Example #1
    def iter_requests(self, pipe):
        timestamp = None
        host = 'unknown'
        for line in pipe:
            mo = re.match('\* Connected to ([^\s]+)', line)
            if mo:
                host = mo.group(1)
                log.info('New Connection: %s' % host)
            elif re.match('> GET ', line):
                #!TODO: handle other stderr output from wrapped tool
                req = urllib.unquote(line.strip()[2:])
                request = DapRequest.from_get(host, req)
                log.info('Request: %s %s' % (timestamp, request))
                assert timestamp is not None
                yield (timestamp, request)
                timestamp = None
                mo = re.match('(?:\[pid\s*(\d+)\])?\s*(\d+\.\d+)\s+(send|recv)', line)
                if mo:
                    pid, timestamp, syscall = mo.groups()
                    timestamp = float(timestamp)
                    #!TODO: track pids

        # Mark terminal event
        log.info('End: %s' % timestamp)
        yield (timestamp, None)
Example #2
    def iter_requests(self, pipe):
        timestamp = None
        host = 'unknown'
        for line in pipe:
            mo = re.match('\* Connected to ([^\s]+)', line)
            if mo:
                host = mo.group(1)
                log.info('New Connection: %s' % host)
            elif re.match('> GET ', line):
                #!TODO: handle other stderr output from wrapped tool
                req = urllib.unquote(line.strip()[2:])
                request = DapRequest.from_get(host, req)
                log.info('Request: %s %s' % (timestamp, request))
                assert timestamp is not None
                yield (timestamp, request)
                timestamp = None
                mo = re.match(
                    '(?:\[pid\s*(\d+)\])?\s*(\d+\.\d+)\s+(send|recv)', line)
                if mo:
                    pid, timestamp, syscall = mo.groups()
                    timestamp = float(timestamp)
                    #!TODO: track pids

        # Mark terminal event
        log.info('End: %s' % timestamp)
        yield (timestamp, None)
Example #3
def echofilter_to_stats(file_handle):
    Read the output from the custom grinder TCPProxy filter
    TimestampedEchoFilter to produce a DapStats object.

    #!FIXME: this doesn't work because the connection is only closed once.

    stats = DapStats()
    open_requests = {}
    request = {}

    for line in file_handle:
        mo = re.match('--- ((.*)->(.*)) (opened|closed) (\d+) --', line)
        # Can ignore open events
        if mo:
            connection_details, source, dest, event, timestamp = mo.groups()
            timestamp = float(timestamp)
            if event == 'closed':
                start_timestamp = open_requests[connection_details]

                host, port = dest.split(':')
                stats.add_request(host, start_timestamp / 1000,
                                  timestamp / 1000,
                del request[connection_details]

        mo = re.match('------ ((.*)->(.*)) (\d+) ------', line)
        if mo:
            connection_details, source, dest, timestamp = mo.groups()
            timestamp = float(timestamp)

            if connection_details in open_requests:
                start_timestamp = open_requests[connection_details]

                host, port = dest.split(':')
                stats.add_request(host, start_timestamp / 1000,
                                  timestamp / 1000,
                del request[connection_details]

            open_requests[connection_details] = timestamp


        mo = re.match('GET ', line)
        if mo:
            request[connection_details] = DapRequest.from_get(source, line)

    return stats
Example #4
def echofilter_to_stats(file_handle):
    Read the output from the custom grinder TCPProxy filter
    TimestampedEchoFilter to produce a DapStats object.

    #!FIXME: this doesn't work because the connection is only closed once.

    stats = DapStats()
    open_requests = {}
    request = {}

    for line in file_handle:
        mo = re.match('--- ((.*)->(.*)) (opened|closed) (\d+) --', line)
        # Can ignore open events
        if mo:
            connection_details, source, dest, event, timestamp = mo.groups()
            timestamp = float(timestamp)
            if event == 'closed':
                start_timestamp = open_requests[connection_details]
                host, port = dest.split(':')
                stats.add_request(host, start_timestamp/1000, timestamp/1000, 
                del request[connection_details]                

        mo = re.match('------ ((.*)->(.*)) (\d+) ------', line)
        if mo:
            connection_details, source, dest, timestamp = mo.groups()
            timestamp = float(timestamp)

            if connection_details in open_requests:
                start_timestamp = open_requests[connection_details]
                host, port = dest.split(':')
                stats.add_request(host, start_timestamp/1000, timestamp/1000, 
                del request[connection_details]

            open_requests[connection_details] = timestamp


        mo = re.match('GET ', line)
        if mo:
            request[connection_details] = DapRequest.from_get(source, line)

    return stats