Example #1
def main():
    # parse command line input
    opt = utils.parse_arg()

    # Set GPU
    opt.cuda = opt.gpuid >= 0
    if opt.cuda:
        utils.time_str("GPU acceleration is disabled.")

    # prepare data
    db = data_prepare.prepare_db(opt)
    imagenet = data_prepare.ImageNetSmallData(opt, type='centres')
    #    imagenet = None
    #    # add imagenet dataset
    db.update({'imagenet': imagenet})

    # initialize the model
    pre_trained_model = model.prepare_model(opt)

    # prepare M_0(x) model, which is a fixed pre-trained model
    opt.num_output = 1000
    fixed_model = model.prepare_model(opt)
    # prepare centres
    if not os.path.exists('../datasets/imagenet/train_centres.txt'):
        imagenet = data_prepare.ImageNetSmallData(opt, type='all')
        trainer.prepare_centres(fixed_model, imagenet, opt)

    # configurate the optimizer
    optim, sche = optimizer.prepare_optim(pre_trained_model, opt)

    # train the model
    trainer.train(pre_trained_model, optim, sche, db, opt, model_0=fixed_model)
    #    trainer.train(pre_trained_model, optim, sche, db, opt, model_0 = None)
    # save the trained model
    if opt.save:
        utils.save_model(pre_trained_model, opt)
def main():
    # parse command line input
    opt = utils.parse_arg()

    # Set GPU
    opt.cuda = opt.gpuid >= 0
    if opt.cuda:
        utils.time_str("GPU acceleration is disabled.")

    # prepare data
    db = data_prepare.prepare_db(opt)
    # initializa the model
    pre_trained_model = model.prepare_model(opt)

    # configurate the optimizer
    optim, sche = optimizer.prepare_optim(pre_trained_model, opt)

    # train the model
    trainer.train(pre_trained_model, optim, sche, db, opt)

    # save the trained model
    utils.save_model(pre_trained_model, opt)
Example #3
def main():
    # logging configuration
                        format="[%(asctime)s]: %(message)s")

    # parse command line input
    opt = utils.parse_arg()

    # Set GPU
    opt.cuda = opt.gpuid >= 0
    if opt.cuda:
        # please use GPU for training, CPU version is not supported for now.
        raise NotImplementedError
        #logging.info("GPU acceleration is disabled.")

    # prepare training and validation dataset
    db = data_prepare.prepare_db(opt)

    # sanity check for FG-NET dataset, not used for now
    # assertion: the total images in the eval set lists should be 1002
    total_eval_imgs = sum([len(db['eval'][i]) for i in range(len(db['eval']))])
    if db['train'][0].name == 'FGNET':
        assert total_eval_imgs == 1002, 'The preparation of the evalset is incorrect.'

    # training
    if opt.train:
        best_MAEs = []
        last_MAEs = []
        # record the current time
        opt.save_dir += time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
        # for FG-NET, do training multiple times for leave-one-out validation
        # for CACD, do training just once
        for exp_id in range(len(db['train'])):
            # initialize the model
            model_train = model.prepare_model(opt)
            #print("model shape:")
            #  print(db['train'].head)

            #print( np.array(db['eval']).shape)
            # configurate the optimizer and learning rate scheduler
            optim, sche = optimizer.prepare_optim(model_train, opt)

            # train the model and record mean average error (MAE)
            model_train, MAE, last_MAE = trainer.train(model_train, optim,
                                                       sche, db, opt, exp_id)
            best_MAEs += MAE

            # remove the trained model for leave-one-out validation
            if exp_id != len(db['train']) - 1:
                del model_train

        #np.save('./MAE.npy', np.array(best_MAEs))
        #np.save('./Last_MAE.npy', np.array(last_MAEs))
        # save the final trained model
        #utils.save_model(model_train, opt)

    # testing a pre-trained model
    elif opt.evaluate:
        # path to the pre-trained model
        save_dir = opt.test_model_path
        #example: save_dir = '../model/CACD_MAE_4.59.pth'
        model_loaded = torch.load(save_dir)
        # test the model on the evaluation set
        # the last subject is the test set (compatible with FG-NET)
        trainer.evaluate(model_loaded, db['eval'][-1], opt)
Example #4
if opt.dataset_name == 'Morph':
    # Sorry that the MORPH dataset is currently not freely available.
    # For now I can not release my pre-processed dataset without permission.
    raise ValueError
elif opt.dataset_name == 'CACD':
    model_path = "../pre-trained/CACD_MAE_4.59.pth"
    raise NotImplementedError

# load model
model = torch.load(model_path)

# prepare dataset
db = prepare_db(opt)
dataset = db['eval'][0]

# compute saliency map
# pick a tree within the forest
tree_idx = 0
depth = model.forest.trees[0].depth
# pick a splitting node index (optional)
#node_idx = 0 # 0 - 510 for 511 splitting nodes

# get saliency maps for a specified node for different input tensors
# vis_utils.get_node_saliency_map(dataset, model, tree_idx, node_idx, name=opt.dataset)

# get the computational paths for the input
sample, labels, paths, class_pred = vis_utils.get_paths(dataset,