def main(): if opt.seed is None: opt.seed = random.randint(0, 2**31 - 1) tf.set_random_seed(opt.seed) np.random.seed(opt.seed) random.seed(opt.seed) if not os.path.exists(opt.output_dir): os.makedirs(opt.output_dir) if opt.mode == "test": if opt.checkpoint is None: raise Exception("checkpoint required for test mode") # load some options from the checkpoint options = {"ngf", "ndf", "lab_colorization"} with open(os.path.join(opt.checkpoint, "options.json")) as f: for key, val in json.loads( if key in options: print("loaded", key, "=", val) setattr(opt, key, val) for k, v in opt._get_kwargs(): print(k, "=", v) with open(os.path.join(opt.output_dir, "options.json"), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(vars(opt), sort_keys=True, indent=4)) is_video = True if is_video: # create Video-Reader roisize = 512 xcenter, ycenter = 1080/2, 1920/2 VideoReader = data.VideoReader(opt.input_dir, opt.scale_size, roisize, xcenter, ycenter) examples = VideoReader.loadDummy() # bad workaround else: examples = data.load_examples(opt.input_dir, opt.scale_size, opt.batch_size, opt.mode) print("examples count = %d" % examples.count) # inputs and targets are [batch_size, height, width, channels] C2Pmodel = model.create_model(examples.inputs, examples.targets, opt.ndf, opt.ngf, EPS, opt.gan_weight, opt.l1_weight,, opt.beta1) # reverse any processing on images so they can be written to disk or displayed to user inputs = data.deprocess(examples.inputs) targets = data.deprocess(examples.targets) outputs = data.deprocess(C2Pmodel.outputs) outputs_psf = data.deprocess(C2Pmodel.outputs_psf) def convert(image): return tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, dtype=tf.uint8, saturate=True) with tf.name_scope("convert_inputs"): converted_inputs = convert(inputs) with tf.name_scope("convert_targets"): converted_targets = convert(targets) with tf.name_scope("convert_outputs"): converted_outputs = convert(outputs) with tf.name_scope("convert_outputspsf"): converted_outputs_psf = convert(outputs_psf) with tf.name_scope("encode_images"): display_fetches = { "paths": examples.paths, "inputs": tf.map_fn(tf.image.encode_png, converted_inputs, dtype=tf.string, name="input_pngs"), "targets": tf.map_fn(tf.image.encode_png, converted_targets, dtype=tf.string, name="target_pngs"), "outputs": tf.map_fn(tf.image.encode_png, converted_outputs, dtype=tf.string, name="output_pngs"), "outputs_psf": tf.map_fn(tf.image.encode_png, converted_outputs_psf, dtype=tf.string, name="outputpsf_pngs"), } # summaries with tf.name_scope("inputs_summary"): tf.summary.image("inputs", converted_inputs) with tf.name_scope("targets_summary"): tf.summary.image("targets", converted_targets) with tf.name_scope("outputs_summary"): tf.summary.image("outputs", converted_outputs) with tf.name_scope("outputspsf_summary"): tf.summary.image("outputs_psf", converted_outputs_psf) with tf.name_scope("predict_real_summary"): tf.summary.image("predict_real", tf.image.convert_image_dtype(C2Pmodel.predict_real, dtype=tf.uint8)) with tf.name_scope("predict_fake_summary"): tf.summary.image("predict_fake", tf.image.convert_image_dtype(C2Pmodel.predict_fake, dtype=tf.uint8)) tf.summary.scalar("discriminator_loss", C2Pmodel.discrim_loss) tf.summary.scalar("generator_loss_GAN", C2Pmodel.gen_loss_GAN) tf.summary.scalar("generator_loss_L1", C2Pmodel.gen_loss_L1) # add histogramm summary for all trainable values for var in tf.trainable_variables(): tf.summary.histogram( + "/values", var) # add histogramm summary for gradients for grad, var in C2Pmodel.discrim_grads_and_vars + C2Pmodel.gen_grads_and_vars: tf.summary.histogram( + "/gradients", grad) with tf.name_scope("parameter_count"): parameter_count = tf.reduce_sum([tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(v)) for v in tf.trainable_variables()]) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) # initiate the logdir for the Tensorboard logging logdir = opt.output_dir if (opt.trace_freq > 0 or opt.summary_freq > 0) else None sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir=logdir, save_summaries_secs=0, saver=None) with sv.managed_session() as sess: print("parameter_count =", if opt.checkpoint is not None: print("loading model from checkpoint") checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(opt.checkpoint) saver.restore(sess, checkpoint) max_steps = 2**32 if opt.max_epochs is not None: max_steps = examples.steps_per_epoch * opt.max_epochs if opt.max_steps is not None: max_steps = opt.max_steps if is_video: max_steps = VideoReader.__len__() if opt.mode == "test": # testing # at most, process the test data once start = time.time() experiment_name = opt.input_dir.split("/")[-2] network_name = opt.checkpoint for step in range(max_steps): if is_video == True: input_frame = VideoReader.__getitem__(step) # evaluate result for one frame at a time outputs_np, outputs_psf_np =[outputs, outputs_psf], feed_dict= {inputs : input_frame}) # hacky workaround to keep model as is outputs_np = np.squeeze(np.array(outputs_np)) inputs_np = np.squeeze(np.array(input_frame)) outputs_psf_np = np.squeeze(np.array(outputs_psf_np)) # Deprocess outputs_np = (outputs_np + 1) / 2 inputs_np = (inputs_np + 1) / 2 outputs_psf_np = (outputs_psf_np + 1) / 2 # save frames to TIF data.save_as_tif(inputs_np, outputs_np, outputs_psf_np, experiment_name, network_name) print("evaluated image " + str(step)) print("rate", (time.time() - start) / max_steps) else: # training start = time.time() for step in range(max_steps): def should(freq): return freq > 0 and ((step + 1) % freq == 0 or step == max_steps - 1) options = None run_metadata = None if should(opt.trace_freq): options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() fetches = { "train": C2Pmodel.train, "global_step": sv.global_step, } if should(opt.progress_freq): fetches["discrim_loss"] = C2Pmodel.discrim_loss fetches["gen_loss_GAN"] = C2Pmodel.gen_loss_GAN fetches["gen_loss_L1"] = C2Pmodel.gen_loss_L1 if should(opt.summary_freq): fetches["summary"] = sv.summary_op if should(opt.display_freq): fetches["display"] = display_fetches results =, options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata) if should(opt.summary_freq): print("recording summary") sv.summary_writer.add_summary(results["summary"], results["global_step"]) if should(opt.trace_freq): print("recording trace") sv.summary_writer.add_run_metadata(run_metadata, "step_%d" % results["global_step"]) if should(opt.progress_freq): # global_step will have the correct step count if we resume from a checkpoint train_epoch = math.ceil(results["global_step"] / examples.steps_per_epoch) train_step = (results["global_step"] - 1) % examples.steps_per_epoch + 1 rate = (step + 1) * opt.batch_size / (time.time() - start) remaining = (max_steps - step) * opt.batch_size / rate print("progress epoch %d step %d image/sec %0.1f remaining %dm" % (train_epoch, train_step, rate, remaining / 60)) print("discrim_loss", results["discrim_loss"]) print("gen_loss_GAN", results["gen_loss_GAN"]) print("gen_loss_L1", results["gen_loss_L1"]) if should(opt.save_freq): print("saving model"), os.path.join(opt.output_dir, "C2Pmodel"), global_step=sv.global_step) if sv.should_stop(): break
outputs_np = data.deprocess(outputs_np) else: # Convert Back to uint8 outputs_np = np.uint8(2**8*outputs_np) # sum each frame to get the resulting high-resolution image out_sum = out_sum + outputs_np # sum all values if opt.is_frc: # if frc is true, there will be two summ-files to compute the FRC if(np.mod(step_i, 2)): # odd frames out_sum_frc2 = out_sum_frc2 + outputs_np else: out_sum_frc1 = out_sum_frc1 + outputs_np # even frames # always export the inputs as tif! data.save_as_tif(inputs_np, experiment_name, network_name, 'inputs') if opt.is_tif: # save frames to TIF if necessary data.save_as_tif(outputs_np, experiment_name, network_name, 'outputs') if opt.is_csv: # get a list with all emitters greater than a certain per-frame intensity threshold value loc_list = np.int32(np.asarray(np.column_stack(np.where(outputs_np > np.mean(outputs_np)*.85)))) int_list = outputs_np[loc_list[:,0],loc_list[:,1]] # cast it to 80/5nm pixelsize - 5 - because of the upsampling of factor 5 upsampling = opt.scale_size/opt.roi_size loc_list = loc_list*(80/upsampling) loc_count = loc_list.shape[0] id_list = last_index+np.arange(loc_count)
else: # Convert Back to uint8 outputs_np = np.uint8(2**8 * outputs_np) # sum each frame to get the resulting high-resolution image if opt.is_frc: # if frc is true, there will be two summ-files to compute the FRC if (np.mod(step_i, 2)): # odd frames out_sum_2 = out_sum_2 + outputs_np else: out_sum = out_sum + outputs_np # even frames else: out_sum = out_sum + outputs_np # sum all values if opt.is_tif: # save frames to TIF data.save_as_tif(inputs_np, outputs_np, experiment_name, network_name) if opt.is_csv: # get a list with all emitters greater than a certain per-frame intensity threshold value loc_list = np.int32( np.asarray( np.column_stack( np.where(outputs_np > np.mean(outputs_np) * .85)))) int_list = outputs_np[loc_list[:, 0], loc_list[:, 1]] # cast it to 80/5nm pixelsize - 5 - because of the upsampling of factor 5 upsampling = opt.scale_size / opt.roi_size loc_list = loc_list * (80 / upsampling) loc_count = loc_list.shape[0] id_list = last_index + np.arange(loc_count) frame_list = np.ones(id_list.shape) * step