def predict(self, options): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) create_test_data(options) imgs_test = load_test_data(options) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model = self.get_unet() weight_dir = options.inputdir + '/weights' if not os.path.exists(weight_dir): os.mkdir(weight_dir) model.load_weights(os.path.join(weight_dir, project_name + '.h5')) print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, batch_size=1, verbose=1) npy_mask_dir = 'test_mask_npy' if not os.path.exists(npy_mask_dir): os.mkdir(npy_mask_dir), project_name + '_mask.npy'), imgs_mask_test) print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = preprocess_squeeze(imgs_mask_test) # imgs_mask_test /= 1.7 #imgs_mask_test = np.around(imgs_mask_test, decimals=0) #info = np.iinfo(np.uint16) # Get the information of the incoming image type #imgs_mask_test = imgs_mask_test.astype(np.uint16) #imgs_mask_test=imgs_mask_test* info.max # convert back to original class/labels imgs_mask_test = (imgs_mask_test * 255.).astype(np.uint8) count_visualize = 1 count_processed = 0 pred_dir = 'preds' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) pred_dir = os.path.join(options.outputdir, project_name) if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for x in range(0, imgs_mask_test.shape[0]): for y in range(0, imgs_mask_test.shape[1]): if (count_visualize > 1) and (count_visualize < 16): save_img = imgs_mask_test[x][y].astype(np.uint16) imsave( os.path.join(pred_dir, 'pred_' + str(count_processed) + '.png'), save_img) count_processed += 1 count_visualize += 1 if count_visualize == 17: count_visualize = 1 if (count_processed % 100) == 0: print('Done: {0}/{1} test images'.format( count_processed, imgs_mask_test.shape[0] * 14)) print('-' * 30) print('Prediction finished') print('-' * 30)
def predict(): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_test = load_test_data() imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') imgs_test /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model = get_unet() weight_dir = 'weights' if not os.path.exists(weight_dir): os.mkdir(weight_dir) model.load_weights(os.path.join(weight_dir, project_name + '.h5')) print('-' * 30) print('Predicting masks on test data...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, batch_size=1, verbose=1) npy_mask_dir = 'test_mask_npy' if not os.path.exists(npy_mask_dir): os.mkdir(npy_mask_dir), project_name + '_mask.npy'), imgs_mask_test) print('-' * 30) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = preprocess_squeeze(imgs_mask_test) # imgs_mask_test /= 1.7 imgs_mask_test = np.around(imgs_mask_test, decimals=0) imgs_mask_test = (imgs_mask_test * 255.).astype(np.uint8) count_visualize = 1 count_processed = 0 pred_dir = 'preds' if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) pred_dir = os.path.join('preds/', project_name) if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for x in range(0, imgs_mask_test.shape[0]): for y in range(0, imgs_mask_test.shape[1]): if (count_visualize > 1) and (count_visualize < 16): imsave( os.path.join( pred_dir, 'pred_' + str(f"{count_processed:03}") + '.png'), imgs_mask_test[x][y]) count_processed += 1 count_visualize += 1 if count_visualize == 17: count_visualize = 1 if (count_processed % 100) == 0: print('Done: {0}/{1} test images'.format( count_processed, imgs_mask_test.shape[0] * 14)) print('-' * 30) print('Prediction finished') print('-' * 30)
def predict(self, options): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing test data...') print('-' * 30) create_test_data(options) imgs_test = load_test_data(options) imgs_test = imgs_test.astype('float32') print('-' * 30) print('Test npy size:' + str(imgs_test.shape)) print('-' * 30) imgs_test /= 255. # scale masks to [0, 1] print('-' * 30) print('Loading saved weights...') print('-' * 30) model = self.get_unet() if not os.path.exists(options.inputdir + '/weights'): print('Weight not found.') return weight_dir = os.listdir(options.inputdir + '/weights') total = 0 for weight in weight_dir: if not weight.endswith('.h5'): print('Invalid file: ' + weight) print('-' * 30) continue pred_name = weight.split('.')[0] total += 1 print(weight) model.load_weights( os.path.join(options.inputdir + '/weights', weight)) print('Predicting masks using:', weight) print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = model.predict(imgs_test, batch_size=1, verbose=1) if not os.path.exists(options.outputdir): os.mkdir(options.outputdir), pred_name + '_mask.npy'), imgs_mask_test) print('Saving predicted masks to files...') print('-' * 30) imgs_mask_test = preprocess_squeeze(imgs_mask_test) imgs_mask_test = (imgs_mask_test * 255.).astype(np.uint8) count_visualize = 1 count_processed = 0 pred_dir = os.path.join(options.outputdir, pred_name) if not os.path.exists(pred_dir): os.mkdir(pred_dir) for x in range(0, imgs_mask_test.shape[0]): for y in range(0, imgs_mask_test.shape[1]): if (count_visualize > 1) and (count_visualize < 16): save_img = imgs_mask_test[x][y].astype(np.uint16) imsave( os.path.join( pred_dir, 'pred_' + str(count_processed) + '.png'), save_img) count_processed += 1 count_visualize += 1 if count_visualize == 17: count_visualize = 1 if (count_processed % 100) == 0: print('Done: {0}/{1} test images'.format( count_processed, imgs_mask_test.shape[0] * 14)) print('-' * 30) print(pred_name, ' Done.') print('-' * 30) print('Prediction done: using ' + str(total) + ' models.')