Example #1
def faux_dataset_random_pt(eval_envs):
    print("Generating faux dataset")
    units = UnrealUnits(scale=1.0)
    dataset = []
    for env_id in eval_envs:
        segment_dataset = []
        config = load_env_config(env_id)
        template = load_template(env_id)

        start_pt = np.asarray(config["startPos"])
        second_pt = np.asarray(config["startHeading"])
        end_x = random.uniform(0, 1000)
        end_y = random.uniform(0, 1000)
        end_pt = np.asarray([end_x, end_y])

        state1 = DroneState(None, start_pt)
        state2 = DroneState(None, second_pt)
        state3 = DroneState(None, end_pt)

        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state1, False, env_id))
        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state2, False, env_id))
        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state3, True, env_id))


    return dataset
Example #2
 def get_landmark_pos(self, env_id):
     template = load_template(env_id)
     config = load_env_config(env_id)
     landmark_idx = config["landmarkName"].index(template["landmark1"])
     pos_x = config["xPos"][landmark_idx]
     pos_y = config["zPos"][landmark_idx]
     landmark_pos = np.asarray([pos_x, pos_y])
     return landmark_pos
Example #3
def faux_dataset_random_landmark(eval_envs):
    print("Generating faux dataset")
    units = UnrealUnits(scale=1.0)
    dataset = []
    for env_id in eval_envs:
        segment_dataset = []
        config = load_env_config(env_id)
        template = load_template(env_id)
        path = load_path(env_id)

        landmark_radii = config["radius"]

        start_pt = np.asarray(config["startPos"])
        second_pt = np.asarray(config["startHeading"])

        landmark_choice_ids = list(range(len(config["landmarkName"])))
        choice_id = random.choice(landmark_choice_ids)

        target_x = config["xPos"][choice_id]
        target_y = config["zPos"][choice_id]
        target_lm_pos = np.asarray([target_x, target_y])

        landmark_dir = target_lm_pos - start_pt

        method = template["side"]

        theta = math.atan2(landmark_dir[1], landmark_dir[0]) + math.pi
        if method == "infront":
            theta = theta
        elif method == "random":
            theta = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
        elif method == "behind":
            theta = theta + math.pi
        elif method == "left":
            theta = theta - math.pi / 2
        elif method == "right":
            theta = theta + math.pi / 2

        x, z = target_lm_pos[0], target_lm_pos[1]
        landmark_radius = landmark_radii[choice_id]
        sample_point = np.array([
            x + math.cos(theta) * landmark_radius,
            z + math.sin(theta) * landmark_radius

        state1 = DroneState(None, start_pt)
        state2 = DroneState(None, second_pt)
        state3 = DroneState(None, sample_point)

        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state1, False, env_id))
        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state2, False, env_id))
        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state3, True, env_id))


    return dataset
Example #4
def get_mentioned_landmark_side_tplt(env_id):
    template = load_template(env_id)
    mentioned_lm = template["landmark1"]
    lm_name2index = get_landmark_name_to_index()
    mentioned_index = lm_name2index[mentioned_lm]

    mentioned_side = template["side"]
    side_name2index = get_side_name2idx()
    side_idx = side_name2index[mentioned_side]

    return mentioned_lm, mentioned_index, mentioned_side, side_idx
Example #5
    def __add_aux_data_template(self, labels, env_id):
        template_json = load_template(env_id)

        # Template data is unavailable - means this is probably real natural language
        if template_json is None:
            return False

        mentioned_landmark_idx, mentioned_side_idx = self.__get_goal_landmark_idx(template_json)

        labels[:, :, 6] = mentioned_landmark_idx
        labels[:, :, 7] = mentioned_side_idx

        for landmark_idx in range(labels.size(1)):
            labels[:, landmark_idx, 8] = 1.0 if landmark_idx == mentioned_landmark_idx else 0

        return True
Example #6
def is_ambiguous(env_id):
    template = load_template(env_id)
    config = load_env_config(env_id)
    #TODO: Handle the case where instructions refer to multiple landmarks
    ref_landmark = template["landmark1"]
    occ_count = 0
    for landmark_name in config["landmarkName"]:
        if has_ambiguous_noun_phrase(landmark_name, ref_landmark):
            occ_count += 1
    if occ_count == 0:
        print("Error! Referred to landmark that's not found in env!")
    # More than one such landmark occurs in the test set
    if occ_count > 1:
        return True
        return False
Example #7
    def correct_side(self, rollout, env_id):
        template = load_template(env_id)
        landmark_pos = self.get_landmark_pos(env_id)

        last_pos = rollout[-1].state.get_pos()
        first_pos = rollout[0].state.get_pos()
        dir_landmark = landmark_pos - first_pos

        if len(N_SIDES) == 4:
            dir_lm_to_last = last_pos - landmark_pos
            dir_landmark_norm = dir_landmark / (np.linalg.norm(dir_landmark) +
            dir_ortho_norm = np.asarray(
                [dir_landmark_norm[1], -dir_landmark_norm[0]])

            proj = np.dot(dir_lm_to_last, dir_landmark_norm)
            opp_proj = np.dot(dir_lm_to_last, dir_ortho_norm)

            angle = math.atan2(proj, opp_proj)

            DEG45 = 0.785398
            if template["side"] == "right":
                return -DEG45 < angle < DEG45
            elif template["side"] == "back":
                return DEG45 < angle < 3 * DEG45
            elif template["side"] == "left":
                return 3 * DEG45 < angle < math.pi or -math.pi < angle < -3 * DEG45
            elif template["side"] == "front":
                return -3 * DEG45 < angle < -DEG45
                print("Unknown side: ", template["side"])

            print("Angle: ", angle)
        else:  # len(N_SIDES) = 2
            dir_end = last_pos - first_pos
            z = np.cross(dir_landmark, dir_end)

            if template["side"] == "left":
                return z > 0
                return z < 0