def create_map(self): self.ns = Namespace("dlx", "scatter") self.markers = [ dl.Marker( dl.Tooltip(f"({pos[0]}, {pos[1]}), time:{self.times[i]}"), position=pos, id="marker{}".format(i)) for i, pos in enumerate(self.locations) ] self.cluster = dl.MarkerClusterGroup( id="markers", children=self.markers, options={"polygonOptions": { "color": "red" }}) = dash.Dash(external_scripts=[ "" ]) self.polyline = dl.Polyline(positions=self.locations) = html.Div([ dl.Map([ dl.TileLayer(), self.cluster, self.polyline, dl.LayerGroup(id="layer") ], id="map", center=(40.4259, -86.9081), zoom=8, style={'height': '100vh'}), ])
def get_map_panel_zip_layout(): classes = [0, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000] colorscale = [ "#FFEDA0", "#FED976", "#FEB24C", "#FD8D3C", "#FC4E2A", "#E31A1C", "#BD0026", "#800026", ] style = { "weight": 2, "opacity": 1, "color": "white", "dashArray": 3, "fillOpacity": 0.7, } ctg = ["{}+".format(cls, classes[i + 1]) for i, cls in enumerate(classes[:-1])] + [ "{}+".format(classes[-1]) ] colorbar = dlx.categorical_colorbar( categories=ctg, colorscale=colorscale, width=400, height=30, position="bottomright", ) ns = Namespace("dlx", "choropleth") zip_geojson = dl.GeoJSON( data=None, # url to geojson file options=dict(style=ns("style")), # how to style each polygon zoomToBounds=False, # when true, zooms to bounds when data changes (e.g. on load) zoomToBoundsOnClick=True, # when true, zooms to bounds of feature (e.g. polygon) on click hoverStyle=arrow_function( dict(weight=5, color="#666", dashArray="") ), # style applied on hover hideout=dict( colorscale=colorscale, classes=classes, style=style, colorProp="Amount" ), id="zips-geojson", ) stl_center = [38.648, -90.253] city_map_style = {"height": "100vh", "margin": "none", "display": "block"} city_map = html.Div( dl.Map( children=[get_base_toner_tile_layer(), zip_geojson, colorbar], zoom=12, center=stl_center, ), style=city_map_style, id="map", ) map_panel_style = {"width": "100%", "height": "100vh", "display": "block"} map_panel = html.Div(id="map-panel", children=city_map, style=map_panel_style) return map_panel
def get_neighborhood_geojson(): ns = Namespace("dlx", "choropleth") neighborhoods_geobuf_path = "static/geobuf/neighborhoods-and-municipalities.pbf" neighborhoods_geojson = dl.GeoJSON( format="geobuf", options=dict(style=ns("style")), hoverStyle=arrow_function(dict(weight=5, color="#666", dashArray="")), hideout=bootstrap_stuff.build_choropleth_hideout( "total_monetary_donations"), id="neighborhood-geojson", ) return neighborhoods_geojson
def get_precinct_geojson(): ns = Namespace("dlx", "choropleth") precincts_geobuf_path = "dsadata/static/geobuf/stl-city-and-county-precincts.pbf" precincts_geojson = dl.GeoJSON( format="geobuf", options=dict(style=ns("style")), hoverStyle=arrow_function(dict(weight=5, color="#666", dashArray="")), hideout=bootstrap_stuff.build_choropleth_hideout( "total_monetary_donations"), id="precincts-geojson", ) return precincts_geojson
def get_neighborhood_geojson(): ns = Namespace("dlx", "choropleth") neighborhoods_geojson = dl.GeoJSON( format="geobuf", options=dict(style=ns("style")), hoverStyle=arrow_function(dict(weight=5, color="#666", dashArray="")), zoomToBoundsOnClick= False, # when true, zooms to bounds of feature (e.g. polygon) on click hideout=bootstrap_stuff.build_choropleth_hideout( "total_monetary_donations"), id="neighborhood-geojson", ) return neighborhoods_geojson
def get_zip_geojson(): ns = Namespace("dlx", "choropleth") zip_geojson = dl.GeoJSON( format="geobuf", options=dict(style=ns("style")), # how to style each polygon # options=dict(style=dict(color="blue")), zoomToBounds= False, # when true, zooms to bounds when data changes (e.g. on load) zoomToBoundsOnClick= False, # when true, zooms to bounds of feature (e.g. polygon) on click hoverStyle=arrow_function(dict(weight=5, color="#666", dashArray="")), hideout=bootstrap_stuff.build_choropleth_hideout( "total_monetary_donations"), id="zip-geojson", ) return zip_geojson
def get_precinct_overlay(): # original file was wrong hand rule, whis one was rewound with geojson-rewind: precinct_pbf_url = "dsadata/static/geobuf/stl-city-precincts.pbf" ns = Namespace("dlx", "choropleth") precincts = dl.GeoJSON( url=precinct_pbf_url, format="geobuf", options=dict(style=ns("style")), zoomToBoundsOnClick=True, hoverStyle=arrow_function(dict(weight=4, fillOpacity=0.2, dashArray="")), hideout=bootstrap_stuff.build_choropleth_hideout("total_donations"), id="precincts-geojson", ) precinct_overlay = dl.Overlay(precincts, name="precincts", checked=False) return precinct_overlay
encoded_quaa_sound = base64.b64encode(open(quaa_sound, 'rb').read()) encoded_moan_sound = base64.b64encode(open(moan_sound, 'rb').read()) app = dash.Dash(__name__, suppress_callback_exceptions=True, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP]) app.title = 'SQURL' server = app.server # Find Lat Long center to set map center lat_center = sum(squirrel_census['lat']) / len(squirrel_census['lat']) long_center = sum(squirrel_census['lon']) / len(squirrel_census['lon']) data = dlx.geojson_to_geobuf(dlx.dicts_to_geojson(squirrel_data)) ns = Namespace("myNamespace", "mySubNamespace") nz = Namespace("dlx", "scatter") # get map style url = '{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png' attribution = '© <a href="">Stadia Maps</a> ' app.layout = html.Div( children=[ # HEADER html.Div( children=[ html.H1('SQURL', id='header-text'), # SOUNDS
item['tooltip'] = item['project_nickname'] item['popup'] = item['cpa_name'] geojson = dlx.dicts_to_geojson(dicts, lat='coordinate_x', lon="coordinate_y") geobuf = dlx.geojson_to_geobuf(geojson) return geobuf # create cpa dropdown cpas = df['cpa_name'].unique() cpa_options = [{'label': cpa, 'value': cpa} for cpa in cpas] dd_cpa = dcc.Dropdown(options=cpa_options, id='dd_cpa') # set up scatter points ns = Namespace('dlx', 'scatter') geojson = dl.GeoJSON( data=get_data(None), id='geojson', format='geobuf', zoomToBounds=True, cluster=True, # clusterToLayer=ns("clusterToLayer"), zoomToBoundsOnClick=True, # options=dict(pointToLayer=ns('pointToLayer')), superClusterOptions=dict(radius=150)) # hideout=dict(colorscale='Viridis', colorProp='cpa')) # add cpa boundaries cpa_boundaries = dl.GeoJSON( id='rfmp',
default_variable = "temperature" variable_options = [ {'label': 'Temp.', 'value': 'temperature'}, {'label': 'MSLP', 'value': 'smlp'}, {'label': 'Hum.', 'value': 'rh'}, {'label': 'Wind Sp.', 'value': 'wind_speed'}, {'label': 'Wind G.', 'value': 'wind_gust'}, {'label': 'Rain', 'value': 'rain_rate'}, {'label': 'Daily Rain', 'value': 'daily_rain'}, {'label': 'Dewp', 'value': 'dew_point'}, {'label': 'Rad', 'value': 'rad'}, ] ns = Namespace("myNamespace", "mySubNamespace") geojson_countries = dl.GeoJSON(data=statesData, id="geojson_countries", options=dict(style=dict(weight=1, opacity=0.7, color='white', fillOpacity=0))) # Create the app. chroma = "" app = Dash(__name__, external_scripts=[chroma], prevent_initial_callbacks=True, url_base_pathname='/weathermap-it/') server = app.server cache = Cache(server, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'filesystem', 'CACHE_DIR': '/tmp'})
state_names = df.groupby('nbhid').first()['nbh_name'].dropna().to_dict() state_options = [ dict(label=state_names[state], value=state) for state in states ] default_state = ["76"] dd_state = dcc.Dropdown(options=state_options, value=default_state, id="dd_state", clearable=False, multi=True) # endregion minmax = get_minmax(default_state) # Create geojson. ns = Namespace("dlx", "scatter") geojson = dl.GeoJSON( data=get_data(default_state, [2015, 2020]), id="geojson", format="geobuf", zoomToBounds=False, # when true, zooms to bounds when data changes cluster=True, # when true, data are clustered # how to draw clusters clusterToLayer=ns("clusterToLayer"), # when true, zooms to bounds of feature (e.g. cluster) on click zoomToBoundsOnClick=False, # how to draw points options=dict(pointToLayer=ns("pointToLayer")), superClusterOptions=dict(radius=150), # adjust cluster size hideout=dict(colorscale=csc_map[default_csc], colorProp=color_prop,
df[df["nbhid"] == state]["nbh_name"].iloc[0] for state in states ] state_options = [ dict(label=state_names[i], value=state) for i, state in enumerate(states) ] default_state = "76" dd_state = dcc.Dropdown(options=state_options, value=default_state, id="dd_state", clearable=False) # endregion minmax = get_minmax(default_state) # Create geojson. ns = Namespace("dlx", "scatter") geojson = dl.GeoJSON( data=get_data(default_state, [2015, 2020]), id="geojson", format="geobuf", zoomToBounds=True, # when true, zooms to bounds when data changes cluster=True, # when true, data are clustered clusterToLayer=ns("clusterToLayer"), # how to draw clusters zoomToBoundsOnClick= True, # when true, zooms to bounds of feature (e.g. cluster) on click options=dict(pointToLayer=ns("pointToLayer")), # how to draw points superClusterOptions=dict(radius=150), # adjust cluster size hideout=dict(colorscale=csc_map[default_csc], colorProp=color_prop, **minmax)) # Create a colorbar.
def generate_choropleth(metric, violation, subcategory, year): """Updates the choropleth map on tab 1 when triggered Parameters ------- String The name of the metric selected from the dropdown String The violation selected from the dropdown String The subcategory selected from the dropdown Int The year selected from the slider Returns ------- html A leaflet choropleth map """ geojson = PROVINCES df = DATA[(DATA["Metric"] == metric) & (DATA["Level1 Violation Flag"] == violation) & (DATA["Violation Description"] == subcategory) & (DATA["Year"] == year) & (DATA['Geo_Level'] == "PROVINCE")] data_dict = dict(zip(df['Geography'], df['Value'])) for location in geojson['features']: try: lookup_val = data_dict[location['properties']['PRENAME']] except: lookup_val = None location['properties']['Value'] = lookup_val num = 13 # number of provinces and territories in Canada vals = pd.Series(data_dict.values()) classes = list( np.linspace(int(vals.min()) - 0.01, int(vals.max()) + 0.01, num=num)) mm = dict(min=vals.min(), max=vals.max()) viridis = cm.get_cmap('viridis', num) colorscale = [] for i in range(viridis.N): rgba = viridis(i) colorscale.append(matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(rgba)) style = dict(weight=1, color='black', fillOpacity=0.7) hover_style = dict(weight=5, color='orange', dashArray='') ns = Namespace("dlx", "choropleth") return [ dl.TileLayer(), dl.GeoJSON(data=geojson, id="provinces", options=dict(style=ns("style")), hideout=dict(colorscale=colorscale[::-1], classes=classes, style=style, colorProp="Value"), hoverStyle=arrow_function(hover_style)), dl.Colorbar(colorscale=colorscale[::-1], id="colorbar", width=20, height=150, **mm, position="bottomleft") ]
def run(): # defining the number of steps n = 500 #creating two array for containing x and y coordinate #of size equals to the number of size and filled up with 0's x = numpy.zeros(n) y = numpy.zeros(n) global locations locations = [] #used in map generator locations_base = [] #the base data. start_location = [40.4259, -86.9081] at_risk = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.1, size=(n, )) start_time = 0 map_dir = "index.html" MINUTES_IN_DAY = 1440 start_date = times = list(range(0, n)) time_index = 0 datetimes = [] for i in range(len(times)): noise = random.randint(1, 5) times[i] = (times[i] + noise) datetimes.append(start_date + timedelta(minutes=times[i])) datetimeindex = pd.Series(range(0, n), index=datetimes) #filling the coordinates with random variables for i in range(1, n): val = random.randint(1, 4) if val == 1: x[i] = x[i - 1] + 0.001 y[i] = y[i - 1] elif val == 2: x[i] = x[i - 1] - 0.001 y[i] = y[i - 1] elif val == 3: x[i] = x[i - 1] y[i] = y[i - 1] + 0.001 else: x[i] = x[i - 1] y[i] = y[i - 1] - 0.001 locations_base.append( [x[i] + start_location[0], y[i] + start_location[1]]) ns = Namespace("dlx", "scatter") new_markers = [ dl.Marker(dl.Tooltip(f"({pos[0]}, {pos[1]}), time:{times[i]}"), position=pos, id="marker{}".format(i)) for i, pos in enumerate(locations) ] cluster = dl.MarkerClusterGroup( id="new_markers", children=new_markers, options={"polygonOptions": { "color": "red" }}) patterns = [dict(offset='0%', repeat='0', marker={})] polyline = dl.Polyline(positions=[locations], id="id_polyline") marker_pattern = dl.PolylineDecorator(id="id_marker_pattern", children=polyline, patterns=patterns) app = dash.Dash(external_scripts=[ "" ]) app.layout = html.Div( html.Div([ dl.Map([ dl.TileLayer(), cluster, marker_pattern, dl.LayerGroup(id="layer") ], id="map", center=(40.4259, -86.9081), zoom=8, style={'height': '100vh'}), #html.Div(id='live-update-text'), dcc.Interval( id="interval", interval=1 * 1000, # in milliseconds n_intervals=0) ])) @app.callback(Output('id_marker_pattern', 'children'), [Input('interval', 'n_intervals')]) def update_polyline(b): polyline = dl.Polyline(positions=locations) return polyline @app.callback(Output('new_markers', 'children'), [Input('interval', 'n_intervals')]) def update_metrics(a): locations.append([locations_base[a][0], locations_base[a][1]]) if (len(locations) >= 100): locations.pop(0) new_markers = [ dl.Marker(dl.Tooltip(f"({pos[0]}, {pos[1]}), time:{times[i]}"), position=pos, id="marker{}".format(i)) for i, pos in enumerate(locations) ] return new_markers def rgb_to_hex(rgb): return ('%02x%02x%02x' % rgb) def get_time_interval(sd, ed): indices = datetimeindex[sd:ed].to_numpy() print(indices) def change_color_to_time(): for i in range(len(locations)): time = times[i] r = 255 - math.trunc(255 * (time / MINUTES_IN_DAY)) color_tuple = (r, r, r) rgb = rgb_to_hex(color_tuple) icon = { "iconUrl": f"|{rgb}&chf=a,s,ee00FFFF", "iconSize": [20, 30], # size of the icon } markers[i].icon = icon def change_color_to_risk(): for i in range(len(locations)): time = times[i] risk = math.trunc(at_risk[i]) if (risk == 1): icon = { "iconUrl": "|FF0000&chf=a,s,ee00FFFF", "iconSize": [20, 30], # size of the icon } else: icon = { "iconUrl": "|00FF00&chf=a,s,ee00FFFF", "iconSize": [20, 30], # size of the icon } markers[i].icon = icon print("risk") def clamp(n, minn, maxn): return max(min(maxn, n), minn) def change_color_to_speed(): speed = 0 avewalk = 0.084 speeddiff = 0 for i in range(len(locations)): if i == 0: speed = 0 elif (times[i] - times[i - 1]) == 0: speed = 0 else: #coords_1 = [locations[i][0], locations[i][1]] #coords_2 = [locations[i-1][0], locations[i-1][1]] #distance = h3.point_dist(coords_1,coords_2) R = 6373.0 lat1 = radians(locations[i][0]) lon1 = radians(locations[i][1]) lat2 = radians(locations[i - 1][0]) lon2 = radians(locations[i - 1][1]) dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = 2 ##sin(dlat / 2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon / 2)**2 c = 2 ##2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) distance = R * c speed = abs(distance / (times[i] - times[i - 1])) speeddiff = speed * 1000 / 60 - 1.4 r = clamp(100 + speeddiff * 300, 0, 255) #grey normal, yellow fast, blue slow g = clamp(100 + speeddiff * 100, 0, 255) b = clamp(100 - speeddiff * 100, 0, 255) color_tuple = (int(r), int(g), int(b)) rgb = rgb_to_hex(color_tuple) icon = { "iconUrl": f"|{rgb}&chf=a,s,ee00FFFF", "iconSize": [20, 30], # size of the icon } markers[i].icon = icon app.run_server(port=8050)
import pandas as pd import dash from dash import html, dcc import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc from dash_extensions.javascript import Namespace from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from dash_tabulator import DashTabulator from . import tools as T ns = Namespace("myNamespace", "tabulator") tabulator_options = { "groupBy": "Label", "selectable": True, "headerFilterLiveFilterDelay":3000, "layout": "fitDataFill", "height": "900px", } downloadButtonType = {"css": "btn btn-primary", "text":"Export", "type":"csv", "filename":"Metadata"} clearFilterButtonType = {"css": "btn btn-outline-dark", "text":"Clear Filters"} meta_table = html.Div(id='meta-table-container', style={'minHeight': 100, 'margin': '0%'}, children=[
##options quantiles = cases_per_city["cases"].quantile([0,.25,.5,.75, 0.9]) quantiles = [int(n) for n in quantiles.values] classes = quantiles colorscale = ['#FED976', '#FEB24C', '#FD8D3C', '#FC4E2A', '#800026'] style = dict(weight=2, opacity=1, color='white', dashArray='3', fillOpacity = 0.7) # Create colorbar. ctg = ["{}+".format(cls, classes[i + 1]) for i, cls in enumerate(classes[:-1])] + ["{}+".format(classes[-1])] colorbar = dlx.categorical_colorbar(categories=ctg, colorscale=colorscale, width=300, height=30, position="bottomleft") ns = Namespace("dlx", "choropleth") ### Define layouts geojson = dl.GeoJSON( data = json_data, options=dict(style=ns("style")), zoomToBoundsOnClick = False, hoverStyle=arrow_function(dict(weight=2, color='#666', dashArray='', fillOpacity=0.2)), # style applied on hover hideout=dict(colorscale=colorscale, classes=classes, style=style, colorProp = "cases"), id = "geojson") cont = dbc.Card( [ dbc.CardImg(src = "assets/form.svg", top = True, className = "card-img"),
pills=True) ], style=SIDEBAR_STYLE) # Setting urls to fetch tiles from for the map keys = [ '{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png', 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', '{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png' ] # labels for the urls names = ['Standaard', 'Detailed', 'Dark'] # The url will be put here when formatted url = '{}' namespaceSelected = Namespace("namespace", "namespaceSub") layout2 = dl.Map( center=(52.377956, 4.897070), zoom=11, zoomControl=True, children=[ dl.LayersControl( [ dl.BaseLayer(dl.TileLayer(opacity=0.8, url=url.format(key)), name=names[keys.index(key)], checked=key == keys[0]) for key in keys ] + [ dl.GeoJSON(data=get_data(df), format='geobuf', cluster=True, clusterToLayer=namespaceSelected('clusterToLayer'),