def recommendedbByCateg(self, id, categ): par = { 'categ' : categ, 'id' : id } db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() qry = """ SELECT * FROM videos AS r1 JOIN (SELECT (RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM videos)) AS id) AS r2 WHERE >= AND uniq <> %(id)s AND category = %(categ)s ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 5 """ cur.execute(qry, par) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() db.close() return rows else: db.close() tags = False
def countRecords(self, dbtable, type, isPublic): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() par = { 'type1' : '%"type": "' + type + '"%', 'type2' : '%"type":"' + type + '"%', 'type3' : '%"type" : "' + type + '"%', 'type4' : '%"type" :"' + type + '"%', 'isPublic': isPublic } if (type): if dbtable == 'videos': qry = "SELECT id FROM videos WHERE is_public = %(isPublic)s AND (data like %(type1)s OR data like %(type2)s OR data like %(type3)s OR data like %(type4)s)" else: if dbtable == 'videos': qry = "SELECT id FROM videos WHERE is_public = %(isPublic)s" cur.execute(qry, par) if cur.rowcount > 0: rec = cur.rowcount db.close() return rec else: db.close() return 0
def allUserDataCount(self, param): username = param['username'] if username == False: return False; limit = param['limit'] # 20 per page curPage = param['curPage'] # 1 is the current page endAt = int(curPage) * int(limit) # 20 is the record number to end at startAt = endAt - int(limit) # 20 - 20 = 0 is the record number to start at newPar = { 'username': username, 'startAt' : startAt, 'limit' : int(limit) } db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() qry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,is_public,id,date_added FROM videos WHERE username = %(username)s ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %(startAt)s, %(limit)s" cur.execute(qry, newPar) if cur.rowcount > 0: records = cur.rowcount else: records = 0 db.close() return records
def deleteEmbed(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() qry = "SELECT uniq,username,category,tags,data FROM videos WHERE id = %(id)s LIMIT 0, 1" cur.execute(qry, param) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() data = { 'uniq': rows[0][0], 'username': rows[0][1], 'category': rows[0][2], 'tags': rows[0][3], 'data': rows[0][4] } # now insert it q = """ INSERT INTO deleted (uniq, data, username, is_public, category, is_approved, tags) VALUES (%(uniq)s, %(data)s, %(username)s, '1', %(category)s, '1', %(tags)s) """ cur.execute(q, data) db.commit() cur.execute("""DELETE FROM videos WHERE id = %(id)s""", param) try: db.commit() resp = 'success' except: resp = False db.close() return resp
def add_to_playlist(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() # sample list_ids - ['23,34'] for item in param['list_ids']: # becomes - 23,34 if item: # becomes ['23','34'] splt = string.split(item, ",") for y in splt: newPar = { 'pl_id': y, 'atpl_id': param['atpl_id'] } q = """ INSERT INTO playlist_contents (pl_id, vid_id) VALUES (%(pl_id)s, %(atpl_id)s) """ cur.execute(q, newPar) db.commit() db.close() return 'success'
def allPublicByType(self,param): type = param['type'] limit = param['limit'] # 20 per page curPage = param['curPage'] # 1 endAt = int(curPage) * int(limit) # 20 startAt = endAt - int(limit) # 20 - 20 = 0 obj = { 'type1' : '%"type": "' + type + '"%', 'type2' : '%"type":"' + type + '"%', 'type3' : '%"type" : "' + type + '"%', 'type4' : '%"type" :"' + type + '"%', 'startAt' : startAt, 'limit' : int(limit) } db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() qry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,date_added FROM videos WHERE is_public = '1' AND (data like %(type1)s OR data like %(type2)s OR data like %(type3)s OR data like %(type4)s) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %(startAt)s, %(limit)s" cur.execute(qry, obj) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() db.close() return rows else: db.close() return False;
def allUserData(self, param): username = param['username'] if username == False: return False; # pagination does not work at this time #limit = param['limit'] # 20 per page #curPage = param['curPage'] # 1 is the current page #endAt = int(curPage) * int(limit) # 20 is the record number to end at #startAt = endAt - int(limit) # 20 - 20 = 0 is the record number to start at newPar = { 'username': username, #'startAt' : startAt, #'limit' : int(limit) } db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() qry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,is_public,id,date_added FROM videos WHERE username = %(username)s ORDER BY id DESC" cur.execute(qry, newPar) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() db.close() return rows else: db.close() return False
def allCategories(self): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM category") if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() db.close() return rows else: return False
def allPublicById(self,id): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() qry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,id, date_added FROM videos WHERE uniq = %s" cur.execute(qry, id) if cur.rowcount > 0: row = cur.fetchall() db.close() return row else: db.close() return False
def _insertUniq(self, id, username): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() myUniq = base64.b64encode(str(username) + str(id)) par = { 'uniq': myUniq } cur.execute("""UPDATE videos SET uniq = %(uniq)s WHERE uniq = 'xdemx'""", par) db.commit() db.close() return 'success'
def add_playlist(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() q = """ INSERT INTO playlist (uniq_id, playlist_name, owner, is_public, description, tags) VALUES ('xdemx', %(playlist)s, %(username)s, 1, %(description)s, %(tags)s) """ cur.execute(q, param) db.commit() lastId = cur.lastrowid db.close() return self._insertUniq(lastId, param['key'])
def removeEmbed(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""DELETE FROM playlist_contents WHERE pl_id = %(pl_id)s AND vid_id = %(vid_id)s""", param) try: db.commit() resp = 'success' except: resp = False db.close() return resp
def user_query(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() q = """ SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_email = %(username)s """ cur.execute(q, param) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() db.close() return rows else: return False
def _insertUniq(self, id, key): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() myUniq = base64.b64encode(str(key) + str(id)) par = { 'uniq': myUniq } cur.execute("""UPDATE playlist SET uniq_id = %(uniq)s WHERE uniq_id = 'xdemx'""", par) db.commit() db.close() return 'success'
def userRegister(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() q = """ INSERT INTO users (user_email, user_pass, user_active) VALUES (%(username)s, %(password)s, 1) """ cur.execute(q, param) try: db.commit() return True except: return False
def embedToPublic(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""UPDATE videos SET is_public = %(is_public)s WHERE id = %(id)s""", param) try: db.commit() resp = 'success' except: resp = False db.close() return resp
def allPublicBySearchCount(self,param): query = param['qry']; db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() obj = { 'qry' : query } sqry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,date_added FROM videos WHERE is_public = 1 AND (tags REGEXP %(qry)s OR category REGEXP %(qry)s OR data REGEXP %(qry)s)" cur.execute(sqry, obj) if cur.rowcount > 0: db.close() return cur.rowcount else: db.close() return 0;
def playlistToPublic(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() print param cur.execute("""UPDATE playlist SET is_public = %(is_public)s WHERE id = %(pl_id)s""", param) try: db.commit() resp = 'success' except: resp = False db.close() return resp
def allPublicByTagCount(self,param): tag = param['tag']; db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() obj = { 'tag' : '%' + str(tag) + '%' } qry = "SELECT uniq FROM videos WHERE is_public = 1 AND tags like %(tag)s" cur.execute(qry, obj) if cur.rowcount > 0: db.close() return cur.rowcount else: db.close() return 0;
def getAllTags(self): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() i = 0 data = {} cur.execute("SELECT tags FROM videos WHERE tags <> '' AND is_public = 1 GROUP BY id DESC") if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: tags = row[0] rArr = tags.split(',') for item in rArr: data[i] = item.strip() i += 1 db.close() return data else: return False
def getPublicPlaylistsCount(self, param): #param may contain username db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() if param['username']: qry = "SELECT playlist.* FROM playlist, playlist_contents WHERE playlist_contents.pl_id = and (playlist.owner = %(username)s OR playlist.is_public = 1) GROUP BY" else: qry = "SELECT playlist.* FROM playlist, playlist_contents WHERE playlist_contents.pl_id = and playlist.is_public = 1 GROUP BY" cur.execute(qry, param) # playlists exist if cur.rowcount > 0: records = cur.rowcount else: records = 0 return records
def deletePlaylist(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("""DELETE FROM playlist WHERE id = %(pl_id)s""", param) try: db.commit() cur.execute("""DELETE FROM playlist_contents WHERE pl_id = %(pl_id)s""", param) try: db.commit() resp = 'success' except: resp = False except: resp = False db.close() return resp
def embed(self, param): # param is an object db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() # all new videos are not approved by default (is_approved = 0) # not approved means that the video is not yet verified by admin # but by default is visible from the user -- until junked by admin q = """ INSERT INTO videos (uniq, data, username, is_public, category, is_approved, tags) VALUES ('xdemx', %(data)s, %(username)s, %(is_public)s, %(category)s, %(is_approved)s, %(tags)s) """ cur.execute(q, param) db.commit() lastId = cur.lastrowid db.close() return self._insertUniq(lastId, param['username'])
def getPublicPlaylistsByTagCount(self, param): param['username'] = '' if param['tag'] == '': return False db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() tag = param['tag'] tag = '%' + str(tag) + '%' param['tag'] = tag qry = "SELECT playlist.* FROM playlist, playlist_contents WHERE playlist_contents.pl_id = and playlist.is_public = 1 AND playlist.tags like %(tag)s GROUP BY" cur.execute(qry, param) # playlists exist if cur.rowcount > 0: db.close() return cur.rowcount else: return 0
def recommendedByTags(self, id, tags, categ): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() tags = False if tags: isWhere = '' i = 0 spTags = tags.split(', ') for item in spTags: if i == 0: isWhere = "tags like '%" + item + "%'" else: isWhere += " OR tags like '%" + item + "%'" i += 1 qry = """ SELECT * FROM videos AS r1 JOIN (SELECT (RAND() * (SELECT MAX(id) FROM videos)) AS id) AS r2 WHERE >= AND uniq <> '%s' AND (%s) ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 5 """ %(id, isWhere) cur.execute(qry) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() db.close() return rows else: db.close() tags = False if categ: return self.recommendedbByCateg(id, categ) else: return False
def allPublic(self, param): db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() limit = param['limit'] # 20 per page curPage = param['curPage'] # 1 endAt = int(curPage) * int(limit) # 20 startAt = endAt - int(limit) # 20 - 20 = 0 newPar = { 'startAt' : startAt, 'limit' : int(limit) } qry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,date_added FROM videos WHERE is_public = '1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %(startAt)s, %(limit)s" cur.execute(qry, newPar) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() db.close() return rows else: db.close() return rows
def allPublicBySearch(self,param): query = param['qry']; db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() limit = param['limit'] # 20 per page curPage = param['curPage'] # 1 is the current page endAt = int(curPage) * int(limit) # 20 is the record number to end at startAt = endAt - int(limit) # 20 - 20 = 0 is the record number to start at obj = { 'qry' : query, 'startAt' : startAt, 'limit' : int(limit) } sqry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,date_added FROM videos WHERE is_public = 1 AND (tags REGEXP %(qry)s OR category REGEXP %(qry)s OR data REGEXP %(qry)s) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %(startAt)s, %(limit)s" cur.execute(sqry, obj) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() db.close() return rows else: db.close() return False;
def allPublicByTag(self,param): tag = param['tag']; db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() limit = param['limit'] # 20 per page curPage = param['curPage'] # 1 is the current page endAt = int(curPage) * int(limit) # 20 is the record number to end at startAt = endAt - int(limit) # 20 - 20 = 0 is the record number to start at obj = { 'tag' : '%' + str(tag) + '%', 'startAt' : startAt, 'limit' : int(limit) } qry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,date_added FROM videos WHERE is_public = 1 AND tags like %(tag)s LIMIT %(startAt)s, %(limit)s" cur.execute(qry, obj) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() db.close() return rows else: db.close() return False;
def getPlaylists(self, param): # param object contains the username db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() robj = {} i = 0 # get all playlists from this user qry = "SELECT * FROM playlist WHERE owner = %(username)s" cur.execute(qry, param) # playlists exist if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() # check each playlist as item for item in rows: # make sure yobj is inialized inside the for loop where you are # assigning the value to it. Otherwise, unexpected and bizzare # things happen when it is not properly re-initiazed upon loop # in this case: ### obj[0].yobj is blank, obj[1].yobj is not blank. ### if yobj is not re-initialized below, obj[0].yobj inherits ### the value of obj[1].yobj.... totally strange!!!! yobj = {} plid = item[0] # get the playlist id # get the video ids related to this playlist qry = "SELECT vid_id FROM playlist_contents WHERE pl_id = %s" cur.execute(qry, plid) k = 0 # if video ids exist if cur.rowcount > 0: xrows = cur.fetchall() # loop each one for xitem in xrows: vid_id = xitem[0] # now get the videos. even the private ones since # this is going to be seen only by the owner of the playlist qry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,id FROM videos WHERE id = %s" cur.execute(qry, vid_id) if cur.rowcount > 0: yrows = cur.fetchall() for yitem in yrows: yobj[k] = { 'uniq': yitem[0], 'category': yitem[1], 'tags': yitem[2], 'data': yitem[3], 'id':yitem[4] } k = k + 1 try: test = yobj[0] except: yobj = False robj[i] = { 'id' : item[0], 'uniq': item[1], 'playlist_name' : item[2], 'owner': item[3], 'is_public': item[4], 'description': item[5], 'tags' : item[6], 'embeds': yobj } else: try: test = yobj[0] except: yobj = False robj[i] = { 'id' : item[0], 'uniq': item[1], 'playlist_name' : item[2], 'owner': item[3], 'is_public': item[4], 'description': item[5], 'tags' : item[6], 'embeds': yobj } i = i + 1 try: test = robj[0] except: robj = False db.close() return robj
def getPublicPlaylistsByTag(self, param): if param['tag'] == '': return False db = Db.con() cur = db.cursor() robj = {} tag = param['tag'] tag = '%' + str(tag) + '%' param['tag'] = tag limit = param['limit'] # 20 per page curPage = param['curPage'] # 1 endAt = int(curPage) * int(limit) # 20 startAt = endAt - int(limit) # 20 - 20 = 0 param['startAt'] = startAt param['limit'] = int(limit) i = 0 qry = "SELECT playlist.* FROM playlist, playlist_contents WHERE playlist_contents.pl_id = and playlist.is_public = 1 AND playlist.tags like %(tag)s GROUP BY LIMIT %(startAt)s, %(limit)s" cur.execute(qry, param) # playlists exist if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() # check each playlist as item for item in rows: # make sure yobj is inialized inside the for loop where you are # assigning the value to it. Otherwise, unexpected and bizzare # things happen when it is not properly re-initiazed upon loop # in this case: ### obj[0].yobj is blank, obj[1].yobj is not blank. ### if yobj is not re-initialized below, obj[0].yobj inherits ### the value of obj[1].yobj.... totally strange!!!! yobj = {} plid = item[0] # get the playlist id # get the video ids related to this playlist qry = "SELECT vid_id FROM playlist_contents WHERE pl_id = %s" cur.execute(qry, plid) k = 0 # if video ids exist if cur.rowcount > 0: xrows = cur.fetchall() # loop each one for xitem in xrows: vid_id = xitem[0] param['vid_id'] = vid_id if param['username']: qry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,id FROM videos WHERE id = %(vid_id)s AND (username = %(username)s OR is_public = 1)" else: # just get the public ones qry = "SELECT uniq,category,tags,data,id FROM videos WHERE id = %(vid_id)s AND is_public = 1" cur.execute(qry, param) if cur.rowcount > 0: yrows = cur.fetchall() for yitem in yrows: yobj[k] = { 'uniq': yitem[0], 'category': yitem[1], 'tags': yitem[2], 'data': yitem[3], 'id':yitem[4] } k = k + 1 try: test = yobj[0] except: yobj = False robj[i] = { 'id' : item[0], 'uniq': item[1], 'playlist_name' : item[2], 'owner': item[3], 'is_public': item[4], 'description': item[5], 'tags' : item[6], 'embeds': yobj } else: try: test = yobj[0] except: yobj = False robj[i] = { 'id' : item[0], 'uniq': item[1], 'playlist_name' : item[2], 'owner': item[3], 'is_public': item[4], 'description': item[5], 'tags' : item[6], 'embeds': yobj } i = i + 1 try: test = robj[0] except: robj = False db.close() return robj