Example #1
async def test_jupyterhub_auth(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    from jupyterhub.tests.utils import add_user

    gateway_address = "" % random_port()
    jhub_api_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
    jhub_bind_url = "" % random_port()

    hub_config = Config()
    hub_config.JupyterHub.services = [{
        "name": "dask-gateway",
        "url": gateway_address,
        "api_token": jhub_api_token
    hub_config.JupyterHub.bind_url = jhub_bind_url

    class MockHub(hub_mocking.MockHub):
        def init_logging(self):

    hub = MockHub(config=hub_config)

    # Configure gateway
    config = Config()
    config.DaskGateway.public_url = gateway_address + "/services/dask-gateway/"
    config.DaskGateway.temp_dir = str(tmpdir)
    config.DaskGateway.authenticator_class = (
    config.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_token = jhub_api_token
    config.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_url = jhub_bind_url + "api/"

    async with temp_gateway(config=config) as gateway_proc:
        async with temp_hub(hub):
            # Create a new jupyterhub user alice, and get the api token
            u = add_user(hub.db, name="alice")
            api_token = u.new_api_token()

            # Configure auth with incorrect api token
            auth = JupyterHubAuth(api_token=uuid.uuid4().hex)

            async with Gateway(
            ) as gateway:

                # Auth fails with bad token
                with pytest.raises(Exception):
                    await gateway.list_clusters()

                # Auth works with correct token
                auth.api_token = api_token
                await gateway.list_clusters()
Example #2
async def test_jupyterhub_auth_user(monkeypatch):
    from jupyterhub.tests.utils import add_user

    jhub_api_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
    jhub_bind_url = "" % random_port()

    hub_config = Config()
    hub_config.JupyterHub.services = [{
        "name": "dask-gateway",
        "api_token": jhub_api_token
    hub_config.JupyterHub.bind_url = jhub_bind_url

    class MockHub(hub_mocking.MockHub):
        def init_logging(self):

    hub = MockHub(config=hub_config)

    # Configure gateway
    config = configure_dask_gateway(jhub_api_token, jhub_bind_url)

    async with temp_gateway(config=config) as g:
        async with temp_hub(hub):
            # Create a new jupyterhub user alice, and get the api token
            u = add_user(hub.db, name="alice")
            api_token = u.new_api_token()

            # Configure auth with incorrect api token
            auth = JupyterHubAuth(api_token=uuid.uuid4().hex)

            async with g.gateway_client(auth=auth) as gateway:
                # Auth fails with bad token
                with pytest.raises(Exception):
                    await gateway.list_clusters()

                # Auth works with correct token
                auth.api_token = api_token
                await gateway.list_clusters()
Example #3
async def test_jupyterhub_auth_service(monkeypatch):
    jhub_api_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
    jhub_service_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
    jhub_bind_url = "" % random_port()

    hub_config = Config()
    hub_config.JupyterHub.services = [
            "name": "dask-gateway",
            "api_token": jhub_api_token
            "name": "any-service",
            "api_token": jhub_service_token
    hub_config.JupyterHub.bind_url = jhub_bind_url

    class MockHub(hub_mocking.MockHub):
        def init_logging(self):

    hub = MockHub(config=hub_config)

    # Configure gateway
    config = configure_dask_gateway(jhub_api_token, jhub_bind_url)

    async with temp_gateway(config=config) as g:
        async with temp_hub(hub):
            # Configure auth with incorrect api token
            auth = JupyterHubAuth(api_token=uuid.uuid4().hex)
            async with g.gateway_client(auth=auth) as gateway:
                # Auth fails with bad token
                with pytest.raises(Exception):
                    await gateway.list_clusters()

                # Auth works with service token
                auth.api_token = jhub_api_token
                await gateway.list_clusters()