def register_app(self, theapp): @theapp.callback([ServersideOutput(, 'data')], [Trigger(, 'n_intervals')]) def _update_main_store(): print(f"EiaAccess._update_main_store") df = pd.read_csv(self.input_pet_file) return df @theapp.callback([ Output(, 'data'), Output(, 'columns') ], [ Input(, 'data'), Input(, 'value'), Input(, 'data') ]) def _populate_data_dt(df_main_store_data, num_displayable_columns, dropdowns_store): print( f"EiaAccess._populate_data_dt number of columns:{len(df_main_store_data.columns.values)}" ) if dropdowns_store is None: columns = df_main_store_data.columns.values[: num_displayable_columns] else: padd_name = dropdowns_store['padd_name'] padd_location = None #dropdowns_store['padd_location'] padd_production_type = dropdowns_store['padd_production_type'] padd_fuel_type = dropdowns_store['padd_fuel_type'] gas_price_region = dropdowns_store['gas_price_region'] gas_price_gas_type = dropdowns_store['gas_price_gas_type'] gas_price_grade = dropdowns_store['gas_price_grade'] df_cols = self.eia_cat_div.eia_categories.get_column_set( padd_name, padd_location, padd_production_type, padd_fuel_type, gas_price_region, gas_price_gas_type, gas_price_grade) columns = list(set(['date'] + list(df_cols.col.values))) # make date the first column columns = ['date'] + [c for c in columns if c != 'date'] columns = columns[:num_displayable_columns] df_ret = df_main_store_data[columns] ret_columns = [{'label': c, 'id': c} for c in columns] dict_ret = df_ret.to_dict('records') return dict_ret, ret_columns self.eia_cat_div.register_app(theapp)'registered eia_access')
# if timestamp == old_timestamp: # raise PreventUpdate # else: # spec = np.roll(existing_store['spec'],-1,0) # spec[-1] = newLine # existing_store['spec'] = spec # existing_store['freqs'] = freqs # existing_store['timestamp'] = timestamp # return existing_store @app.callback( ServersideOutput("userServerStore", "data"), [Trigger("check_for_data", "n_intervals")], [State("spec", "relayoutData"), State("userServerStore", "data")], prevent_initial_call=True) def update_server_store(relayoutData, userServerStore): existing_store = userServerStore latest_message = numpy_from_Redis(redis_client, 'latest') latest_integration = np.array(latest_message[:-1], dtype=const.DTYPE) latest_timestamp = latest_message[-1] if existing_store == None: existing_store = { 'spec': start_spec, 'freqs': start_freqs, 'timestamp': 0.0
import time import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import as px from dash_extensions.enrich import Dash, Output, Input, State, ServersideOutput app = Dash(prevent_initial_callbacks=True) app.layout = html.Div([ html.Button("Query data", id="btn"), dcc.Dropdown(id="dd"), dcc.Graph(id="graph"), dcc.Loading(dcc.Store(id='store'), fullscreen=True, type="dot") ]) @app.callback(ServersideOutput("store", "data"), Input("btn", "n_clicks")) def query_data(n_clicks): time.sleep(1) return # no JSON serialization here @app.callback(Input("store", "data"), Output("dd", "options")) def update_dd(df): return [{ "label": column, "value": column } for column in df["year"]] # no JSON de-serialization here @app.callback( Output("graph", "figure"),
import time import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import as px from dash_extensions.enrich import Dash, Output, Input, Trigger, ServersideOutput app = Dash(prevent_initial_callbacks=True) app.layout = html.Div([ html.Button("Query data", id="btn"), dcc.Dropdown(id="dd"), dcc.Graph(id="graph"), dcc.Loading(dcc.Store(id='store'), fullscreen=True, type="dot") ]) @app.callback(ServersideOutput("store", "data"), Trigger("btn", "n_clicks"), memoize=True) def query_data(): time.sleep(1) return @app.callback(Input("store", "data"), Output("dd", "options")) def update_dd(df): return [{"label": column, "value": column} for column in df["year"]] @app.callback( Output("graph", "figure"), [Input("store", "data"), Input("dd", "value")])
def add_dash(app): @du.callback( output=Output(f'{APP_ID}_large_upload_fn_store', 'data'), id=f'{APP_ID}_large_upload', ) def get_a_list(filenames): return {i: filenames[i] for i in range(len(filenames))} @app.callback( Output(f'{APP_ID}_process_data_button', 'disabled'), [ Input(f'{APP_ID}_large_upload_fn_store', 'data'), Input(f'{APP_ID}_dcc_upload', 'contents') ], [ State(f'{APP_ID}_dcc_upload', 'filename') ] ) def upload_data(dic_of_names, list_contents, list_names): # who done it? ctx = dash.callback_context if not ctx.triggered: raise PreventUpdate if dic_of_names is None and list_contents is None: return True lines = [] # dcc.upload component if ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0] == f'{APP_ID}_dcc_upload': for i, fn in enumerate(list_names): content_type, content_string = list_contents[i].split(',') decoded = base64.b64decode(content_string) line = '' while line.strip() == '': line = io.StringIO(decoded.decode('utf-8')).readline() lines.append(line) # dash-uploader component elif ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0] == f'{APP_ID}_large_upload_fn_store': for k in dic_of_names.keys(): fn = dic_of_names[k] with open(fn) as f: while True: line = next(f) if line.strip() != '': break lines.append(line) else: return True return False @app.callback( [ ServersideOutput(f'{APP_ID}_session_store', 'data'), Output(f'{APP_ID}_xaxis_select', 'options'), Output(f'{APP_ID}_yaxis_select', 'options'), ], [ Input(f'{APP_ID}_process_data_button', 'n_clicks'), ], [ State(f'{APP_ID}_large_upload_fn_store', 'data'), State(f'{APP_ID}_dcc_upload', 'contents'), State(f'{APP_ID}_dcc_upload', 'filename') ] ) def process_data(n_clicks, dic_of_names, list_contents, list_names): if n_clicks is None: raise PreventUpdate if dic_of_names is None and list_contents is None: return [{}], None, None dfs = [] if list_names is not None: for i, fn in enumerate(list_names): content_type, content_string = list_contents[i].split(',') decoded = base64.b64decode(content_string) # with open(decoded, 'rb') as f: lines = [l for l in io.StringIO(decoded.decode('utf-8')).readlines() if l.strip() != ''] df = pd.read_json('[' + ','.join(lines) + ']', orient='records') df['fn'] = fn dfs.append(df) else: for k in dic_of_names.keys(): fn = dic_of_names[k] with open(fn) as f: lines = [l for l in f.readlines() if l.strip() != ''] df = pd.read_json('[' + ','.join(lines) + ']', orient='records') df['fn'] = Path(fn).stem dfs.append(df) df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=True) cols = df.columns cols_axes = [{'label': c, 'value': c} for c in cols] return df, cols_axes, cols_axes @app.callback( Output(f'{APP_ID}_graph_div', 'children'), [ Input(f'{APP_ID}_xaxis_select', 'value'), Input(f'{APP_ID}_yaxis_select', 'value'), ], [ State(f'{APP_ID}_session_store', 'data'), ] ) def plot_data(xaxis, yaxis, df): if df is None: return [dbc.Alert('Upload & Process Data', color='primary')] if xaxis is None: return [dbc.Alert('Select x axis data', color='primary')] if yaxis is None: return [dbc.Alert('Select y axis data', color='primary')] if xaxis not in df.columns: return [dbc.Alert('x axis not in columns', color='danger')] if yaxis not in df.columns: return [dbc.Alert('y axis not in columns', color='danger')] fig = go.Figure() fig.update_layout(showlegend=True) for name, dfi in df.groupby('fn'): fig.add_trace( go.Scattergl( x=dfi[xaxis].tail(200000), y=dfi[yaxis].tail(200000), name=name ) ) return [dcc.Graph(figure=fig, config={'modeBarButtonsToAdd':['drawline', 'drawrect', 'drawopenpath', 'eraseshape']})] return app
try: if 'pkl' in filename: # initialize staff result = ResultProcessing() result.load_models_directly(io.BytesIO(decoded)) return result except Exception as e: print(e) raise ValueError('There was an error processing this file.') # return html.Div([ # 'There was an error processing this file.' # ], # ) @app.callback([ServersideOutput('raw-result-store', 'data')], [Input('upload-result-data', 'contents')], [State('upload-result-data', 'filename')], memoize=True) def update_file_output(contents, filename): # display read file status and update main visualization Div if contents is None: raise PreventUpdate global_result = parse_contents_result(contents[0], filename[0]) return global_result def parse_contents_ori(contents, filename): content_type, content_string = contents.split(',') decoded = base64.b64decode(content_string) try:
'\nValid Tickers from listed Exchanges:\n' + '\n'.join(exchange_list())) except Exception as InvalidTicker: # dbc.Alert( # str(InvalidTicker), # id="alert-invalid-ticker", # dismissable=True, # is_open=True, # ) logger.exception(InvalidTicker) return False, True, '', handler_data_message( 'See Error Message(s) below:', traceback.format_exc()) @app.callback([ ServersideOutput('fin-store', 'data'), Output('select-column', 'options'), Output('status-info', 'loading_state'), Output('handler-past-data', 'data') ], [Input('ticker-input', 'valid')], [ State('ticker-input', 'value'), State('analysis-mode', 'value'), State('snapshot-uuid', 'value') ]) def fin_report(ticker_valid, ticker, live_analysis_mode, snapshot_uuid): if not ticker_valid: return [], [], {'is_loading': True}, dash.no_update try: ticker_allcaps = ticker.upper() db_key = ticker_allcaps + '-' + snapshot_uuid if 1 in live_analysis_mode or not db.exists(db_key):