def train( dim_word=100, # word vector dimensionality dim=50, #100, # the number of GRU units encoder='lstm', # encoder model decoder='lstm', # decoder model patience=10, # early stopping patience max_epochs=5000, finish_after=10000000, # finish after this many updates decay_c=0., # L2 regularization penalty clip_c=-1., # gradient clipping threshold lrate=0.0004, # learning rate alpha_balance=0.04, n_words=100000, # vocabulary size n_words_lemma=100000, maxlen=100, # maximum length of the description optimizer='adam', batch_size=32, valid_batch_size=32, save_model='results/MIL/', saveto='MIL.npz', dispFreq=100, validFreq=1000, saveFreq=1000, # save the parameters after every saveFreq updates use_dropout=False, reload_=False, verbose=False, # print verbose information for debug but slow speed types='title', cut_word=False, cut_news=False, keep_prob=0.8, datasets=[], valid_datasets=[], test_datasets=[], tech_data=[], dictionary=[], kb_dicts=[], embedding='', # pretrain embedding file, such as word2vec, GLOVE dim_kb=5, RUN_NAME="histogram_visualization", wait_N=10): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s: %(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s", filename='results/MIL/log_result.txt') # Model options model_options = locals().copy() with open(dictionary, 'rb') as f: worddicts = pkl.load(f)"Loading knowledge base ...") # reload options if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):"Reload options") with open('%s.pkl' % saveto, 'rb') as f: model_options = pkl.load(f) logger.debug(pprint.pformat(model_options))"Loading data") train = TextIterator(datasets[0], datasets[1], dict=dictionary, types=types, n_words=n_words, batch_size=batch_size, cut_word=cut_word, cut_news=cut_news, shuffle=True, shuffle_sentence=False, quiet=False) train_valid = TextIterator(datasets[0], datasets[1], dict=dictionary, types=types, n_words=n_words, batch_size=valid_batch_size, cut_word=cut_word, cut_news=cut_news, shuffle=False, shuffle_sentence=False, quiet=False) valid = TextIterator(valid_datasets[0], valid_datasets[1], dict=dictionary, types=types, n_words=n_words, batch_size=valid_batch_size, cut_word=cut_word, cut_news=cut_news, shuffle=False, shuffle_sentence=False, quiet=False) test = TextIterator(test_datasets[0], test_datasets[1], dict=dictionary, types=types, n_words=n_words, batch_size=valid_batch_size, cut_word=cut_word, cut_news=cut_news, shuffle=False, shuffle_sentence=False, quiet=False) # Initialize (or reload) the parameters using 'model_options' # then build the tensorflow graph"init_word_embedding") params = init_params(model_options, worddicts) embedding = word_embedding(model_options, params) is_training, cost, x, x_mask, y, n_timesteps, group_pred, summary = build_model( embedding, model_options) #is_training, cost, x, x_mask, y, n_timesteps, pred, summary = build_model(embedding, model_options) with tf.variable_scope('train'): lr = tf.Variable(0.0, trainable=False) def assign_lr(session, lr_value):, lr_value))'Building optimizers...') optimizer = tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer(learning_rate=lr, rho=0.95)'Done') # print all variables tvars = tf.trainable_variables() for var in tvars: print(, var.shape) lossL = tf.add_n([ tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tvars if ('embedding' not in and 'bias' not in ]) # lossL2 = lossL * 0.0005 print("don't do L2 variables:") print([ for v in tvars if ('embedding' in or 'bias' in ]) print("\n do L2 variables:") print([ for v in tvars if ('embedding' not in and 'bias' not in ]) cost = cost + lossL2 grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(cost, tvars), model_options['clip_c']) extra_update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(extra_update_ops): train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, tvars)) # train_op = optimizer.minimize(cost) op_loss = tf.reduce_mean(cost) op_L2 = tf.reduce_mean(lossL)"correct_pred") #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2 correct_pred = tf.equal(group_pred, y) # make prediction #correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(input=pred, axis=1), y) # make prediction"Done") temp_accuracy = tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32) # change to float32 #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@temp_auc ="init variables") init = tf.global_variables_initializer()"Done") # saver saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=15) config = tf.ConfigProto() # config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.4 config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True #gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True) #sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) as sess: #sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess) training_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( "results/MIL/logs/{}/training".format(RUN_NAME), sess.graph) validate_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( "results/MIL/logs/{}/validate".format(RUN_NAME), sess.graph) testing_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( "results/MIL/logs/{}/testing".format(RUN_NAME), sess.graph) history_errs = [] history_valid_result = [] history_test_result = [] # reload history if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):"Reload history error") history_errs = list(numpy.load(saveto)['history_errs']) bad_counter = 0 if validFreq == -1: validFreq = len(train[0]) / batch_size if saveFreq == -1: saveFreq = len(train[0]) / batch_size loss_plot = defaultdict(list) uidx = 0 estop = False accs = [] #@@@@@@@@@@@@theta = np.random.random(self.embeddings_dimension) #@@@@@@@@@@best_theta = theta valid_acc_record = [] test_acc_record = [] best_num = -1 best_epoch_num = 0 #@@@@@@@@@best_acc = 0 lr_change_list = [] fine_tune_flag = 1 wait_counter = 0 wait_N = model_options['wait_N'] learning_rate = model_options['lrate'] alpha_balance = model_options['alpha_balance'] assign_lr(sess, learning_rate) for eidx in range(max_epochs): n_samples = 0 training_cost = 0 training_acc = 0 for x, y in train: #@@@@@@@@@@@@@theta = model_options['momentum_value'] * theta - (1 - model_options['momentum_value']) * learning_rate / (uidx + 1) * theta_der n_samples += len(x) uidx += 1 keep_prob = model_options['keep_prob'] is_training = True data_x, data_x_mask, data_y = prepare_data(x, y, model_options, maxlen=maxlen) print(data_x.shape, data_x_mask.shape, data_y.shape) assert data_y.shape[0] == data_x.shape[ 0], 'Size does not match' if x is None: logger.debug( 'Minibatch with zero sample under length {0}'.format( maxlen)) uidx -= 1 continue ud_start = time.time() _, loss, loss_no_mean, temp_acc, l2_check = [train_op, op_loss, cost, temp_accuracy, op_L2], feed_dict={ 'input/x:0': data_x, 'input/x_mask:0': data_x_mask, 'input/y:0': data_y, 'input/keep_prob:0': keep_prob, 'input/is_training:0': is_training, 'input/alpha_balance:0': alpha_balance }) ud = time.time() - ud_start training_cost += loss_no_mean.sum() training_acc += temp_acc.sum() #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@training_auc += temp_auc.sum() loss_plot['training'].append(loss) '''train_summary =, feed_dict={'input/x:0': data_x, 'input/x_mask:0': data_x_mask, 'input/y:0': data_y,'input/keep_prob:0':keep_prob,'input/is_training:0':is_training}) training_writer.add_summary(train_summary, eidx)''' if numpy.mod(uidx, dispFreq) == 0: logger.debug( 'Epoch {0} Update {1} Cost {2} L2 {3} TIME {4}'.format( eidx, uidx, loss, l2_check, ud)) # validate model on validation set and early stop if necessary if numpy.mod(uidx, validFreq) == 0: is_training = False #pred-->group_pred valid_acc, valid_loss, valid_final_result = predict_pro_acc( sess, cost, prepare_data, model_options, valid, maxlen, correct_pred, group_pred, summary, eidx, is_training, train_op, loss_plot, validate_writer, validate=True) test_acc, test_loss, test_final_result = predict_pro_acc( sess, cost, prepare_data, model_options, test, maxlen, correct_pred, group_pred, summary, eidx, is_training, train_op, loss_plot, testing_writer) # valid_err = 1.0 - valid_acc valid_err = valid_loss history_errs.append(valid_err) history_valid_result.append(valid_final_result) history_test_result.append(test_final_result) loss_plot['validate_ep'].append(valid_loss) loss_plot['val_ep'].append(valid_acc) loss_plot['testing_ep'].append(test_loss) loss_plot['test_ep'].append(test_acc) logger.debug('Epoch {0}'.format(eidx)) logger.debug('Valid cost {0}'.format(valid_loss)) logger.debug('Valid accuracy {0}'.format(valid_acc)) logger.debug('Test cost {0}'.format(test_loss)) logger.debug('Test accuracy {0}'.format(test_acc)) logger.debug('learning_rate: {0}'.format(learning_rate)) valid_acc_record.append(valid_acc) test_acc_record.append(test_acc) if uidx == 0 or valid_err <= numpy.array( history_errs).min(): best_num = best_num + 1 best_epoch_num = eidx wait_counter = 0"Saving...") sess, _s(_s(_s(save_model, "epoch"), str(best_num)), "model.ckpt")) _s(_s(_s(save_model, "epoch"), str(best_num)), "model.ckpt")) numpy.savez(saveto, history_errs=history_errs, **params) pkl.dump(model_options, open('{}.pkl'.format(saveto), 'wb'))"Done") if valid_err > numpy.array(history_errs).min(): wait_counter += 1 # wait_counter +=1 if valid_err>numpy.array(history_errs).min() else 0 if wait_counter >= wait_N:"wait_counter max, need to half the lr") # print 'wait_counter max, need to half the lr' bad_counter += 1 wait_counter = 0 logger.debug('bad_counter: {0}'.format(bad_counter)) # TODO change the learining rate ################################################################### learning_rate = learning_rate * 0.9 learning_rate = learning_rate assign_lr(sess, learning_rate) lr_change_list.append(eidx) logger.debug( 'lrate change to: {0}'.format(learning_rate)) print('lrate change to: ' + str(lrate)) if bad_counter > patience and fine_tune_flag == 0: logger.debug( 'ATTENTION! INTO FINE TUNING STAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' ) optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer( learning_rate=0.000001, momentum=0.6) fine_tune_flag = 1 bad_counter = 0 if bad_counter > patience and fine_tune_flag == 1:"Early Stop!") estop = True break if numpy.isnan(valid_err): pdb.set_trace() # finish after this many updates if uidx >= finish_after: logger.debug( 'Finishing after iterations! {0}'.format(uidx)) # print 'Finishing after %d iterations!' % uidx estop = True break logger.debug('Seen samples: {0}'.format(n_samples)) logger.debug('Training accuracy: {0}'.format(1.0 * training_acc / n_samples)) loss_plot['training_ep'].append(training_cost / n_samples) loss_plot['train_ep'].append(training_acc / n_samples) # print 'Seen %d samples' % n_samples logger.debug('results/MIL/Saved loss_plot pickle') with open("results/MIL/important_plot.pickle", 'wb') as handle: pkl.dump(loss_plot, handle, protocol=pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if estop: break with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) as sess: # Restore variables from disk. saver.restore( sess, _s(_s(_s(save_model, "epoch"), str(best_num)), "model.ckpt")) keep_prob = 1 is_training = False #alpha_balance = 1'=' * 80)'Final Result')'=' * 80) logger.debug('best epoch {0}'.format(best_epoch_num)) #pred-->group_pred valid_acc, valid_cost, valid_final_result = predict_pro_acc( sess, cost, prepare_data, model_options, valid, maxlen, correct_pred, group_pred, summary, eidx, train_op, is_training, None) logger.debug('Valid cost {0}'.format(valid_cost)) logger.debug('Valid accuracy {0}'.format(valid_acc)) # print 'Valid cost', valid_cost # print 'Valid accuracy', valid_acc test_acc, test_cost, test_final_result = predict_pro_acc( sess, cost, prepare_data, model_options, test, maxlen, correct_pred, group_pred, summary, eidx, train_op, is_training, None) logger.debug('Test cost {0}'.format(test_cost)) logger.debug('Test accuracy {0}'.format(test_acc)) # print 'best epoch ', best_epoch_num train_acc, train_cost, _ = predict_pro_acc(sess, cost, prepare_data, model_options, train_valid, maxlen, correct_pred, group_pred, summary, eidx, train_op, is_training, None) logger.debug('Train cost {0}'.format(train_cost)) logger.debug('Train accuracy {0}'.format(train_acc)) valid_m = numpy.array(history_valid_result) test_m = numpy.array(history_test_result) valid_final_result = (numpy.array([valid_final_result]) == False) test_final_result = (numpy.array([test_final_result]) == False) #print(numpy.all(valid_m, axis = 0)) #print(numpy.all(test_m, axis=0)) print( 'validation: all prediction through every epoch that are the same:', numpy.where(numpy.all(valid_m, axis=0))) print('testing: all prediction through every epoch that are the same:', numpy.where(numpy.all(test_m, axis=0))) print('validation: final prediction that is False:', numpy.where(valid_final_result)) print('testing: final prediction that is False:', numpy.where(test_final_result)) if os.path.exists('results/MIL/history_predict.npz'):"Load and save to history_predict.npz") valid_history = numpy.load( 'results/MIL/history_predict.npz')['valid_final_result'] test_history = numpy.load( 'results/MIL/history_predict.npz')['test_final_result'] vv = numpy.concatenate((valid_history, valid_final_result), axis=0) tt = numpy.concatenate((test_history, valid_final_result), axis=0) print('Concate shape valid:', vv.shape) print('Print all validate history outputs that return False', numpy.where(numpy.all(vv, axis=0))) print('Concate shape test:', tt.shape) print('Print all test history outputs that return False', numpy.where(numpy.all(tt, axis=0))) numpy.savez('results/MIL/history_predict.npz', valid_final_result=vv, test_final_result=tt, **params) else: numpy.savez('results/MIL/history_predict.npz', valid_final_result=valid_final_result, test_final_result=test_final_result, **params) # print 'Train cost', train_cost # print 'Train accuracy', train_acc # print 'Test cost ', test_cost # print 'Test accuracy ', test_acc return None
def train( dim_word=100, # word vector dimensionality encoder='lstm', # encoder model decoder='lstm', # decoder model patience=10, # early stopping patience max_epochs=300, finish_after=10000000, # finish after this many updates decay_c=0., # L2 regularization penalty clip_c=-1., # gradient clipping threshold lrate=0.0004, # learning rate n_words=100000, # vocabulary size n_words_lemma=100000, maxlen=100, # maximum length of the description optimizer='adam', batch_size=32, valid_batch_size=32, save_model='results/s_cnn/', saveto='S_CNN.npz', dispFreq=100, validFreq=1000, saveFreq=1000, # save the parameters after every saveFreq updates use_dropout=False, reload_=False, verbose=False, # print verbose information for debug but slow speed types='title', cut_word=False, cut_news=False, CNN_filter=64, keep_prob=0.8, datasets=[], valid_datasets=[], test_datasets=[], dictionary=[], embedding='', # pretrain embedding file, such as word2vec, GLOVE RUN_NAME="histogram_visualization", wait_N=10): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s: %(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s", filename='results/s_cnn/log_result.txt') # Model options model_options = locals().copy() with open(dictionary, 'rb') as f: worddicts = pkl.load(f)"Loading knowledge base ...") # reload options """if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):"Reload options") with open('%s.pkl' % saveto, 'rb') as f: model_options = pkl.load(f)""" logger.debug(pprint.pformat(model_options))"Loading data") train = TextIterator(datasets[0], datasets[1], dict=dictionary, types=types, n_words=n_words, batch_size=batch_size, cut_word=cut_word, cut_news=cut_news, shuffle=True, shuffle_sentence=False) train_valid = TextIterator(datasets[0], datasets[1], dict=dictionary, types=types, n_words=n_words, batch_size=valid_batch_size, cut_word=cut_word, cut_news=cut_news, shuffle=False, shuffle_sentence=False) valid = TextIterator(valid_datasets[0], valid_datasets[1], dict=dictionary, types=types, n_words=n_words, batch_size=valid_batch_size, cut_word=cut_word, cut_news=cut_news, shuffle=True, shuffle_sentence=False) #Shuffle = false test = TextIterator(test_datasets[0], test_datasets[1], dict=dictionary, types=types, n_words=n_words, batch_size=valid_batch_size, cut_word=cut_word, cut_news=cut_news, shuffle=True, shuffle_sentence=False) # Initialize (or reload) the parameters using 'model_options' # then build the tensorflow graph"init_word_embedding") params = init_params(model_options, worddicts) embedding = word_embedding(model_options, params) is_training, cost, x, y, n_timesteps, pred, summary = build_model( embedding, model_options) with tf.variable_scope('train'): lr = tf.Variable(0.0, trainable=False) def assign_lr(session, lr_value):, lr_value))'Building optimizers...') #optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr) optimizer = tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer(learning_rate=lr, rho=0.95)'Done') # print all variables tvars = tf.trainable_variables() for var in tvars: print(, var.shape) lossL = tf.add_n([ tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tvars if ('embeddings' not in and 'bias' not in ]) # lossL2 = lossL * 0.0005 print("don't do L2 variables:") print([ for v in tvars if ('embeddings' in or 'bias' in ]) print("\n do L2 variables:") print([ for v in tvars if ('embeddings' not in and 'bias' not in ]) cost = cost + lossL2 grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(cost, tvars), model_options['clip_c']) extra_update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(extra_update_ops): train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, tvars)) # train_op = optimizer.minimize(cost) op_loss = tf.reduce_mean(cost) op_L2 = tf.reduce_mean(lossL)"correct_pred") correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(input=pred, axis=1), y) # make prediction"Done") temp_accuracy = tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32) # change to float32"init variables") init = tf.global_variables_initializer()"Done") # saver saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=15) config = tf.ConfigProto() # config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.4 config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) as sess: #sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess) training_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( "results/s_cnn/logs/{}/training".format(RUN_NAME), sess.graph) validate_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( "results/s_cnn/logs/{}/validate".format(RUN_NAME), sess.graph) testing_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( "results/s_cnn/logs/{}/testing".format(RUN_NAME), sess.graph) history_errs = [] history_valid_result = [] history_test_result = [] # reload history """if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):"Reload history error") history_errs = list(numpy.load(saveto)['history_errs'])""" bad_counter = 0 if validFreq == -1: validFreq = len(train[0]) / batch_size if saveFreq == -1: saveFreq = len(train[0]) / batch_size loss_plot = defaultdict(list) uidx = 0 estop = False best_num = -1 best_epoch_num = 0 lr_change_list = [] wait_counter = 0 wait_N = model_options['wait_N'] learning_rate = model_options['lrate'] assign_lr(sess, learning_rate) for eidx in range(max_epochs): n_samples = 0 training_cost = 0 training_acc = 0 for x, y in train: n_samples += len(x) uidx += 1 keep_prob = model_options['keep_prob'] is_training = True data_x, data_y = prepare_data(x, y, model_options, maxlen=maxlen) print(data_x.shape, data_y.shape) assert data_y.shape[0] == data_x.shape[ 0], 'Size does not match' if x is None: logger.debug( 'Minibatch with zero sample under length {0}'.format( maxlen)) uidx -= 1 continue ud_start = time.time() _, loss, loss_no_mean, temp_acc, l2_check = [train_op, op_loss, cost, temp_accuracy, op_L2], feed_dict={ 'input/x:0': data_x, 'input/y:0': data_y, 'input/keep_prob:0': keep_prob, 'input/is_training:0': is_training }) ud = time.time() - ud_start training_cost += loss_no_mean.sum() training_acc += temp_acc.sum() loss_plot['training'].append(loss) if numpy.mod(uidx, dispFreq) == 0: logger.debug( 'Epoch {0} Update {1} Cost {2} L2 {3} TIME {4}'.format( eidx, uidx, loss, l2_check, ud)) # validate model on validation set and early stop if necessary if numpy.mod(uidx, validFreq) == 0: is_training = False valid_acc, valid_loss, valid_final_result = predict_pro_acc( sess, cost, prepare_data, model_options, valid, maxlen, correct_pred, pred, summary, eidx, is_training, train_op, loss_plot, validate_writer, validate=True) test_acc, test_loss, test_final_result = predict_pro_acc( sess, cost, prepare_data, model_options, test, maxlen, correct_pred, pred, summary, eidx, is_training, train_op, loss_plot, testing_writer) # valid_err = 1.0 - valid_acc valid_err = valid_loss history_errs.append(valid_err) history_valid_result.append(valid_final_result) history_test_result.append(test_final_result) loss_plot['validate_ep'].append(valid_loss) loss_plot['val_ac'].append(valid_acc) #加的 loss_plot['testing_ep'].append(test_loss) loss_plot['test_ac'].append(test_acc) #加的 logger.debug('Epoch {0}'.format(eidx)) logger.debug('Valid cost {0}'.format(valid_loss)) logger.debug('Valid accuracy {0}'.format(valid_acc)) logger.debug('Test cost {0}'.format(test_loss)) logger.debug('Test accuracy {0}'.format(test_acc)) logger.debug('learning_rate: {0}'.format(learning_rate)) if uidx == 0 or valid_err <= numpy.array( history_errs).min(): best_num = best_num + 1 best_epoch_num = eidx wait_counter = 0"Saving..."), _s(_s(_s(save_model, "epoch"), str(best_num)), "model.ckpt")), "epoch"), str(best_num)), "model.ckpt")) #numpy.savez(saveto, history_errs=history_errs, **params) #pkl.dump(model_options, open('{}.pkl'.format(saveto), 'wb'))"Done") if valid_err > numpy.array(history_errs).min(): wait_counter += 1 # wait_counter +=1 if valid_err>numpy.array(history_errs).min() else 0 if wait_counter >= wait_N:"wait_counter max, need to half the lr") # print 'wait_counter max, need to half the lr' bad_counter += 1 wait_counter = 0 logger.debug('bad_counter: {0}'.format(bad_counter)) # TODO change the learining rate learning_rate = learning_rate * 0.9 # learning_rate = learning_rate assign_lr(sess, learning_rate) lr_change_list.append(eidx) logger.debug( 'lrate change to: {0}'.format(learning_rate)) # print 'lrate change to: ' + str(lrate) if bad_counter > patience:"Early Stop!") estop = True break if numpy.isnan(valid_err): pdb.set_trace() # finish after this many updates if uidx >= finish_after: logger.debug( 'Finishing after iterations! {0}'.format(uidx)) # print 'Finishing after %d iterations!' % uidx estop = True break logger.debug('Seen samples: {0}'.format(n_samples)) logger.debug('Training accuracy: {0}'.format(1.0 * training_acc / n_samples)) loss_plot['training_ep'].append(training_cost / n_samples) loss_plot['train_ep'].append(training_acc / n_samples) # print 'Seen %d samples' % n_samples logger.debug('results/s_cnn/Saved loss_plot pickle') with open("results/s_cnn/important_plot.pickle", 'wb') as handle: pkl.dump(loss_plot, handle, protocol=pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if estop: break """with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) as sess: