Example #1
class _Descriptor(object):
    Abstract class for feature descriptions
    A _Descriptor instance describes the features of a dataset (instances). The
    order is significant. It wraps an ordered dictionary where the keys are
    unique feature names and the values are Feat instances. Each Feat instance
    defines the properties of a feature (it's type, the associated feature
    function, etc.).
    def __init__(self, features=()):
        @param features: a iterable of Feat instances describing feature
        @return: a _Descriptor object
        self._odict = OrderedDict()

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return self._odict[name]

    def __setitem__(self, name, feat):
        assert isinstance(feat, Feat)
        self._odict[name] = feat

    def __iter__(self):
        # in contrast to dict, iterates over values (i.e. features) rather
        # than keys (i.e. feature names)
        return iter(self._odict.values())

    def extend(self, features):
        for feat in features:
            self[feat.name] = feat

    def descr(self):
        return feature description as a Numpy field description
        (list of feature name and type pairs)
        return [(feat.name, feat.type) for feat in self]

    def dtype(self):
        return feature description as a Numpy dtype
        return numpy.dtype(self.descr)

    def pprint(self, out=sys.stdout):
        pretty print feature description
        # feature properties are hard coded...
        out.write("No:".ljust(4) + "\t" + "Name:".ljust(32) + "\t" +
                  "Type:".ljust(8) + "\t" + "Metric:".ljust(8) + "\t" +
                  "Function:".ljust(32) + "\t" +
                  "Preprep graph hooks:".ljust(32) + "\t" +
                  "Preprep node hooks:\n")

        for i, feat in enumerate(self):
            pp_graph_hooks = ", ".join(obj.__name__
                                       for obj in feat.pp_graph_hooks)
            pp_node_hooks = ", ".join(obj.__name__
                                      for obj in feat.pp_node_hooks)
            out.write("%-4d\t%-32s\t%-8s\t%-8s\t%-32s\t%-32s\t%-32s\n" %
                      (i + 1, feat.name, feat.type, feat.metric,
                       feat.function.func_name, pp_graph_hooks, pp_node_hooks))
Example #2
class _Descriptor(object):
    Abstract class for feature descriptions
    A _Descriptor instance describes the features of a dataset (instances). The
    order is significant. It wraps an ordered dictionary where the keys are
    unique feature names and the values are Feat instances. Each Feat instance
    defines the properties of a feature (it's type, the associated feature
    function, etc.).
    def __init__(self, features=()):
        @param features: a iterable of Feat instances describing feature
        @return: a _Descriptor object
        self._odict = OrderedDict()

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        return self._odict[name]
    def __setitem__(self, name, feat):
        assert isinstance(feat, Feat)
        self._odict[name] = feat
    def __iter__(self):
        # in contrast to dict, iterates over values (i.e. features) rather
        # than keys (i.e. feature names)
        return iter(self._odict.values())
    def extend(self, features):
        for feat in features: 
            self[feat.name] = feat 

    def descr(self):
        return feature description as a Numpy field description
        (list of feature name and type pairs)
        return [ (feat.name, feat.type)
                 for feat in self ]

    def dtype(self):
        return feature description as a Numpy dtype
        return numpy.dtype(self.descr)

    def pprint(self, out=sys.stdout):
        pretty print feature description
        # feature properties are hard coded...
        out.write("No:".ljust(4) + "\t" +
                  "Name:".ljust(32) + "\t" +
                  "Type:".ljust(8) + "\t" +
                  "Metric:".ljust(8) + "\t" +
                  "Function:".ljust(32) + "\t" +
                  "Preprep graph hooks:".ljust(32) + "\t" +
                  "Preprep node hooks:\n")
        for i, feat in enumerate(self):
            pp_graph_hooks = ", ".join(obj.__name__
                                       for obj in feat.pp_graph_hooks)
            pp_node_hooks = ", ".join(obj.__name__
                                       for obj in feat.pp_node_hooks)
            out.write("%-4d\t%-32s\t%-8s\t%-8s\t%-32s\t%-32s\t%-32s\n"  % (