Example #1
    def perfrom_experiment(self, experiment_name='test', movement_list=[]):
        # 1. We save the background image:
        dc = DataCollector(only_one_shot=False, automatic=True)
        dc.get_data(get_cart=False, get_gs1=(1 in self.gs_id), get_gs2=(2 in self.gs_id), get_wsg=False, save=True, directory=experiment_name+'/air', iteration=-1)
        print "Air data gathered"

        # 2. We perfomr the experiment:
        i = 0
        if not os.path.exists(experiment_name): # If the directory does not exist, we create it
        for movement in movement_list:
            path = experiment_name + '/p_' + str(i) + '/'
            self.palpate(speed=40, force_list=self.force_list, save=True, path=path)
            self.move_cart_mm(movement[0], movement[1], movement[2])
            i += 1
        path = experiment_name + '/p_' + str(i) + '/'
        self.palpate(speed=40, force_list=self.force_list, save=True, path=path)
Example #2
    def palpate(self, speed=40, force_list=[1, 10, 20, 40], save=False, path=''):
        # 0. We create the directory
        if save is True and not os.path.exists(path): # If the directory does not exist, we create it

        # 1. We get and save the cartesian coord.
        dc = DataCollector(only_one_shot=False, automatic=True)
        cart = dc.getCart()
        if save is True:
            np.save(path + '/cart.npy', cart)

        # 2. We get wsg forces and gs images at every set force and store them
        i = 0
        for force in force_list:
            self.close_gripper_f(grasp_speed=speed, grasp_force=force)
            print "Applying: " + str(force)
            dc.get_data(get_cart=False, get_gs1=(1 in self.gs_id), get_gs2=(2 in self.gs_id), get_wsg=True, save=save, directory=path, iteration=i)
            i += 1