def Li_recov_40_sum_stats(data): output = [] sub_loop = 0 d_split = data.split_periodic(tperiod_recov_40, adjust=True) for d in d_split[: -1]: # for no reason the last split contains no information dcond = d.trim(tpreMeasuringList1_recov_40[sub_loop], tpreMeasuringList1_recov_40[sub_loop] + tMeasuring1_recov_40, adjust=True) dtest = d.trim_left(tpreMeasuring2_recov_40, adjust=True) current_cond = dcond['i_caL.i_Ca_L'][:-1] current_test = dtest['i_caL.i_Ca_L'][:-1] index_cond = np.argmax(np.abs(current_cond)) index_test = np.argmax(np.abs(current_test)) try: output = output + [ current_test[index_test] / current_cond[index_cond] ] # should I still normalize ? sub_loop += 1 except: output = output + [float('inf')] sub_loop += 1 return output
def Li_iv_80_sum_stats(data): output = [] for d in data.split_periodic(tperiod_iv_Li, adjust=True): d = d.trim_left(tpreMeasuring_iv_Li, adjust=True) current = d['i_caL.i_Ca_L'][:-1] # the last value is sometimes a nan # (because V =0 at the end of the simulation and that I in nygren model is not defined for V = 0) output = output + [max(current, key=abs) - current[-1]] return output
def Li_inact_kin_80_sum_stats(data): def double_exp(t, tauh, taus, Ah, As): return Ah * np.exp(-t / tauh) + As * np.exp(-t / taus) output = [] ss_list = [] for d in data.split_periodic(tperiod_kin_80_Li, adjust=True): d = d.trim_left(tpreMeasuring_kin_80_Li, adjust=True) #d = d.trim(tpreMeasuring_kin_80_Li,tpreMeasuring_kin_80_Li+2, adjust = True) current = d[ 'i_caL.i_Ca_L'][: -1] # sometimes, the last value is nan and crashes the following, # so getting rid of the last value is perhaps the solution time = d['environment.time'][:-1] index = np.argmax(np.abs(current)) # Set time zero to peak current current = current[index:] time = time[index:] t0 = time[0] time = [t - t0 for t in time] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('error', OptimizeWarning) warnings.simplefilter('error', RuntimeWarning) try: imax = max(current, key=abs) current = [c_ / imax for c_ in current] if len(time) <= 1 or len(current) <= 1: raise Exception('Failed simulation') popt, _ = so.curve_fit(double_exp, time, current, p0=[5, 1, 1, 1], bounds=([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01], [100.0, 10, 10, 10])) tauh = min(popt[0], popt[1]) taus = max(popt[0], popt[1]) output = output + [tauh] ss_list = ss_list + [taus] #debug # plt.plot(time,current,time,double_exp(np.asarray(time), popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3])) # except: output = output + [float('inf')] ss_list = ss_list + [float('inf')] output = output + ss_list return output
def Li_inact_150_sum_stats(data): output = [] for d in data.split_periodic(tperiod_inact_Li_150, adjust=True): d = d.trim_left(tpreMeasuring_inact_Li_150, adjust=True) inact_gate = d['i_caL.G_Na_norm'] index = np.argmax(np.abs(inact_gate)) output = output + [np.abs(inact_gate[index])] Norm = output[0] for i in range(len(output)): output[i] /= Norm return output