Example #1
from zedstreamer import ZedCamera

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = parse_data("data/tennisball.data")
    CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available() and data["use_cuda"]
    device = torch.device("cuda" if CUDA else "cpu")

    confidence = float(data["confidence"])
    nmsThresh = float(data["nms_thresh"])
    # FIXME: Change this to match number of classes in names file
    #  AND change the network's yolo layers to match
    numClasses = 80
    classes = loadClasses("names/coco.names")

    model = Darknet("cfg/yolov3.cfg")
    # model.loadWeight("weights/yolov3-320.weights")

    inpDim = int(data["reso"])

    # If there's a GPU availible, put the model on GPU

    # Set the model in evaluation mode. Notifies network to not train

    # Detection phase
    zed = ZedCamera()
    # stream = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    frames = 0
    start = time.time()
if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = parse_data("data/tennisball_VAL.data")
    CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available() and data["use_cuda"]
    device = torch.device("cuda" if CUDA else "cpu")

    confidence = float(data["confidence"])
    nmsThresh = float(data["nms_thresh"])
    # FIXME: Change this to match number of classes in names file
    #  AND change the network's yolo layers to match
    numClasses = 1
    classes = loadClasses(data["names"])

    model = Darknet(data["cfg"])
    # model.loadWeight(data["weights"])

    inpDim = int(data["reso"])

    # If there's a GPU availible, put the model on GPU

    # Set the model in evaluation mode. Notifies network to not train

    # Detection phase
    zed = ZedCamera()
    # zed.setCamSettings(brightness=4,
    #                    contrast=0,
    #                    hue=0,