def test_infinite_stream2(self):
        wcdtool_path, wcdtool_testcase_subpath = config_parser.parse_config(
        solution_checker = SolutionChecker(wcdtool_path,
                                           wcdtool_testcase_subpath, 20)

        n1 = Node('ES1')
        n2 = Node('SW1')
        n3 = Node('ES2')
        stream1 = Stream('tt1', 7500, 300, 100, 1, [n1, n2, n3])
        stream3 = Stream('tt3', 3000, 300, 100, 1, [n1, n2, n3])
        stream2 = Stream('tt2', 3000, 100, 100, 2, [n1, n2, n3])
        streams = {'tt1': stream1, 'tt2': stream2, 'tt3': stream3}

        sw1 = Switch('SW1')
        sw1.associate_stream_to_queue(stream1.uid, stream1.sending_time,
                                      stream1.period, stream1.priority, 'ES2')
        sw1.associate_stream_to_queue(stream3.uid, stream3.sending_time,
                                      stream3.period, stream3.priority, 'ES2')
        sw1.associate_stream_to_queue(stream2.uid, stream2.sending_time,
                                      stream2.period, stream2.priority, 'ES2')
        switches = {'SW1': sw1}

        tc = TC(switches, streams, 'TC5')
        initial_solution = create_initial_solution(tc)

        is_valid, is_feasible, exceeding_percentages, wcds, infinite_streams = solution_checker.check_solution(
        self.assertEqual(False, is_feasible)
        self.assertEqual(True, is_valid)
        self.assertEqual(True, stream2.uid in infinite_streams)
            True, stream1.uid not in infinite_streams
            and stream3.uid not in infinite_streams)
    def test_dq_optimizer_simple(self):
        wcdtool_path, wcdtool_testcase_subpath = config_parser.parse_config(
        solution_checker = SolutionChecker(wcdtool_path,
                                           wcdtool_testcase_subpath, 20)

        n1 = Node('ES1')
        n2 = Node('SW1')
        n3 = Node('ES2')
        stream1 = Stream('tt1', 1500, 100, 100, 0, [n1, n2, n3])
        streams = {'tt1': stream1}

        sw1 = Switch('SW1')
        sw1.associate_stream_to_queue(stream1.uid, stream1.sending_time,
                                      stream1.period, stream1.priority, 'ES2')
        p = sw1.output_ports['ES2']
        p.set_window(stream1.priority, 0, 24, 100)
        switches = {'SW1': sw1}

        solution = TC(switches, streams, 'TC1')

        is_valid, is_feasible, exceeding_percentages, wcds, infinite_streams = solution_checker.check_solution(
        optimized_solution = optimize_ports_for_stream(solution, stream1,

        is_valid, is_feasible, exceeding_percentages, wcds, infinite_streams = solution_checker.check_solution(
        self.assertEqual(True, stream1.deadline > float(wcds[stream1.uid]))
        self.assertEqual(True, stream1.deadline < float(wcds[stream1.uid]) + 1)
 def insert_head(self, value):
     # inserting at head
     x = Node(value)
     x.child = self.head
     if self.head:
         self.head.parent = x
     self.head = x
     x.parent = None
    def push_front(self, value):
        if not self.head:
            self.head = Node(value)
            self.tail = self.head
            self.size = 1

            self.head = self.head.parent
            self.size += 1
    def push_back(self, value):
        if not self.head:
            self.head = Node(value)
            self.tail = self.head
            self.size = 1

            self.tail = self.tail.child
            self.size += 1
    def test_dq_optimizer_simple_multi_streams_same_port(self):
        wcdtool_path, wcdtool_testcase_subpath = config_parser.parse_config(
        solution_checker = SolutionChecker(wcdtool_path,
                                           wcdtool_testcase_subpath, 20)

        n1 = Node('ES1')
        n2 = Node('SW1')
        n3 = Node('SW2')
        n4 = Node('ES2')
        stream1 = Stream('tt1', 1500, 300, 100, 0, [n1, n2, n3, n4])
        stream2 = Stream('tt2', 1500, 100, 100, 3, [n1, n3, n4])
        streams = {'tt1': stream1, 'tt2': stream2}

        sw1 = Switch('SW1')
        sw1.associate_stream_to_queue(stream1.uid, stream1.sending_time,
                                      stream1.period, stream1.priority, 'SW2')
        p = sw1.output_ports['SW2']
        p.set_window(stream1.priority, 0, 24, 100)

        sw2 = Switch('SW2')
        sw2.associate_stream_to_queue(stream1.uid, stream1.sending_time,
                                      stream1.period, stream1.priority, 'ES2')
        sw2.associate_stream_to_queue(stream2.uid, stream2.sending_time,
                                      stream2.period, stream2.priority, 'ES2')
        p = sw2.output_ports['ES2']
        p.set_window(stream1.priority, 0, 24, 100)
        p.set_window(stream2.priority, 24, 24, 100)
        switches = {'SW1': sw1, 'SW2': sw2}

        solution = TC(switches, streams, 'TC3')

        is_valid, is_feasible, exceeding_percentages, wcds, infinite_streams = solution_checker.check_solution(
        optimized_solution = optimize_ports_for_stream(solution, stream1,
        optimized_solution = optimize_ports_for_stream(solution, stream2,

        is_valid, is_feasible, exceeding_percentages, wcds, infinite_streams = solution_checker.check_solution(
        self.assertEqual(True, is_feasible)

            True, optimized_solution.switches['SW2'].output_ports['ES2'].
            get_hyperperiod() == 49)
    def push(self, value):
            standard push function
            updates self.tail afterwards
        :param value:
        if self.max == self.size:
            raise StackOverflow()

        if not self.tail:
            self.tail = Node(value)
            self.head = self.tail

            self.tail = self.tail.child

        self.size += 1
def read_file(problem_name: str, verbose: bool) -> tuple:
    Read both .tsp and .opt.tour files from a TSPLIB problem.

    :param problem_name: TSP name from TSPLIB repository
    :param verbose: True for printing on log file, False otherwise.
                    Default value is False.

    :return: a list, named 'tsp_nodes', containing all nodes specified inside .tsp file
             and a tour, named 'optimal_tour', which contains the sequence given as
             optimal path for the current TSP.

    tsp_file_path = Path.cwd() / 'TSPLIB_instances' / problem_name

    if verbose:
        info(' Reading %s.tsp file', problem_name)

    with open(tsp_file_path / (problem_name + '.tsp'),
              encoding='utf-8') as tsp_file:
        tsp_lines = tsp_file.readlines()

        tsp_nodes = list()
        for node in tsp_lines[6:-1]:
            node_info = node.strip().split(' ')
                Node(int(node_info[0]), int(float(node_info[1])),

    if verbose:
        info(' %s.tsp EOF reached\n', problem_name)
        info(' Reading %s.opt.tour file', problem_name)

    with open(tsp_file_path / (problem_name + '.opt.tour'),
              encoding='utf-8') as opt_file:
        opt_lines = opt_file.readlines()

        optimal_tour = Tour()
        if len(opt_lines) != 0:
            for opt_node in opt_lines[6:-2]:


    if verbose:
        info(' %s.opt.tour EOF reached\n', problem_name)

    return tsp_nodes, optimal_tour
Example #9
    def add(self, item):
        current = self.head
        previous = None
        stop = False
        while current != None and not stop:
            if current.getData() > item:
                stop = True
                previous = current
                current = current.getNext()

        temp = Node(item)
        if previous == None:
            self.head = temp
 def add(self, item):
     temp = Node(item)
     self.head = temp
class Stack(Container):
        as we are simulating static arrays in Python, will alter the
        implementation of top by making it a pointer to the top element
        as opposed to the index of the top element in the base array
        will use size to hold the number of entries instead
        self.root = None
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.max = size
        # will not use self.head at all

    def push(self, value):
            standard push function
            updates self.tail afterwards
        :param value:
        if self.max == self.size:
            raise StackOverflow()

        if not self.tail:
            self.tail = Node(value)
            self.head = self.tail

            self.tail = self.tail.child

        self.size += 1

    def pop(self):
            standard pop function
            updates self.tail and returns the popped value
        return_value = self.tail.value if self.tail else None

        if not self.tail:
            assert self.size == 0 and not self.head
            raise StackUnderflow()

        elif self.size == 1:
            self.tail = self.head = None

            self.tail = self.tail.parent
            self.tail.child = None

        self.size -= 1

        return return_value

    def empty(self):
            returns bool(stack is empty?)
        return bool(self.tail)
Example #12
 def push(self, num: int):
     node = Node(num)
     node.parent = self._tail
class List(Container):
    def push_back(self, value):
        if not self.head:
            self.head = Node(value)
            self.tail = self.head
            self.size = 1

            self.tail = self.tail.child
            self.size += 1

    def push_front(self, value):
        if not self.head:
            self.head = Node(value)
            self.tail = self.head
            self.size = 1

            self.head = self.head.parent
            self.size += 1

    def insert(self, index, value):
        # inserting at specified index
        pointer = self.head
        assert index < self.size
        for i in range(index):
            pointer = pointer.child

        if pointer != self.head:
            temp = pointer.parent
            temp.child.child = pointer
            pointer.parent = temp.child
            self.size += 1


    def insert_head(self, value):
        # inserting at head
        x = Node(value)
        x.child = self.head
        if self.head:
            self.head.parent = x
        self.head = x
        x.parent = None

    def swap(self, index, value):
        pointer = self.head
        assert index < self.size
        for i in range(index):
            pointer = pointer.child

        pointer.value = value

    def delete(self, index):
        # deleting at specified index
        # NOT O(1)
        # worst case: O(n)
        pointer = self.head
        assert index < self.size
        for i in range(index):
            pointer = pointer.child

        if pointer != self.head:

            temp = pointer.parent

            if pointer:
                temp.child = pointer.child

                temp.child = None

            self.head = pointer.child

        self.size -= 1

    def at(self, index):
        pointer = self.head
        assert index < self.size
        for i in range(index):
            pointer = pointer.child

        return pointer.value

    def search(self, value):
        x = self.head
        # while x != NIL and x.key != k
        while x and x.value != value:
            x = x.child

        return x
Example #14
 def add(self, num: int) -> None:
     node = Node(num)
Example #15
def parse_testcase(test_case_path: str, wcdtool_path: str, wcdtool_testcase_path: str):

        test_case_path (str): Path to .streams file
        wcdtool_path (str):  Path to wcdtool executable
        wcdtool_testcase_path (str): Path to wcdtool testcase folder

        TestCase object

    ##### 1. Setup #####
    # Data Structures
    streams = {}  # Map: Stream Name -> Stream
    switches = {}  # Map: Switch Name -> Switch

    _nodes = {}  # Map: Node Name -> Node
    _routes = {}  # Map: VLS Name -> Route (Ordered List of Nodes)

    # Files
    stream_file = open(test_case_path, 'r')
    vls_file = open(test_case_path[:-7] + 'vls', 'r') # remove ".streams" ending and add ".vls" instead

    # Determine test case name from path
    tc_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(test_case_path))[0]  # removes file ending and dot

    ##### 2. Copying #####
    # Copy over stream and vls file for later use with wcd tool
    if not os.path.exists("{}\\in\\".format(wcdtool_path + wcdtool_testcase_path + tc_name)):
        os.makedirs("{}\\in\\".format(wcdtool_path + wcdtool_testcase_path + tc_name),

    if not os.path.exists("{}\\out\\".format(wcdtool_path + wcdtool_testcase_path + tc_name)):
        os.makedirs("{}\\out\\".format(wcdtool_path + wcdtool_testcase_path + tc_name),
    copyfile(, "{}\\in\\{}".format(wcdtool_path + wcdtool_testcase_path + tc_name, 'msg.txt'))
    copyfile(, "{}\\in\\{}".format(wcdtool_path + wcdtool_testcase_path + tc_name, 'vls.txt'))

    ##### 3. Parsing #####
    # Parsing .vls file
    for line in vls_file:
        if not line.startswith('#'):
            # TODO: allow more chars
            m = re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s?,\s?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', line)
            if m is not None:
                _routes[line.split(' ')[0]] = []  # Create Route with name of vl
                r = _routes[line.split(' ')[0]]

                first = True
                for tpl in m:
                    # For each link create nodes if not existent yet
                    n1_name = tpl[0]
                    n2_name = tpl[1]

                    if n1_name not in _nodes:
                        _nodes[n1_name] = Node(n1_name)
                        if _nodes[n1_name].type == 'SW':
                            switches[n1_name] = Switch(n1_name)

                    if n2_name not in _nodes:
                        _nodes[n2_name] = Node(n2_name)
                        if _nodes[n2_name].type == 'SW':
                            switches[n2_name] = Switch(n2_name)

                    # Add nodes to route
                    if first:
                        # first link -> add both nodes
                        first = False
                        # add second node

                    # Add output port to first node if it is a switch
                    if n1_name in switches.keys():

    # Parsing .streams file
    for line in stream_file:
        if not line.startswith('#'):
            m ='([^\s,]+),\s?(\d+),\s?(\d+),\s?([^\s,]+),\s?([^\s,]+),\s?(\d+),\s?(\d+)', line)
            if m is not None:
                if != 'TT':
                    print('Warning. Unknow traffic class {} found. Will assume TT'.format(
                s = Stream(, int(, int(, int(, int(,
                streams[] = s  # Add to list

                # Associate Stream with each switch on route (skip end systems)
                i = 1
                for node in s.route[1:-1]:
                    switches[node.uid].associate_stream_to_queue(s.uid, s.sending_time, s.period, s.priority, s.route[i + 1].uid)
                    i += 1

    ##### 4. Return TestCase #####
    return TestCase(switches, streams, tc_name, len(_nodes)-len(switches))