Example #1
def are_subsets_contiguous(subset_a: subsets.Subset, subset_b: subsets.Subset, dim: int = None) -> bool:

    if dim is not None:
        # A version that only checks for contiguity in certain
        # dimension (e.g., to prioritize stride-1 range)
        if (not isinstance(subset_a, subsets.Range) or not isinstance(subset_b, subsets.Range)):
            raise NotImplementedError('Contiguous subset check only ' 'implemented for ranges')

        # Other dimensions must be equal
        for i, (s1, s2) in enumerate(zip(subset_a.ranges, subset_b.ranges)):
            if i == dim:
            if s1[0] != s2[0] or s1[1] != s2[1] or s1[2] != s2[2]:
                return False

        # Set of conditions for contiguous dimension
        ab = (subset_a[dim][1] + 1) == subset_b[dim][0]
        a_overlap_b = subset_a[dim][1] >= subset_b[dim][0]
        ba = (subset_b[dim][1] + 1) == subset_a[dim][0]
        b_overlap_a = subset_b[dim][1] >= subset_a[dim][0]
        # NOTE: Must check with "==" due to sympy using special types
        return (ab == True or a_overlap_b == True or ba == True or b_overlap_a == True)

    # General case
    bbunion = subsets.bounding_box_union(subset_a, subset_b)
        if bbunion.num_elements() == (subset_a.num_elements() + subset_b.num_elements()):
            return True
    except TypeError:

    return False
Example #2
def cpp_offset_expr(d: data.Data,
                    subset_in: subsets.Subset,
    """ Creates a C++ expression that can be added to a pointer in order
        to offset it to the beginning of the given subset and offset.
        :param d: The data structure to use for sizes/strides.
        :param subset_in: The subset to offset by.
        :param offset: An additional list of offsets or a Subset object
        :param packed_veclen: If packed types are targeted, specifies the
                              vector length that the final offset should be
                              divided by.
        :param indices: A tuple of indices to use for expression.
        :return: A string in C++ syntax with the correct offset
    # Offset according to parameters, then offset according to array
    if offset is not None:
        subset = subset_in.offset_new(offset, False)
        subset.offset(d.offset, False)
        subset = subset_in.offset_new(d.offset, False)

    # Obtain start range from offsetted subset
    indices = indices or ([0] * len(d.strides))

    index = subset.at(indices, d.strides)
    if packed_veclen > 1:
        index /= packed_veclen

    return sym2cpp(index)
Example #3
def propagate_subset(
        memlets: List[Memlet],
        arr: data.Data,
        params: List[str],
        rng: subsets.Subset,
        defined_variables: Set[symbolic.SymbolicType] = None) -> Memlet:
    """ Tries to propagate a list of memlets through a range (computes the 
        image of the memlet function applied on an integer set of, e.g., a 
        map range) and returns a new memlet object.
        :param memlets: The memlets to propagate.
        :param arr: Array descriptor for memlet (used for obtaining extents).
        :param params: A list of variable names.
        :param rng: A subset with dimensionality len(params) that contains the
                    range to propagate with.
        :param defined_variables: A set of symbols defined that will remain the
                                  same throughout propagation. If None, assumes
                                  that all symbols outside of `params` have been
        :return: Memlet with propagated subset and volume.
    # Argument handling
    if defined_variables is None:
        # Default defined variables is "everything but params"
        defined_variables = set()
        defined_variables |= rng.free_symbols
        for memlet in memlets:
            defined_variables |= memlet.free_symbols
        defined_variables -= set(params)
        defined_variables = set(
            symbolic.pystr_to_symbolic(p) for p in defined_variables)

    # Propagate subset
    variable_context = [
        defined_variables, [symbolic.pystr_to_symbolic(p) for p in params]

    new_subset = None
    for md in memlets:
        tmp_subset = None
        for pclass in MemletPattern.extensions():
            pattern = pclass()
            if pattern.can_be_applied([md.subset], variable_context, rng,
                tmp_subset = pattern.propagate(arr, [md.subset], rng)
            # No patterns found. Emit a warning and propagate the entire
            # array
            warnings.warn('Cannot find appropriate memlet pattern to '
                          'propagate %s through %s' %
                          (str(md.subset), str(rng)))
            tmp_subset = subsets.Range.from_array(arr)

        # Union edges as necessary
        if new_subset is None:
            new_subset = tmp_subset
            old_subset = new_subset
            new_subset = subsets.union(new_subset, tmp_subset)
            if new_subset is None:
                warnings.warn('Subset union failed between %s and %s ' %
                              (old_subset, tmp_subset))

    # Some unions failed
    if new_subset is None:
        new_subset = subsets.Range.from_array(arr)
    ### End of subset propagation

    # Create new memlet
    new_memlet = copy.copy(memlets[0])
    new_memlet.subset = new_subset
    new_memlet.other_subset = None

    # Propagate volume:
    # Number of accesses in the propagated memlet is the sum of the internal
    # number of accesses times the size of the map range set (unbounded dynamic)
    new_memlet.volume = (sum(m.volume for m in memlets) *
                         functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, rng.size(), 1))
    if any(m.dynamic for m in memlets):
        new_memlet.dynamic = True
    elif symbolic.issymbolic(new_memlet.volume) and any(
            s not in defined_variables
            for s in new_memlet.volume.free_symbols):
        new_memlet.dynamic = True
        new_memlet.volume = 0

    return new_memlet