def __init__(self, current_user: User, analysis: Analysis): super(AnalysisPageData, self).__init__(current_user, analysis, 'Analysis') attached = [collection in analysis.collections for collection in get_collections(current_user)] self.collection_table_data = ListTableData(current_user, get_collections(current_user), 'Collections', attached, 'Attached') self.attach_url = url_for('analyses_api.attach_collection', self.merge_url = url_for('collections_api.merge_collections')
def render_collection_list(): try: current_user = get_current_user() return render_template('pages/list.html', page_data=ListTableData( current_user, get_collections(current_user), 'Collections')) except Exception as e: return handle_exception_browser(e)
def __init__(self, current_user: User, selected_collections: List[Collection] = None): if selected_collections is None: selected_collections = [] super(AnalysisCreateFormData, self).__init__(current_user, 'Create Analysis') self.entries.append( FormEntry('groupWriteCheckbox', 'group_can_write', 'User group members can edit or delete?', True, 'checkbox')) collection_options = [ SelectOption(, f'{}: {}', collection in selected_collections) for collection in get_collections(current_user) ] self.entries.append( FormEntry('collectionSelect', 'collection_ids', 'Collections', input_type='select', select_options=collection_options, select_multiple=True))
def get_post_form(): try: collection_options = [ {'label': f'{}: {}', 'value':} for collection in get_collections(current_user, {'kind': 'data'}) ] analysis_options = [ {'label': f'{}: {}', 'value':} for analysis in get_analyses(current_user) ] except: collection_options = [] analysis_options = [] try: editor_data = CollectionProcessingModel(load_data=True) loaded_badges = editor_data.get_collection_badges() collection_load_info = editor_data.get_collection_load_info() except: loaded_badges = [html.Span([dbc.Badge('None', className='badge-pill')])] collection_load_info = 'Loaded collections.' return dbc.Card( dbc.CardBody( dbc.Form( [ dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( [ dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label('Collection IDs', html_for='collection-id'), dcc.Dropdown(options=collection_options, id='collection-id', multi=True) ] ) ] ), dbc.Col( [ dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label(collection_load_info, html_for='loaded-display', id='collections-label'), dcc.Loading( [ dbc.InputGroup( [ dbc.Button('Get', id='get-collection', className='col-sm-2 btn-success'), html.H4(loaded_badges, id='loaded-collections', className='col-sm-10') ], id='loaded-display' ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ), html.H5('Post Collection'), dbc.Row( [ dbc.Col( [ dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label('Name', html_for='name-input-wrapper-wrapper'), html.Div( html.Div( dbc.Input(id='name-input'), id='name-input-wrapper' ), id='name-input-wrapper-wrapper' ) ] ) ] ), dbc.Col( [ dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label('Analyses', html_for='analysis-select'), dcc.Dropdown(id='analysis-select', options=analysis_options, multi=True) ] ) ] ), dbc.Col( [ dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Label('Post', html_for='post-button-group'), dbc.FormGroup( [ dbc.Button([html.I(className='fas fa-upload'), ' Post'], id='post-button', className='btn btn-success') ], id='post-button-group' ) ] ) ] ) ], className='form-row' ), dcc.Loading(html.Small('', id='post-message', className='form-text')) # will inject link when results posted ] ) ) )
def get_pca_options_form(): try: collection_options = [{ 'label': f'{}: {}', 'value': } for collection in get_collections(current_user, {'kind': 'data'})] except: collection_options = [] try: pca_data = PCAModel(load_data=True) label_options = [{ 'label': label, 'value': label } for label in pca_data.labels] loaded_badges = pca_data.get_collection_badges() collection_load_info = pca_data.get_collection_load_info() except: loaded_badges = [ html.Span([dbc.Badge('None', className='badge-pill')]) ] collection_load_info = 'Loaded collections.' label_options = [] return dbc.Card( dbc.CardBody( dbc.Form([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Collection ID', html_for='collection-id'), dcc.Dropdown(options=collection_options, id='collection-id', multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label(collection_load_info, html_for='loaded-display', id='collections-label'), dcc.Loading([ dbc.InputGroup([ dbc.Button( 'Get', id='get-collection', className='col-sm-2 btn-success'), html.H4(loaded_badges, id='loaded-collections', className='col-sm-10') ], id='loaded-display') ]) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Scale by label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The mean of the records satisfying conditions on these ' 'fields will be subtracted from each record, then each' ' record will be scaled by the standard deviation of the' ' records satisfying the conditions.') ], html_for='scale-by'), dcc.Dropdown(id='scale-by', options=label_options, multi=True), ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Scale by conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The conditions for the records to use for scaling. If ' 'left blank, then no scaling is performed.' ) ], html_for='scale-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='scale-by-value', options=[{ 'label': 'All Records', 'value': 'index' }], multi=True), ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Model by label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Only consider records satisfying conditions on these' ' fields.') ], html_for='model-by'), dcc.Dropdown(id='model-by', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Model by conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The conditions which must be satisfied for the records' 'to be considered.') ], html_for='model-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='model-by-value', options=[], multi=True) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Ignore by label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Exclude records satisfying conditions on these fields' ) ], html_for='ignore-by'), dcc.Dropdown(id='ignore-by', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Ignore by conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Conditions which apply to records to be excluded.' ) ], html_for='ignore-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='ignore-by-value', options=[], multi=True) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Pair on label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The paired analysis works on the difference between ' 'records in one class and other records, where the ' 'records are "paired" by some identity condition. The ' '"pair on" label is used to pair all the records with ' 'equal values for that field.') ], html_for='pair-on'), dcc.Dropdown(id='pair-on', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Pair with label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The "pair with" condition applies to the records to be ' 'subtracted from the others') ], html_for='pair-with'), dcc.Dropdown(id='pair-with', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Pair with conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The condition which must apply for the records which ' 'will be subtracted.') ], html_for='pair-with-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='pair-with-value', options=[], multi=True) ]) ]), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Project by label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Select additional data to be projected' ' on the PC axes created by the model.') ], html_for='additional-projection'), dcc.Dropdown(id='project-by', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Project by conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The conditions which must be satisfied for the records' ' to be projected.') ], html_for='project-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='project-by-value', options=[], multi=True) ]) ]) ]), dbc.FormGroup([ dcc.Loading([ dbc.Button('Run PCA', id='pca-button', color='primary', className='btn btn-block form-control'), html.Small('', id='message', className='form-text') ]) ]) ])))
def get_opls_options_form(): try: collection_options = [{ 'label': f'{}: {}', 'value': } for collection in get_collections(current_user, {'kind': 'data'})] except: collection_options = [] try: opls_data = OPLSModel(load_data=True) label_options = [{ 'label': label, 'value': label } for label in opls_data.labels] label_options_with_type = [{ 'label': label, 'value': label } for label in opls_data.get_label_data(True)] loaded_badges = opls_data.get_collection_badges() collection_load_info = opls_data.get_collection_load_info() except: loaded_badges = [ html.Span([dbc.Badge('None', className='badge-pill')]) ] collection_load_info = 'Loaded collections.' label_options = [] label_options_with_type = [] return dbc.Form([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Collection ID', html_for='collection-id'), dcc.Dropdown(options=collection_options, id='collection-id', multi=False) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label(collection_load_info, html_for='loaded-display', id='collections-label'), dcc.Loading([ dbc.InputGroup([ dbc.Button('Get', id='get-collection', className='col-sm-2 btn-success'), html.H4(loaded_badges, id='loaded-collections', className='col-sm-10') ], id='loaded-display') ]) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Target variable.', html.Abbr('\uFE56', title='The target ("y") variable.') ], html_for='target-variable'), dcc.Dropdown(id='target-variable', options=label_options_with_type, multi=False) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Regression type.', html.Abbr('\uFE56', title='For categorical target variables,' ' choose Discrimination. When The' ' magnitudes of values are important' ' choose Regression.') ], html_for='regression-type'), dcc.Dropdown(id='regression-type', options=[{ 'label': 'Regression', 'value': 'regression' }, { 'label': 'Discrimination', 'value': 'discrimination' }], multi=False) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Multiclass discrimination behavior', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'How to handle multiclass targets. One regressor is' ' created for each class or pair of classes and the ' 'cross-validation is performed on each one separately. ' '"One v. One" will try to discriminate between each pair' ' of classes. "One v. All" will discriminate each class ' 'from all the other classes. You can select both.\n\n' 'If "Regression" is selected in the previous option, an ' 'attempt will be made to coerce the values of the target ' 'variable into floating-point numbers and treat the target ' 'as a continuous variable and this option will be ignored.' ) ], html_for='multiclass-behavior'), dcc.Dropdown(id='multiclass-behavior', options=[{ 'label': 'One v. one', 'value': 'one_v_one', }, { 'label': 'One v. all', 'value': 'one_v_all' }], multi=True) ]) ]), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Cross-validation folds', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The number of test/train splits for the test to determine ' 'the significance of regression quality metrics.') ], html_for='cross-val-k'), dbc.Input(id='cross-val-k', type='number', value=-1, min=-1) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Minimum orthogonal components.', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The minimum number of orthogonal components to remove.' ) ], html_for='min-n-components'), dbc.Input(id='min-n-components', type='number', value=1, min=1) ]) ]), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Inner test \u03B1', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'A two-sided p-value threshold which is used to determine ' 'which features need further scrutiny.') ], html_for='inner-test-alpha'), dbc.Input(id='inner-test-alpha', type='number', value=0.2, step=0.05) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Outer test \u03B1', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'A two-sided p-value threshold which is used to determine ' 'which features are significant.') ], html_for='outer-test-alpha'), dbc.Input(id='outer-test-alpha', type='number', value=0.01, step=0.01) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Metric test permutations', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'How many permutations (of the target) to determine ' 'p-values for regression quality metrics.') ], html_for='permutations'), dbc.Input(id='permutations', type='number', value=1000) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Inner test permutations', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'How many permutations (of the data in one feature) to ' 'perform for every feature to estimate its significance.' ) ], html_for='inner-permutations'), dbc.Input(id='inner-permutations', type='number', value=100) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Outer test permutations', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'How many permutations (of the data in one feature) to ' 'perform for every feature determined to be potentially ' 'significant in the first round.') ], html_for='outer-permutations'), dbc.Input(id='outer-permutations', type='number', value=500) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Scale by label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The mean of the records satisfying conditions on these ' 'fields will be subtracted from each record, then each' ' record will be scaled by the standard deviation of the' ' records satisfying the conditions.') ], html_for='scale-by'), dcc.Dropdown(id='scale-by', options=label_options, multi=True), ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Scale by conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The conditions for the records to use for scaling. If ' 'left blank, then no scaling is performed.') ], html_for='scale-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='scale-by-value', options=[{ 'label': 'All Records', 'value': 'index' }], multi=True), ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Model by label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Only consider records satisfying conditions on these' ' fields.') ], html_for='model-by'), dcc.Dropdown(id='model-by', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Model by conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The conditions which must be satisfied for the records' 'to be considered.') ], html_for='model-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='model-by-value', options=[], multi=True) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Ignore by label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Exclude records satisfying conditions on these fields' ) ], html_for='ignore-by'), dcc.Dropdown(id='ignore-by', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Ignore by conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Conditions which apply to records to be excluded.' ) ], html_for='ignore-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='ignore-by-value', options=[], multi=True) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Pair on label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The paired analysis works on the difference between ' 'records in one class and other records, where the ' 'records are "paired" by some identity condition. The ' '"pair on" label is used to pair all the records with ' 'equal values for that field.') ], html_for='pair-on'), dcc.Dropdown(id='pair-on', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Pair with label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The "pair with" condition applies to the records to be ' 'subtracted from the others') ], html_for='pair-with'), dcc.Dropdown(id='pair-with', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Pair with conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The condition which must apply for the records which ' 'will be subtracted.') ], html_for='pair-with-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='pair-with-value', options=[], multi=True) ]) ]), ]), dbc.FormGroup([ dcc.Loading([ dbc.Button('Run OPLS', id='opls-button', color='primary', className='btn btn-block form-control'), html.Small('', id='message', className='form-text') ]) ]) ])
def get_load_results_form(): try: analysis_options = [{ 'label': f'{}: {}', 'value': } for analysis in get_analyses(current_user)] except: analysis_options = [] try: collection_options = [{ 'label': f'{}: {}', 'value': } for collection in get_collections(current_user, {'kind': 'results'}) if collection.get_attr('analysis_type', safe=True) == 'opls'] except: collection_options = [] try: opls_data = OPLSModel(load_data=True) loaded_badges = opls_data.get_results_collection_badges() except: loaded_badges = [ html.Span([dbc.Badge('None', className='badge-pill')]) ] return dbc.Form([ html.H5('Load Results'), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Results Collection ID', html_for='results-collection-id'), dcc.Dropdown(options=collection_options, id='results-collection-id', multi=False) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Results collection'), dcc.Loading([ dbc.InputGroup([ dbc.Button('Get', id='get-results-collection', className='col-sm-2 btn-success'), html.H4(html.Div(loaded_badges, id='loaded-results-collection'), id='loaded-results-collection-wrapper', className='col-sm-10') ], id='loaded-results-display') ]) ]) ]) ]), html.H5('Save Results'), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Results', html_for='results-select'), dcc.Dropdown(id='results-select', multi=True, options=[{ 'label': 'Metrics', 'value': 'metrics' }, { 'label': 'Loadings + p-Values', 'value': 'loadings' }, { 'label': 'Scores', 'value': 'scores' }, { 'label': 'Weights', 'value': 'weights' }]) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('File Format', html_for='file-format-select'), dcc.Dropdown(id='file-format-select', multi=False, options=[{ 'label': 'CSV', 'value': 'csv' }]) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Assemble results', html_for='download-button-group'), dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Button([html.I(className='fas fa-cogs')], id='download-button', className='btn btn-info') ], id='download-button-group') ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Download', html_for='download-link-group'), dbc.FormGroup([ html.A( [html.I(className='fas fa-download'), ' Download'], id='download-link', className='btn btn-secondary disabled') ], id='download-link-group') ]) ]) ], className='form-row'), html.Div(html.Small('', id='download-message', className='form-text')), # dcc.Loading(html.Small('', id='download-message', className='form-text')), # will inject link when results posted html.H5('Save Plots'), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Width', html_for='width-input'), dbc.Input(type='number', min=0, step=0.25, value=6.5, id='width-input') ]) ], className='col-2'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Height', html_for='height-input'), dbc.Input(type='number', min=0, step=0.25, value=4, id='height-input') ]) ], className='col-2'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Units', html_for='units-select'), dcc.Dropdown(options=[{ 'label': 'in', 'value': 'in' }, { 'label': 'cm', 'value': 'cm' }, { 'label': 'px', 'value': 'px' }], value='in', clearable=False, id='units-select') ]) ], className='col-1'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('DPI', html_for='dpi-select'), dbc.Input(type='number', min=50, step=25, value=100, id='dpi-input') ]) ], className='col-2'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('File Formats', html_for='plot-file-format-select'), dcc.Dropdown(options=[{ 'label': 'SVG', 'value': 'svg' }, { 'label': 'PNG', 'value': 'png' }, { 'label': 'JPEG', 'value': 'jpg' }, { 'label': 'PDF', 'value': 'pdf' }, { 'label': 'TIFF', 'value': 'tif' }, { 'label': 'EPS', 'value': 'eps' }], value=['png'], clearable=False, multi=True, id='plot-file-format-select') ]) ], className='col-2'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Prepare', html_for='plot-download-button-group'), dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Button( [html.I(className='fas fa-cogs'), ' Prepare'], id='plot-download-button', className='btn btn-info') ], id='plot-download-button-group') ]) ], className='col-1'), dbc.Col( [ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Download', html_for='plot-download-link-group'), dbc.FormGroup( [ #dcc.Loading( html.Div( html.A([ html.I(className='fas fa-download'), ' Download' ], id='plot-download-link', className= 'btn btn-secondary disabled')) ], id='plot-download-link-group') ]) ], className='col-1') ]), dbc.Row([ dcc.Interval( id='progress-interval', n_intervals=0, interval=3600000), html.Div(dbc.FormText('Image export progress'), id='progress-label'), dbc.Progress(html.Div( dbc.Badge('0/0', color='light', pill=True, id='progress-badge')), id='progress', striped=True, animated=True, style={'height': '25px'}, color='info', className='w-100') ], id='progress-div'), # will inject link when results posted # dcc.Loading(html.Small('', id='plot-download-message', className='form-text')), html.Div( html.Small('', id='plot-download-message', className='form-text')), html.H5('Post transformed collection'), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Name', html_for='name-input'), dbc.Input(id='name-input') ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Analysis', html_for='analysis-select'), dcc.Dropdown(id='analysis-select', options=analysis_options) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Post', html_for='post-button-group'), dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Button( [html.I(className='fas fa-upload'), ' Post'], id='post-button', className='btn btn-success') ], id='post-button-group') ]) ]) ], className='form-row'), dcc.Loading(html.Small('', id='post-message', className='form-text')) # will inject link when results posted ])
def get_plot_options_form(): try: collection_options = [{ 'label': f'{}: {}', 'value': } for collection in get_collections(current_user, {'kind': 'data'})] except: collection_options = [] try: viz_data = VisualizationModel(load_data=True) label_options = [{ 'label': label, 'value': label } for label in viz_data.labels] loaded_badges = viz_data.get_collection_badges() collection_load_info = viz_data.get_collection_load_info() except: loaded_badges = [ html.Span([dbc.Badge('None', className='badge-pill')]) ] collection_load_info = 'Loaded collections.' label_options = [] return dbc.Form([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Collection ID', html_for='collection-id'), dcc.Dropdown(options=collection_options, id='collection-id', multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label(collection_load_info, html_for='loaded-display', id='collections-label'), dcc.Loading([ dbc.InputGroup([ dbc.Button('Get', id='get-collection', className='col-sm-2 btn-success'), html.H4(loaded_badges, id='loaded-collections', className='col-sm-10') ], id='loaded-display') ]) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Group By', html_for='group-by'), dcc.Dropdown(options=label_options, id='group-by', multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Display Groups', html_for='group-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(options=[], id='group-by-value', multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Label By', html_for='label-by'), dcc.Dropdown(options=label_options, id='label-by', multi=True) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Show Bins From', html_for='bin-collection'), dcc.Dropdown(options=collection_options, id='bin-collection', multi=False) ]) ], className='col-5'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Legend Style', html_for='legend-style-select'), dcc.Dropdown(options=[{ 'label': 'Full', 'value': 'full' }, { 'label': 'Groups', 'value': 'groups' }, { 'label': 'None', 'value': 'none' }], value='full', id='legend-style-select', clearable=False) ]) ], className='col-3'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Background Color', html_for='background-color-select'), dcc.Dropdown(options=[ { 'label': 'Transparent', 'value': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' }, { 'label': 'White', 'value': 'rgba(255,255,255,1)' }, ], value='rgba(0,0,0,0)', id='background-color-select', clearable=False) ]) ], className='col-3'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Plot', html_for='plot-button-group'), dbc.InputGroup([ dbc.Button('Plot', color='primary', id='plot-button') ], id='plot-button-group') ]) ], className='col-1'), ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Width', html_for='width-input'), dbc.Input(type='number', min=0, step=0.25, value=6.5, id='width-input') ]) ], className='col-2'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Height', html_for='height-input'), dbc.Input(type='number', min=0, step=0.25, value=4, id='height-input') ]) ], className='col-2'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Units', html_for='units-select'), dcc.Dropdown(options=[{ 'label': 'in', 'value': 'in' }, { 'label': 'cm', 'value': 'cm' }, { 'label': 'px', 'value': 'px' }], value='in', clearable=False, id='units-select') ]) ], className='col-1'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('DPI', html_for='dpi-select'), dbc.Input(type='number', min=50, step=25, value=100, id='dpi-input') ]) ], className='col-2'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('File Format', html_for='file-format-select'), dcc.Dropdown(options=[{ 'label': 'SVG', 'value': 'svg' }, { 'label': 'PNG', 'value': 'png' }, { 'label': 'JPEG', 'value': 'jpg' }, { 'label': 'PDF', 'value': 'pdf' }, { 'label': 'TIFF', 'value': 'tif' }, { 'label': 'EPS', 'value': 'eps' }], value='png', clearable=False, id='file-format-select') ]) ], className='col-2'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Prepare', html_for='download-button-group'), dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Button([html.I(className='fas fa-cogs')], id='download-button', className='btn btn-info') ], id='download-button-group') ]) ], className='col-1'), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Download', html_for='download-link-group'), dbc.FormGroup([ dcc.Loading( html.A([html.I(className='fas fa-download')], id='download-link', className='btn btn-secondary disabled')) ], id='download-link-group') ]) ], className='col-1') ]), dbc.Row( dcc.Loading( html.Small('', id='download-message', className='form-text'))), ])
def get_options_form(): try: collection_options = [{ 'label': f'{}: {}', 'value': } for collection in get_collections(current_user, {'kind': 'data'})] analysis_options = [{ 'label': f'{}: {}', 'value': } for analysis in get_analyses(current_user)] except: collection_options = [] analysis_options = [] try: editor_data = CollectionEditorModel(load_data=True) label_options = [{ 'label': label, 'value': label } for label in editor_data.labels] loaded_badges = editor_data.get_collection_badges() collection_load_info = editor_data.get_collection_load_info() if len(loaded_badges) == 2: collection_ids = editor_data.unique_vals('original_collection_id') collection_id_options = [{ 'label': f'collection_id={i}', 'value': i } for i in collection_ids] else: collection_id_options = [] except: loaded_badges = [ html.Span([dbc.Badge('None', className='badge-pill')]) ] collection_load_info = 'Loaded collections.' label_options = [] collection_id_options = [] return dbc.Form([ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Collection IDs', html_for='collection-id'), dcc.Dropdown(options=collection_options, id='collection-id', multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label(collection_load_info, html_for='loaded-display', id='collections-label'), dcc.Loading([ dbc.InputGroup([ dbc.Button('Get', id='get-collection', className='col-sm-2 btn-success'), html.H4(loaded_badges, id='loaded-collections', className='col-sm-10') ], id='loaded-display') ]) ]) ]) ]), html.H5('Filter/Join Collections'), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Filter by label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Only consider records satisfying conditions on these' ' fields.') ], html_for='filter-by'), dcc.Dropdown(id='filter-by', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Filter by conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The conditions which must be satisfied for the records' 'to be considered.') ], html_for='filter-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='filter-by-value', options=[], multi=True) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Ignore by label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Exclude records satisfying conditions on these fields' ) ], html_for='ignore-by'), dcc.Dropdown(id='ignore-by', options=label_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Ignore by conditions', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'Conditions which apply to records to be excluded.' ) ], html_for='ignore-by-value'), dcc.Dropdown(id='ignore-by-value', options=[], multi=True) ]) ]) ]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ 'Join on label(s)', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'A combination of values forming a unique key on which ' 'the two collections are joined.') ], html_for='join-on'), dcc.Dropdown(id='join-on', options=label_options, multi=True, disabled=(len(loaded_badges) != 2)) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label([ '"Left" Collection ID', html.Abbr( '\uFE56', title= 'The collection id for the collection which will have ' 'positive values for "x" and appear on the left side of ' 'the plots') ], html_for='positive-collection'), dcc.Dropdown(id='positive-collection', options=collection_id_options, multi=False, disabled=(len(loaded_badges) != 2)) ]) ]) ]), html.H5('Post Collection'), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Name', html_for='name-input-wrapper-wrapper'), html.Div(html.Div(dbc.Input(id='name-input'), id='name-input-wrapper'), id='name-input-wrapper-wrapper') ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Analyses', html_for='analysis-select'), dcc.Dropdown(id='analysis-select', options=analysis_options, multi=True) ]) ]), dbc.Col([ dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Label('Post', html_for='post-button-group'), dbc.FormGroup([ dbc.Button( [html.I(className='fas fa-upload'), ' Post'], id='post-button', className='btn btn-success') ], id='post-button-group') ]) ]) ], className='form-row'), dcc.Loading(html.Small('', id='post-message', className='form-text')) # will inject link when results posted ])