def main(): global Options, Logger, Sections, Priorities cnf = Config() session = DBConn().session() Arguments = [('a',"automatic","Process-New::Options::Automatic"), ('b',"no-binaries","Process-New::Options::No-Binaries"), ('c',"comments","Process-New::Options::Comments"), ('h',"help","Process-New::Options::Help"), ('m',"manual-reject","Process-New::Options::Manual-Reject", "HasArg"), ('t',"trainee","Process-New::Options::Trainee"), ('n',"no-action","Process-New::Options::No-Action")] for i in ["automatic", "no-binaries", "comments", "help", "manual-reject", "no-action", "version", "trainee"]: if not cnf.has_key("Process-New::Options::%s" % (i)): cnf["Process-New::Options::%s" % (i)] = "" changes_files = apt_pkg.parse_commandline(cnf.Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv) if len(changes_files) == 0: new_queue = get_policy_queue('new', session ); changes_paths = [ os.path.join(new_queue.path, j) for j in utils.get_changes_files(new_queue.path) ] else: changes_paths = [ os.path.abspath(j) for j in changes_files ] Options = cnf.subtree("Process-New::Options") if Options["Help"]: usage() if not Options["No-Action"]: try: Logger = daklog.Logger("process-new") except CantOpenError as e: Options["Trainee"] = "True" Sections = Section_Completer(session) Priorities = Priority_Completer(session) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") if len(changes_paths) > 1: sys.stderr.write("Sorting changes...\n") changes_files = sort_changes(changes_paths, session, Options["No-Binaries"]) if Options["Comments"]: show_new_comments(changes_files, session) else: for changes_file in changes_files: changes_file = utils.validate_changes_file_arg(changes_file, 0) if not changes_file: continue print "\n" + os.path.basename(changes_file) do_pkg (changes_file, session) end()
def do_comments(dir, srcqueue, opref, npref, line, fn, session): for comm in [ x for x in os.listdir(dir) if x.startswith(opref) ]: lines = open("%s/%s" % (dir, comm)).readlines() if len(lines) == 0 or lines[0] != line + "\n": continue changes_files = [ x for x in os.listdir(".") if x.startswith(comm[len(opref):]+"_") and x.endswith(".changes") ] changes_files = sort_changes(changes_files, session) for f in changes_files: print "Processing changes file: %s" % f f = utils.validate_changes_file_arg(f, 0) if not f: print "Couldn't validate changes file %s" % f continue fn(f, srcqueue, "".join(lines[1:]), session) if opref != npref and not Options["No-Action"]: newcomm = npref + comm[len(opref):] os.rename("%s/%s" % (dir, comm), "%s/%s" % (dir, newcomm))
def do_pkg(changes_file): changes_file = utils.validate_changes_file_arg(changes_file, 0) if not changes_file: return print "\n" + changes_file u = Upload() u.pkg.changes_file = changes_file # We can afoord not to check the signature before loading the changes file # as we've validated it already (otherwise it couldn't be in new) # and we can more quickly skip over already processed files this way u.load_changes(changes_file) origchanges = os.path.abspath(u.pkg.changes_file) # Still be cautious in case paring the changes file went badly if u.pkg.changes.has_key('source') and u.pkg.changes.has_key('version'): htmlname = u.pkg.changes["source"] + "_" + u.pkg.changes["version"] + ".html" htmlfile = os.path.join(cnf["Show-New::HTMLPath"], htmlname) else: # Changes file was bad print "Changes file %s missing source or version field" % changes_file return # Have we already processed this? if os.path.exists(htmlfile) and \ os.stat(htmlfile).st_mtime > os.stat(origchanges).st_mtime: with open(htmlfile, "r") as fd: if != timeout_str: sources.append(htmlname) return (PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS, '%s already up-to-date' % htmlfile) # Now we'll load the fingerprint session = DBConn().session() htmlfiles_to_process.append(htmlfile) (u.pkg.changes["fingerprint"], rejects) = utils.check_signature(changes_file, session=session) new_queue = get_policy_queue('new', session ); = new_queue.path u.update_subst() files = u.pkg.files changes = u.pkg.changes sources.append(htmlname) for deb_filename, f in files.items(): if deb_filename.endswith(".udeb") or deb_filename.endswith(".deb"): u.binary_file_checks(deb_filename, session) u.check_binary_against_db(deb_filename, session) else: u.source_file_checks(deb_filename, session) u.check_source_against_db(deb_filename, session) u.pkg.changes["suite"] = u.pkg.changes["distribution"] new, byhand = determine_new(u.pkg.changes_file, u.pkg.changes, files, 0, dsc=u.pkg.dsc, session=session) outfile = open(os.path.join(cnf["Show-New::HTMLPath"],htmlname),"w") filestoexamine = [] for pkg in new.keys(): for fn in new[pkg]["files"]: filestoexamine.append(fn) print >> outfile, html_header(changes["source"], filestoexamine) check_valid(new, session) distribution = changes["distribution"].keys()[0] print >> outfile, examine_package.display_changes(distribution, changes_file) for fn in filter(lambda fn: fn.endswith(".dsc"), filestoexamine): print >> outfile, examine_package.check_dsc(distribution, fn, session) for fn in filter(lambda fn: fn.endswith(".deb") or fn.endswith(".udeb"), filestoexamine): print >> outfile, examine_package.check_deb(distribution, fn, session) print >> outfile, html_footer() outfile.close() session.close() htmlfiles_to_process.remove(htmlfile) return (PROC_STATUS_SUCCESS, '%s already updated' % htmlfile)