Example #1
 def _get_neighbors(self, sample_i):
     neighbors = []
     for _sample_i, _sample in enumerate(self.X):
         if _sample_i != sample_i and euclidean_distance(
                 self.X[sample_i], _sample) < self.eps:
     return np.array(neighbors)
Example #2
 def _closest_centroid(self, sample, centroids):
     closest_i = None
     closest_distance = float("inf")
     for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids):
         distance = euclidean_distance(sample, centroid)
         if distance < closest_distance:
             closest_i = i
             closest_distance = distance
     return closest_i
 def _calculate_cost(self, X, clusters, medoids):
     cost = 0
     # For each cluster
     for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
         medoid = medoids[i]
         for sample_i in cluster:
             # Add distance between sample and medoid as cost
             cost += euclidean_distance(X[sample_i], medoid)
     return cost
Example #4
	def _closest_centroid(self, sample, centroids):
		closest_i = None
		closest_distance = float("inf")
		for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids):
			distance = euclidean_distance(sample, centroid)
			if distance < closest_distance:
				closest_i = i
				closest_distance = distance
		return closest_i
	def _calculate_cost(self, X, clusters, medoids):
		cost = 0
		# For each cluster
		for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
			medoid = medoids[i]
			for sample_i in cluster:
				# Add distance between sample and medoid as cost
				cost += euclidean_distance(X[sample_i], medoid)
		return cost
Example #6
	def predict(self, X_test, X_train, y_train):
		classes = np.unique(y_train)
		y_pred = []
		for i in range(len(X_test)):
			test_sample = X_test[i]
			neighbors = []
			for j in range(len(X_train)):
				observed_sample = X_train[j]
				distance = euclidean_distance(test_sample, observed_sample)
				label = y_train[j]
				neighbors.append([distance, label])
			neighbors = np.array(neighbors)
			k_nearest_neighbors = neighbors[neighbors[:,0].argsort()][:self.k]
			label = self._get_vote(k_nearest_neighbors, classes)
		return np.array(y_pred)
Example #7
    def predict(self, X_test, X_train, y_train):
        classes = np.unique(y_train)
        pred_classes = []

        for test_sample in X_test:
            # 获得[欧拉距离,标签]的矩阵
            distances = []
            for i, train_sample in enumerate(X_train):
                distance = euclidean_distance(test_sample, train_sample)
                label = y_train[i]
                distances.append([distance, label])
            distances = np.array(distances)
            # 获得前k个最小的欧拉距离的点。
            index_argsort = np.argsort(distances[:, 0])
            neighbors = distances[index_argsort][:self.k]
            # 利用多数表决进行投票
            pred_cla = self._majority_vote(neighbors, classes)

        return np.array(pred_classes)
Example #8
 def predict(self, X_test, X_train, y_train):
     classes = np.unique(y_train)
     y_pred = []
     # Determine the class of each sample
     for test_sample in X_test:
         neighbors = []
         # Calculate the distance form each observed sample to the
         # sample we wish to predict
         for j, observed_sample in enumerate(X_train):
             distance = euclidean_distance(test_sample, observed_sample)
             label = y_train[j]
             # Add neighbor information
             neighbors.append([distance, label])
         neighbors = np.array(neighbors)
         # Sort the list of observed samples from lowest to highest distance
         # and select the k first
         k_nearest_neighbors = neighbors[neighbors[:, 0].argsort()][:self.k]
         # Do a majority vote among the k neighbors and set prediction as the
         # class receing the most votes
         label = self._get_vote(k_nearest_neighbors, classes)
     return np.array(y_pred)
 def predict(self, X_test, X_train, y_train):
     classes = np.unique(y_train)
     y_pred = []
     # Determine the class of each sample
     for test_sample in X_test:
         neighbors = []
         # Calculate the distance form each observed sample to the
         # sample we wish to predict
         for j, observed_sample in enumerate(X_train):
             distance = euclidean_distance(test_sample, observed_sample)
             label = y_train[j]
             # Add neighbor information
             neighbors.append([distance, label])
         neighbors = np.array(neighbors)
         # Sort the list of observed samples from lowest to highest distance
         # and select the k first
         k_nearest_neighbors = neighbors[neighbors[:, 0].argsort()][:self.k]
         # Do a majority vote among the k neighbors and set prediction as the
         # class receing the most votes
         label = self._majority_vote(k_nearest_neighbors, classes)
     return np.array(y_pred)