Example #1
def box_mixer(N, D, b, p):
    box_list = []
    edges_list = []
    for i in range(b):
        box = dl.box_generator(N, D)[0]
    mixing_edges = int(p*sum(edges_list)) # approx number of edges between the boxes, if added fraction p of the total edges in all of the boxes
    print 'Adding %d edges' %mixing_edges
    mixed_box = nx.union_all(box_list)
    #assigns birthdays to the mixed_box DAG
    for node in mixed_box.nodes():
        birthday = sum(node)
        mixed_box.node[node]['birthday'] = birthday 
    birthday = nx.get_node_attributes(mixed_box, 'birthday')   
    while mixing_edges > 0:
        box_indices = range(b)
        rand_index_1 = choice(box_indices)
        box_indices.remove(rand_index_1) #prevents extra edge being created within a single box
        rand_index_2 = choice(box_indices)
        nodes_1 = box_list[rand_index_1].nodes()
        nodes_2 = box_list[rand_index_2].nodes()
        node_1 = choice(nodes_1)
        node_2 = choice(nodes_2)
        if birthday[node_1] > birthday[node_2]:
            mixing_edges -= 1
    return [mixed_box,box_list]
Example #2
    def test(N, D):
        box = dl.box_generator(N, D)
        DAG = box[0]
        ext = box[1]

        start = ext[1]
        end = ext[0]

        print DAG.node[start]["birthday"]
        print "!!!!!"
        start_time = time.clock()
        the_greedy_path = greedy_path(DAG, start, max_depth=50)
        greedy_time = time.clock() - start_time
        start_time = time.clock()
        lp = dl.lpd(DAG, start, end)
        lp_time = time.clock() - start_time
        print "Greedy"
        greedy_path_length = len(the_greedy_path)
        # print the_greedy_path

        print "Longest"
        lp_length = lp[2]
        # print lp[1]

        print "Greedy Time = %s" % str(greedy_time)
        print "LP Time = %s" % str(lp_time)

        return (greedy_path_length, greedy_time, lp_length, lp_time)
Example #3
    def test(N, D):
        box = dl.box_generator(N, D)
        DAG = box[0]
        ext = box[1] 

        start = ext[1]
        end = ext[0]
        the_indec_path = indecisive_path(DAG, start, -1, end)
        print len(the_indec_path)
Example #4
def test(N, D):
    box = dl.box_generator(N, D, 'minkowski')
    #box = mod2.COd(D,N)
    dag = box[0]
    ext = box[1]
    tr_dag = tr.trans_red(dag)
    good_dag = tr_dag
    lp = dl.lpd(tr_dag, ext[1], ext[0])
    length = lp[2]
    print length
    return length
Example #5
def lpd_test(N, D):
    box = dl.box_generator(N, D, 'minkowski')
    dag = box[0]
    ext = box[1]
    tr_dag = tr.trans_red(dag)
    print ext[0]
    print ext[1]
    lp = dl.lpd(tr_dag, ext[1], ext[0])
    print lp[1]
    return lp
Example #6
def tr_test(N):
    box = dl.box_generator(N, 3)
    dag = box[0]
    ext = box[1]

    '''for node in dag.nodes():
        print '####################'
        print node
        print dag.successors(node)
        print '####################'''
    start_time = time.clock()
    tr_dag = tr.trans_red(dag)
    tr_time = time.clock() - start_time
    #print tr_dag.successors(ext[1])
    print 'N = %s and time for tr was %s' % (N, tr_time)
def test(N, D):
    box = dl.box_generator(N, D)
    dag = box[0]
    ext = box[1]
    tr_dag = tr.trans_red(dag)
    good_dag = tr_dag
    lp = dl.lpd(tr_dag, ext[1], ext[0])
    path = lp[1]
    tr_dag = good_dag
    dim = mps.mpsd(tr_dag, path)
    mm_dim = mmd.MM_dimension(dag)
    print dim
    print mm_dim
    return [dim[0], mm_dim]
Example #8
                k_max = k
                i_max = [i]
                print 'Change kmax at %s to %d' %(thing,k)
            elif k == k_max:
                if k_max > 0:
                    print 'Add %s to list' %thing
            i += 1
        if len(i_max) == 1: #there is a single node that has the maximum degree value
            i_path = i_max[0]
        elif len(i_max) > 1: #there is more than one node with the same (non-zero) degree value
            i_path = choice(i_max)
            print 'multiple choice, choose from %s' %str(i_max)
        else: #i.e. i_max is an empty list...all node have k=0 i.e. the end of the path will be reached on the next step to a random one of 'things'
            i_path = choice(range(len(things)))

        next_step = things[i_path]    #This is the next step that the path with take        
        path = indecisive_path(DAG,next_step,type,path)
        return path

full_box = dl.box_generator(100, 2)
ext = full_box[1]
path = indecisive_path(full_box[0],ext[1],'start')
print len(path)
print path