q4_delta.net')
anet.PutCyTensors(["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "delta"], [Q_sqrt] * 4 + [delta])
T = anet.Launch(optimal=True)

lnz = 0.0
for k in range(RGstep):
    print('RGstep = ', k + 1, 'T.shape() = ', T.shape())
    Tmax = La.Max(La.Abs(T.get_block())).item()
    T = T / Tmax
    lnz += 2**(-k) * np.log(Tmax)
    chiT = T.shape()[0]
    chitemp = min(chiT**2, chi)
    ## Construct U1, V1
Example #8
Nsites = 20
numsweeps = 4  # number of DMRG sweeps
maxit = 2  # iterations of Lanczos method
krydim = 4  # dimension of Krylov subspace

## Initialiaze MPO
d = 2
s = 0.5
sx = cytnx.physics.spin(0.5, 'x')
sy = cytnx.physics.spin(0.5, 'y')
sp = sx + 1j * sy
sm = sx - 1j * sy

eye = cytnx.eye(d)
M = cytnx.zeros([4, 4, d, d])
M[0, 0] = M[3, 3] = eye
M[0, 1] = M[2, 3] = 2**0.5 * sp.real()
M[0, 2] = M[1, 3] = 2**0.5 * sm.real()
M = cytnx.UniTensor(M, 0)

L0 = cytnx.UniTensor(cytnx.zeros([4, 1, 1]), 0)  #Left boundary
R0 = cytnx.UniTensor(cytnx.zeros([4, 1, 1]), 0)  #Right boundary
L0.get_block_()[0, 0, 0] = 1.
R0.get_block_()[3, 0, 0] = 1.

## Init MPS train
#   0-A[0]-2    2-A[1]-4    4-A[2]-6  ...  2k-A[k]-2k+2
#      |           |           |               |
#      1           3           5              2k+1
 OPTS_updateon = True  # level of output display
 OPTS_maxit = 2  # iterations of Lanczos method
 OPTS_krydim = 4  # dimension of Krylov subspace
 ########## Initialiaze MPO (quantum XX model) and random MPS ##########
 d = 2
 s = 0.5
 sx = cytnx.physics.spin(0.5, 'x')
 sy = cytnx.physics.spin(0.5, 'y')
 sz = cytnx.physics.spin(0.5, 'y')
 sp = sx + 1j * sy
 sm = sx - 1j * sy
 eye = cytnx.eye(d).astype(cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)
 if model == 'XX':
     W = cytnx.zeros([4, 4, d, d]).astype(cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)
     W[0, 0, :, :] = W[3, 3, :, :] = eye
     W[0, 1, :, :] = W[2, 3, :, :] = 2**0.5 * sp
     W[0, 2, :, :] = W[1, 3, :, :] = 2**0.5 * sm
     WL = cytnx.zeros([4, 1, 1]).astype(cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)
     WR = cytnx.zeros([4, 1, 1]).astype(cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)
     WL[0, 0, 0] = 1.
     WR[3, 0, 0] = 1.
 if model == 'Ising':
     W = cytnx.zeros([3, 3, d, d]).astype(cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)
     W[0, 0, :, :] = W[2, 2, :, :] = eye
     W[0, 1, :, :] = sx * 2
     W[0, 2, :, :] = -1.0 * (sz * 2)  ## g
     W[1, 2, :, :] = sx * 2
     WL = cytnx.zeros([3, 1, 1]).astype(cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)
     WR = cytnx.zeros([3, 1, 1]).astype(cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)
Example #10
model = args.model
h = args.hz
tau = 0.01
refresh = 100
ITEsteps = 5
d = constants_cy.spin_to_physical_dimension(spin)
sx, sy, sz, _ = constants_cy.Get_spin_operators(spin)
if model == 'Kitaev':
    Construct_hamiltonian = constants_cy.Construct_kitaev_hamiltonian
elif model == 'Heisenberg':
    Construct_hamiltonian = constants_cy.Construct_heisenberg_hamiltonian
elif model == 'TFIM':
    Construct_hamiltonian = constants_cy.Construct_ising_hamiltonian

##### Prepare initial magnetized state
ten_a = cytnx.zeros((d, 1, 1, 1))
ten_a = ten_a.astype(cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)
ten_b = cytnx.zeros((d, 1, 1, 1))
ten_b = ten_b.astype(cytnx.Type.ComplexDouble)
w, v = cytnx.linalg.Eigh(-1 * (sx + sy + sz))
state = v[:, 0]  # eigenvector with the smallest eigenvalues
ten_a[:, 0, 0, 0] = state
ten_b[:, 0, 0, 0] = state

####### Prepare initial LG state
Q_LG = constants_cy.Create_loop_gas_operator(spin)
Q_LG = cyx.CyTensor(Q_LG, 0)
## ten_a, ten_b
ten_a = cyx.CyTensor(ten_a, 0)
ten_b = cyx.CyTensor(ten_b, 0)
ten_a = constants_cy.become_LGstate(ten_a, Q_LG)
Example #11
import cytnx
import cytnx.cytnx_extension as cyx

J = 1.0
hx = 0.2

## Spin 1/2 operator
Sz = cytnx.zeros([2, 2])
Sz[0, 0] = 1
Sz[1, 1] = -1

Sx = cytnx.zeros([2, 2])
Sx[0, 1] = Sx[1, 0] = 1

I = cytnx.linalg.Diag(cytnx.ones(2))

## construct MPO
MPO = cytnx.zeros([3, 3, 2, 2])
MPO[0, 0, :, :] = I
MPO[1, 0, :, :] = J * Sz
MPO[2, 0, :, :] = -hx * Sx
MPO[2, 1, :, :] = J * Sz
MPO[2, 2, :, :] = I

## as CyTensor :
MPO_T = cyx.CyTensor(MPO, 2)
Example #12
import numpy as np

References: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1201.1144.pdf
Author: Kai-Hsin Wu 

## 2D Ising model:
chi = 8
Cvg_crit = 1.0e-12
Maxiter = 100

## init the local tensor:
beta = 5
W = cytnx.zeros([2,2])
W[0,0] = W[1,0] = np.sqrt(np.cosh(beta)) 
W[0,1] = np.sqrt(np.sinh(beta)) 
W[1,1] = -np.sqrt(np.sinh(beta)) 

## Method-1 (faster): 
T = cLA.Kron(cLA.Kron(W[0],W[0]),cLA.Kron(W[0],W[0]))+\

## Method-2 (slower in python):
#Tchk = cytnx.zeros([2,2,2,2])
#for i in range(2):
#    for j in range(2):
#        for k in range(2):
#            for l in range(2):
Example #13
Ta_mul_2 = 3. * Ta
Ta_mul_3 = Ta * Ta

Ta_div = Ta / 3.
Ta_div_2 = 3. / Ta
Ta_div_3 = Ta / Ta

Ta_div_int = Ta / 3
Ta_div_int_2 = 3 / Ta
Ta_div_int_3 = Ta / Ta

## Generator

Tn = cytnx.zeros(10)
Tn2 = cytnx.zeros(10, dtype=cytnx.Type.Float)
Tn3 = cytnx.zeros(10, device=cytnx.Device.cpu)

Tna = cytnx.zeros((2, 3))
Tn2a = cytnx.zeros((2, 3), dtype=cytnx.Type.Float)
Tn3a = cytnx.zeros((2, 3), device=cytnx.Device.cpu)

## Bond
Example #14
Heisenberg.reshape_(3, 3, 3, 3)

## method 1, directly access element, even tho it is sparse storage.
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        for k in range(3):
            for l in range(3):
                if A.elem_exists([i, j, k, l]):
                    print(i, j, k, l)
                    A.set_elem([i, j, k, l], Heisenberg[i, j, k, l].item())

## method 2, use get_block_() to get reference and put it in.
Block_q4 = Heisenberg[0, 0, 0, 0].reshape(1, 1)

Block_q2 = cy.zeros([2, 2])
Block_q2[0, 0] = Heisenberg[0, 1, 0, 1]
Block_q2[0, 1] = Heisenberg[0, 1, 1, 0]
Block_q2[1, 0] = Heisenberg[1, 0, 0, 1]
Block_q2[1, 1] = Heisenberg[1, 0, 1, 0]

Block_q0 = cy.zeros([3, 3])
Block_q0[0, 0] = Heisenberg[0, 2, 0, 2]
Block_q0[0, 1] = Heisenberg[0, 2, 1, 1]
Block_q0[0, 2] = Heisenberg[0, 2, 2, 0]
Block_q0[1, 0] = Heisenberg[1, 1, 0, 2]
Block_q0[1, 1] = Heisenberg[1, 1, 1, 1]
Block_q0[1, 2] = Heisenberg[1, 1, 2, 0]
Block_q0[2, 0] = Heisenberg[2, 0, 0, 2]
Block_q0[2, 1] = Heisenberg[2, 0, 1, 1]
Block_q0[2, 2] = Heisenberg[2, 0, 2, 0]