def get_messages_with_hashtag(self, hid): dao = HashtagsDAO() messages = dao.get_messages_with_hashtag(hid) result = [] for message in messages: dict = self.build_message_dict(message) result.append(dict) return jsonify(Messages=result)
def get_hashtag_by_id(self, hid): dao = HashtagsDAO() hashtag = dao.get_hashtag_by_id(hid) if not hashtag: return jsonify(Error="Hashtag not found"), 404 else: result = self.build_hashtag_dict(hashtag) return jsonify(Hashtag=result)
def get_hashtags_for_message(self, mid): dao = HashtagsDAO() hashtags = dao.get_hashtags_per_message(mid) result = [] for hashtag in hashtags: dict = self.build_hashtag_dict(hashtag) result.append(dict) return jsonify(Hashtag=result)
def get_trending(self): dao = HashtagsDAO() trending = dao.get_trending_hashtags() result = [] for hashtag in trending: dict = self.build_trending_dict(hashtag) result.append(dict) return jsonify(result)
def get_hashtags(self): dao = HashtagsDAO() hashtags = dao.get_hashtags() result = [] for hashtag in hashtags: dict = self.build_hashtag_dict(hashtag) result.append(dict) return jsonify(Hashtags=result)
def insertReply(self, form, mid, uid, cid): print(form, file=sys.stderr) if len(form) == 1: text = form["mtext"] if text: dao = MessagesDAO() udao = UsersDao() row = dao.post_reply(mid, text, uid, cid) mid = row[0] mdate = row[1] fullname = udao.get_fullname(uid) ufirst_name = fullname[0] ulast_name = fullname[1] new_message = self.build_reply_dict_attributes(mid, text, uid, cid, mdate, ufirst_name, ulast_name) hash_handler = HashtagsHandler() hash_dao = HashtagsDAO() for htext in hash_handler.get_mtext_hashtags(text): hid = hash_dao.search_hashtag(htext) if not hid: hid = hash_dao.post_hashtag(htext) hash_dao.insert_message_contains_hashtag(mid, hid) return jsonify(new_message), 201 else: return jsonify(Error="Unexpected attributes in post request"), 400 else: return jsonify(Error="Malformed post request"), 400
def createMessage(self, files, form, uid, cid): print(files, file=sys.stderr) print(form, file=sys.stderr) file = files["mimage"] if len(form) == 1 and file: filename = "img" + '_' + str(uid) + '_' + file.filename"static/images/" + filename) image = "static/images/" + filename text = form["mtext"] if image and text: dao = MessagesDAO() udao = UsersDao() row = dao.post_message(image, text, uid, cid) mid = row[0] mdate = row[1] fullname = udao.get_fullname(uid) ufirst_name = fullname[0] ulast_name = fullname[1] new_message = self.build_message_dict_attributes(mid, image, text, uid, cid, mdate, ufirst_name, ulast_name) hash_handler = HashtagsHandler() hash_dao = HashtagsDAO() for htext in hash_handler.get_mtext_hashtags(text): hid = hash_dao.search_hashtag(htext) if not hid: hid = hash_dao.post_hashtag(htext) hash_dao.insert_message_contains_hashtag(mid, hid) return jsonify(new_message), 201 else: return jsonify(Error="Unexpected attributes in post request"), 400 else: return jsonify(Error="Malformed post request"), 400
def get_times_used(self, hid): dao = HashtagsDAO() times_used = dao.get_times_used(hid) return jsonify(Used=times_used)