def main(device):
    Demonstrates the use of software-timed analog outputs and digital outputs.
    Software-timed outputs change the state (or value) of an output to the new
    level as soon as requested by the program.

    A common use-case for software-timed digital outputs is to generate a TTL
    (i.e., a square pulse) to trigger something (e.g., a water pump). I have
    included convenience functions (`fire_sw_do`) to facilitate this.

    I also have included name aliases. NI-DAQmx refers to the lines using the
    arcane syntax (e.g., 'Dev1/ao0' or 'Dev1/port0/line0'). However, it is
    probably easier (and generates more readable programs), if we can assign
    aliases to these lines. For example, if 'Dev1/ao0' is connected to a
    Coulbourn shock controller which uses the analog signal to control the
    intensity of the shock, we may want to call that output 'shock_level'.
    Likewise, if 'Dev1/port0/line1' is connected to the trigger port of a pellet
    dispenser, we probably want to call that line 'food_dispense'.
    engine = Engine()
    # Configure four digital outputs and give them the aliases 'a', 'b', 'c',
    # and 'd'.
                           ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
                           initial_state=[1, 0, 1, 1])
    # Configure two analog otuputs and give them aliases (i.e., assume ao0
    # controls shock level and ao1 controls pump rate).
    engine.configure_sw_ao('{}/ao0:1'.format(device), (-10, 10),
                           ['shock_level', 'pump_rate'])

    # You can connect ao0 to ai0 and use the analog input panel on the MAX test
    # panels to observe the changes to the analog output.
    engine.set_sw_ao('shock_level', 5)
    engine.set_sw_ao('pump_rate', 4)

     # You can connect the digital lines for port0 to port1 and then monitor the
     # changes on port1 using the digital panel on the MAX test panels.
    engine.write_sw_do([0, 0, 0, 0])
    engine.set_sw_do('a', 1)
    engine.set_sw_do('b', 1)
    engine.set_sw_do('c', 1)
    engine.set_sw_do('a', 0)
    engine.set_sw_do('b', 0)
    engine.set_sw_do('c', 0)

    # Generate a TTL pulse of varying duration (in sec).
    engine.fire_sw_do('a', 0.25)
    engine.fire_sw_do('b', 0.5)
    engine.fire_sw_do('c', 1)
Example #2
def main(device):
    Demonstrates the use of software-timed analog outputs and digital outputs.
    Software-timed outputs change the state (or value) of an output to the new
    level as soon as requested by the program.

    A common use-case for software-timed digital outputs is to generate a TTL
    (i.e., a square pulse) to trigger something (e.g., a water pump). I have
    included convenience functions (`fire_sw_do`) to facilitate this.

    I also have included name aliases. NI-DAQmx refers to the lines using the
    arcane syntax (e.g., 'Dev1/ao0' or 'Dev1/port0/line0'). However, it is
    probably easier (and generates more readable programs), if we can assign
    aliases to these lines. For example, if 'Dev1/ao0' is connected to a
    Coulbourn shock controller which uses the analog signal to control the
    intensity of the shock, we may want to call that output 'shock_level'.
    Likewise, if 'Dev1/port0/line1' is connected to the trigger port of a pellet
    dispenser, we probably want to call that line 'food_dispense'.
    engine = Engine()
    # Configure four digital outputs and give them the aliases 'a', 'b', 'c',
    # and 'd'.
                           ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
                           initial_state=[1, 0, 1, 1])
    # Configure two analog otuputs and give them aliases (i.e., assume ao0
    # controls shock level and ao1 controls pump rate).
    engine.configure_sw_ao('{}/ao0:1'.format(device), (-10, 10),
                           ['shock_level', 'pump_rate'])

    # You can connect ao0 to ai0 and use the analog input panel on the MAX test
    # panels to observe the changes to the analog output.
    engine.set_sw_ao('shock_level', 5)
    engine.set_sw_ao('pump_rate', 4)

    # You can connect the digital lines for port0 to port1 and then monitor the
    # changes on port1 using the digital panel on the MAX test panels.
    engine.write_sw_do([0, 0, 0, 0])
    engine.set_sw_do('a', 1)
    engine.set_sw_do('b', 1)
    engine.set_sw_do('c', 1)
    engine.set_sw_do('a', 0)
    engine.set_sw_do('b', 0)
    engine.set_sw_do('c', 0)

    # Generate a TTL pulse of varying duration (in sec).
    engine.fire_sw_do('a', 0.25)
    engine.fire_sw_do('b', 0.5)
    engine.fire_sw_do('c', 1)
Example #3
def main(device):
    This demonstrates the basic Engine interface that we will be using to
    communicate with the DAQ hardware. A subclass of the Engine will implement
    NI hardware-specific logic.  Another subclass will implement MCC
    (TBSI)-specific logic. This enables us to write code that does not care
    whether it's communicating with a NI or MCC device.
    def ao_callback(names, offset, samples):
        print('{} samples needed at {} for {}'.format(samples, offset, names))

    def ai_callback(names, data):
        print('{} samples acquired from {}'.format(data.shape[-1], names))

    def et_callback(change, line, event_time):
        print('{} edge on {} at {}'.format(change, line, event_time))
        queue.put((event_time - 100, 100))

    def ai_epoch_callback(names, start, duration, data):
        print('Epoch {} acquired with {} samples from {}' \
              .format(start, data.shape, names))

    queue = Queue.Queue()
    engine = Engine()

    # Set the polling interval to a high value to minimize clutter on the scren.
    engine.hw_ao_monitor_period = 5
    engine.hw_ai_monitor_period = 5
                           '/{}/ai0:2'.format(device), (-10, 10),
    engine.configure_hw_ao(1e3, '/{}/ao0'.format(device), (-10, 10))
    engine.configure_et('/{}/port0/line0:7'.format(device), 'ao/SampleClock')

    engine.register_ai_epoch_callback(ai_epoch_callback, queue)

    queue.put((0, 100))
    queue.put((15, 100))
    queue.put((55, 100))

    raw_input('Demo running. Hit enter to exit.\n')
Example #4
def main(device):
    This demonstrates the basic Engine interface that we will be using to
    communicate with the DAQ hardware. A subclass of the Engine will implement
    NI hardware-specific logic.  Another subclass will implement MCC
    (TBSI)-specific logic. This enables us to write code that does not care
    whether it's communicating with a NI or MCC device.
    def ao_callback(names, offset, samples):
        print('{} samples needed at {} for {}'.format(samples, offset, names))

    def ai_callback(names, data):
        print('{} samples acquired from {}'.format(data.shape[-1], names))

    def et_callback(change, line, event_time):
        print('{} edge on {} at {}'.format(change, line, event_time))
        queue.put((event_time-100, 100))

    def ai_epoch_callback(names, start, duration, data):
        print('Epoch {} acquired with {} samples from {}' \
              .format(start, data.shape, names))

    queue = Queue.Queue()
    engine = Engine()

    # Set the polling interval to a high value to minimize clutter on the scren.
    engine.hw_ao_monitor_period = 5
    engine.hw_ai_monitor_period = 5
    engine.configure_hw_ai(1e3, '/{}/ai0:2'.format(device), (-10, 10),
    engine.configure_hw_ao(1e3, '/{}/ao0'.format(device), (-10, 10))
    engine.configure_et('/{}/port0/line0:7'.format(device), 'ao/SampleClock')

    engine.register_ai_epoch_callback(ai_epoch_callback, queue)

    queue.put((0, 100))
    queue.put((15, 100))
    queue.put((55, 100))

    raw_input('Demo running. Hit enter to exit.\n')
Example #5
def main(device):
    Demonstrates detection of changes on lines configured for hardware-timed
    digital input.
    def di_callback(names, data):
        print('{} samples from {}'.format(data.shape, names))

    def change_callback(name, change, event_time):
        print('{} edge on {} at {}'.format(change, name, event_time))

    engine = Engine()
    engine.hw_ai_monitor_period = 1
    engine.configure_hw_di(100, '/{}/port0/line0:1'.format(device),
                           names=['poke', 'spout'],
    engine.register_di_change_callback(change_callback, debounce=10)
    raw_input('Demo running. Hit enter to exit.\n')
def main(device):
    Demonstrates detection of changes on lines configured for hardware-timed
    digital input.
    def di_callback(names, data):
        print('{} samples from {}'.format(data.shape, names))

    def change_callback(name, change, event_time):
        print('{} edge on {} at {}'.format(change, name, event_time))

    engine = Engine()
    engine.hw_ai_monitor_period = 1
                           names=['poke', 'spout'],
    engine.register_di_change_callback(change_callback, debounce=10)
    raw_input('Demo running. Hit enter to exit.\n')