Example #1
def read_sheet(sheet: Worksheet,
               index_col: Union[int, Iterable] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Read a openpyxl Worksheet object and return the sheet's data

    >>> wb = pxl.load_workbook("test.xlsx")
    >>> df = read_sheet(wb.active, index_col=0)

    :param Worksheet sheet: the sheet object
    :param bool header: if the sheet's first row represent the header, if header is True then colnames are converted to upper case strings
    :param Union[int, Iterable] index_col: the cols used as index, default no columns used as index
    data: Iterable = sheet.values
    col_names = [str(col_name).upper()
                 for col_name in next(data)] if header else None
    data = list(data)
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col_names)
    if isiterable(index_col):
        index_header = [col_names[i]
                        for i in index_col] if header else index_col
        df.set_index(index_header, inplace=True)
    elif index_col is not None:
        index_header = col_names[index_col] if header else index_col
        df.set_index(index_header, inplace=True)
    return df
def _validate_model_args(
    args: Union[_ServableType, List[_ServableType], Tuple[_ServableType, ...],
                Dict[str, _ServableType]]
) -> None:
    """Validator for machine learning models.

        model args passed into ``__init__`` of ``ModelComponent``

        If an empty iterable is passed as the model argument
        If the args do not contain properly formatted model refences
    if isiterable(args) and len(args) == 0:
        raise ValueError(f"Iterable args={args} must have length >= 1")

    if isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
        if not all(isinstance(x, _Servable_t) for x in args):
            raise TypeError(
                f"One of arg in args={args} is not type {_Servable_t}")
    elif isinstance(args, dict):
        if not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in args.keys()):
            raise TypeError(
                f"One of keys in args={args.keys()} is not type {str}")
        if not all(isinstance(x, _Servable_t) for x in args.values()):
            raise TypeError(
                f"One of values in args={args} is not type {_Servable_t}")
    elif not isinstance(args, _Servable_t):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Args must be instance, list/tuple, or mapping of {_Servable_t}")
Example #3
def make_model_dict(modules, default_key=None):
    assert modules is None or isiterable(modules)
    if isinstance(modules, dict):
        return ModuleDict(modules, default_key=default_key)
    elif modules is not None:
        modules = dict([(p.context, p) for p in modules])
        return ModuleDict(modules, default_key)
        return ModuleDict(default_key=default_key)
Example #4
 def __init__(self, *clause, name=None, **kwargs):
     :param clause: clause like objects including :class:`Clause`,
         :class:`ParallelGroup`, :class:`SequentialGroup` etc
     :param name: a optional name of this group
     if len(clause) == 1 and isiterable(clause[0]):
         clause = clause[0]
     d = OrderedDict(((n, cl) for cl, n in zip(clause, self._get_dict_name(clause))))
     self.name = name
Example #5
def zspin_projector(n, sz=0, stype="csr"):
    """Construct the projector onto spin-z subpspaces.

    n : int
        Total size of spin system.
    sz : float or sequence of floats
        Spin-z value(s) subspace(s) to find projector for.
    stype : str
        Sparse format of the output matrix.

    immutable sparse matrix
        The (non-square) projector onto the specified subspace(s).

    >>> zspin_projector(2, 0).A
    array([[ 0.+0.j,  0.+0.j,  1.+0.j,  0.+0.j],
           [ 0.+0.j,  1.+0.j,  0.+0.j,  0.+0.j]])

    if not isiterable(sz):
        sz = (sz,)

    p = 0
    all_perms = []

    for s in sz:
        # Number of 'up' spins
        k = n / 2 + s
        if not k.is_integer():
            raise ValueError("{} is not a valid spin half subspace for "
                             "{} spins.".format(s, n))
        k = int(round(k))
        # Size of subspace
        p += int(round(cmbn(n, k)))
        # Find all computational basis states with correct number of 0s and 1s
        base_perm = '0' * (n - k) + '1' * k
        all_perms += [uniq_perms(base_perm)]

    # Coordinates
    cis = tuple(range(p))  # arbitrary basis
    cjs = tuple(int("".join(perm), 2) for perm in concat(all_perms))

    # Construct matrix which prjects only on to these basis states
    prj = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(p, dtype=complex), (cis, cjs)),
                        shape=(p, 2**n), dtype=complex)
    prj = qu(prj, stype=stype)
    return prj
Example #6
def _parse_cases(cases):

    # cases = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} --> ({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3},)
    if isinstance(cases, dict):
        return (cases,)

    cases = tuple(cases)
    # e.g. if fn_args = ('a',) and cases = (1, 10, 100)
    #     we want cases --> ((1,), (10,), (100,))
    if isinstance(cases[0], str) or not isiterable(cases[0]):
        cases = tuple((c,) for c in cases)

    return cases
Example #7
    def run(self, ns, kernels=None, **harvest_opts):
        """Run the benchmarks. Each run accumulates rather than overwriting the

        ns : sequence of int or int
            The sizes to run the benchmarks with.
        kernels : sequence of str, optional
            If given, only run the kernels with these names.
            Supplied to :meth:`~xyzpy.Harvester.harvest_combos`.
        if not isiterable(ns):
            ns = (ns,)

        if kernels is None:
            kernels = self.names

        combos = {'n': ns, 'kernel': kernels}
        self.harvester.harvest_combos(combos, **harvest_opts)
Example #8
    def run(self, ns, kernels=None, **harvest_opts):
        """Run the benchmarks. Each run accumulates rather than overwriting the

        ns : sequence of int or int
            The sizes to run the benchmarks with.
        kernels : sequence of str, optional
            If given, only run the kernels with these names.
            Supplied to :meth:`~xyzpy.Harvester.harvest_combos`.
        if not isiterable(ns):
            ns = (ns, )

        if kernels is None:
            kernels = self.names

        combos = {'n': ns, 'kernel': kernels}
        self.harvester.harvest_combos(combos, **harvest_opts)
Example #9
def zspin_projector(n, sz=0, stype="csr", dtype=float):
    """Construct the projector onto spin-z subpspaces.

    n : int
        Total size of spin system.
    sz : float or sequence of floats
        Spin-z value(s) subspace(s) to find projector for.
    stype : str
        Sparse format of the output operator.
    dtype : {float, complex}, optional
        The data type of the operator to generate.

    prj : immutable sparse operator, shape (2**n, D)
        The (non-square) projector onto the specified subspace(s). The subspace
        size ``D`` is given by ``n choose (n / 2 + s)`` for each ``s``
        specified in ``sz``.

    >>> zspin_projector(n=2, sz=0).A
    array([[0., 0.],
           [1., 0.],
           [0., 1.],
           [0., 0.]]

    Project a 9-spin Heisenberg-Hamiltonian into its spin-1/2 subspace:

    >>> H = ham_heis(9, sparse=True)
    >>> H.shape
    (512, 512)

    >>> P = zspin_projector(n=9, sz=1 / 2)
    >>> H0 = P.T @ H @ P
    >>> H0.shape
    (126, 126)
    if not isiterable(sz):
        sz = (sz,)

    p = 0
    all_perms = []

    for s in sz:
        # Number of 'up' spins
        k = n / 2 + s
        if not k.is_integer():
            raise ValueError(f"{s} is not a valid spin half subspace for {n} "
        k = int(round(k))
        # Size of subspace
        p += comb(n, k, exact=True)
        # Find all computational basis states with correct number of 0s and 1s
        base_perm = '0' * (n - k) + '1' * k
        all_perms += [uniq_perms(base_perm)]

    # Coordinates
    cis = tuple(range(p))  # arbitrary basis
    cjs = tuple(int("".join(perm), 2) for perm in concat(all_perms))

    # Construct matrix which projects only on to these basis states
    prj = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(p, dtype=dtype), (cjs, cis)),
                        shape=(2**n, p), dtype=dtype)
    prj = qu(prj, stype=stype, dtype=dtype)
    return prj
Example #10
    def __init__(self, name, ratio_tables, base, t_offset, *, mth_converter=None,
                 prob_tables=None, default_context='DEFAULT', virtual=False,

        :param str name: name of the clause
        :param ratio_tables: input can be both A dict and a single module.
           if the input is a dict, the keys should be contexts.
           if the input is a single module, the `default_context` is treated as the key
           if the input is a float, then it will convert to a module using :class:`~util.Lambda`, acting like a
           constant multiplier.
        :type ratio_tables: Module or dict[str, Module] or float
        :param base: base of the clause, calculate the value with the ratio will multiply to.
           input can be a  :class:`BaseConverter` or integer.
           if the input is a integer, the base of the clause will be a :class:`BaseSelector`.
        :type base: int or BaseConverter
        :param float t_offset: time offset
        :param mth_converter: input can be both A module and a integer.
           if `monthly_converter` is integer or None then :class:`~util.CF2M` is used.
           you can use :class:`~util.Lambda` wrap a callable
        :type mth_converter: Module or int
        :param prob_tables: input can be both A dict and a single module.
           if the input is a dict, the keys should be contexts.
           if the input is a single module, the `default_context` is treated as the key
        :type prob_tables: Module or dict[str, Module]
        :param str default_context: default context, Default 'DEFAULT'
        :param bool virtual: default `False`
        :param contexts_exclude: contexts under which the cash flow of this clause should be excluded.
           Input can be a string, an iterable or a callable.

               - str: can be a single context or contexts separated by comma. if the string is started with `~`,
                  the semantics is *'exclude except'*.
               - iterable: contexts of the iterable is excluded
               - callable: returns `True` if the cash flow should be excluded under the input context.
        :type contexts_exclude: str or Iterable[str] or Callable

        self.name = name
        self.default_context = default_context
        self.t_offset = t_offset
        self.virtual = virtual
        if isinstance(contexts_exclude, str):
            self._context_exclude_repr = contexts_exclude
            if contexts_exclude.startswith('~'):
                _context_exclude = set((x.strip() for x in contexts_exclude[1:].split(',')))
                self.contexts_exclude = lambda x: x not in _context_exclude
                _context_exclude = set((x.strip() for x in contexts_exclude.split(',')))
                self.contexts_exclude = lambda x: x in _context_exclude
        elif isiterable(contexts_exclude):
            _context_exclude = set(contexts_exclude)
            self._context_exclude_repr = ','.join((str(x) for x in contexts_exclude))
            self.contexts_exclude = lambda x: x in _context_exclude
            assert callable(contexts_exclude)
            self._context_exclude_repr = repr(contexts_exclude)
            self.contexts_exclude = contexts_exclude

        # set up base modules & params
        if isinstance(base, int):
            self.base = BaseSelector(base)
        elif isinstance(base, BaseConverter):
            self.base = base
            raise TypeError(base)

        # set up ratio tables
        if not isiterable(ratio_tables):
            if isinstance(ratio_tables, float) or isinstance(ratio_tables, int):
                _r = float(ratio_tables)
                ratio_tables = Lambda(lambda mp_idx, _: _.new([_r]).expand(_.shape[0], MAX_YR_LEN),
            ratio_tables = {self.default_context: ratio_tables}
        self.ratio_tables = make_model_dict(ratio_tables, self.default_context)

        # set up probabilities
        if not isiterable(prob_tables):
            prob_tables = {self.default_context: prob_tables}
        self.prob_tables = make_model_dict(prob_tables, self.default_context)

        # set up mth converter
        if mth_converter is None or isinstance(mth_converter, int):
            self.mth_converter = CF2M(mth_converter)
            self.mth_converter = mth_converter


        # dictionary meta information of the clause
        self.meta_data = {
            'class': self.__class__.__name__,
            'name': name,
            'ratio_tables': str(ratio_tables),
            'base': str(base),
            't_off_set': t_offset,
            'mth_converter': str(mth_converter),
            'prob_tables': str(prob_tables),
            'default_context': default_context,
            'virtual': virtual,
            'context_exclude': str(contexts_exclude),
Example #11
 def pluck(self, ind):
     if cytoolz.isiterable(ind): return self.__class__(itertools.imap(flist, cytoolz.pluck(ind, self)))
     else: return self.__class__(cytoolz.pluck(ind, self))