def add(force=("", False, "Do not check PDF file presence")): backup = db.Backup() backup.path = input("Enter path: ") backup.path = fixup_path(backup.path) library_path = make_library_path(backup.path) if not os.path.isfile(library_path) and not force: raise ValueError( "Original file for this backup was not found in elibrary") backup.provenance = input("Enter provenance (markdown supported): ") backup.aspect_ratio_x, backup.aspect_ratio_y = map( int, input(f"Enter aspect ratio ({SIZE_FORMAT}): ").split( const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) backup.image_size_x, backup.image_size_y = map( int, input(f"Enter image size ({SIZE_FORMAT}): ").split( const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) backup.note = input("Enter note (markdown supported): ") if backup.note and backup.note[-1] != '.': print("The note must end with a dot.") sys.exit(1) with db.make_transaction() as session: session.add(backup) session.commit() print(f"Added backup #{}")
def delete(id=("", 0, "Id of the backup to be deleted")): if id == 0: print("Backup id is required") sys.exit(1) with db.make_transaction() as session: backup = session.query(db.Backup).get(id) print(f"You are going to delete backup #{id} at '{backup.path}'") confirmation = input("Type YES to continue: ") if confirmation == "YES": session.delete(backup) session.commit() print(f"Backup #{id} was deleted")
def get_backups(): format = utils_flask.extract_string_from_request("format", default="html") with db.make_transaction() as session: backups = session.query(db.Backup).order_by(db.Backup.path).all() if format == "html": return flask.render_template("backups.html", backups=backups) pass elif format == "json": response = flask.make_response(json.dumps(backups, cls=db.SqlAlchemyEncoder)) response.content_type = "application/json; charset=utf-8" return response else: flask.abort(http.client.BAD_REQUEST, f"Unknown format: {format}")
def get( id=("", 0, "Id of the backup to be updated"), ): if id == 0: print("Backup id is required") sys.exit(1) with db.make_transaction() as session: backup = session.query(db.Backup).get(id) print(f"Path:\n{backup.path}") print(f"Provenance:\n{backup.provenance}") print(f"Note:\n{backup.note}") print(f"Image size: {backup.image_size_x}{const.SIZE_DELIMETER}{backup.image_size_y}") print(f"Aspect ratio: {backup.aspect_ratio_x}{const.SIZE_DELIMETER}{backup.aspect_ratio_y}")
def update( id=("", 0, "Id of the backup to be updated"), # opster does not allow checking if the option was defined. # Workaround this by passing ugly default. path=("", NOT_DEFINED, "Set backup path to the given value"), provenance=( "", NOT_DEFINED, "Set backup provenance to the given value (markdown supported)"), note=("", NOT_DEFINED, "Set backup note to the given value (markdown supported)"), image_size=( "", NOT_DEFINED, f"Set backup image size to the given value ({SIZE_FORMAT})"), aspect_ratio=( "", NOT_DEFINED, f"Set backup image aspect ratio to the given value ({SIZE_FORMAT})" )): if id == 0: print("Backup id is required") sys.exit(1) with db.make_transaction() as session: backup = session.query(db.Backup).get(id) modified = False if path != NOT_DEFINED: path = fixup_path(path) library_path = make_library_path(path) if not os.path.isfile(library_path): raise ValueError( "Original file for this backup was not found in elibrary") backup.path = path modified = True if provenance != NOT_DEFINED: backup.provenance = provenance modified = True if note != NOT_DEFINED: backup.note = note modified = True if image_size != NOT_DEFINED: backup.image_size_x, backup.image_size_y = map( int, image_size.split(const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) modified = True if aspect_ratio != NOT_DEFINED: backup.aspect_ratio_x, backup.aspect_ratio_y = map( int, aspect_ratio.split(const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) modified = True if modified: session.add(backup) session.commit() print("Updated successfully") else: print("Nothing to modify")
def delete( id=("", 0, "Id of the backup to be deleted") ): if id == 0: print("Backup id is required") sys.exit(1) with db.make_transaction() as session: backup = session.query(db.Backup).get(id) print(f"You are going to delete backup #{id} at '{backup.path}'") confirmation = input("Type YES to continue: ") if confirmation == "YES": session.delete(backup) session.commit() print(f"Backup #{id} was deleted")
def get(id=("", 0, "Id of the backup to be updated"), ): if id == 0: print("Backup id is required") sys.exit(1) with db.make_transaction() as session: backup = session.query(db.Backup).get(id) print(f"Path:\n{backup.path}") print(f"Provenance:\n{backup.provenance}") print(f"Note:\n{backup.note}") print( f"Image size: {backup.image_size_x}{const.SIZE_DELIMETER}{backup.image_size_y}" ) print( f"Aspect ratio: {backup.aspect_ratio_x}{const.SIZE_DELIMETER}{backup.aspect_ratio_y}" )
def add(): backup = db.Backup() backup.path = input("Enter path: ") backup.path = fixup_path(backup.path) backup.provenance = input("Enter provenance (markdown supported): ") backup.aspect_ratio_x, backup.aspect_ratio_y = map( int, input(f"Enter aspect ratio ({SIZE_FORMAT}): ").split(const.SIZE_DELIMETER) ) backup.image_size_x, backup.image_size_y = map( int, input(f"Enter image size ({SIZE_FORMAT}): ").split(const.SIZE_DELIMETER) ) backup.note = input("Enter note (markdown supported): ") if backup.note and backup.note[-1] != '.': print("The note must end with a dot.") sys.exit(1) with db.make_transaction() as session: session.add(backup) session.commit() print(f"Added backup #{}")
def add(): backup = db.Backup() backup.path = input("Enter path: ") backup.path = fixup_path(backup.path) backup.provenance = input("Enter provenance (markdown supported): ") backup.aspect_ratio_x, backup.aspect_ratio_y = map( int, input(f"Enter aspect ratio ({SIZE_FORMAT}): ").split( const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) backup.image_size_x, backup.image_size_y = map( int, input(f"Enter image size ({SIZE_FORMAT}): ").split( const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) backup.note = input("Enter note (markdown supported): ") if backup.note and backup.note[-1] != '.': print("The note must end with a dot.") sys.exit(1) with db.make_transaction() as session: session.add(backup) session.commit() print(f"Added backup #{}")
def update( id=("", 0, "Id of the backup to be updated"), # opster does not allow checking if the option was defined. # Workaround this by passing ugly default. path=("", NOT_DEFINED, "Set backup path to the given value"), provenance=("", NOT_DEFINED, "Set backup provenance to the given value (markdown supported)"), note=("", NOT_DEFINED, "Set backup note to the given value (markdown supported)"), image_size=("", NOT_DEFINED, f"Set backup image size to the given value ({SIZE_FORMAT})"), aspect_ratio=("", NOT_DEFINED, f"Set backup image aspect ratio to the given value ({SIZE_FORMAT})") ): if id == 0: print("Backup id is required") sys.exit(1) with db.make_transaction() as session: backup = session.query(db.Backup).get(id) modified = False if path != NOT_DEFINED: backup.path = fixup_path(path) modified = True if provenance != NOT_DEFINED: backup.provenance = provenance modified = True if note != NOT_DEFINED: backup.note = note modified = True if image_size != NOT_DEFINED: backup.image_size_x, backup.image_size_y = map(int, image_size.split(const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) modified = True if aspect_ratio != NOT_DEFINED: backup.aspect_ratio_x, backup.aspect_ratio_y = map(int, image_size.split(const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) modified = True if modified: session.add(backup) session.commit() print("Updated successfully") else: print("Nothing to modify")
paths, provenance, aspect_ratio, image_size, note = list(map(str.strip, line.split('|'))) aspect_ratio_x, aspect_ratio_y = map(int, aspect_ratio.strip('`').split(const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) image_size_x, image_size_y = map(int, image_size.strip('`').split(const.SIZE_DELIMETER)) unquote = lambda s: s.strip('`') paths = list(map(unquote, paths.split('<br/>'))) if note and note[-1] != '.': print(f"Comment on line {idx} does not end with dot.") warnings_count += 1 for path in paths: backup = db.Backup( path=path, provenance=provenance, aspect_ratio_x=aspect_ratio_x, aspect_ratio_y=aspect_ratio_y, image_size_x=image_size_x, image_size_y=image_size_y, note=note ) backups.append(backup) except Exception as ex: print(f"While processing line {idx} got exception: {ex!r}") sys.exit(1) if warnings_count > 0: print(f"You have to fix {warnings_count} warnings first") sys.exit(1) print(f"Going to upload: {len(backups)} backups") with db.make_transaction() as session: session.add_all(backups) session.commit() print(f"Uploaded: {len(backups)} backups")