Example #1
    def process_tfdt(self, data):
        """Generate new timestamps for tfdt and change size of boxes above if needed.

       Try to keep in 32 bits if possible."""
        version = data[8]
        if self.track_timescale is not None:
            tfdt_offset = self.offset * self.track_timescale
            tfdt_offset = 0
        if version == 0:  # 32-bit baseMediaDecodeTime
            base_media_decode_time = str_to_uint32(data[12:16])
            new_base_media_decode_time = base_media_decode_time + tfdt_offset
            if new_base_media_decode_time < 4294967296:
                output = data[:12]
                output += uint32_to_str(new_base_media_decode_time)
                # print "Forced to change to 64-bit tfdt."
                self.size_change = 4
                output = uint32_to_str(
                    str_to_uint32(data[:4]) + self.size_change)
                output += data[4:8]
                output += b'\x01'
                output += data[9:12]
                output += uint64_to_str(new_base_media_decode_time)
        else:  # 64-bit
            # print "Staying at 64-bit tfdt."
            output = data[:12]
            base_media_decode_time = str_to_uint64(data[12:20])
            new_base_media_decode_time = base_media_decode_time + tfdt_offset
            output += uint64_to_str(new_base_media_decode_time)
        self.tfdt_value = new_base_media_decode_time
        return output
Example #2
 def process_sidx(self, data):
     "Process sidx data and add to output."
     if not KEEP_SIDX:
         return b""
     output = b""
     version = data[8]
     timescale = str_to_uint32(data[16:20])
     if version == 0:
         # print("Changing sidx version to 1")
         size = str_to_uint32(data[0:4])
         sidx_size_expansion = 8
         output += uint32_to_str(size + sidx_size_expansion)
         output += data[4:8]
         output += b'\x01'
         output += data[9:20]
         earliest_presentation_time = str_to_uint32(data[20:24])
         first_offset = str_to_uint32(data[24:28])
         output += data[0:20]
         earliest_presentation_time = str_to_uint64(data[20:28])
         first_offset = str_to_uint64(data[28:36])
     new_presentation_time = earliest_presentation_time + timescale * self.offset
     output += uint64_to_str(new_presentation_time)
     output += uint64_to_str(first_offset)
     if version == 0:
         output += data[28:]
         output += data[36:]
     return output
 def process_tkhd(self, data):
     "Set trackID and time."
     version = data[8]
     output = data[:12]
     if version == 1:
         if self.creation_modfication_time:
             output += uint64_to_str(self.creation_modfication_time)
             output += uint64_to_str(self.creation_modfication_time)
             output += data[12:28]
         output += uint32_to_str(self.track_id)
         output += uint32_to_str(0)
         output += uint64_to_str(0)  # duration
         pos = 44
         if self.creation_modfication_time:
             output += uint32_to_str(self.creation_modfication_time)
             output += uint32_to_str(self.creation_modfication_time)
             output += data[12:20]
         output += uint32_to_str(self.track_id)
         output += uint32_to_str(0)
         output += uint32_to_str(0)  # duration
         pos = 32
     output += data[pos:]
     return output
Example #4
    def create_sidx(self, seg_size):
        """Return a sidx box which can be inserted right before the moof.

        This is optional, but some clients require it to present."""
        output = uint32_to_str(52)  # Size of box
        output += b'sidx\x01\x00\x00\x00'  # type, version and flags
        output += b'\x00\x00\x00\x01'  # refID
        output += uint32_to_str(self.track_timescale)
        output += uint64_to_str(self.tfdt_value)  # decode_time for now
        output += uint64_to_str(0)  # first_offset = 0
        output += b'\x00\x00\x00\x01'  # reserved and reference_count
        # Next 1 bit reference type + 31 bit size of segment
        output += uint32_to_str(seg_size)
        output += uint32_to_str(self.duration)
        output += b'\x90\x00\x00\x00'
        return output
Example #5
 def process_saio(self, data):
     "Process saio and possibly change offset by size_change if needed."
     version_flags = str_to_uint32(data[8:12])
     version = version_flags >> 24
     flags = version_flags & 0xffffff
     pos = 12
     if flags & 0x1:
         pos += 8
     entry_count = str_to_uint32(data[pos:pos + 4])
     pos += 4
     output = data[:pos]
     delta_offset = self.size_change
     if version == 0:
         for i in range(entry_count):
             offset = str_to_uint32(data[pos:pos + 4])
             pos += 4
             output += uint32_to_str(offset + delta_offset)
             if i == 0:
                 self.new_saio_value = offset + delta_offset
         for i in range(entry_count):
             offset = str_to_uint64(data[pos:pos + 8])
             pos += 8
             output += uint64_to_str(offset + delta_offset)
             if i == 0:
                 self.new_saio_value = offset + delta_offset
     return output
 def process_tfdt(self, data):
     "Process a tfdt box and set the baseMediaDecodeTime."
     version = ord(data[8])
     assert version == 1, "Can only handle tfdt version 1 (64-bit tfdt)."
     output = data[:12]
     output += uint64_to_str(self.tfdt_time)
     return output
 def _insert_timing_data(self, data):
     "Help function to insert timestamps and timescale in similar boxes."
     version = data[8]
     output = data[:12]
     if version == 1:
         if self.creation_modfication_time:
             output += uint64_to_str(self.creation_modfication_time)
             output += uint64_to_str(self.creation_modfication_time)
             output += data[12:28]
         output += uint32_to_str(self.timescale)
         output += uint64_to_str(0)  # duration
         if self.creation_modfication_time:
             output += uint32_to_str(self.creation_modfication_time)
             output += uint32_to_str(self.creation_modfication_time)
             output += data[12:20]
         output += uint32_to_str(self.timescale)
         output += uint32_to_str(0)
     return output
Example #8
    def process_tfdt_to_64bit(self, data, output):
        """Generate new timestamps for tfdt and change size of boxes above if needed.

        Note that the input output will be returned and can have another size."""
        version = data[8]
        tfdt_offset = self.offset * self.track_timescale
        if version == 0:  # 32-bit baseMediaDecodeTime
            self.size_change = 4
            output = uint32_to_str(str_to_uint32(data[:4]) + self.size_change)
            output += data[4:8]
            output += b'\x01'
            output += data[9:12]
            base_media_decode_time = str_to_uint32(data[12:16])
        else:  # 64-bit
            output = data[:12]
            base_media_decode_time = str_to_uint64(data[12:20])
        new_base_media_decode_time = base_media_decode_time + tfdt_offset
        output += uint64_to_str(new_base_media_decode_time)
        self.tfdt_value = new_base_media_decode_time
        return output