Example #1
def purge_repository(repo, force=False):
    Completely delete all traces of the repository.

    Will return True upon complete success, and False upon partial or total failure. Garbage
    collection is incremental and repeatable, so this return value does not need to be checked or
    responded to.
    assert repo.state == RepositoryState.MARKED_FOR_DELETION or force

    # Delete the repository of all Appr-referenced entries.
    # Note that new-model Tag's must be deleted in *two* passes, as they can reference parent tags,
    # and MySQL is... particular... about such relationships when deleting.
    if repo.kind.name == "application":
        ApprTag.delete().where(ApprTag.repository == repo,
                               ~(ApprTag.linked_tag >> None)).execute()
        ApprTag.delete().where(ApprTag.repository == repo).execute()
        # GC to remove the images and storage.

    # Ensure there are no additional tags, manifests, images or blobs in the repository.
    assert ApprTag.select().where(ApprTag.repository == repo).count() == 0
    assert Tag.select().where(Tag.repository == repo).count() == 0
    assert RepositoryTag.select().where(
        RepositoryTag.repository == repo).count() == 0
    assert Manifest.select().where(Manifest.repository == repo).count() == 0
    assert ManifestBlob.select().where(
        ManifestBlob.repository == repo).count() == 0
    assert Image.select().where(Image.repository == repo).count() == 0

    # Delete any repository build triggers, builds, and any other large-ish reference tables for
    # the repository.
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, RepositoryPermission, force=force)
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, RepositoryBuild, force=force)
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, RepositoryBuildTrigger, force=force)
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, RepositoryActionCount, force=force)
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, Star, force=force)
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, AccessToken, force=force)
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, RepositoryNotification, force=force)
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, BlobUpload, force=force)
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, RepoMirrorConfig, force=force)
    _chunk_delete_all(repo, RepositoryAuthorizedEmail, force=force)

    # Delete any marker rows for the repository.
        DeletedRepository.repository == repo).execute()

    # Delete the rest of the repository metadata.
        # Make sure the repository still exists.
        fetched = Repository.get(id=repo.id)
    except Repository.DoesNotExist:
        return False

    fetched.delete_instance(recursive=True, delete_nullable=False, force=force)
    return True
Example #2
def purge_repository(namespace_name, repository_name):
  """ Completely delete all traces of the repository. Will return True upon
      complete success, and False upon partial or total failure. Garbage
      collection is incremental and repeatable, so this return value does
      not need to be checked or responded to.
    repo = _basequery.get_existing_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
  except Repository.DoesNotExist:
    return False

  assert repo.name == repository_name

  # Delete the repository of all Appr-referenced entries.
  # Note that new-model Tag's must be deleted in *two* passes, as they can reference parent tags,
  # and MySQL is... particular... about such relationships when deleting.
  if repo.kind.name == 'application':
    ApprTag.delete().where(ApprTag.repository == repo, ~(ApprTag.linked_tag >> None)).execute()
    ApprTag.delete().where(ApprTag.repository == repo).execute()
    # GC to remove the images and storage.

  # Ensure there are no additional tags, manifests, images or blobs in the repository.
  assert ApprTag.select().where(ApprTag.repository == repo).count() == 0
  assert Tag.select().where(Tag.repository == repo).count() == 0
  assert RepositoryTag.select().where(RepositoryTag.repository == repo).count() == 0
  assert Manifest.select().where(Manifest.repository == repo).count() == 0
  assert ManifestBlob.select().where(ManifestBlob.repository == repo).count() == 0
  assert Image.select().where(Image.repository == repo).count() == 0

  # Delete the rest of the repository metadata.
    # Make sure the repository still exists.
    fetched = _basequery.get_existing_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
  except Repository.DoesNotExist:
    return False

  fetched.delete_instance(recursive=True, delete_nullable=False)

  # Run callbacks
  for callback in config.repo_cleanup_callbacks:
    callback(namespace_name, repository_name)

  return True