class DataCleanerTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Creates a new database for the unit test to use """ app.config.from_pyfile('') db.init_app(app) db.create_all() self.dataCleaner = DataCleaner(test_config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI) = app.test_client() return def tearDown(self): db.drop_all() def test_delete_expired_events(self): # Add a group to test DB db.session.add(Group({'group_id': '456', 'group': 'testgroup'})) db.session.commit() # Add two expired and one current event to test DB db.session.add( Event({ 'id': '123', 'datetime': '1993-11-17T12:00:00', 'location': 'mars', 'group_id': '456', 'title': 'a new event', 'url': '', 'photo_url': '' })) db.session.add( Event({ 'id': '124', 'datetime': '1993-11-17T12:00:00', 'location': 'mars', 'group_id': '456', 'title': 'a new event', 'url': '', 'photo_url': '' })) db.session.add( Event({ 'id': '125', 'datetime': + timedelta(days=2), 'location': 'mars', 'group_id': '456', 'title': 'a new event', 'url': '', 'photo_url': '' })) db.session.commit() response = self.dataCleaner.do_clean() assert response['deleted_count'] == 2