Example #1
def cal_risk_all(p, d, b):
    df_nav = db_query(p, d, d, "nav")
    df_nav_increase = db_query(p, d, d, "nav_increase")
    # print(df_nav)
    # print(df_nav_increase)
    df_temp = pd.merge(df_nav, df_nav_increase, how='outer')
    # print(df_temp)
    bmk_wind_data1 = w.wsd(b, "close", d, d, "")
    # print(bmk_wind_data1.Data[0])
    df_temp['Benchmark'] = bmk_wind_data1.Data[0]
    # print(df_temp)
    # -----> | date | nav | nav_increase | benchmark | product
    df_temp['Product_ID'] = p
    # print(df_temp)

    if p in ['GZFB0001', 'GZFB0002']:
        startdate_nav = '2017-01-18'
    elif p == 'GZFB0003':
        startdate_nav = '2017-05-26'
    elif p == 'GZFB0004':
        startdate_nav = '2017-06-29'

    # ave
    df_temp["Average Increase"] = average_increase(p, startdate_nav, d)
    # probs up
    df_temp["Probability of UP"] = probs_up(p, startdate_nav, d)
    # an
    df_temp["Annualized Return"] = annualized_return(p, startdate_nav, d)
    # sharpe
    df_temp["Sharpe"] = Cal_Sharpe(p, startdate_nav, d)
    # vol
    df_temp["Volatility"] = volatility(p, startdate_nav, d)
    # beta
    df_temp["Beta"] = cal_beta(p, startdate_nav, d)
    # info rate
    df_temp["Info Rate"] = cal_info_rate(p, startdate_nav, d)
    # mdd
    df_temp["Max Drawdown Rate"] = Cal_MaxDrawdown(p, startdate_nav, d)[0]
    df_temp["Max Drawdown Start Date"] = Cal_MaxDrawdown(p, startdate_nav,
    df_temp["Max Drawdown End Date"] = Cal_MaxDrawdown(p, startdate_nav, d)[2]

    # print(df_temp)

    # process NaN inf nan
    df_temp = df_temp.replace(float('inf'), '')  # inf
    # df_temp = df_temp.replace(float('nan'), 'null')
    df_temp = df_temp.replace('nan', '')  #  nan
    df_temp = df_temp.replace('NaN', '')  # NaN (str)
    df_temp = df_temp.fillna('')  # NaN (float)
    # print(df_temp)

    db_insert(df_temp, 'daily_risk_cal')
Example #2
def cal_info_rate(product_id, startdate, enddate):
    # get nav increase data by day
    df = db_query(product_id, startdate, enddate, "nav_increase")

    df['Date'] = df['Date'].astype(str)
    df['NAV_Increase'] = df['NAV_Increase'].astype(float)

    bmk_wind_data1 = w.wsd("M1001654", "close", startdate, enddate,
    date_raw = bmk_wind_data1.Times
    date_count = bmk_wind_data1.Times.__len__()
    index_dates = []
    for i in range(date_count):
        date_format = str(date_raw[i])[:10]

    df_bm = pd.DataFrame()
    df_bm['Date'] = index_dates
    df_bm['Benchmark'] = bmk_wind_data1.Data[0]
    df_bm['Benchmark'] = df_bm['Benchmark'].astype(float)

    df_temp = pd.merge(df_bm, df, how='left', on='Date')
    # df_temp = df_temp.fillna(0)

    df_temp['diff'] = df_temp['NAV_Increase'] - (df_temp['Benchmark'] / 365)
    annual_mean = df_temp['diff'].mean() * 250
    annual_std = df_temp['diff'].std() * np.sqrt(250)
    info = annual_mean / annual_std

    return "%.4f" % info
Example #3
def cal_beta(product_id, startdate, enddate):
    # get nav increase data by day
    df = db_query(product_id, startdate, enddate, "nav_increase")

    df['Date'] = df['Date'].astype(str)
    df['NAV_Increase'] = df['NAV_Increase'].astype(float)

    bmk_wind_data1 = w.wsd("M1001654", "close", startdate, enddate,
    date_raw = bmk_wind_data1.Times
    date_count = bmk_wind_data1.Times.__len__()
    index_dates = []
    for i in range(date_count):
        date_format = str(date_raw[i])[:10]

    df_bm = pd.DataFrame()
    df_bm['Date'] = index_dates
    df_bm['Benchmark'] = bmk_wind_data1.Data[0]
    df_bm['Benchmark'] = df_bm['Benchmark'].astype(float)

    df_temp = pd.merge(df_bm, df, how='left', on='Date')
    # df_temp = df_temp.fillna(0)

    bt = df_temp['NAV_Increase'].cov(
        df_temp['Benchmark']) / df_temp['Benchmark'].var()

    return "%.4f" % bt
Example #4
def volatility(product_id, startdate, enddate):
    # get nav increase data by day
    # df = Query_NAV(product_id, startdate, enddate)
    df = db_query(product_id, startdate, enddate, "nav_increase")
    # print(df.dtypes)  # DEBUG

    # if startdate == enddate:
    #     return 'NaN'

    df['NAV_Increase'] = df['NAV_Increase'].astype(float)

    vol = df['NAV_Increase'].std() * np.sqrt(250)

    return "%.4f" % vol
Example #5
def annualized_return(product_id, startdate, enddate):
    # get nav increase data by day
    # df = Query_NAV(product_id, startdate, enddate)
    df = db_query(product_id, startdate, enddate, "nav")
    # print(df.dtypes)  # DEBUG

    df['NAV'] = df['NAV'].astype(float)
    df['Date'] = df['Date'].astype(date)

    mg = pd.period_range(df['Date'].iloc[0], df['Date'].iloc[-1], freq='D')
    an = pow(df.ix[len(df.index) - 1, 'NAV'] / df.ix[0, 'NAV'],
             250 / len(mg)) - 1

    return "%.4f" % an
Example #6
def probs_up(product_id, startdate, enddate):
    # get nav increase data by day
    # df = Query_NAV(product_id, startdate, enddate)
    df = db_query(product_id, startdate, enddate, "nav_increase")
    # print(df.dtypes)  # DEBUG

    if startdate == enddate:
        return 'NaN'

    df['NAV_Increase'] = df['NAV_Increase'].astype(float)

    df.ix[df['NAV_Increase'] > 0, 'NAV_Increase'] = 1
    df.ix[df['NAV_Increase'] <= 0, 'NAV_Increase'] = 0

    count = df['NAV_Increase'].value_counts()
    p_up = count.loc[1] / len(df.index)

    return "%.4f" % p_up
Example #7
def Cal_MaxDrawdown(product_id, startdate, enddate):
    # get nav increase data by day
    # df = Query_NAV(product_id, startdate, enddate)
    df = db_query(product_id, startdate, enddate, "nav")
    # print(df.dtypes)  # DEBUG

    df['NAV'] = df['NAV'].astype(float)
    df['Date'] = df['Date'].astype(date)

    df['max2here'] = pd.expanding_max(df['NAV'])
    df['dd2here'] = df['NAV'] / df['max2here'] - 1

    # print(df)

    temp = df.sort_values(by='dd2here').iloc[0][['Date', 'dd2here']]
    max_dd = temp['dd2here']
    end_date = temp['Date']

    df2 = df[df['Date'] <= end_date]
    start_date = df2.sort_values(by='NAV', ascending=False).iloc[0]['Date']

    # print("MaxDrawdown : %f,  Start from : %s,  End at : %s" % (max_dd, start_date, end_date))
    return max_dd, start_date, end_date
Example #8
def Cal_Sharpe(product_id, startdate, enddate, product_type=None):
    # get nav increase data by day
    # df = Query_MySQL(product_id, startdate, enddate)
    df = db_query(product_id, startdate, enddate, "nav_increase")
    # print(df.dtypes)  # DEBUG

    # format data, column 1 = Date, Column 2 = NAV_Increase
    df['NAV_Increase'] = df['NAV_Increase'].astype(float)
    df['Date'] = df['Date'].astype(date)

    # for plot use
    # df_index = df.set_index('Date')
    # df_index['NAV_Increase'].plot()
    # plt.show()   # display plot

    # calculate mean and std
    nav_mean_daily = df['NAV_Increase'].mean()
    nav_std_daily = df['NAV_Increase'].std()

    # use different benchmark rate for different types of products
    if product_type == "EQ":
        benchmark_stock = "M1001654"
    elif product_type == "FI":
        benchmark_stock = "M1001648"
    elif product_type is None:
        # print("No designated product type, will set as Equity product....")
        benchmark_stock = "M1001654"
        # print("Unsupported product type, will set as Equity product....")
        benchmark_stock = "M1001654"
    bmr_daily = Cal_Benchmark_Rate(benchmark_stock, startdate, enddate)
    if product_type == "ZB":
        bmr_daily = 0
    sharpe_value = sharpe_formula(nav_mean_daily, nav_std_daily, bmr_daily)
    # print(sharpe_value)  # DEBUG
    return sharpe_value
Example #9
# startdate_nav_increase = '2017-01-19'
# startdate_sharpe = '2017-01-23'
# startdate_nav = '2017-01-23'
# startdate_nav_increase = '2017-01-23'
# startdate_sharpe = '2017-01-23'
enddate = '2017-04-05'

# benchmark code
bmc = "CGB10Y.WI"

# product
product = 'GZFB0002'

#--------------- manage risk table ----------------#
# ----> | date | nav | nav_increase |
df_nav = db_query(product, startdate_nav, enddate, "nav")
df_nav_increase = db_query(product, startdate_nav, enddate, "nav_increase")
# print(df_nav)
# print(df_nav_increase)
df_temp = pd.merge(df_nav, df_nav_increase, how='outer')
# print(df_temp)

# -----> | date | nav | nav_increase | benchmark |
bmk_wind_data1 = w.wsd(bmc, "close", startdate_nav, enddate, "")
# print(bmk_wind_data1.Data[0])
df_temp['Benchmark'] = bmk_wind_data1.Data[0]
# print(df_temp)
# -----> | date | nav | nav_increase | benchmark | product
df_temp['Product_ID'] = product