Example #1
"""Reproduce results from `bib.sakov2008deterministic`."""

import numpy as np

import dapper.mods as modelling
from dapper.mods.QG import LP_setup, model_config, sample_filename, shape
from dapper.tools.localization import nd_Id_localization

# Time series, model, initial condition

model = model_config("sakov2008", {})
Dyn = {
    'M': np.prod(shape),
    'model': model.step,
    'noise': 0,

# Considering that I have 8GB mem on the Mac, and the estimate:
# ≈ (8 bytes/float)*(129² float/stat)*(7 stat/k) * K,
# it should be possible to run experiments of length (K) < 8000.
t = modelling.Chronology(dt=model.prms['dtout'], dko=1, T=1500, BurnIn=250)
# In my opinion the burn in should be 400.
# Sakov also used 10 repetitions.

X0 = modelling.RV(M=Dyn['M'], file=sample_filename)

# Observation settings
Example #2
"""Reproduce experiments from
'Application of a hybrid EnKF-OI to ocean forecasting'
by F. Counillon, P. Sakov, and L. Bertino (2009)."""

import dapper as dpr
from dapper.mods.QG import model_config
from dapper.mods.QG.sakov2008 import HMM

dt = 1.25 * 10  # 10 steps between obs (also requires dkObs=1)
HMM.t = dpr.Chronology(dt=dt, dkObs=1, T=1000 * dt, BurnIn=10 * dt)

HMM.Dyn.model = model_config("counillon2009_ens", {
    "dtout": dt,
    'RKH2': 2.0e-11
truth_model = model_config("counillon2009_truth", {"dtout": dt}).step

# Suggested tuning
# Reproduce Table 1 results.
# - Note that Counillon et al:
#    - Report forecast rmse's (but they are pretty close to analysis rmse anyways).
#    - Use enkf-matlab which has a bug which cause them to report the
#      wrong localization radius (see mods/QG/sakov2008.py).
#      Eg. enkf-matlab radius 15 (resp 25) corresponds to
#      DAPPER radius 10.6 (resp 17.7).

# R = 17.7 # equiv. to R=25 in enkf-matlab
# from dapper.mods.QG.counillon2009 import HMM, truth_model     # rmse.f:
# xps += LETKF(mp=True, N=25,infl=1.15,taper='Gauss',loc_rad=R) # 1.11
Example #3
    x0   = KS.x0
    dt   = KS.dt
    N    = KS.Nx
    Nx   = len(x0)
    T    = 1e3
    eps  = 0.0002

# n0 ≈ 140
if mod == "QG":
    from dapper.mods.QG import model_config, sample_filename, shape

    # NB: There may arise an ipython/multiprocessing bug/issue.
    # Ref https://stackoverflow.com/a/45720872 . If so, set mp=False,
    # or run outside of ipython. However, I did not encounter it lately.
    model = model_config("sakov2008", {}, mp=True)
    step  = model.step
    Nx    = np.prod(shape)
    ii    = np.random.choice(np.arange(Nx), 100, False)
    T     = 1000.0
    dt    = model.prms['dtout']
    x0    = np.load(sample_filename)['sample'][-1]
    eps   = 0.01  # ensemble rescaling
    N     = 300

# Reference trajectory
# NB: Arbitrary, coz models are autonom. But dont use nan coz QG doesn't like it.
t0 = 0.0
Example #4
# Main
# Load or generate time-series data of a simulated state and obs:
fname = dpr.rc.dirs.data / "QG-ts-en.npz"

# ensemble size needs to be at least Ne=2 for plotting to be true
plotting = True
Ne = 2

    with np.load(fname) as data:
        E1 = np.squeeze(data['ens'][:, 0, :])
        E2 = np.squeeze(data['ens'][:, 1, :])
except FileNotFoundError:
    sample = gen_ensemble_sample(model_config("sample_generation", {}), 400,
                                 Ne, 10, 10)
    E1 = np.squeeze(sample[:, 0, :])
    E2 = np.squeeze(sample[:, 1, :])
    np.savez(fname, ens=sample)

if plotting == True:
    # Create figure
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2,
                                   figsize=(12, 6))
    for ax in (ax1, ax2):
        ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
    ax1.set_title(r'Ensemble member 1')
    ax2.set_title(r'Ensemble member 2')