def test_all(self): """ Test all inside a symbol folder (max 2 year, 3 files) :return: """ for year_folder in glob(os.path.join(self.test_dir, '*'))[:2]: thinkback_files = glob(os.path.join(year_folder, '*.*')) for test_file in thinkback_files[:3]: date, symbol = os.path.basename(test_file)[:-4].split('-StockAndOptionQuoteFor') raw_data = open(test_file).read() open_thinkback = OpenThinkBack(date=date, data=raw_data) stock, options = open_thinkback.format() print 'stock: %s' % stock print 'option count: %d' % len(options) print '.' * 80 print '*' * 100
def test_all(self): """ Test all inside a symbol folder (max 2 year, 3 files) :return: """ for year_folder in glob(os.path.join(self.test_dir, '*'))[:2]: thinkback_files = glob(os.path.join(year_folder, '*.*')) for test_file in thinkback_files[:3]: date, symbol = os.path.basename(test_file)[:-4].split( '-StockAndOptionQuoteFor') raw_data = open(test_file).read() open_thinkback = OpenThinkBack(date=date, data=raw_data) stock, options = open_thinkback.format() print 'stock: %s' % stock print 'option count: %d' % len(options) print '.' * 80 print '*' * 100
def setUp(self): TestSetUp.setUp(self) self.symbol = 'WFC' self.year = '2015' = '2015-01-30' self.test_path = list() for path in glob(os.path.join(THINKBACK_DIR, '*')): if os.path.isdir(path): self.test_path.append(path) self.test_dir = [ path for path in self.test_path if self.symbol.lower() in path ].pop() # single test file self.test_file = r'D:\rivers\data' \ r'/csv\%s\%s\%s-StockAndOptionQuoteFor%s.csv' % \ (self.symbol.lower(), self.year,, self.symbol.upper()) self.open_thinkback = OpenThinkBack(, data=open(self.test_file).read())
def setUp(self): TestSetUp.setUp(self) self.symbol = 'WFC' self.year = '2015' = '2015-01-30' self.test_path = list() for path in glob(os.path.join(THINKBACK_DIR, '*')): if os.path.isdir(path): self.test_path.append(path) self.test_dir = [path for path in self.test_path if self.symbol.lower() in path].pop() # single test file self.test_file = r'D:\rivers\data' \ r'/csv\%s\%s\%s-StockAndOptionQuoteFor%s.csv' % \ (self.symbol.lower(), self.year,, self.symbol.upper()) self.open_thinkback = OpenThinkBack(, data=open(self.test_file).read() )
def data_tos_thinkback_import_view(request, symbol): """ Import a symbol folder into db :param request: request :param symbol: str :return: render """ template = 'data/run_csv.html' symbol = symbol.upper() """:type: str""" insert_files = list() # move files into year folder no_year_files = glob(os.path.join(THINKBACK_DIR, symbol, '*.csv')) years = sorted(list(set([os.path.basename(f)[:4] for f in no_year_files]))) for year in years: year_dir = os.path.join(THINKBACK_DIR, symbol, year) # make dir if not exists if not os.path.isdir(year_dir): os.mkdir(year_dir) # move all year files into dir for no_year_file in no_year_files: #print os.path.basename(no_year_file)[:4], year filename = os.path.basename(no_year_file) if filename[:4] == year: #print 'move ', no_year_file, ' -> ', year_dir os.rename(no_year_file, os.path.join(year_dir, filename)) # get all files in year folder files = [] for year in glob(os.path.join(THINKBACK_DIR, symbol, '*')): for csv in glob(os.path.join(year, '*.csv')): files.append(csv) # stocks = list() for csv in files: inserted_file = dict(path='', stock=None, contracts=0, options=0) # get date and symbol date, symbol = os.path.basename(csv)[:-4].split( '-StockAndOptionQuoteFor') # insert stock if not exists in db query = Q(symbol=symbol) & Q(date=date) & Q(source='tos_thinkback') if not Stock.objects.filter(query).exists() and date not in SKIP_DATES: # output to console print 'running %s file...' % os.path.basename(csv) stock_data, option_data = OpenThinkBack( date=date, data=open(csv).read()).format() # for view only inserted_file['path'] = os.path.basename(csv) stock = Stock() stock.symbol = symbol stock.source = 'tos_thinkback' = stock_data # stocks.append(stock) # for view only inserted_file['stock'] = stock option_codes = [ contract['option_code'] for contract, _ in option_data ] size = 100 exists_option_codes = list() for chunk in [ option_codes[i:i + size] for i in range(0, len(option_codes), size) ]: exists_option_codes += [ x[0] for x in OptionContract.objects.filter( option_code__in=chunk).values_list('option_code') ] new_option_codes = set(option_codes) - set(exists_option_codes) contracts = list() for option_code in set(option_codes): if option_code in new_option_codes: try: contract_dict = [ c for c, _ in option_data if c['option_code'] == option_code ][0] except IndexError: print option_code raise Exception() contract = OptionContract() contract.symbol = symbol contract.source = 'tos_thinkback' = contract_dict contracts.append(contract) # insert option contract OptionContract.objects.bulk_create(contracts) # for view only inserted_file['contracts'] = len(contracts) option_contracts = list() for chunk in [ option_codes[i:i + size] for i in range(0, len(option_codes), size) ]: option_contracts += [ option_contract for option_contract in OptionContract.objects.filter( option_code__in=chunk) ] options = list() for contract_dict, option_dict in option_data: try: option_contract = [ option_contract for option_contract in option_contracts if option_contract.option_code == contract_dict['option_code'] ][0] except IndexError: raise IndexError('Contract not inserted...') option = Option() option.option_contract = option_contract = option_dict options.append(option) # insert options Option.objects.bulk_create(options) # for view only inserted_file['options'] = len(options) # add into inserted insert_files.append(inserted_file) # missing files between dates missing_files = list() if Stock.objects.count() > 2 and Stock.objects.filter( symbol=symbol).exists(): bdays = bdate_range(start=Stock.objects.filter( symbol=symbol).order_by('date').first().date, end=Stock.objects.filter( symbol=symbol).order_by('date').last().date, freq='B') for bday in bdays: try: Stock.objects.get( Q(symbol=symbol) & Q(source='tos_thinkback') & Q(date=bday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) except ObjectDoesNotExist: if is_not_holiday(bday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) and \ is_not_offdays(bday.strftime('%m/%d/%y')): missing_files.append( dict(filename='%s-StockAndOptionQuoteFor%s.csv' % (bday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), symbol), date=bday.strftime('%m/%d/%y'))) parameters = dict(symbol=symbol, insert_files=insert_files, missing_files=missing_files) return render(request, template, parameters)
def data_daily_import_view(request): """ Import all csv files in daily folder then insert web data for that date :param request: request :return: render """ template = 'data/daily.html' insert_files = list() files = [ path for path in glob(os.path.join(THINKBACK_DIR, '_daily', '*.csv')) ] for f in files: contracts = 0 options = 0 # get filename and dir filename = os.path.basename(f) print 'running file: %s...' % filename date, symbol = map(lambda x: x.upper(), filename[:-4].split('-StockAndOptionQuoteFor')) # file into dict stock_data, option_data = OpenThinkBack(date=date, data=open(f).read()).format() # save stock stock = Stock() stock.symbol = symbol stock.source = 'tos_thinkback' = stock_data # save contract and option for contract_dict, option_dict in option_data: try: contract = OptionContract.objects.get( option_code=contract_dict['option_code']) except ObjectDoesNotExist: contract = OptionContract() contract.symbol = symbol contract.source = 'tos_thinkback' = contract_dict contracts += 1 option = Option() option.option_contract = contract = option_dict options += 1 # move file into folder year = filename[:4] year_dir = os.path.join(THINKBACK_DIR, symbol, year) # make dir if not exists if not os.path.isdir(year_dir): os.mkdir(year_dir) os.rename(f, os.path.join(year_dir, os.path.basename(f))) # save data from web google_data = get_data_google( symbols=symbol, # start='2015-04-01', end='2015-04-10', # test only start=date, end=date, adjust_price=True) yahoo_data = get_data_yahoo( symbols=symbol, # start='2015-04-01', end='2015-04-10', # test only start=date, end=date, adjust_price=True) for index, data in google_data.iterrows(): if int(data['Volume']) > 0: google_stock = Stock(symbol=symbol, date=index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), open=data['Open'], high=data['High'], low=data['Low'], close=data['Close'], volume=data['Volume'], source='google') for index, data in yahoo_data.iterrows(): if int(data['Volume']) > 0: yahoo_stock = Stock(symbol=symbol, date=index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), open=data['Open'], high=data['High'], low=data['Low'], close=data['Close'], volume=data['Volume'], source='yahoo') insert_files.append( dict(symbol=symbol, date=date, path=filename, stock=1, contracts=contracts, options=options)) parameters = dict(insert_files=insert_files) return render(request, template, parameters)
class TestOpenThinkBack(TestSetUp): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def setUp(self): TestSetUp.setUp(self) self.symbol = 'WFC' self.year = '2015' = '2015-01-30' self.test_path = list() for path in glob(os.path.join(THINKBACK_DIR, '*')): if os.path.isdir(path): self.test_path.append(path) self.test_dir = [path for path in self.test_path if self.symbol.lower() in path].pop() # single test file self.test_file = r'D:\rivers\data' \ r'/csv\%s\%s\%s-StockAndOptionQuoteFor%s.csv' % \ (self.symbol.lower(), self.year,, self.symbol.upper()) self.open_thinkback = OpenThinkBack(, data=open(self.test_file).read() ) def test_get_underlying(self): """ Test get underlying stock price in line 5 """ expected_keys = ['date', 'volume', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'last', 'net_change'] print 'run get_stock...' stock = self.open_thinkback.get_stock() self.assertEqual(type(stock), dict) print 'stock dict:' pprint(stock) for key, value in stock.items(): self.assertIn(key, expected_keys) if key is not 'date': self.assertEqual(type(value), float) else: self.assertEqual(type(value), str) def test_get_cycles(self): """ Test get cycles from each option chain head title """ print 'run get_cycles...' cycles = self.open_thinkback.get_cycles() self.assertEqual(type(cycles), list) print 'cycle dict:' pprint(cycles, width=400) for cycle in cycles: self.assertEqual(type(cycle), dict) self.assertEqual(len(cycle['data']), 5) self.assertEqual(type(cycle['dte']), int) self.assertGreaterEqual(cycle['dte'], 0) self.assertEqual(type(cycle['line']), str) self.assertGreater(cycle['start'], 10) self.assertLess(cycle['start'], cycle['stop']) def test_get_cycle_options(self): """ Test get cycle options from option chain """ months = [month_name[i + 1][:3].upper() for i in range(12)] contract_keys = [ 'ex_month', 'ex_year', 'right', 'special', 'others', 'strike', 'contract', 'option_code' ] option_keys = [ 'date', 'dte', 'last', 'mark', 'bid', 'ask', 'delta', 'gamma', 'theta', 'vega', 'theo_price', 'impl_vol', 'prob_itm', 'prob_otm', 'prob_touch', 'volume', 'open_int', 'intrinsic', 'extrinsic' ] print 'run get_cycles...' cycles = self.open_thinkback.get_cycles() for cycle in cycles[:1]: print 'cycle: %s' % cycle['data'] print 'run get_cycle_option...' options = self.open_thinkback.get_cycle_options(cycle) for contract, option in options: print 'current contract, option code: %s' % contract['option_code'] pprint(contract, width=400) self.assertEqual(type(contract), dict) self.assertEqual(sorted(contract.keys()), sorted(contract_keys)) self.assertEqual(type(contract['others']), str) self.assertEqual(type(contract['ex_month']), str) self.assertIn(contract['ex_month'][:3], months) if len(contract['ex_month']) == 4: self.assertGreater(int(contract['ex_month'][3]), 0) self.assertLessEqual(int(contract['ex_month'][3]), 12) self.assertEqual(type(contract['ex_year']), int) self.assertGreater(contract['ex_year'], 0) self.assertLessEqual(contract['ex_year'], 99) self.assertEqual(type(contract['right']), str) # not int, str self.assertEqual(type(contract['contract']), str) self.assertIn(contract['contract'], ['CALL', 'PUT']) self.assertEqual(type(contract['special']), str) self.assertIn(contract['special'], ['Weeklys', 'Standard', 'Mini']) self.assertEqual(type(contract['strike']), float) self.assertGreater(contract['strike'], 0) self.assertEqual(type(contract['option_code']), str) print 'current option:' pprint(option, width=400) for key in option.keys(): self.assertIn(key, option_keys) if key == 'date': self.assertEqual(type(option['date']), str) self.assertTrue(datetime.strptime(option['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')) elif key == 'dte': self.assertEqual(type(option['dte']), int) else: self.assertEqual(type(option[key]), float) print '.' * 80 print '\n' + '*' * 100 + '\n' def test_format(self): """ Test format a raw lines data into dict """ stock, option = self.open_thinkback.format() print 'stock: %s' % stock print 'option: ' pprint(option, width=400) def test_all(self): """ Test all inside a symbol folder (max 2 year, 3 files) :return: """ for year_folder in glob(os.path.join(self.test_dir, '*'))[:2]: thinkback_files = glob(os.path.join(year_folder, '*.*')) for test_file in thinkback_files[:3]: date, symbol = os.path.basename(test_file)[:-4].split('-StockAndOptionQuoteFor') raw_data = open(test_file).read() open_thinkback = OpenThinkBack(date=date, data=raw_data) stock, options = open_thinkback.format() print 'stock: %s' % stock print 'option count: %d' % len(options) print '.' * 80 print '*' * 100
class TestOpenThinkBack(TestSetUp): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def setUp(self): TestSetUp.setUp(self) self.symbol = 'WFC' self.year = '2015' = '2015-01-30' self.test_path = list() for path in glob(os.path.join(THINKBACK_DIR, '*')): if os.path.isdir(path): self.test_path.append(path) self.test_dir = [ path for path in self.test_path if self.symbol.lower() in path ].pop() # single test file self.test_file = r'D:\rivers\data' \ r'/csv\%s\%s\%s-StockAndOptionQuoteFor%s.csv' % \ (self.symbol.lower(), self.year,, self.symbol.upper()) self.open_thinkback = OpenThinkBack(, data=open(self.test_file).read()) def test_get_underlying(self): """ Test get underlying stock price in line 5 """ expected_keys = [ 'date', 'volume', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'last', 'net_change' ] print 'run get_stock...' stock = self.open_thinkback.get_stock() self.assertEqual(type(stock), dict) print 'stock dict:' pprint(stock) for key, value in stock.items(): self.assertIn(key, expected_keys) if key is not 'date': self.assertEqual(type(value), float) else: self.assertEqual(type(value), str) def test_get_cycles(self): """ Test get cycles from each option chain head title """ print 'run get_cycles...' cycles = self.open_thinkback.get_cycles() self.assertEqual(type(cycles), list) print 'cycle dict:' pprint(cycles, width=400) for cycle in cycles: self.assertEqual(type(cycle), dict) self.assertEqual(len(cycle['data']), 5) self.assertEqual(type(cycle['dte']), int) self.assertGreaterEqual(cycle['dte'], 0) self.assertEqual(type(cycle['line']), str) self.assertGreater(cycle['start'], 10) self.assertLess(cycle['start'], cycle['stop']) def test_get_cycle_options(self): """ Test get cycle options from option chain """ months = [month_name[i + 1][:3].upper() for i in range(12)] contract_keys = [ 'ex_month', 'ex_year', 'right', 'special', 'others', 'strike', 'contract', 'option_code' ] option_keys = [ 'date', 'dte', 'last', 'mark', 'bid', 'ask', 'delta', 'gamma', 'theta', 'vega', 'theo_price', 'impl_vol', 'prob_itm', 'prob_otm', 'prob_touch', 'volume', 'open_int', 'intrinsic', 'extrinsic' ] print 'run get_cycles...' cycles = self.open_thinkback.get_cycles() for cycle in cycles[:1]: print 'cycle: %s' % cycle['data'] print 'run get_cycle_option...' options = self.open_thinkback.get_cycle_options(cycle) for contract, option in options: print 'current contract, option code: %s' % contract[ 'option_code'] pprint(contract, width=400) self.assertEqual(type(contract), dict) self.assertEqual(sorted(contract.keys()), sorted(contract_keys)) self.assertEqual(type(contract['others']), str) self.assertEqual(type(contract['ex_month']), str) self.assertIn(contract['ex_month'][:3], months) if len(contract['ex_month']) == 4: self.assertGreater(int(contract['ex_month'][3]), 0) self.assertLessEqual(int(contract['ex_month'][3]), 12) self.assertEqual(type(contract['ex_year']), int) self.assertGreater(contract['ex_year'], 0) self.assertLessEqual(contract['ex_year'], 99) self.assertEqual(type(contract['right']), str) # not int, str self.assertEqual(type(contract['contract']), str) self.assertIn(contract['contract'], ['CALL', 'PUT']) self.assertEqual(type(contract['special']), str) self.assertIn(contract['special'], ['Weeklys', 'Standard', 'Mini']) self.assertEqual(type(contract['strike']), float) self.assertGreater(contract['strike'], 0) self.assertEqual(type(contract['option_code']), str) print 'current option:' pprint(option, width=400) for key in option.keys(): self.assertIn(key, option_keys) if key == 'date': self.assertEqual(type(option['date']), str) self.assertTrue( datetime.strptime(option['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')) elif key == 'dte': self.assertEqual(type(option['dte']), int) else: self.assertEqual(type(option[key]), float) print '.' * 80 print '\n' + '*' * 100 + '\n' def test_format(self): """ Test format a raw lines data into dict """ stock, option = self.open_thinkback.format() print 'stock: %s' % stock print 'option: ' pprint(option, width=400) def test_all(self): """ Test all inside a symbol folder (max 2 year, 3 files) :return: """ for year_folder in glob(os.path.join(self.test_dir, '*'))[:2]: thinkback_files = glob(os.path.join(year_folder, '*.*')) for test_file in thinkback_files[:3]: date, symbol = os.path.basename(test_file)[:-4].split( '-StockAndOptionQuoteFor') raw_data = open(test_file).read() open_thinkback = OpenThinkBack(date=date, data=raw_data) stock, options = open_thinkback.format() print 'stock: %s' % stock print 'option count: %d' % len(options) print '.' * 80 print '*' * 100