Example #1
def main(readcsv=read_csv, method='defaultDense'):
    infile = "./data/batch/linear_regression_train.csv"
    testfile = "./data/batch/linear_regression_test.csv"

    # Configure a Lasso regression training object
    train_algo = d4p.lasso_regression_training(interceptFlag=True)

    # Read data. Let's have 10 independent, and 1 dependent variable (for each observation)
    indep_data = readcsv(infile, range(10))
    dep_data = readcsv(infile, range(10, 11))
    # Now train/compute, the result provides the model for prediction
    train_result = train_algo.compute(indep_data, dep_data)

    # Now let's do some prediction
    predict_algo = d4p.lasso_regression_prediction()
    # read test data (with same #features)
    pdata = readcsv(testfile, range(10))
    ptdata = readcsv(testfile, range(10, 11))
    # now predict using the model from the training above
    predict_result = predict_algo.compute(pdata, train_result.model)

    # The prediction result provides prediction
    assert predict_result.prediction.shape == (pdata.shape[0],
    assert np.square(predict_result.prediction - ptdata).mean() < 2.4

    return (predict_result, ptdata)
Example #2
def main(readcsv=read_csv, method='defaultDense'):
    infile = "./data/batch/linear_regression_train.csv"
    testfile = "./data/batch/linear_regression_test.csv"

    # Configure a Lasso regression training object
    train_algo = d4p.lasso_regression_training(interceptFlag=True)

    # Read data. Let's have 10 independent, and 2 dependent variables (for each observation)
    indep_data = readcsv(infile, range(10))
    dep_data = readcsv(infile, range(10, 12))
    # Now train/compute, the result provides the model for prediction
    train_result = train_algo.compute(indep_data, dep_data)

    # Now let's do some prediction
    predict_algo = d4p.lasso_regression_prediction()
    # read test data (with same #features)
    pdata = readcsv(testfile, range(10))
    ptdata = readcsv(testfile, range(10, 12))
    # now predict using the model from the training above
    predict_result = predict_algo.compute(pdata, train_result.model)

    # The prediction result provides prediction
    assert predict_result.prediction.shape == (pdata.shape[0],

    # the example is used in tests with the scipy.sparse matrix
    # we use this trick until subtracting a sparse matrix is not supported
    if hasattr(ptdata, 'toarray'):
        ptdata = ptdata.toarray()
    # this assertion is outdated, will be fixed in next release
    # assert np.square(predict_result.prediction - np.asarray(ptdata)).mean() < 2.2

    return (predict_result, ptdata)
def _daal4py_predict_lasso(self, X):
    X = make2d(X)
    _fptype = getFPType(self.coef_)

    lasso_palg = daal4py.lasso_regression_prediction(fptype=_fptype,
    lasso_res = lasso_palg.compute(X, self.daal_model_)

    res = lasso_res.prediction

    if res.shape[1] == 1 and self.coef_.ndim == 1:
        res = np.ravel(res)
    return res
def _daal4py_predict_lasso(self, X):
    X = make2d(X)
    _fptype = getFPType(self.coef_)

    lasso_palg = daal4py.lasso_regression_prediction(fptype=_fptype,
    if self.n_features_in_ != X.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError((f'X has {X.shape[1]} features, '
                          f'but Lasso is expecting '
                          f'{self.n_features_in_} features as input'))
    lasso_res = lasso_palg.compute(X, self.daal_model_)

    res = lasso_res.prediction

    if res.shape[1] == 1 and self.coef_.ndim == 1:
        res = np.ravel(res)
    return res