Example #1
def _add_logging(dsk, ignore=None):
    Add logging to a Dask graph.

    @param dsk: The Dask graph.

    @return: New Dask graph.
    ctx = current_action()
    result = {}

    # Use topological sort to ensure Eliot actions are in logical order of
    # execution in Dask:
    keys = toposort(dsk)

    # Give each key a string name. Some keys are just aliases to other
    # keys, so make sure we have underlying key available. Later on might
    # want to shorten them as well.
    def simplify(k):
        if isinstance(k, str):
            return k
        return "-".join(str(o) for o in k)

    key_names = {}
    for key in keys:
        value = dsk[key]
        if not callable(value) and value in keys:
            # It's an alias for another key:
            key_names[key] = key_names[value]
            key_names[key] = simplify(key)

    # 2. Create Eliot child Actions for each key, in topological order:
    key_to_action_id = {
        key: str(ctx.serialize_task_id(), "utf-8")
        for key in keys

    # 3. Replace function with wrapper that logs appropriate Action:
    for key in keys:
        func = dsk[key][0]
        args = dsk[key][1:]
        if not callable(func):
            # This key is just an alias for another key, no need to add
            # logging:
            result[key] = dsk[key]
        wrapped_func = _RunWithEliotContext(
            dependencies=[key_names[k] for k in get_dependencies(dsk, key)],
        result[key] = (wrapped_func, ) + tuple(args)

    assert result.keys() == dsk.keys()
    return result
Example #2
def _add_logging(dsk, ignore=None):
    Add logging to a Dask graph.

    @param dsk: The Dask graph.

    @return: New Dask graph.
    ctx = current_action()
    result = {}

    # Use topological sort to ensure Eliot actions are in logical order of
    # execution in Dask:
    keys = toposort(dsk)

    # Give each key a string name. Some keys are just aliases to other
    # keys, so make sure we have underlying key available. Later on might
    # want to shorten them as well.
    def simplify(k):
        if isinstance(k, str):
            return k
        return "-".join(str(o) for o in k)

    key_names = {}
    for key in keys:
        value = dsk[key]
        if not callable(value) and value in keys:
            # It's an alias for another key:
            key_names[key] = key_names[value]
            key_names[key] = simplify(key)

    # 2. Create Eliot child Actions for each key, in topological order:
    key_to_action_id = {key: str(ctx.serialize_task_id(), "utf-8") for key in keys}

    # 3. Replace function with wrapper that logs appropriate Action:
    for key in keys:
        func = dsk[key][0]
        args = dsk[key][1:]
        if not callable(func):
            # This key is just an alias for another key, no need to add
            # logging:
            result[key] = dsk[key]
        wrapped_func = _RunWithEliotContext(
            dependencies=[key_names[k] for k in get_dependencies(dsk, key)],
        result[key] = (wrapped_func,) + tuple(args)

    assert result.keys() == dsk.keys()
    return result
Example #3
    def compile_subgraph(self, subgraph: Dict, inputs: List[Hashable],
                         output: Hashable) -> Callable:
        """Fuse a subgraph of tasks into a single compiled function.

        It is assumed that the function will be called with values corresponding to
        `inputs` in the order they are given.
        tbl = SymbolTable()

        # must populate the symbol table in toposort order
        toposort_keys = list(toposort(subgraph))

        # register the inputs as variables
        for key in inputs:

        # register each function in the subgraph
        for key in toposort_keys:
            task = subgraph[key]
            # all metagraph tasks are in (func, args, kwargs) format
            delayed_algo, args, kwargs = task
            if isinstance(kwargs, tuple):
                # FIXME: why are dictionaries represented this way in the DAG?
                kwargs = kwargs[0](kwargs[1])
            if len(kwargs) != 0:
                raise CompileError(
                    "NumbaCompiler only supports functions with bound kwargs.\n"
                    f"When compiling:\n{delayed_algo.func_label}\nfound unbound kwargs:\n{kwargs}"
            # for maximum optimization, inline every task function during
            # compilation of the wrapper
            jit_func = numba.jit(inline="always")(delayed_algo.algo.func)
            tbl.register_func(key, jit_func, args)

        # generate the wrapper
        subgraph_wrapper_name = "subgraph" + str(self._subgraph_count)
        self._subgraph_count += 1
        wrapper_text, wrapper_globals = construct_call_wrapper_text(

        wrapper_func = compile_wrapper(subgraph_wrapper_name, wrapper_text,
        return wrapper_func
Example #4
def inline(dsk, keys=None, inline_constants=True, dependencies=None):
    """Return new dask with the given keys inlined with their values.

    Inlines all constants if ``inline_constants`` keyword is True. Note that
    the constant keys will remain in the graph, to remove them follow
    ``inline`` with ``cull``.

    >>> def inc(x):
    ...     return x + 1

    >>> def add(x, y):
    ...     return x + y

    >>> d = {'x': 1, 'y': (inc, 'x'), 'z': (add, 'x', 'y')}
    >>> inline(d)       # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    {'x': 1, 'y': (<function inc at ...>, 1), 'z': (<function add at ...>, 1, 'y')}

    >>> inline(d, keys='y') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    {'x': 1, 'y': (<function inc at ...>, 1), 'z': (<function add at ...>, 1, (<function inc at ...>, 1))}

    >>> inline(d, keys='y', inline_constants=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    {'x': 1, 'y': (<function inc at ...>, 'x'), 'z': (<function add at ...>, 'x', (<function inc at ...>, 'x'))}
    if dependencies and isinstance(next(iter(dependencies.values())), list):
        dependencies = {k: set(v) for k, v in dependencies.items()}

    keys = _flat_set(keys)

    if dependencies is None:
        dependencies = {k: get_dependencies(dsk, k) for k in dsk}

    if inline_constants:
            for k, v in dsk.items()
            if (ishashable(v) and v in dsk) or (not dependencies[k] and not istask(v))

    # Keys may depend on other keys, so determine replace order with toposort.
    # The values stored in `keysubs` do not include other keys.
    replaceorder = toposort(
        {k: dsk[k] for k in keys if k in dsk}, dependencies=dependencies
    keysubs = {}
    for key in replaceorder:
        val = dsk[key]
        for dep in keys & dependencies[key]:
            if dep in keysubs:
                replace = keysubs[dep]
                replace = dsk[dep]
            val = subs(val, dep, replace)
        keysubs[key] = val

    # Make new dask with substitutions
    dsk2 = keysubs.copy()
    for key, val in dsk.items():
        if key not in dsk2:
            for item in keys & dependencies[key]:
                val = subs(val, item, keysubs[item])
            dsk2[key] = val
    return dsk2
Example #5
def _add_logging(dsk, ignore=None):
    Add logging to a Dask graph.

    @param dsk: The Dask graph.

    @return: New Dask graph.
    ctx = current_action()
    result = {}

    # Use topological sort to ensure Eliot actions are in logical order of
    # execution in Dask:
    keys = toposort(dsk)

    # Give each key a string name. Some keys are just aliases to other
    # keys, so make sure we have underlying key available. Later on might
    # want to shorten them as well.
    def simplify(k):
        if isinstance(k, str):
            return k
        return "-".join(str(o) for o in k)

    key_names = {}
    for key in keys:
        value = dsk[key]
        if not callable(value) and ishashable(value) and value in keys:
            # It's an alias for another key:
            key_names[key] = key_names[value]
            key_names[key] = simplify(key)

    # Values in the graph can be either:
    # 1. A list of other values.
    # 2. A tuple, where first value might be a callable, aka a task.
    # 3. A literal of some sort.
    def maybe_wrap(key, value):
        if isinstance(value, list):
            return [maybe_wrap(key, v) for v in value]
        elif isinstance(value, tuple):
            func = value[0]
            args = value[1:]
            if not callable(func):
                # Not a callable, so nothing to wrap.
                return value
            wrapped_func = _RunWithEliotContext(
                task_id=str(ctx.serialize_task_id(), "utf-8"),
                    key_names[k] for k in get_dependencies(dsk, key)
            return (wrapped_func, ) + args
            return value

    # Replace function with wrapper that logs appropriate Action; iterate in
    # topological order so action task levels are in reasonable order.
    for key in keys:
        result[key] = maybe_wrap(key, dsk[key])

    assert set(result.keys()) == set(dsk.keys())
    return result