def get_post( api, board: str, post_aid: str = None, post_index: int = 0, search_type: int = 0, search_condition: str = None, query: bool = False) -> data_type.PostInfo: cmd_list = [] cmd_list.append(command.GoMainMenu) cmd_list.append('qs') cmd_list.append(board) cmd_list.append(command.Enter) cmd_list.append(command.Ctrl_C * 2) cmd_list.append(command.Space) if post_aid is not None: cmd_list.append('#' + post_aid) elif post_index != 0: if search_condition is not None: if search_type == data_type.post_search_type.KEYWORD: cmd_list.append('/') elif search_type == data_type.post_search_type.AUTHOR: cmd_list.append('a') elif search_type == data_type.post_search_type.PUSH: cmd_list.append('Z') elif search_type == data_type.post_search_type.MARK: cmd_list.append('G') elif search_type == data_type.post_search_type.MONEY: cmd_list.append('A') cmd_list.append(search_condition) cmd_list.append(command.Enter) cmd_list.append(str(post_index)) cmd_list.append(command.Enter) cmd_list.append(command.QueryPost) cmd = ''.join(cmd_list) target_list = [ connect_core.TargetUnit( [ i18n.CatchPost, i18n.Success, ], screens.Target.QueryPost, break_detect=True, refresh=False, log_level=log.level.DEBUG ), connect_core.TargetUnit( [ i18n.PostDeleted, i18n.Success, ], screens.Target.InBoard, break_detect=True, log_level=log.level.DEBUG ), connect_core.TargetUnit( i18n.NoSuchBoard, screens.Target.MainMenu_Exiting, exceptions_=exceptions.NoSuchBoard(api.config, board) ), ] index = api.connect_core.send(cmd, target_list) ori_screen = api.connect_core.get_screen_queue()[-1] post_author = None post_title = None if index < 0 or index == 1: # 文章被刪除 log.log(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.PostDeleted) log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'OriScreen', ori_screen ) cursor_line = [line for line in ori_screen.split( '\n') if line.startswith(api.cursor)] if len(cursor_line) != 1: raise exceptions.UnknownError(ori_screen) cursor_line = cursor_line[0] log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'CursorLine', cursor_line ) pattern = re.compile('[\d]+\/[\d]+') pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: list_date = None else: list_date = list_date = list_date[-5:] pattern = re.compile('\[[\w]+\]') pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: post_del_status = data_type.post_delete_status.AUTHOR else: pattern = re.compile('<[\w]+>') pattern_result = post_del_status = data_type.post_delete_status.MODERATOR # > 79843 9/11 - □ (本文已被吃掉)< # > 76060 8/28 - □ (本文已被刪除) [weida7332] # print(f'O=>{CursorLine}<') if pattern_result is not None: post_author =[1:-1] else: post_author = None post_del_status = data_type.post_delete_status.UNKNOWN log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'ListDate', list_date) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'PostAuthor', post_author) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'post_del_status', post_del_status) return data_type.PostInfo( board=board, author=post_author, list_date=list_date, delete_status=post_del_status, format_check=True ) elif index == 0: lock_post = False try: cursor_line = [line for line in ori_screen.split( '\n') if line.strip().startswith(api.cursor)][0] except Exception as e: print(api.cursor) print(ori_screen) raise e post_author = cursor_line if '□' in post_author: post_author = post_author[:post_author.find('□')].strip() elif 'R:' in post_author: post_author = post_author[:post_author.find('R:')].strip() elif ' 轉 ' in post_author: post_author = post_author[:post_author.find('轉')].strip() elif ' 鎖 ' in post_author: post_author = post_author[:post_author.find('鎖')].strip() lock_post = True post_author = post_author[post_author.rfind(' '):].strip() post_title = cursor_line if ' □ ' in post_title: post_title = post_title[post_title.find('□') + 1:].strip() elif ' R:' in post_title: post_title = post_title[post_title.find('R:'):].strip() elif ' 轉 ' in post_title: # print(f'[{PostTitle}]=========>') post_title = post_title[post_title.find('轉') + 1:].strip() post_title = f'Fw: {post_title}' # print(f'=========>[{PostTitle}]') elif ' 鎖 ' in post_title: post_title = post_title[post_title.find('鎖') + 1:].strip() ori_screen_temp = ori_screen[ori_screen.find('┌──────────'):] ori_screen_temp = ori_screen_temp[:ori_screen_temp.find( '└─────────────') ] aid_line = [line for line in ori_screen.split( '\n') if line.startswith('│ 文章代碼(AID)')] if len(aid_line) == 1: aid_line = aid_line[0] pattern = re.compile('#[\w|-]+') pattern_result = post_aid =[1:] pattern = re.compile('文章網址: https:[\S]+html') pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: post_web = None else: post_web =[6:] pattern = re.compile('這一篇文章值 [\d]+ Ptt幣') pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: # 特殊文章無價格 post_money = -1 else: post_money =[7:] post_money = post_money[:post_money.find(' ')] post_money = int(post_money) pattern = re.compile('[\d]+\/[\d]+') pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: list_date = None else: list_date = list_date = list_date[-5:] # print(list_date) # > 7485 9 8/09 CodingMan □ [閒聊] PTT Library 更新 # > 79189 M 1 9/17 LittleCalf □ [公告] 禁言退文公告 # >781508 +爆 9/17 jodojeda □ [新聞] 國人吃魚少 學者:應把吃魚當成輕鬆愉快 # >781406 +X1 9/17 kingofage111 R: [申請] ReDmango 請辭Gossiping板主職務 if post_index == 0: pattern = re.compile('[\d]+') pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: post_index = int( push_number = cursor_line # print(f'2>{push_number}<') push_number = push_number[7:11] # print(PushNumber) push_number = push_number.split(' ') # print(PushNumber) push_number = list(filter(None, push_number)) # print(PushNumber) if len(push_number) == 0: push_number = None else: push_number = push_number[-1] # print(PushNumber) if push_number.startswith('+') or push_number.startswith('~'): push_number = push_number[1:] # print(PushNumber) if push_number.lower().startswith('m'): push_number = push_number[1:] # print(PushNumber) if push_number.lower().startswith('!'): push_number = push_number[1:] if push_number.lower().startswith('s'): push_number = push_number[1:] if push_number.lower().startswith('='): push_number = push_number[1:] if len(push_number) == 0: push_number = None # print(PushNumber) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'PostAuthor', post_author) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'PostTitle', post_title) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'PostAID', post_aid) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'PostWeb', post_web) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'PostMoney', post_money) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'ListDate', list_date) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'PushNumber', push_number) if lock_post: post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, list_date=list_date, format_check=True, push_number=push_number, lock=True, ) return post if query: post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, list_date=list_date, format_check=True, push_number=push_number, ) return post origin_post, has_control_code = _api_util.get_content(api) if origin_post is None: post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, push_number=push_number, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post # print('=' * 20) # print() # print('=' * 20) content_start = '───────────────────────────────────────' content_end = [] content_end.append('--\n※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(') content_end.append('--\n※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(') content_end.append('--\n※ 發信站: 新批踢踢(') post_author_pattern_new = re.compile('作者 (.+) 看板') post_author_pattern_old = re.compile('作者 (.+)') board_pattern = re.compile('看板 (.+)') post_date = None post_content = [] ip = None location = None push_list = [] # 格式確認,亂改的我也沒辦法Q_Q origin_post_lines = origin_post.split('\n') author_line = origin_post_lines[0] if board.lower() == 'allpost': board_line = author_line[author_line.find(')') + 1:] pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: board_temp = post_author = board_temp = board_temp[2:].strip() if len(board_temp) > 0: board = board_temp log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Board, board ) pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: post_author = post_author = post_author[:post_author.rfind(')') + 1] else: pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, i18n.Author ) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post post_author = post_author = post_author[:post_author.rfind(')') + 1] post_author = post_author[4:].strip() log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Author, post_author ) post_title_pattern = re.compile('標題 (.+)') title_line = origin_post_lines[1] pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, i18n.Title ) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post post_title = post_title = post_title[4:].strip() log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Title, post_title ) post_date_pattern = re.compile('時間 (.+)') date_line = origin_post_lines[2] pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, i18n.Date ) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post post_date = post_date = post_date[4:].strip() log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Date, post_date ) content_fail = True if content_start not in origin_post: # print('Type 1') content_fail = True else: post_content = origin_post post_content = post_content[ post_content.find(content_start) + len(content_start) + 1: ] # print('Type 2') # print(f'PostContent [{PostContent}]') for EC in content_end: # + 3 = 把 --\n 拿掉 # print(f'EC [{EC}]') if EC in post_content: content_fail = False post_content = post_content[ :post_content.rfind(EC) + 3 ] origin_post_lines = origin_post[origin_post.find(EC):] # post_content = post_content.strip() origin_post_lines = origin_post_lines.split('\n') break if content_fail: log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, i18n.Content ) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Content, post_content ) info_lines = [ line for line in origin_post_lines if line.startswith('※') or line.startswith('◆') ] pattern = re.compile('[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+') pattern_p2 = re.compile('[\d]+-[\d]+-[\d]+-[\d]+') for line in reversed(info_lines): log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'IP Line', line ) # type 1 # ※ 編輯: CodingMan ( 臺灣) # ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) # type 2 # ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: # ※ 編輯: kill77845 (, 12/08/2018 16:47:59 # type 3 # ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( # ◆ From: # ※ 編輯: JCC 來自: (06/20 10:22) # ※ 編輯: JCC (, 12/03/2015 14:25:35 pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: ip = location_temp = line[line.find(ip) + len(ip):].strip() location_temp = location_temp.replace('(', '') location_temp = location_temp[:location_temp.rfind(')')] location_temp = location_temp.strip() # print(f'=>[{LocationTemp}]') if ' ' not in location_temp and len(location_temp) > 0: location = location_temp log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'Location', location) break pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: ip = ip = ip.replace('-', '.') # print(f'IP -> [{IP}]') break if == data_type.host_type.PTT1: if ip is None: log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, 'IP' ) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'IP', ip) push_author_pattern = re.compile('[推|噓|→] [\w| ]+:') push_date_pattern = re.compile('[\d]+/[\d]+ [\d]+:[\d]+') push_ip_pattern = re.compile('[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+') push_list = [] for line in origin_post_lines: if line.startswith('推'): push_type = data_type.push_type.PUSH elif line.startswith('噓 '): push_type = data_type.push_type.BOO elif line.startswith('→ '): push_type = data_type.push_type.ARROW else: continue result = if result is None: # 不符合推文格式 continue push_author =[2:-1].strip() log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, [ i18n.Push, i18n.ID, ], push_author ) result = if result is None: continue push_date = log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, [ i18n.Push, i18n.Date, ], push_date ) push_ip = None result = if result is not None: push_ip = log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, [ i18n.Push, 'IP', ], push_ip ) push_content = line[ line.find(push_author) + len(push_author): ] # PushContent = PushContent.replace(PushDate, '') if == data_type.host_type.PTT1: push_content = push_content[ :push_content.rfind(push_date) ] else: # → CodingMan:What is Ptt? 推 10/04 13:25 push_content = push_content[ :push_content.rfind(push_date) - 2 ] if push_ip is not None: push_content = push_content.replace(push_ip, '') push_content = push_content[ push_content.find(':') + 1: ].strip() log.show_value( api.config, log.level.DEBUG, [ i18n.Push, i18n.Content, ], push_content ) current_push = data_type.PushInfo( push_type, push_author, push_content, push_ip, push_date ) push_list.append(current_push) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=True, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post
def get_post(api, board: str, post_aid: str = None, post_index: int = 0, search_type: int = 0, search_condition: str = None, search_list: list = None, query: bool = False) -> data_type.PostInfo: api._goto_board(board) cmd_list = list() if post_aid is not None: cmd_list.append('#' + post_aid) elif post_index != 0: if search_condition is not None: if search_type == data_type.post_search_type.KEYWORD: cmd_list.append('/') elif search_type == data_type.post_search_type.AUTHOR: cmd_list.append('a') elif search_type == data_type.post_search_type.PUSH: cmd_list.append('Z') elif search_type == data_type.post_search_type.MARK: cmd_list.append('G') elif search_type == data_type.post_search_type.MONEY: cmd_list.append('A') cmd_list.append(search_condition) cmd_list.append(command.Enter) if search_list is not None: for search_type_, search_condition_ in search_list: if search_type_ == data_type.post_search_type.KEYWORD: cmd_list.append('/') elif search_type_ == data_type.post_search_type.AUTHOR: cmd_list.append('a') elif search_type_ == data_type.post_search_type.PUSH: cmd_list.append('Z') elif search_type_ == data_type.post_search_type.MARK: cmd_list.append('G') elif search_type_ == data_type.post_search_type.MONEY: cmd_list.append('A') cmd_list.append(search_condition_) cmd_list.append(command.Enter) cmd_list.append(str(max(1, post_index - 100))) cmd_list.append(command.Enter) cmd_list.append(str(post_index)) cmd_list.append(command.Enter) cmd_list.append(command.QueryPost) cmd = ''.join(cmd_list) target_list = [ connect_core.TargetUnit([ i18n.CatchPost, i18n.Success, ], screens.Target.QueryPost, break_detect=True, refresh=False, log_level=log.level.DEBUG), connect_core.TargetUnit([ i18n.PostDeleted, i18n.Success, ], screens.Target.InBoard, break_detect=True, log_level=log.level.DEBUG), connect_core.TargetUnit(i18n.NoSuchBoard, screens.Target.MainMenu_Exiting, exceptions_=exceptions.NoSuchBoard( api.config, board)), ] index = api.connect_core.send(cmd, target_list) ori_screen = api.connect_core.get_screen_queue()[-1] post_author = None post_title = None if index < 0 or index == 1: # 文章被刪除 log.log(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.PostDeleted) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'OriScreen', ori_screen) cursor_line = [ line for line in ori_screen.split('\n') if line.startswith(api.cursor) ] if len(cursor_line) != 1: raise exceptions.UnknownError(ori_screen) cursor_line = cursor_line[0] log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'CursorLine', cursor_line) pattern = re.compile('[\d]+\/[\d]+') pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: list_date = None else: list_date = list_date = list_date[-5:] pattern = re.compile('\[[\w]+\]') pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: post_del_status = data_type.post_delete_status.AUTHOR else: pattern = re.compile('<[\w]+>') pattern_result = post_del_status = data_type.post_delete_status.MODERATOR # > 79843 9/11 - □ (本文已被吃掉)< # > 76060 8/28 - □ (本文已被刪除) [weida7332] # print(f'O=>{CursorLine}<') if pattern_result is not None: post_author =[1:-1] else: post_author = None post_del_status = data_type.post_delete_status.UNKNOWN log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'ListDate', list_date) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'PostAuthor', post_author) log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'post_del_status', post_del_status) return data_type.PostInfo(board=board, author=post_author, list_date=list_date, delete_status=post_del_status, format_check=True) elif index == 0: lock_post, post_author, post_title, post_aid, post_web, post_money, list_date, push_number, post_index = \ _api_util.parse_query_post( api, ori_screen) if lock_post: post = data_type.PostInfo(board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, list_date=list_date, format_check=True, push_number=push_number, lock=True) return post if query: post = data_type.PostInfo(board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, list_date=list_date, format_check=True, push_number=push_number) return post origin_post, has_control_code = _api_util.get_content(api) if origin_post is None: post = data_type.PostInfo(board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, push_number=push_number, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed) return post # print('=' * 20) # print(origin_post) # print('=' * 20) content_start = '───────────────────────────────────────' content_end = list() content_end.append('--\n※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊') content_end.append('--\n※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(') content_end.append('--\n※ 發信站: 新批踢踢(') post_author_pattern_new = re.compile('作者 (.+) 看板') post_author_pattern_old = re.compile('作者 (.+)') board_pattern = re.compile('看板 (.+)') post_date = None post_content = list() ip = None location = None push_list = list() # 格式確認,亂改的我也沒辦法Q_Q origin_post_lines = origin_post.split('\n') author_line = origin_post_lines[0] if board.lower() == 'allpost': board_line = author_line[author_line.find(')') + 1:] pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: board_temp = post_author = board_temp = board_temp[2:].strip() if len(board_temp) > 0: board = board_temp log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Board, board) pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: post_author = post_author = post_author[:post_author.rfind(')') + 1] else: pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, i18n.Author) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post post_author = post_author = post_author[:post_author.rfind(')') + 1] post_author = post_author[4:].strip() log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Author, post_author) post_title_pattern = re.compile('標題 (.+)') title_line = origin_post_lines[1] pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, i18n.Title) post = data_type.PostInfo(board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed) return post post_title = post_title = post_title[4:].strip() log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Title, post_title) post_date_pattern = re.compile('時間 .{24}') date_line = origin_post_lines[2] pattern_result = if pattern_result is None: log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, i18n.Date) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post post_date = post_date = post_date[4:].strip() log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Date, post_date) content_fail = True if content_start not in origin_post: # print('Type 1') content_fail = True else: post_content = origin_post post_content = post_content[post_content.find(content_start) + len(content_start) + 1:] # print('Type 2') # print(f'PostContent [{PostContent}]') for EC in content_end: # + 3 = 把 --\n 拿掉 # print(f'EC [{EC}]') if EC in post_content: content_fail = False post_content = post_content[:post_content.rfind(EC) + 3] origin_post_lines = origin_post[origin_post.find(EC):] # post_content = post_content.strip() origin_post_lines = origin_post_lines.split('\n') break if content_fail: log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, i18n.Content) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.Content, post_content) info_lines = [ line for line in origin_post_lines if line.startswith('※') or line.startswith('◆') ] pattern = re.compile('[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+') pattern_p2 = re.compile('[\d]+-[\d]+-[\d]+-[\d]+') for line in reversed(info_lines): log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'IP Line', line) # type 1 # ※ 編輯: CodingMan ( 臺灣) # ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) # type 2 # ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: # ※ 編輯: kill77845 (, 12/08/2018 16:47:59 # type 3 # ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( # ◆ From: # ※ 編輯: JCC 來自: (06/20 10:22) # ※ 編輯: JCC (, 12/03/2015 14:25:35 pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: ip = location_temp = line[line.find(ip) + len(ip):].strip() location_temp = location_temp.replace('(', '') location_temp = location_temp[:location_temp.rfind(')')] location_temp = location_temp.strip() # print(f'=>[{LocationTemp}]') if ' ' not in location_temp and len(location_temp) > 0: location = location_temp log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'Location', location) break pattern_result = if pattern_result is not None: ip = ip = ip.replace('-', '.') # print(f'IP -> [{IP}]') break if == data_type.host_type.PTT1: if ip is None: log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, i18n.SubstandardPost, 'IP') post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=False, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, 'IP', ip) push_author_pattern = re.compile('[推|噓|→] [\w| ]+:') push_date_pattern = re.compile('[\d]+/[\d]+ [\d]+:[\d]+') push_ip_pattern = re.compile('[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+') push_list = list() for line in origin_post_lines: if line.startswith('推'): push_type = data_type.push_type.PUSH elif line.startswith('噓 '): push_type = data_type.push_type.BOO elif line.startswith('→ '): push_type = data_type.push_type.ARROW else: continue result = if result is None: # 不符合推文格式 continue push_author =[2:-1].strip() log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, [ i18n.Push, i18n.ID, ], push_author) result = if result is None: continue push_date = log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, [ i18n.Push, i18n.Date, ], push_date) push_ip = None result = if result is not None: push_ip = log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, [ i18n.Push, 'IP', ], push_ip) push_content = line[line.find(push_author) + len(push_author):] # PushContent = PushContent.replace(PushDate, '') if == data_type.host_type.PTT1: push_content = push_content[:push_content.rfind(push_date)] else: # → CodingMan:What is Ptt? 推 10/04 13:25 push_content = push_content[:push_content.rfind(push_date) - 2] if push_ip is not None: push_content = push_content.replace(push_ip, '') push_content = push_content[push_content.find(':') + 1:].strip() log.show_value(api.config, log.level.DEBUG, [ i18n.Push, i18n.Content, ], push_content) current_push = data_type.PushInfo(push_type, push_author, push_content, push_ip, push_date) push_list.append(current_push) post = data_type.PostInfo( board=board, aid=post_aid, index=post_index, author=post_author, date=post_date, title=post_title, web_url=post_web, money=post_money, content=post_content, ip=ip, push_list=push_list, list_date=list_date, control_code=has_control_code, format_check=True, location=location, push_number=push_number, origin_post=origin_post, unconfirmed=api.Unconfirmed, ) return post