Example #1
def normalise(data_refs):
    print(f'[INFO] Working on data refs: {data_refs}')
    norm_dsets = collections.OrderedDict()

    for data_ref, file_paths in data_refs.items():

        xr_dset = open_dataset(data_ref, file_paths)
        norm_dsets[data_ref] = xr_dset

    return norm_dsets
Example #2
def normalise(collection):
    LOGGER.info(f"Working on datasets: {collection}")
    norm_collection = collections.OrderedDict()

    for dset, file_paths in collection.items():

        ds = open_dataset(dset, file_paths)
        norm_collection[dset] = ds

    return norm_collection
Example #3
def normalise(collection, apply_fixes=True):
    Takes file paths and opens and fixes the dataset they make up.

    :param collection: Ordered dictionary of ds ids and their related file paths.
    :param apply_fixes: Boolean. If True fixes will be applied to datasets if needed. Default is True.
    :return: An ordered dictionary of ds ids and their fixed xarray Dataset.

    LOGGER.info(f"Working on datasets: {collection}")
    norm_collection = collections.OrderedDict()

    for dset, file_paths in collection.items():

        ds = open_dataset(dset, file_paths, apply_fixes)
        norm_collection[dset] = ds

    return norm_collection
Example #4
def test_open_dataset_without_fix(load_esgf_test_data):
    ds = xr.open_mfdataset(fpath, use_cftime=True, combine="by_coords")
    not_fixed_ds = open_dataset(ds_id, fpath, apply_fixes=False)
    assert ds.dims == not_fixed_ds.dims
    assert "lev" in ds.dims
    assert "lev" in not_fixed_ds.dims
Example #5
def test_open_dataset_with_fix(load_esgf_test_data):
    unfixed_ds = xr.open_mfdataset(fpath, use_cftime=True, combine="by_coords")
    fixed_ds = open_dataset(ds_id, fpath)
    assert unfixed_ds.dims != fixed_ds.dims
    assert "lev" in unfixed_ds.dims
    assert "lev" not in fixed_ds.dims