def sampleRandomPoses(importer, rng, base_poses, base_com, base_cube, num_poses, aug_modes, retall=False, rot3D=False): """ Sample random poses such that we can estimate the subspace more robustly :param importer: importer :param rng: RandomState :param base_poses: set of base 3D poses :param base_com: corresponding 3D crop locations :param base_cube: corresponding crop cubes :param num_poses: number of poses to sample :param aug_modes: augmentation modes (comb, com, rot, sc, none) :param retall: return all random parameters :param rot3D: augment rotation in 3D, which is only possible with poses not images :return: random poses """ all_modes = [ 'none', 'rot', 'sc', 'com', 'rot+com', 'com+rot', 'rot+com+sc', 'rot+sc+com', 'sc+rot+com', 'sc+com+rot', 'com+sc+rot', 'com+rot+sc' ] assert all([aug_modes[i] in all_modes for i in xrange(len(aug_modes))]) new_poses = numpy.zeros( (int(num_poses), base_poses.shape[1], base_poses.shape[2]), dtype=base_poses.dtype) new_com = numpy.zeros((int(num_poses), 3), dtype=base_poses.dtype) new_cube = numpy.zeros((int(num_poses), 3), dtype=base_poses.dtype) modes = rng.randint(0, len(aug_modes), int(num_poses)) ridxs = rng.randint(0, base_poses.shape[0], int(num_poses)) base_com2D = importer.joints3DToImg(base_com) off = rng.randn(int(num_poses), 3) * 7. sc = numpy.fabs(rng.randn(int(num_poses)) * 0.1 + 1.) rot = rng.uniform(0, 360, size=(int(num_poses), 3)) if aug_modes == ['none']: if retall is True: return base_poses / (base_cube[:, 2] / 2.)[:, None, None], base_com, base_cube else: return base_poses / (base_cube[:, 2] / 2.)[:, None, None] for i in xrange(int(num_poses)): mode = modes[i] ridx = ridxs[i] cube = base_cube[ridx] com3D = base_com[ridx] com = base_com2D[ridx] pose = base_poses[ridx] if aug_modes[mode] == 'com': # augment com new_com[i] = importer.jointImgTo3D(com + off[i]) new_cube[i] = cube new_poses[i] = (pose + com3D - new_com[i]) / (new_cube[i][2] / 2.) elif aug_modes[mode] == 'rot': # augment rotation new_com[i] = com3D new_cube[i] = cube if rot3D is False: joint_2D = importer.joints3DToImg(pose + new_com[i]) data_2D = rotatePoints2D(joint_2D, com[0:2], rot[i, 0]) new_poses[i] = (importer.jointsImgTo3D(data_2D) - new_com[i]) / (new_cube[i][2] / 2.) else: new_poses[i] = (rotatePoints3D( pose + new_com[i], new_com[i], rot[i, 0], rot[i, 1], rot[i, 2]) - new_com[i]) / (new_cube[i][2] / 2.) elif aug_modes[mode] == 'sc': # augment cube new_com[i] = com3D new_cube[i] = cube * sc[i] new_poses[i] = pose / (new_cube[i][2] / 2.) elif aug_modes[mode] == 'none': # no augmentation new_com[i] = com3D new_cube[i] = cube new_poses[i] = pose / (new_cube[i][2] / 2.) elif aug_modes[mode] == 'rot+com' or aug_modes[mode] == 'com+rot': # augment com+rot new_com[i] = importer.jointImgTo3D(com + off[i]) new_cube[i] = cube pose = (pose + com3D - new_com[i]) if rot3D is False: joint_2D = importer.joints3DToImg(pose + com3D) data_2D = rotatePoints2D( joint_2D, importer.joint3DToImg(new_com[i])[0:2], rot[i, 0]) new_poses[i] = (importer.jointsImgTo3D(data_2D) - com3D) / (new_cube[i][2] / 2.) else: new_poses[i] = (rotatePoints3D( pose + new_com[i], new_com[i], rot[i, 0], rot[i, 1], rot[i, 2]) - new_com[i]) / (new_cube[i][2] / 2.) elif aug_modes[mode] == 'rot+com+sc' or aug_modes[ mode] == 'rot+sc+com' or aug_modes == 'sc+rot+com' or aug_modes == 'sc+com+rot' or aug_modes == 'com+sc+rot' or aug_modes == 'com+rot+sc': # augment com+scale+rot new_com[i] = importer.jointImgTo3D(com + off[i]) new_cube[i] = cube pose = (pose + com3D - new_com[i]) pose = pose * sc[i] if rot3D is False: joint_2D = importer.joints3DToImg(pose + com3D) data_2D = rotatePoints2D( joint_2D, importer.joint3DToImg(new_com[i])[0:2], rot[i, 0]) new_poses[i] = (importer.jointsImgTo3D(data_2D) - com3D) / (new_cube[i][2] / 2.) else: new_poses[i] = (rotatePoints3D( pose + new_com[i], new_com[i], rot[i, 0], rot[i, 1], rot[i, 2]) - new_com[i]) / (new_cube[i][2] / 2.) else: raise NotImplementedError() if retall is True: return new_poses, new_com, new_cube, rot else: return new_poses
def show(self, frame, handpose): """ Show depth with overlaid joints :param frame: depth frame :param handpose: joint positions :return: image """ upsample = 1. if 'upsample' in self.sync['config']: upsample = self.sync['config']['upsample'] # plot depth image with annotations imgcopy = frame.copy() # display hack to hide nd depth msk = numpy.logical_and(32001 > imgcopy, imgcopy > 0) msk2 = numpy.logical_or(imgcopy == 0, imgcopy == 32001) min = imgcopy[msk].min() max = imgcopy[msk].max() imgcopy = (imgcopy - min) / (max - min) * 255. imgcopy[msk2] = 255. imgcopy = imgcopy.astype('uint8') imgcopy = cv2.cvtColor(imgcopy, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) if not numpy.allclose(upsample, 1): imgcopy = cv2.resize(imgcopy, dsize=None, fx=upsample, fy=upsample, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if handpose.shape[0] == 16: hpe = ICVLHandposeEvaluation(numpy.zeros((3, 3)), numpy.zeros((3, 3))) elif handpose.shape[0] == 14: hpe = NYUHandposeEvaluation(numpy.zeros((3, 3)), numpy.zeros( (3, 3))) elif handpose.shape[0] == 21: hpe = MSRAHandposeEvaluation(numpy.zeros((3, 3)), numpy.zeros((3, 3))) else: raise ValueError("Invalid number of joints {}".format( handpose.shape[0])) jtI = self.importer.joints3DToImg(handpose) jtI[:, 0:2] -= numpy.asarray([frame.shape[0] // 2, frame.shape[1] // 2]) jtI[:, 0:2] *= upsample jtI[:, 0:2] += numpy.asarray( [imgcopy.shape[0] // 2, imgcopy.shape[1] // 2]) for i in range(handpose.shape[0]):, (jtI[i, 0], jtI[i, 1]), 3, (255, 0, 0), -1) for i in range(len(hpe.jointConnections)): cv2.line(imgcopy, (jtI[hpe.jointConnections[i][0], 0], jtI[hpe.jointConnections[i][0], 1]), (jtI[hpe.jointConnections[i][1], 0], jtI[hpe.jointConnections[i][1], 1]), 255. * hpe.jointConnectionColors[i], 2) # comI = self.importer.joint3DToImg(com3D) # comI[0:2] -= numpy.asarray([frame.shape[0]//2, frame.shape[1]//2]) # comI[0:2] *= upsample # comI[0:2] += numpy.asarray([imgcopy.shape[0]//2, imgcopy.shape[1]//2]) #, (comI[0], comI[1]), 3, (0, 255, 0), 1) poseimg = numpy.zeros_like(imgcopy) # rotate 3D pose and project to 2D jtP = self.importer.joints3DToImg( rotatePoints3D(handpose, handpose[self.importer.crop_joint_idx], 0., 90., 0.)) jtP[:, 0:2] -= numpy.asarray([frame.shape[0] // 2, frame.shape[1] // 2]) jtP[:, 0:2] *= upsample jtP[:, 0:2] += numpy.asarray( [imgcopy.shape[0] // 2, imgcopy.shape[1] // 2]) for i in range(handpose.shape[0]):, (jtP[i, 0], jtP[i, 1]), 3, (255, 0, 0), -1) for i in range(len(hpe.jointConnections)): cv2.line(poseimg, (jtP[hpe.jointConnections[i][0], 0], jtP[hpe.jointConnections[i][0], 1]), (jtP[hpe.jointConnections[i][1], 0], jtP[hpe.jointConnections[i][1], 1]), 255. * hpe.jointConnectionColors[i], 2) # comP = self.importer.joint3DToImg(rotatePoint3D(com3D, handpose[self.importer.crop_joint_idx], 0., 90., 0.)) # comP[0:2] -= numpy.asarray([frame.shape[0]//2, frame.shape[1]//2]) # comP[0:2] *= upsample # comP[0:2] += numpy.asarray([imgcopy.shape[0]//2, imgcopy.shape[1]//2]) #, (comP[0], comP[1]), 3, (0, 255, 0), 1) return imgcopy, poseimg