Example #1
   def __init__(self, text, screen, drawCursor=True):
      Create the dialog box and load cursors.

      text - a list of lines of text to go in the dialog.
      font - the font with which to write the text.
      screen - the surface to draw the dialog onto.
      soundManager - the sound manager.
      drawCursor - whether a continuation cursor should be drawn when the text has finished writing.

      #store variables we'll need again
      self.text = text.split(LINESEP)
      self.screen = screen
      self.drawCursor = drawCursor
      #determine the speed to write at, in characters per tick
      if settings.textSpeed == "SLOW":
         self.speed = 1
      elif settings.textSpeed == "MEDIUM":
         self.speed = 2
      elif settings.textSpeed == "FAST":
         self.speed = 4

      #parse the dialog xml file
      fn = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", globs.DIALOG)
      root = data.getTreeRoot(fn, "Ditto main")
      transparency = data.getAttr(root, "transparency", data.D_INT3LIST)

      #create font
      fontPath = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", globs.FONT)
      self.font = font.Font(fontPath)

      #create the box
      size = ((self.screen.get_width()-(OBJECTBUFFER*2), (len(self.text)*(self.font.height+LINEBUFFER))-LINEBUFFER+(BORDER*2)))
      self.box = box.Box(size).convert(self.screen)

      #load the cursors
      cursorPath = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(root, "cursor", data.D_STRING))
      self.cursor = data.getImage(cursorPath).convert(self.screen)
      self.cursorLocation = (self.screen.get_width()-OBJECTBUFFER-BORDER-self.cursor.get_width(),

      cursorPath = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(root, "sidecursor", data.D_STRING))
      self.sideCursor = data.getImage(cursorPath).convert(self.screen)

      #calculate location of dialog box
      self.location = OBJECTBUFFER, self.screen.get_height()-self.box.get_height()-OBJECTBUFFER

      #start progress at 0 and set drawing and busy
      self.progress = 0
      self.writing = True
      self.busy = True
Example #2
    def __init__(self, screen, node):
        """Load the image and determine it's position."""

        #store screen for later
        self.screen = screen

        #open the image
        fn = os.path.join(settings.path, "data",
                          data.getAttr(node, "file", data.D_STRING))
        self.image = data.getImage(fn, "Intro file.").convert(self.screen)
        transparency = data.getAttr(node, "transparency", data.D_INT3LIST)

        #calculate where the centres are for the screen and the image
        screenCentre = self.screen.get_width() / 2, self.screen.get_height(
        ) / 2
        imageCentre = self.image.get_width() / 2, self.image.get_height() / 2

        #find out the location of the image
        location = data.getAttr(node, "location", data.D_INT2LIST)

        #calculate its position on the screen
        #location (0,0) should be dead centre, (-100, 100) bottom left
        self.position = ((screenCentre[0] - imageCentre[0]) +
                         ((location[0] * screenCentre[0]) / 100),
                         (screenCentre[1] - imageCentre[1]) +
                         ((location[1] * screenCentre[1]) / 100))
Example #3
    def __init__(self, fn):
      Load the image and cut out the individual characters.

      fn - the font XML file.

        #parse the XML file
        root = data.getTreeRoot(fn)
        path = os.path.join(settings.path, "data",
                            data.getAttr(root, "file", data.D_STRING))
        self.height = data.getAttr(root, "height", data.D_INT)
        transparency = data.getAttr(root, "transparency", data.D_INT3LIST)

        #load the image
        image = data.getImage(path, fn)

        #cut out the tiles and store them in a dictionary
        self.characters = {}
        for c in data.getChildren(root, "character"):
            char = data.getAttr(c, "char", data.D_STRING)
            width = data.getAttr(c, "width", data.D_INT)
            location = data.getAttr(c, "location", data.D_INT2LIST)
            self.characters[char] = image.subsurface(location[0], location[1],
                                                     width, self.height)
Example #4
   def openImage(self, fn):
      Open the tileset image and cut into tiles.

      fn - the path to the tileset image.

      #get the image, and make sure it's pixel dimensions are consistent
      #tilesets have 1 spacing between each tile,
      #so adding 1 should give a multiple of the tilesize+1
      tilesetImage = data.getImage(fn)
      data.check(((tilesetImage.get_width()+1)%(self.tileSize[0]+1))==0, fn)
      data.check(((tilesetImage.get_height()+1)%(self.tileSize[1]+1))==0, fn)
      dimensions = ((tilesetImage.get_width()+1)/(self.tileSize[0]+1),

      #iterate over each tile, cutting it out and adding to our list
      #go across each row in turn to get index numbering correct
      self.tiles = []
      for y in range(0, dimensions[1]):
         for x in range(0, dimensions[0]):
            tile = tilesetImage.subsurface((x*(self.tileSize[0]+1), y*(self.tileSize[1]+1), self.tileSize[0], self.tileSize[1]))

      #calculate offset
      self.tileOffset = ((globs.TILESIZE[0]-self.tileSize[0])/2,
Example #5
    def openImage(self, fn):
      Open the tileset image and cut into tiles.

      fn - the path to the tileset image.

        #get the image, and make sure it's pixel dimensions are consistent
        #tilesets have 1 spacing between each tile,
        #so adding 1 should give a multiple of the tilesize+1
        tilesetImage = data.getImage(fn)

            ((tilesetImage.get_width() + 1) % (self.tileSize[0] + 1)) == 0, fn)
            ((tilesetImage.get_height() + 1) % (self.tileSize[1] + 1)) == 0,
        dimensions = ((tilesetImage.get_width() + 1) / (self.tileSize[0] + 1),
                      (tilesetImage.get_height() + 1) / (self.tileSize[1] + 1))

        #iterate over each tile, cutting it out and adding to our list
        #go across each row in turn to get index numbering correct
        self.tiles = []
        for y in range(0, dimensions[1]):
            for x in range(0, dimensions[0]):
                tile = tilesetImage.subsurface(
                    (x * (self.tileSize[0] + 1), y * (self.tileSize[1] + 1),
                     self.tileSize[0], self.tileSize[1]))

        #calculate offset
        self.tileOffset = ((globs.TILESIZE[0] - self.tileSize[0]) / 2,
                           globs.TILESIZE[1] - self.tileSize[1])
Example #6
   def getBattler(self):
      graphicsNode = data.getChild(self.speciesNode, "graphics")
      battleNode = data.getChild(graphicsNode, "battle")
      battler = data.getImage(os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(battleNode, "front", data.D_STRING)), battleNode.ditto_fn)
      trans = data.getAttr(battleNode, "transparency", data.D_INT3LIST)

      return battler
Example #7
    def setup(self):
        """Initialize pygame, find the main game file and parse it."""

        #initialise pygame

        #find the main game file and parse it
        if settings.path is not None:
            fn = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", "game.xml")
            raise error.DittoInvalidResourceException("settings.py", "path")
        root = data.getTreeRoot(fn, "Ditto Main")
        for p in data.getChildren(root, "property"):
            if data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "tilesize":
                globs.TILESIZE = data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_INT2LIST)
            elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "font":
                globs.FONT = data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING)
            elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "dialog":
                globs.DIALOG = data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING)
            elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "pokemon":
                globs.POKEMON = data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING)
            elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "soundeffects":
                soundPath = os.path.join(
                    settings.path, "data",
                    data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING))
            elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "moves":
                globs.MOVES = os.path.join(
                    settings.path, "data",
                    data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING))
            elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "behaviours":
                globs.BEHAVIOURS = os.path.join(
                    settings.path, "data",
                    data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING))

        #if there's an icon specified, use it
        if len(data.getChildren(root, "icon")) > 0:
            node = data.getChild(root, "icon")
            iconPath = os.path.join(settings.path, "data",
                                    data.getAttr(node, "file", data.D_STRING))
            icon = data.getImage(iconPath, fn)

        #set up the main window
        windowSize = settings.screenSize[0] * globs.TILESIZE[
            0], settings.screenSize[1] * globs.TILESIZE[1]
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(windowSize)
        pygame.display.set_caption("%s --- Ditto Engine" %
                                   data.getAttr(root, "title", data.D_STRING))

        #create a clock object
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        #initialise sound

        #set up the initial scene, the intro
        self.activeScene = intro.Intro(self.screen)
Example #8
    def getBattler(self):
        graphicsNode = data.getChild(self.speciesNode, "graphics")
        battleNode = data.getChild(graphicsNode, "battle")
        battler = data.getImage(
            os.path.join(settings.path, "data",
                         data.getAttr(battleNode, "front", data.D_STRING)),
        trans = data.getAttr(battleNode, "transparency", data.D_INT3LIST)

        return battler
Example #9
   def __init__(self, screen, partyNode, font, location, poke):
      self.screen = screen
      self.font = font
      self.location = location
      self.poke = poke

      self.speciesNode = poke.speciesNode

      graphicsNode = data.getChild(self.speciesNode, "graphics")
      iconNode = data.getChild(graphicsNode, "icon")
      fn = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(iconNode, "file", data.D_STRING))
      image = data.getImage(fn, iconNode.ditto_fn)
      self.iconSize = data.getAttr(iconNode, "size", data.D_INT2LIST)
      self.icon = image.subsurface((0,0), self.iconSize)
      self.icon.set_colorkey(data.getAttr(iconNode, "transparency", data.D_INT3LIST))
Example #10
   def setup(self):
      """Initialize pygame, find the main game file and parse it."""

      #initialise pygame

      #find the main game file and parse it
      if settings.path is not None:
         fn = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", "game.xml")
         raise error.DittoInvalidResourceException("settings.py", "path")
      root = data.getTreeRoot(fn, "Ditto Main")
      for p in data.getChildren(root, "property"):
         if data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "tilesize":
            globs.TILESIZE = data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_INT2LIST)
         elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "font":
            globs.FONT = data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING)
         elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "dialog":
            globs.DIALOG = data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING)
         elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "pokemon":
            globs.POKEMON = data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING)
         elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "soundeffects":
            soundPath = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING))
         elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "moves":
            globs.MOVES = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING))
         elif data.getAttr(p, "name", data.D_STRING) == "behaviours":
            globs.BEHAVIOURS = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(p, "value", data.D_STRING))

      #if there's an icon specified, use it      
      if len(data.getChildren(root, "icon")) > 0:
         node = data.getChild(root, "icon")
         iconPath = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(node, "file", data.D_STRING))
         icon = data.getImage(iconPath, fn)

      #set up the main window
      windowSize = settings.screenSize[0]*globs.TILESIZE[0], settings.screenSize[1]*globs.TILESIZE[1]   
      self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(windowSize)
      pygame.display.set_caption("%s --- Ditto Engine" % data.getAttr(root, "title", data.D_STRING))

      #create a clock object
      self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

      #initialise sound

      #set up the initial scene, the intro
      self.activeScene = intro.Intro(self.screen)
Example #11
   def __init__(self, screen, node):
      """Load the image and determine it's position."""

      #store screen for later
      self.screen = screen

      #open the image
      fn = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(node, "file", data.D_STRING))
      self.image = data.getImage(fn, "Intro file.").convert(self.screen)
      transparency = data.getAttr(node, "transparency", data.D_INT3LIST)

      #calculate where the centres are for the screen and the image
      screenCentre = self.screen.get_width()/2, self.screen.get_height()/2
      imageCentre = self.image.get_width()/2, self.image.get_height()/2

      #find out the location of the image
      location = data.getAttr(node, "location", data.D_INT2LIST)

      #calculate its position on the screen
      #location (0,0) should be dead centre, (-100, 100) bottom left
      self.position = ((screenCentre[0]-imageCentre[0])+((location[0]*screenCentre[0])/100),
Example #12
   def __init__(self, fn):
      Load the image and cut out the individual characters.

      fn - the font XML file.

      #parse the XML file
      root = data.getTreeRoot(fn)
      path = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(root, "file", data.D_STRING))
      self.height = data.getAttr(root, "height", data.D_INT)
      transparency = data.getAttr(root, "transparency", data.D_INT3LIST)

      #load the image
      image = data.getImage(path, fn)

      #cut out the tiles and store them in a dictionary
      self.characters = {}
      for c in data.getChildren(root, "character"):
         char = data.getAttr(c, "char", data.D_STRING)
         width = data.getAttr(c, "width", data.D_INT)
         location = data.getAttr(c, "location", data.D_INT2LIST)
         self.characters[char] = image.subsurface(location[0], location[1], width, self.height)
Example #13
   def __init__(self, size, fn=None):
      Initialize a surface and draw the box onto it.

      size - the size of the box.
      fn - the path to a box xml config file.

      #initialize the pygame Surface
      pygame.Surface.__init__(self, size)

      #if no filename given, use the game default box
      if fn == None:
         fn = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", globs.DIALOG)

      #parse the box xml file
      root = data.getTreeRoot(fn)
      tilesetPath = os.path.join(settings.path, "data", data.getAttr(root, "file", data.D_STRING))
      tileset = data.getImage(tilesetPath)
      transparency = data.getAttr(root, "transparency", data.D_INT3LIST)
      tileSize = data.getAttr(root, "tilesize", data.D_INT2LIST)
      data.check((tileSize[0]+1)*3==tileset.get_width()+1, tilesetPath)
      data.check((tileSize[1]+1)*3==tileset.get_height()+1, tilesetPath)

      #fill transparent

      #cut each of the nine tiles out from the tileset
      tileNW = tileset.subsurface((0,0), tileSize)
      tileN = tileset.subsurface((tileSize[0]+1,0), tileSize)
      tileNE = tileset.subsurface(((tileSize[0]+1)*2,0), tileSize)
      tileW = tileset.subsurface((0,tileSize[1]+1), tileSize)
      tileC = tileset.subsurface((tileSize[0]+1,tileSize[1]+1), tileSize)
      tileE = tileset.subsurface(((tileSize[0]+1)*2,tileSize[1]+1), tileSize)
      tileSW = tileset.subsurface((0,(tileSize[1]+1)*2), tileSize)
      tileS = tileset.subsurface((tileSize[0]+1,(tileSize[1]+1)*2), tileSize)
      tileSE = tileset.subsurface(((tileSize[0]+1)*2,(tileSize[1]+1)*2), tileSize)

      #calculate how much of the box is not covered by edge tiles - all this middle must be covered by the centre tile
      #work out how many tiles it will take to cover that, and where to start drawing from
      middleSize = size[0]-(2*tileSize[0]), size[1]-(2*tileSize[1])
      dimensions = (middleSize[0]/tileSize[0])+1, (middleSize[1]/tileSize[1])+1
      origin = (size[0]-(dimensions[0]*tileSize[0]))/2, (size[1]-(dimensions[1]*tileSize[1]))/2

      #iterate over the required dimensions, drawing in the centre tiles
      #as we go down the first column only, draw in the left and right side tiles on the edge of the box
      #after we finish each column, draw the top and bottom tiles on the edge
      for x in range(0, dimensions[0]):
         for y in range(0, dimensions[1]):
            self.blit(tileC, (origin[0]+(x*tileSize[0]), origin[1]+(y*tileSize[1])))
            if x == 0:
               self.blit(tileW, (0, origin[1]+(y*tileSize[1])))
               self.blit(tileE, (size[0]-tileSize[0], origin[1]+(y*tileSize[1])))
         self.blit(tileN, (origin[0]+(x*tileSize[0]), 0))
         self.blit(tileS, (origin[0]+(x*tileSize[0]), size[1]-tileSize[1]))

      #draw the corner tiles in the corners
      self.blit(tileNW, (0, 0))
      self.blit(tileNE, (size[0]-tileSize[0], 0))
      self.blit(tileSW, (0, size[1]-tileSize[1]))
      self.blit(tileSE, (size[0]-tileSize[0], size[1]-tileSize[1]))
def handler():
    img = getImage(**request.form)
    return jsonify({"address": url_for('static', filename="pictures/" + img)})
Example #15

images = glob.glob(images_path + "*.jpg") + glob.glob(images_path + "*.png") + glob.glob(images_path + "*.jpeg")

colors = [(0, 0, 0), (255, 0, 255), (255, 215, 0), (0, 255, 255), (255, 125, 0)]
cnt = 0

# 开始统计程序运行时间
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

for imgName in images:
    outName = output_path + str("%d.jpg" % cnt)
    X = data.getImage(imgName, input_width, input_height)
    pr = model.predict(np.array([X]))[0]
    pr = pr.reshape((output_height, output_width, n_class)).argmax(axis = 2)
    seg_img = np.zeros((output_height, output_width, 3))
    for c in range(n_class):
        seg_img[:, :, 0] += ((pr[:, :] == c) * (colors[c][0])).astype('uint8')
        seg_img[:, :, 1] += ((pr[:, :] == c) * (colors[c][1])).astype('uint8')
        seg_img[:, :, 2] += ((pr[:, :] == c) * (colors[c][2])).astype('uint8')
    seg_img = cv2.resize(seg_img, (input_width, input_height))
    cv2.imwrite(outName, seg_img)
    cnt += 1

end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
print("Total %d images, Average Time: " % cnt, end='')
print((end_time - start_time).seconds * 1.0 / cnt)
Example #16

# look up test images
images = glob.glob(images_path + "*.jpg") + glob.glob(
    images_path + "*.png") + glob.glob(images_path + "*.jpeg")

cnt = 0

for imgName in images:
    outName = output_path + str("%d.jpg" % cnt)
    origin_img = cv2.imread(imgName, 1)
    origin_h = origin_img.shape[0]
    origin_w = origin_img.shape[1]
    X = data.getImage(imgName, input_width, input_height, image_init,
    pr = model.predict(np.array([X]))[0]
    pr = pr.reshape((output_height, output_width, n_class)).argmax(axis=2)

    seg_img = np.zeros((output_height, output_width, 3))
    for c in range(n_class):
        seg_img[:, :, 0] += ((pr[:, :] == c) * (colors[c][0])).astype('uint8')
        seg_img[:, :, 1] += ((pr[:, :] == c) * (colors[c][1])).astype('uint8')
        seg_img[:, :, 2] += ((pr[:, :] == c) * (colors[c][2])).astype('uint8')

    seg_img = cv2.resize(seg_img, (input_width, input_height),
    cv2.imwrite(outName, seg_img)
    cnt += 1

print("Test Success!")
output_height = model.outputHeight
output_width = model.outputWidth

# look up test images
images = glob.glob(images_path + "*.jpg") + glob.glob(
    images_path + "*.png") + glob.glob(images_path + "*.jpeg")

cnt = 0

for imgName in images:
    outName = output_path + str("%d.jpg" % cnt)
    X = data.getImage(imgName, input_width, input_height)
    pr = model.predict(np.array([X]))[0]
    pr = pr.reshape((output_height, output_width, n_class)).argmax(axis=2)
    seg_img = np.zeros((output_height, output_width, 3))
    for c in range(n_class):
        seg_img[:, :, 0] = ((pr[:, :] == c) * (colors[c][0])).astype('uint8')
        seg_img[:, :, 1] = ((pr[:, :] == c) * (colors[c][1])).astype('uint8')
        seg_img[:, :, 2] = ((pr[:, :] == c) * (colors[c][2])).astype('uint8')

    seg_img = cv2.resize(seg_img, (input_width, input_height))
    cv2.imwrite(outName, seg_img)
    cnt += 1

print("Test Success!")

# mIOU