Example #1
def get_valid_direction(position):
    :param position: a tuple with the coordinates of where the player currently is
    :return: the list of directions that are attainable from where the player currently is
    valid_directions = {}
    for k, v in directions.iteritems():
        possible_position = (position[0] + v[0], position[1] + v[1])
        possible_location = locations.get(possible_position)
        if possible_location:
            valid_directions[k] = possible_position
    return valid_directions
Example #2
def got_to(directions, position):
    direction_error = directions
    position_error = position
    location = locations[position]
    print('you are at the %s' % location)

    valid_directions = {}
    for k, v in directions.items():
        possible_position = (position[0] + v[0], position[1] + v[1])
        possible_location = locations.get(possible_position)
        if possible_location:
            print('to the %s is a %s' % (k, possible_location))
            valid_directions[k] = possible_position

    direction = input('which direction do you wanna go\n')
        position = valid_directions[direction]
        got_to(directions, position)
    except KeyError:
        print('invalid location entered! Try again\n')
        got_to(direction_error, position_error)
Example #3
    'west': (-1, 0),
    'east': (1, 0),
    'north': (0, -1),
    'south': (0, 1),

position = (0, 0)
new_position = {}

while True:
    location = locations[position]
    print 'you are at the %s' % location

    valid_directions = {}
    for k, v in directions.iteritems():
        possible_position = (position[0] + v[0], position[1] + v[1])
        possible_location = locations.get(possible_position)
        if possible_location:
            print 'to the %s is a %s' % (k, possible_position)

            valid_directions[k] = possible_position

    direction = raw_input('which direction do you want to go? \n')

    new_position = valid_directions.get(direction)
    if new_position:
        position = new_position
        print "Sorry, you are lost!"

Example #4
    'west': (-1, 0),
    'east': (1, 0),
    'north': (0, -1),
    'south': (0, 1),

position = (0, 0)

while True:
    location = locations[position]
    print 'you are at the %s' % location

    valid_directions = {}
    for k, v in directions.iteritems():
        possible_position = (position[0] + v[0], position[1] + v[1])
        possible_location = locations.get(possible_position)
        if possible_location:
            print 'to the %s is a %s' % (k, possible_location)
            valid_directions[k] = possible_position

    # print map
    for k, v in valid_directions.iteritems():
        print locations.get(v)

    direction = raw_input('which direction do you want to go?\n')
    new_position = valid_directions.get(direction)
    if new_position:
        position = new_position
        print "sorry, that isn't a valid direction"
Example #5
from data import locations

directions = {
    'west': (-1, 0),
    'east': (1, 0),
    'north': (0, -1),
    'south': (0, 1),

position = (0, 0)

while True:
    location = locations[position]
    print "you are at the %s" % location

    valid_directions = {}
    for k, v in directions.iteritems():
        possible_position = (position[0] + v[0], position[1] + v[1])
        possible_location = locations.get(possible_position)
        if possible_location:
            print "to the %s is a %s" % (k, possible_location)
            valid_directions[k] = possible_position

    direction = raw_input("which direction do you want to go?\n")

    new_position = valid_directions.get(direction)
    if new_position:
        position = new_position
        print "sorry, that isn't a valid direction"
Example #6
from data import locations

direction = {
	'west': (-1, 0),
	'east': (1, 0),
	'north': (0, -1),
	'south': (0, 1),

position = (0,0)

while True
	locations= locatiomns[position]
	print 'you are at the %s' % location

	valid_directions = {}
	for k, v in directions.interitems():
		possible_position = (position[0] + v[0], posistion[1] + v[1])
		possible_locations = locations.get(possoble_postion)
		if possible_location:
			print 'to the %s is a %s' % (k, possible_location)
			valid_directions[k] = posible_posistion

		direction = raw_input('which direction do you want go?\n')
		postion = valid directions[direction]
Example #7
    'south': (0, 1),

position = (0, 0)  # starting position

while True:
    location = locations[
        position]  # find the name of our location by using locations dictionary we imported
    print 'you are at the %s' % location

    valid_directions = {}
    for k, v in directions.iteritems(
    ):  # when iterating through dictionary its helped to read both keys and values
        possible_position = (position[0] + v[0], position[1] + v[1]
                             )  # for each direction we calculate new position
        possible_location = locations.get(
        )  # check to see if position is in list of locations
        if possible_location:  # if possible locations exists we print it and add it to dicitonary
            print 'to the %s is a %s' % (k, possible_location)
            valid_directions[k] = possible_position

    direction = raw_input('Which direction do you want to go?\n'
                          )  # we ask user for a direction and use

    new_position = valid_directions.get(direction)
    if new_position:
        position = new_position
        print "sorry, that isn't a valid direction"
Example #8
from data import locations
# dictionary of directions if we are currently at (1, 1) moving east will result in (1+1,1+0) = (2,1)
directions = {
    'west': (-1, 0),
    'east': (1, 0),
    'north': (0, -1),
    'south': (0, 1),

position = (0, 0)  # starting position

while True:
    location = locations[position]  # returns the actual name of our location imported from data so starts at house
    print 'you are at the %s' % location  # prints the location you are currently at

    valid_directions = {}
    for k, v in directions.iteritems():  # k=key v=value.
        possible_position = (position[0] + v[0], position[1] + v[1])  # calcs the new position if we were to go that way
        possible_location = locations.get(possible_position)  # checks if the new position is in locations
        if possible_location:  # if the possible location exists
            print 'to the %s a %s' % (k, possible_location)  # prints the key from directions & location from data
            valid_directions[k] = possible_position  # add the location to a dictionary

    direction = raw_input('which direction do you want to go?\n')  # ask the user for a direction
    if direction in valid_directions:
        position = valid_directions[direction]  # passes the direction to the function
        print 'this is an invalid direction'