Example #1
def generate_RDL_data(FLAGS, testset=None):
    if testset == None:
        kb_path = DATASET_PATH + "extendedkb1.txt"
        for i in range(len(TASK_NAME)):
            inputtaskfile = DATASET_PATH + TASK_NAME[
                i] + '-kb1_atmosphere-distr0.5-trn10000.json'
            print("Generating RDL data for ", inputtaskfile)
            data, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = load_task([inputtaskfile],
            store_template_json(FLAGS.temp_path + TASK_NAME[int(i)], kb_path,
        data = []
        loop_dir = ['tst4/', 'tst3/', 'tst2/', 'tst1/'
                    ] if testset == 'all' else ['tst{}/'.format(str(testset))]
        for tst in loop_dir:
            t12345 = _get_source_paths(TEST_DATASET_PATH + tst)
        for d12345 in data:
            for d in d12345:
                inputtaskfile = d + '.json'
                outputtaskfile = d + '-RDL.json'
                kb_path = TEST_DATASET_PATH + 'extendedkb1.txt' if (
                    'kb1' in d) else TEST_DATASET_PATH + 'extendedkb2.txt'
                print("Generating RDL data for ", d)
                data, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = load_task([inputtaskfile],
                store_template_json(d.replace('.json', ''), kb_path, data)
def get_F1(log_dir, task_id):
    predicted_mat = np.load(
        os.path.join(log_dir, 'task_' + str(task_id) + '_pred.npy'))
    truth_mat = np.load(
        os.path.join(log_dir, 'task_' + str(task_id) + '_truth.npy'))

    # Load dataset
    _, test_data = load_task(data_dir, task_id)

    # Find unique queries
    # Find idx corresponding to query
    query_map = defaultdict(list)
    answer_set = Set()
    for idx, ex in enumerate(test_data):
        s, q, a, sf = ex
        q_str = ' '.join(q)
    for val in predicted_mat:
    answer_map = dict((val, idx) for idx, val in enumerate(answer_set))
    # Compute confusion matrix
    net_confusion_mat = np.zeros((len(answer_map), len(answer_map)))
    for k in query_map.keys():
        true = truth_mat[query_map[k]]
        pred = predicted_mat[query_map[k]]
        confusion_mat_question = confusion_question(true, pred, answer_map)
        if plot:
            print_confusion_matrix(confusion_mat_question, answer_map.keys(),
                                   k + '?')
        net_confusion_mat += confusion_mat_question
    f1 = f1_score(net_confusion_mat)
    f1 = [i for i in f1 if not math.isnan(i)]
    return np.mean(f1)
def getdata():
    ids = range(1, 21)
    train, test = [], []
    for i in ids:
        tr, te = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, i)
    data = list(chain.from_iterable(train + test))
    vocab = sorted(
        reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a)
                                    for s, q, a in data)))
    word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

    max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))
    mean_story_size = int(np.mean([len(s) for s, _, _ in data]))
    sentence_size = max(map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in data)))
    query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in data)))
    memory_size = min(FLAGS.memory_size, max_story_size)
    vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1  # +1 for nil word
    sentence_size = max(query_size, sentence_size)  # for the position

    batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size

    global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False)

    starter_learning_rate = FLAGS.learning_rate
    learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(starter_learning_rate,

    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate,

    model = Hashed_Mem_Nw(vocab_size=vocab_size,
    global model
    grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(model.loss_op)
    grads_and_vars = [(tf.clip_by_norm(g, FLAGS.max_grad_norm), v)
                      for g, v in grads_and_vars if g is not None]
    grads_and_vars = [(add_gradient_noise(g), v) for g, v in grads_and_vars]
    nil_grads_and_vars = []
    for g, v in grads_and_vars:
        if v.name in model._nil_vars:
            nil_grads_and_vars.append((zero_nil_slot(g), v))
            nil_grads_and_vars.append((g, v))
    train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(nil_grads_and_vars,

    return data, vocab, word_idx, sentence_size, memory_size, vocab_size
Example #4
def test(tasks, vocab_tasks, device, mix=False, task_id=None):
    train, test = list(), list()
    if mix:
        for task in tasks:
            task_train, task_test = load_task(data_dir, task, valid=False)
            train, test = train + task_train, test + task_test
        task = tasks[0]
        train, test = load_task(data_dir, task, valid=False)

    vocab, vocab_size = get_vocab(vocab_tasks)


    data = train + test
    len_max_sentence = get_len_max_sentence(data)
    token_to_idx = {token: i + 1 for i, token in enumerate(vocab)}
    vec_test = indexize_data(test, token_to_idx, len_max_sentence)

    routed_network = RoutedNetwork(vocab_size, len_max_sentence, 3, device)
    routed_network = routed_network.float()
        torch.load(STATE_PATH.format(task_id, try_n)))

    loss, correct = eval(task_id, device, routed_network, vec_test,

    best_results = {
        "train tasks": [train_str],
        "test_tasks": [test_str],
        "try": [try_n],
        "accuracy": [float(correct) / len(vec_test)],
        "loss": [loss]
    df = pd.DataFrame(best_results)
            basedir, "results/csv_doc/train{}_test{}_try_{}.csv".format(
                train_str, test_str, try_n)))

    if not verbose:
        print("Finished Testing task {}\n".format(task_id) +
              "loss is: {}\n".format(loss) +
              "correct: {} out of {}\n".format(correct, len(vec_test)))
Example #5
def test(tasks, vocab_tasks, device, mix=False, name=None):
    train, test = list(), list()
    if mix:
        for task in tasks:
            task_train, task_test = load_task(data_dir, task)
            train, test = train + task_train, test + task_test
        task = tasks[0]
        train, test = load_task(data_dir, task)

    vocab, vocab_size, entities = get_vocab_and_entities(vocab_tasks)

    global n_memories
    if not n_memories:
        n_memories = len(entities)


    embeddings_matrix, token_to_idx = init_embedding_matrix(vocab, device)
    keys = get_key_tensors(entities, embeddings_matrix, token_to_idx, device,

    data = train + test
    if mix:
        train, test = list(), list()
        for task in vocab_tasks:
            task_train, task_test = load_task(data_dir, task)
            train, test = train + task_train, test + task_test
        data = train + test
    len_max_sentence = get_len_max_sentence(data)
    vec_test = indexize_data(test, token_to_idx, len_max_sentence)

    entnet = EntNet(vocab_size, keys, len_max_sentence, embeddings_matrix,
    entnet = entnet.float()
    entnet.load_state_dict(torch.load(STATE_PATH.format(name, 0)))

    loss, correct = eval(name, device, entnet, vec_test, len_max_sentence)

    if not verbose:
        print("Finished Testing task {}\n".format(name) +
              "loss is: {}\n".format(loss) +
              "correct: {} out of {}\n".format(correct, len(vec_test)))
Example #6
    def load_data(self):
        # single babi task
        # TODO: refactor all this running elsewhere
        # task data
        train, test = load_task(data_dir, task_id)

        vocab = sorted(
            reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
                   (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a)
                    for s, q, a in train + test)))
        word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

        self.memory_size = 50

        self.max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in train + test)))
        self.mean_story_size = int(
            np.mean(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in train + test))))
        self.sentence_size = max(
            map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in train + test)))
        self.query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in train + test)))
        self.memory_size = min(self.memory_size, self.max_story_size)
        self.vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1  # +1 for nil word
        self.sentence_size = max(self.query_size,
                                 self.sentence_size)  # for the position

        print("Longest sentence length", self.sentence_size)
        print("Longest story length", self.max_story_size)
        print("Average story length", self.mean_story_size)

        # train/validation/test sets
        self.S, self.Q, self.A = vectorize_data(train, word_idx,
        self.trainS, self.valS, self.trainQ, self.valQ, self.trainA, self.valA = cross_validation.train_test_split(
            self.S, self.Q, self.A, test_size=.1)  # TODO: randomstate
        self.testS, self.testQ, self.testA = vectorize_data(
            test, word_idx, self.sentence_size, self.memory_size)


        print("Training set shape", self.trainS.shape)

        # params
        self.n_train = self.trainS.shape[0]
        self.n_test = self.testS.shape[0]
        self.n_val = self.valS.shape[0]

        print("Training Size", self.n_train)
        print("Validation Size", self.n_val)
        print("Testing Size", self.n_test)
Example #7
    def __init__(self, dataset_dir, task_id=1, memory_size=50, train=True):
        self.train = train
        self.task_id = task_id
        self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir

        train_data, test_data = load_task(self.dataset_dir, task_id)
        data = train_data + test_data

        self.vocab = set()
        for story, query, answer in data:
            self.vocab = self.vocab | set(
                list(chain.from_iterable(story)) + query + answer)
        self.vocab = sorted(self.vocab)
        word_idx = dict((word, i + 1) for i, word in enumerate(self.vocab))

        self.max_story_size = max([len(story) for story, _, _ in data])
        self.query_size = max([len(query) for _, query, _ in data])
        self.sentence_size = max([len(row) for row in \
            chain.from_iterable([story for story, _, _ in data])])
        self.memory_size = min(memory_size, self.max_story_size)

        # Add time words/indexes
        for i in range(self.memory_size):
            word_idx["time{}".format(i + 1)] = "time{}".format(i + 1)

        self.num_vocab = len(word_idx) + 1  # +1 for nil word
        self.sentence_size = max(self.query_size,
                                 self.sentence_size)  # for the position
        self.sentence_size += 1  # +1 for time words
        self.word_idx = word_idx

        self.mean_story_size = int(np.mean([len(s) for s, _, _ in data]))

        if train:
            story, query, answer = vectorize_data(train_data, self.word_idx,
            # print 'story',story.shape
            # print 'query[0]',torch.LongTensor(query)[0].shape
            # print 'answer',answer.shape
            story, query, answer = vectorize_data(test_data, self.word_idx,

        self.data_story = torch.LongTensor(story)
        self.data_query = torch.LongTensor(query)
        self.data_answer = torch.LongTensor(np.argmax(answer, axis=1))
Example #8
                        "Embedding size for embedding matrices.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("memory_size", 50, "Maximum size of memory.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("random_state", None, "Random state.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("data_dir", "data/tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/",
                       "Directory containing bAbI tasks")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("output_file", "scores.csv",
                       "Name of output file for final bAbI accuracy scores.")
FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS

print("Started Joint Model")

# load all train/test data
ids = range(1, 21)
train, test = [], []
for i in ids:
    tr, te = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, i)
data = list(chain.from_iterable(train + test))

vocab = sorted(
    reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
           (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a) for s, q, a in data)))
word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))
mean_story_size = int(np.mean(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data))))
sentence_size = max(map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in data)))
query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in data)))
memory_size = min(FLAGS.memory_size, max_story_size)
vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1  # +1 for nil word
Example #9
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("hops", 3, "Number of hops in the Memory Network.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("epochs", 100, "Number of epochs to train for.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("embedding_size", 40, "Embedding size for embedding matrices.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("memory_size", 50, "Maximum size of memory.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("random_state", None, "Random state.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("data_dir", "data/tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/", "Directory containing bAbI tasks")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("output_file", "scores.csv", "Name of output file for final bAbI accuracy scores.")
FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS

print("Started Joint Model")

# load all train/test data
ids = range(1, 21)
train, test = [], []
for i in ids:
    tr, te = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, i)
data = list(chain.from_iterable(train + test))

vocab = sorted(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a) for s, q, a in data)))
word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))
mean_story_size = int(np.mean(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data))))
sentence_size = max(map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in data)))
query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in data)))
memory_size = min(FLAGS.memory_size, max_story_size)
vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1 # +1 for nil word
sentence_size = max(query_size, sentence_size) # for the position
Example #10
def learn(task):
    train, test = load_task(data_dir, task)

    vocab, vocab_size = get_vocab(train, test)
    embeddings_matrix, token_to_idx = init_embedding_matrix(vocab)
    keys = get_key_tensors(vocab, embeddings_matrix, token_to_idx, True)

    vec_train = vectorize_data(train, token_to_idx, embeddings_matrix)
    vec_test = vectorize_data(test, token_to_idx, embeddings_matrix)

    entnet = EntNet(vocab_size, keys)

    ##### Define Loss and Optimizer #####
    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    optimizer = optim.Adam(entnet.parameters(), lr=0.01)

    ##### Train Model #####
    epoch = 0
    prev_loss = None
    loss = None
    stuck_epochs = 0
    max_stuck_epochs = 3
    epsilon = 0.1
    while True:  # when to stop adding epochs?
        running_loss = 0.0
        for i, sample in enumerate(vec_train):
            # get the inputs; data is a list of [inputs, labels]
            story, query, answer = sample

            # zero the parameter gradients

            for sentence in story:
                entnet(sentence.view(1, n_input_words, embedding_dim))
            output = entnet.decode(query)
            loss = criterion(output, answer)
            nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(entnet.parameters(), gradient_clip_value)

            # print statistics
            running_loss += loss.item()
            if i % 50 == 49:  # print every 50 mini-batches
                print('[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f' %
                      (epoch + 1, i + 1, running_loss / 50))
                running_loss = 0.0

            # correct = 0
            # pred_idx = np.argmax(output.detach().numpy())
            # # print("pred is: " + str(pred_idx) + ", answer is: " + str(answer[0].item()))
            # if pred_idx == answer[0].item():
            #     correct += 1
            # if i % 50 == 49:  # print every 50 mini-batches
            #     print('[%d, %5d] correct: %.3f' %
            #           (epoch + 1, i + 1, correct / 50))
            #     correct = 0

        if epoch == 0:
            prev_loss = loss
        elif prev_loss - loss < epsilon:
            stuck_epochs += 1
            prev_loss = loss

        if stuck_epochs > max_stuck_epochs:

        # adjust learning rate every 25 epochs until 200 epochs
        if epoch < 200 and epoch % 25 == 24:
            optimizer.lr = optimizer.lr / 2
        epoch += 1
    print('Finished Training')
Example #11
evaluation_interval = 50
batch_size = 32
feature_size = 40
hops = 3
epochs = 100
embedding_size = 30
memory_size = 20
task_id = 1
data_dir = "data/tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/"
reader = "bow"  # bow / simple_gru
allow_soft_placement = True
log_device_placement = False
output_file = 'single_scores.csv'

# Below two lines load the test and train data for a particular task in tokenized form, where each data tuple has story, related question and its answer.
train, test = load_task(data_dir, task_id)
data = train + test

# from the words we got from dataset below lines makes a dictionary(vocab-index on number) and a reverse dictionary (word_idx-indexed on words).
vocab = sorted(
    reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
           (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a) for s, q, a in data)))
word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

# Below lines calculate the maximum story size and sentence size to get dimension of vectors need to be created for bag of words representation.
max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))
mean_story_size = int(np.mean(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data))))
sentence_size = max(map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in data)))
query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in data)))
memory_size = min(memory_size, max_story_size)
vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1  # +1 for nil word
Example #12
def main(_):
    print("Started Task:", FLAGS.task_id)

    train, test = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.task_id)
    data = train + test

    vocab = sorted(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a) for s, q, a in data)))
    word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

    max_story_size = max(list(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data))))
    sentence_size = max(list(map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in data))))
    query_size = max(list(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in data))))
    vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1 # +1 for nil word
    sentence_size = max(query_size, sentence_size) # for the position

    S, Q, A = vectorize_data(train, word_idx, sentence_size, max_story_size)
    trainS, valS, trainQ, valQ, trainA, valA = cross_validation.train_test_split(S, Q, A, test_size=.1)
    testS, testQ, testA = vectorize_data(test, word_idx, sentence_size, max_story_size)

    FLAGS.N = max(max_story_size, FLAGS.N)

    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
        model = PTRModel(sentence_size, vocab_size, FLAGS.N, FLAGS.W, FLAGS.G,
                    sess, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, story_size=max_story_size,
                    lr=FLAGS.learning_rate, epsilon=FLAGS.epsilon, 

        print(" [*] Initalize all variables")
        #model.load(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, 'QA_new')
        print(" [*] Initialization finished")

        start_time = time.time()
        if FLAGS.is_train:
            for t in range(FLAGS.epochs):
                total_corrects = 0.0
                total_cost = 0.0
                batchs = 0
                for start in range(0, trainS.shape[0], FLAGS.batch_size):
                    end = start + FLAGS.batch_size
                    feed_dict = {model.storys: trainS[start:end],
                                 model.querys: trainQ[start:end],
                                 model.labels: trainA[start:end]}

                    _, cost, corrects, step = sess.run([model.optim,
                                                        model.global_step], feed_dict=feed_dict)
                    total_cost += cost
                    total_corrects += corrects
                    batchs += 1

                print("[epoch %5d]: train_loss:%.2f acc:%.2f (%.1fs)" % (t, 
                                                                         time.time() - start_time))

                total_corrects = 0.0
                total_cost = 0.0
                batchs = 0
                for start in range(0, testS.shape[0], FLAGS.batch_size):
                    end = start + FLAGS.batch_size
                    feed_dict = {model.storys: testS[start:end],
                                 model.querys: testQ[start:end],
                                 model.labels: testA[start:end]}

                    cost, corrects = sess.run([model.loss, model.num_corrects], feed_dict=feed_dict)
                    total_cost += cost
                    total_corrects += corrects
                    batchs += 1

                print("[epoch %5d]: test_loss:%.2f acc:%.2f (%.1fs)" % (t, 
                                                                        time.time() - start_time))

                if t % 5 == 0 or t == FLAGS.epochs-1:
                    model.save(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, 'QA', step)
            model.load(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, 'QA')
            total_cost = 0.0
            total_corrects = 0.0
            batchs = 0
            for start in range(0, testS.shape[0], FLAGS.batch_size):
                end = start + FLAGS.batch_size
                feed_dict = {model.storys: testS[start:end],
                             model.querys: testQ[start:end],
                             model.labels: testA[start:end]}

                cost, corrects = sess.run([model.loss, model.num_corrects], feed_dict=feed_dict)
                total_cost += cost
                total_corrects += corrects
                batchs += 1
            print("Test cost:%.2f acc:%.2f (%.1fs)" % (total_cost/batchs, total_corrects/(batchs*FLAGS.batch_size), time.time() - start_time))
Example #13
def load_data(data_dir, task_ids, memory_size, num_caches, random_seed):

    # Load all train and test data
    train = []
    for i in task_ids:
        tr = load_task(data_dir, i)
    te = load_task(data_dir, None, load_test=True)
    test = list(te.values())
    data = list(chain.from_iterable(train + test))

    vocab = sorted(
        reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
               (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a + ['.'])
                for s, _, q, a, _ in data)))
    word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))
    reverse_word_idx = ['NIL'] + sorted(word_idx.keys(),
                                        key=lambda x: word_idx[x])

    max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _, _, _ in data)))
    mean_story_size = int(np.mean([len(s) for s, _, _, _, _ in data]))
    sentence_size = max(
        map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _, _, _ in data)))
    query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, _, q, _, _ in data)))
    memory_size = min(memory_size, max_story_size)
    vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1  # +1 for the NIL word
    sentence_size = max(query_size, sentence_size)  # for the position

    logging.info("Longest sentence length: %d" % sentence_size)
    logging.info("Longest story length: %d" % max_story_size)
    logging.info("Average story length: %d" % mean_story_size)

    # Train/validation/test splits
    trainS = []
    valS = []
    trainO = []
    valO = []
    trainQ = []
    valQ = []
    trainA = []
    valA = []
    trainL = []
    valL = []
    for task in train:
        S, O, Q, A, L = vectorize_data(task, word_idx, sentence_size,
                                       memory_size, num_caches)
        ts, vs, to, vo, tq, vq, ta, va, tl, vl = cross_validation.train_test_split(
            S, O, Q, A, L, test_size=0.1, random_state=random_seed)

    trainS = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in trainS))
    trainO = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in trainO))
    trainQ = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in trainQ))
    trainA = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in trainA))
    trainL = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in trainL))
    valS = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in valS))
    valO = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in valO))
    valQ = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in valQ))
    valA = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in valA))
    valL = reduce(lambda a, b: np.vstack((a, b)), (x for x in valL))

    test_data = {}
    for f in te:
        test_data[f] = vectorize_data(te[f], word_idx, sentence_size,
                                      memory_size, num_caches)

    logging.info("Training set shape: %s" % str(trainS.shape))

    train_data = trainS, trainO, trainQ, trainA, trainL
    val_data = valS, valO, valQ, valA, valL

    return train_data, val_data, test_data, word_idx, reverse_word_idx, vocab_size, sentence_size, memory_size
Example #14
def main(_):
    print("\nParameters: ")
    for k, v in sorted(FLAGS.__flags.items()):
        print("{} = {}".format(k, v))

    if not os.path.exists("./prepro/"):

    if FLAGS.eval:
        feats, test_id = data_utils.load_test_data(FLAGS.test_id,
        vocab_processor = VocabularyProcessor.restore(FLAGS.vocab)

        config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
        config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True

        with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
            model = load_model(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint_file, vocab_processor)
            sentences = greedy_inference(sess, model, feats, vocab_processor)
            # sentences = beam_search(sess, model, feats, vocab_processor)
            ans = []
            for idx, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
                ans.append({"caption": sentence, "id": test_id[idx]})
            json.dump(ans, open(FLAGS.output, 'w'))

        if FLAGS.prepro:
            print("Start preprocessing data...")
            vocab_processor, train_dict = data_utils.load_text_data(
            print("Vocabulary size: {}".format(

            print("Start dumping word2vec matrix...")
            w2v_W = data_utils.build_w2v_matrix(vocab_processor,

            train_dict = cPickle.load(open(FLAGS.prepro_train, 'rb'))
            vocab_processor = VocabularyProcessor.restore(FLAGS.vocab)
            w2v_W = cPickle.load(open(FLAGS.w2v_data, 'rb'))

        print("Start generating training data...")
        feats, encoder_in_idx, decoder_in = data_utils.gen_train_data(
            FLAGS.train_dir, FLAGS.train_lab, train_dict)
        print("Start generating validation data...")
        v_encoder_in, truth_captions = data_utils.load_valid(
            FLAGS.valid_dir, FLAGS.valid_lab)

        t_encoder_in = None
        files = None
        if FLAGS.task_dir != None:
            t_encoder_in, files = data_utils.load_task(FLAGS.task_dir)

        print('feats size: {}, training size: {}'.format(
            len(feats), len(encoder_in_idx)))
        print(encoder_in_idx.shape, decoder_in.shape)
        print(v_encoder_in.shape, len(truth_captions))

        data = Data(feats, encoder_in_idx, decoder_in, v_encoder_in,
                    truth_captions, t_encoder_in, files)

        model = CapGenModel(data, w2v_W, vocab_processor)


Example #15
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("data_dir", "my_data_rename", "Directory containing bAbI tasks")
tf.flags.DEFINE_boolean('visual', True, 'whether visualize the embedding')
tf.flags.DEFINE_boolean('joint', False, 'whether to train all tasks')
tf.flags.DEFINE_boolean('trained_emb', False, 'whether use trained embedding, such as Glove')
tf.flags.DEFINE_boolean('introspect', True, 'whether use the introspect unit')

FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS

print("Started Task:", FLAGS.task_id)

if FLAGS.joint:
    ids = range(1, 21)
    train, test, train_tags, test_tags = [], [], [], []
    # pdb.set_trace()
    for i in ids:
        tr, te, tr_tag, te_tag = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, i, joint=True)
        train += tr
        train_tags += tr_tag
        test = te
        test_tags = te_tag
        # pdb.set_trace()

    # task data
    train, test, train_tags, test_tags = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.task_id)
data = train + test

# pdb.set_trace()
# vocab = sorted(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a) for s, q, a in data)))
vocab_my = []
for s, q, a in data:
Example #16
    print(key + ": " + str(value))

# detect whether cuda is available
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
if use_cuda:
    print("cuda is used!!!")
    print("cuda is not supported, use cpu")

# We use task 1 as default.
task_id = 1
print("Started Task:", task_id)

# task data
train, test = load_task(args.data_dir, task_id)
data = train + test

# 's' is list of list, 'chain.from_iterable(s)' gets all the words from them
# '+ q + a' makes a big list of all the words in [s, q, a]; 'set' removes all the same words
# 'x | y' denotes union, so 'reduce' iterates each [s, q, a] to union all the words
# 'sorted' rearrange these words to give 'vocab'
vocab = sorted(
    reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
           (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a) for s, q, a in data)))
word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

# max sentence number in 's' for all [s, q, a]
max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))
mean_story_size = int(np.mean([len(s) for s, _, _ in data]))
# max token number in a sentence
Example #17
        embedding_size = 40
        memory_size = 100
        random_state = None
        data_dir = "data/tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/"
        file_name = 'output_hop_' + str(hop) + '_jac_' + str(
            jac) + '_memory_' + str(memory_size) + '_gradient_001.csv'

        output_file = file_name

        FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS
        # load all train/test data
        ids = range(1, 21)
        train, test = [], []
        for i in ids:
            tr, te = load_task(data_dir, i)
        data = list(chain.from_iterable(train + test))

        if jac == 1:
            temp_train = []
            for t in train:
                temp_t = jaccard_cutting(t)

            temp_test = []
            for t in test:
                temp_t = jaccard_cutting(t)
            train = temp_train
Example #18
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 32, "Batch size for training.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("hops", 3, "Number of hops in the Memory Network.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("epochs", 200, "Number of epochs to train for.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("embedding_size", 20, "Embedding size for embedding matrices.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("memory_size", 50, "Maximum size of memory.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("task_id", 1, "bAbI task id, 1 <= id <= 20")
tf.flags.DEFINE_integer("random_state", None, "Random state.")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("data_dir", "data/tasks_1-20_v1-2/en/", "Directory containing bAbI tasks")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("test_pred", "test_pred.txt", "Output file containing the predcited results")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("target_word_from_context", "True", "Choose the target word from the context")
FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS

print("Started Task:", FLAGS.task_id)

# task data
train, test = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.task_id)
_data = train + test
data = []
correct_count, total_count = 0, 0
for d in _data:
  context = [item for sublist in d[0] for item in sublist]
  question = [item for item in d[1]]
  vocab = context + question
  target_word = d[2][0]
  rand_word = vocab[random.randint(0, len(vocab)-1)]
  if target_word == rand_word:
    correct_count += 1
  total_count += 1
#  data.append([vocab, d[2][0]])

print("correct labels: ")
Example #19
def train(tasks, vocab_tasks, device, mix=False, name=None):
    train, test = list(), list()
    if mix:
        for task in tasks:
            task_train, task_test = load_task(data_dir, task)
            train, test = train + task_train, test + task_test
        task = tasks[0]
        train, test = load_task(data_dir, task)

    vocab, vocab_size, entities = get_vocab_and_entities(vocab_tasks)

    data = train + test
    if mix:
        train, test = list(), list()
        for task in vocab_tasks:
            task_train, task_test = load_task(data_dir, task)
            train, test = train + task_train, test + task_test
        data = train + test
    len_max_sentence = get_len_max_sentence(data)

    global n_memories
    if not n_memories:
        n_memories = len(entities)


    models = [None] * n_tries
    optims = [None] * n_tries
    model_scores = [np.inf] * n_tries
    model_test_scores = [np.inf] * n_tries
    model_correct_scores = [0] * n_tries
    model_test_correct_scores = [0] * n_tries

    for try_idx in range(n_tries):
        embeddings_matrix, token_to_idx = init_embedding_matrix(vocab, device)
        keys = get_key_tensors(entities, embeddings_matrix, token_to_idx, device, tie_keys)

        # vec_train = vectorize_data(train, token_to_idx, len_max_sentence, len_max_story)
        vec_train = indexize_data(train, token_to_idx, len_max_sentence)
        vec_test = indexize_data(test, token_to_idx, len_max_sentence)

        entnet = EntNet(vocab_size, keys, len_max_sentence, embeddings_matrix, device)
        entnet = entnet.float()
        # entnet.load_state_dict(torch.load(STATE_PATH.format(task, 0)))

        ##### Define Loss and Optimizer #####
        criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device)
        learning_rate = 0.01
        optimizer = optim.Adam(entnet.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
        if optimizer_name == 'sgd':
            optimizer = optim.SGD(entnet.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
        # optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(OPTIM_PATH.format(task, 0)))

        ##### Train Model #####
        epoch = 0
        permute_data = 'full'
        if teach:
            permute_data = 'no'
        loss_history = [np.inf] * max_stuck_epochs
        test_loss_history = [np.inf] * max_stuck_epochs
        correct_history = [0] * max_stuck_epochs
        test_correct_history = [0] * max_stuck_epochs
        net_history = [None] * max_stuck_epochs
        optim_history = [None] * max_stuck_epochs

        while True:
            epoch_loss = 0.0
            running_loss = 0.0
            correct_batch = 0
            correct_epoch = 0
            start_time = time.time()
            if teach and (epoch > 1 or loss_history[-1] < 0.3):
                permute_data = 'full'
            for i, batch in enumerate(batch_generator(vec_train, len_max_sentence, batch_size, permute_data)):
                batch_stories, batch_queries, batch_answers = batch
                # batch_stories, batch_queries, batch_answers = torch.tensor(batch_stories, requires_grad=False, device=device),\
                #                                               torch.tensor(batch_queries, requires_grad=False, device=device),\
                #                                               torch.tensor(batch_answers, requires_grad=False, device=device)

                batch_stories, batch_queries, batch_answers = batch_stories.clone().detach().to(device), \
                                                              batch_queries.clone().detach().to(device), \

                output = entnet.decode(batch_queries)
                loss = criterion(output, batch_answers)

                running_loss += loss.item()
                epoch_loss += loss.item()

                nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(entnet.parameters(), gradient_clip_value)
                # zero the parameter gradients

                pred_idx = np.argmax(output.cpu().detach().numpy(), axis=1)
                for j in range(len(output)):
                    if pred_idx[j] == batch_answers[j].item():
                        correct_batch += 1
                        correct_epoch += 1

                if verbose:
                    if i % 50 == 49:
                        # print statistics
                        print('[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, i + 1, running_loss / 50))
                        running_loss = 0.0

                        print('[%d, %5d] correct: %d out of %d' % (epoch + 1, i + 1, correct_batch, 50 * batch_size))
                        correct_batch = 0

            # very loose approximation for the average loss over the epoch
            epoch_loss = epoch_loss / (len(vec_train) / batch_size)
            # print epoch time
            end_time = time.time()
            if verbose:
                print(end_time - start_time)
                print('epoch loss: %.3f' % epoch_loss)

            test_loss, test_correct = eval(name, device, entnet, vec_test, len_max_sentence)
            test_fail_rate = 100 - (float(test_correct)/len(vec_test)) * 100


            net_history = net_history[1:]
            optim_history = optim_history[1:]
            loss_history = loss_history[1:]
            test_loss_history = test_loss_history[1:]
            correct_history = correct_history[1:]
            test_correct_history = test_correct_history[1:]

            fail_rate_condition = test_fail_rate <= entnet_threshold[tasks[0] - 1] if (mix and tasks[0] <= 20) else False
            if (test_loss_history[0] - min(test_loss_history[1:]) < min_improvement) or fail_rate_condition:
                best_idx = np.argmin(test_loss_history)
                models[try_idx] = net_history[best_idx]
                optims[try_idx] = optim_history[best_idx]
                model_scores[try_idx] = loss_history[best_idx]
                model_test_scores[try_idx] = test_loss_history[best_idx]
                model_correct_scores[try_idx] = correct_history[best_idx]
                model_test_correct_scores[try_idx] = test_correct_history[best_idx]

            # adjust learning rate every 25 epochs until 200 epochs
            if epoch < 200 and epoch % 25 == 24:
                learning_rate = learning_rate / 2
                optimizer = optim.Adam(entnet.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
            if epoch == 200:
                best_idx = np.argmin(test_loss_history)
                models[try_idx] = net_history[best_idx]
                optims[try_idx] = optim_history[best_idx]
                model_scores[try_idx] = loss_history[best_idx]
                model_test_scores[try_idx] = test_loss_history[best_idx]
                model_correct_scores[try_idx] = correct_history[best_idx]
                model_test_correct_scores[try_idx] = test_correct_history[best_idx]

            epoch += 1

        model_fail_rate = 100 - (float(model_test_correct_scores[try_idx]) / len(vec_test)) * 100
        fail_rate_condition = model_fail_rate <= entnet_threshold[tasks[0] - 1] if (mix and tasks[0] <= 20) else False
        if model_fail_rate <= fail_rate_condition:

    best_idx = np.argmin(model_test_scores)
    torch.save(models[best_idx], STATE_PATH.format(name))
    torch.save(optims[best_idx], OPTIM_PATH.format(name))

    print("Finished Training task {}\n".format(name) +
          "try {} was best\n".format(best_idx) +
          "loss is: {}\n".format(model_scores[best_idx]) +
          "correct: {} out of {}\n".format(model_correct_scores[best_idx], len(vec_train)) +
          "test loss is: {}\n".format(model_test_scores[best_idx]) +
          "test correct: {} out of {}\n".format(model_test_correct_scores[best_idx], len(vec_test)))
Example #20
def train(tasks, vocab_tasks, device, mix=False, task_id=None):
    train, test = list(), list()
    if mix:
        for task in tasks:
            task_train, task_test = load_task(data_dir, task)
            train, test = train + task_train, test + task_test
        task = tasks[0]
        train, test = load_task(data_dir, task)

    vocab, vocab_size = get_vocab(vocab_tasks)

    data = train + test
    len_max_sentence = get_len_max_sentence(data)


    token_to_idx = {token: i + 1 for i, token in enumerate(vocab)}

    vec_train = indexize_data(train, token_to_idx, len_max_sentence)
    vec_test = indexize_data(test, token_to_idx, len_max_sentence)
    # router_vec_train = get_router_data(vec_train)

    # entnet.load_state_dict(torch.load(STATE_PATH.format(task, 0)))
    routed_network = RoutedNetwork(vocab_size, len_max_sentence, 3, device)
    routed_network = routed_network.float()

    ##### Define Loss and Optimizer #####
    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device)
    learning_rate = 0.01
    network_optimizer = optim.SGD(routed_network.parameters(),
    router_optimizer = optim.SGD(routed_network.router.parameters(),
    if optimizer_name == 'adam':
        network_optimizer = optim.Adam(routed_network.parameters(),
        # router_optimizer = optim.Adam(routed_network.router.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
    # optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(OPTIM_PATH.format(task, 0)))

    ##### Train Model #####
    epoch = 0
    permute_data = 'full'

    loss_history, test_loss_history = [], []
    correct_history, test_correct_history = [], []
    net_history, optim_history = [], []

    train_acc_history, train_loss_history = [], []
    test_acc_history, full_test_loss_history = [], []

    while True:

        # train_router(router_vec_train, len_max_sentence, device, routed_network, criterion, router_optimizer)

        train_network(vec_train, vec_test, len_max_sentence, permute_data,
                      epoch, task_id, train_acc_history, train_loss_history,
                      test_acc_history, full_test_loss_history, net_history,
                      optim_history, loss_history, test_loss_history,
                      correct_history, test_correct_history, learning_rate,
                      device, routed_network, network_optimizer, criterion,
        epoch += 1

        if epoch == 200:
            best_idx = np.argmin(test_loss_history)
            best_model = net_history[best_idx]
            best_optim = optim_history[best_idx]
            model_score = loss_history[best_idx]
            model_test_score = test_loss_history[best_idx]
            model_correct_score = correct_history[best_idx]
            model_test_correct_score = test_correct_history[best_idx]

            # adjust learning rate every 25 epochs until 200 epochs
        if epoch < 200 and epoch % 25 == 24:
            learning_rate = learning_rate / 2
            network_optimizer = optim.SGD(routed_network.parameters(),
            router_optimizer = optim.SGD(routed_network.router.parameters(),
            if optimizer_name == 'adam':
                network_optimizer = optim.Adam(routed_network.parameters(),
                router_optimizer = optim.Adam(
                    routed_network.router.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

    torch.save(best_model, STATE_PATH.format(task_id, try_n))
    torch.save(best_optim, OPTIM_PATH.format(task_id, try_n))

        "Finished Training task {}\n".format(task_id) +
        "try {} was best\n".format(best_idx) +
        "loss is: {}\n".format(model_score) +
        "correct: {} out of {}\n".format(model_correct_score, len(vec_train)) +
        "test loss is: {}\n".format(model_test_score) +
        "test correct: {} out of {}\n".format(model_test_correct_score,

# create dircotory
if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.model_path): os.mkdir(FLAGS.model_path)
if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.model_path + '{}/'.format(taskchosen)):
    os.mkdir(FLAGS.model_path + '{}/'.format(taskchosen))
if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.log_path): os.mkdir(FLAGS.log_path)

if FLAGS.train:
    # load task data and contextInfo
    train, val, test, candidates, train_cand, val_cand, test_cand, cand_idx, idx_cand = utils.load_task(
        buildtestset=(officialtestfile == []))
    # get the contextInfo data stored
    trainInfo = [d['a'].pop() for d in train]
    valInfo = [d['a'].pop() for d in val]
    testInfo = [d['a'].pop()
                for d in test] if (len(officialtestfile) == 0) else []

    # get vocab and sentence information from data
    vocab, word_idx, max_story_size, mean_story_size, sentence_size, query_size = utils.data_information(
        train, candidates)
    vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1  # +1 for nil word (0 for nil)
    sentence_size = max(query_size,
                        sentence_size) + 5  # add some space for testing data
    memory_size = min(FLAGS.memory_size, max_story_size)
Example #22
#with open(FLAGS.param_output_file, 'w') as f:
#    for attr, value in sorted(FLAGS.__flags.items()):
#        line = "{}={}".format(attr.upper(), value)
#        f.write(line + '\n')
#        print(line)
#    print("")

print("Started Joint Model")

# load all train/test data
PATH = 'data/tasks_1-20_v1-2/en'
ids = range(1, 21)
train, test = [], []
for i in ids:
    tr, te = load_task(PATH, i)
data = list(chain.from_iterable(train + test))
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
vocab = sorted(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a) for s, q, a in data)))
word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))
mean_story_size = int(np.mean([len(s) for s, _, _ in data]))
sentence_size = max(map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in data)))
query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in data)))
memory_size = min(FLAGS.memory_size, max_story_size)
vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1 # +1 for nil word
sentence_size = max(query_size, sentence_size) # for the position
Example #23
                       "Directory containing bAbI tasks")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("reader", "simple_gru",
                       "Reader for the model (bow, simple_gru)")
tf.flags.DEFINE_boolean("allow_soft_placement", True,
                        "Allow device soft device placement")
tf.flags.DEFINE_boolean("log_device_placement", False,
                        "Log placement of ops on devices")
tf.flags.DEFINE_string("output_file", "single_scores.csv",
                       "Name of output file for final bAbI accuracy scores.")

FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS

print("Started Task:", FLAGS.task_id)

# task data
train, test = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, FLAGS.task_id)
data = train + test

vocab = sorted(
    reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
           (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a) for s, q, a in data)))
word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))

max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))
mean_story_size = int(np.mean(list(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))))
sentence_size = max(map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in data)))
query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in data)))
memory_size = min(FLAGS.memory_size, max_story_size)
vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1  # +1 for nil word
sentence_size = max(query_size, sentence_size)  # for the position
Example #24
def run_task(task_id):
    print("Started Task:", task_id)
    # task data
    train, test = load_task(FLAGS.data_dir, task_id)
    data = train + test

    vocab = sorted(
        reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (set(list(chain.from_iterable(s)) + q + a)
                                    for s, q, a in data)))
    word_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))
    reverse_lookup = {v: k for (k, v) in word_idx.items()}
    lookup_vocab = ['nil']

    for i in range(1, len(reverse_lookup) + 1):

    max_story_size = max(map(len, (s for s, _, _ in data)))
    mean_story_size = int(np.mean([len(s) for s, _, _ in data]))
    sentence_size = max(map(len, chain.from_iterable(s for s, _, _ in data)))
    query_size = max(map(len, (q for _, q, _ in data)))
    memory_size = min(FLAGS.memory_size, max_story_size)

    # Add time words/indexes
    for i in range(memory_size):
        word_idx['time{}'.format(i + 1)] = 'time{}'.format(i + 1)

    vocab_size = len(word_idx) + 1  # +1 for nil word
    sentence_size = max(query_size, sentence_size)  # for the position
    sentence_size += 1  # +1 for time words

    print("Longest sentence length", sentence_size)
    print("Longest story length", max_story_size)
    print("Average story length", mean_story_size)

    # train/validation/test sets
    S, Q, A = vectorize_data(train, word_idx, sentence_size, memory_size)
    trainS, valS, trainQ, valQ, trainA, valA = cross_validation.train_test_split(
        S, Q, A, test_size=.1, random_state=FLAGS.random_state)
    testS, testQ, testA = vectorize_data(test, word_idx, sentence_size,


    print("Training set shape", trainS.shape)

    # params
    n_train = trainS.shape[0]
    n_test = testS.shape[0]
    n_val = valS.shape[0]

    print("Training Size", n_train)
    print("Validation Size", n_val)
    print("Testing Size", n_test)

    train_labels = np.argmax(trainA, axis=1)
    val_labels = np.argmax(valA, axis=1)
    test_labels = np.argmax(testA, axis=1)

    batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size

    batches = zip(range(0, n_train - batch_size, batch_size),
                  range(batch_size, n_train, batch_size))
    batches = [(start, end) for start, end in batches]

    train_accuracies = []
    validation_accuracies = []
    test_accuracies = []

    max_testAccuracy = 0
    max_trainAccuracy = 0
    max_valAccuracy = 0

    best_test_prob_hops = 0
    best_test_prob_vocab = 0
    best_pred_word = 0
    best_true_word = 0
    best_test_A1 = 0
    best_test_C = 0
    best_lookup_vocab = 0

    for run_id in range(FLAGS.NoOfRuns):
        print('Run Number: ' + str(run_id))
        max_epoch_trainAccuracy = 0
        max_epoch_valAccuracy = 0
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            model = MemN2N(batch_size,
            for t in range(1, FLAGS.epochs + 1):
                # Stepped learning rate
                if t - 1 <= FLAGS.anneal_stop_epoch:
                    anneal = 2.0**((t - 1) // FLAGS.anneal_rate)
                    anneal = 2.0**(FLAGS.anneal_stop_epoch //
                lr = FLAGS.learning_rate / anneal

                total_cost = 0.0
                for start, end in batches:
                    s = trainS[start:end]
                    q = trainQ[start:end]
                    a = trainA[start:end]
                    cost_t = model.batch_fit(s, q, a, lr)
                    total_cost += cost_t

                if t % FLAGS.evaluation_interval == 0:
                    train_preds = []
                    for start in range(0, n_train, batch_size):
                        end = start + batch_size
                        s = trainS[start:end]
                        q = trainQ[start:end]
                        pred = model.predict(s, q)
                        train_preds += list(pred)

                    val_preds, valid_prob_vocab, valid_prob_hops, valid_A1, valid_C = model.predict_prob_instrument(
                        valS, valQ)
                    train_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(np.array(train_preds),
                    val_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(val_preds, val_labels)

                    print('Epoch', t)
                    print('Total Cost:', total_cost)
                    print('Training Accuracy:', train_acc)
                    print('Validation Accuracy:', val_acc)

                    if (val_acc > max_epoch_valAccuracy):
                        max_epoch_trainAccuracy = train_acc
                        max_epoch_valAccuracy = val_acc

            test_preds, test_prob_vocab, test_prob_hops, test_A1, test_C = model.predict_prob_instrument(
                testS, testQ)
            pred_word = [reverse_lookup[i] for i in test_preds]
            true_word = [reverse_lookup[i] for i in test_labels]

            test_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(test_preds, test_labels)


            if (test_acc > max_testAccuracy):
                max_testAccuracy = test_acc
                max_trainAccuracy = max_epoch_trainAccuracy
                max_valAccuracy = max_epoch_valAccuracy
                best_test_prob_hops = test_prob_hops
                best_test_prob_vocab = test_prob_vocab
                best_pred_word = pred_word
                best_true_word = true_word
                best_test_A1 = test_A1
                best_test_C = test_C
                best_lookup_vocab = lookup_vocab

            print("Test Accuracy: ", test_acc)
            iou = calculate_iou(test_prob_hops, test, task_id)
            print('IoU: ' + str(iou))

    print("Best Testing Accuracy:", max_testAccuracy)
    # save test files
    np.save(logs_dir + 'task_' + str(task_id) + '_attention',
    np.save(logs_dir + 'task_' + str(task_id) + '_vocab_prob',
    np.save(logs_dir + 'task_' + str(task_id) + '_pred', best_pred_word)
    np.save(logs_dir + 'task_' + str(task_id) + '_truth', best_true_word)
    np.save(logs_dir + 'task_' + str(task_id) + '_A', best_test_A1)
    np.save(logs_dir + 'task_' + str(task_id) + '_C', np.array(best_test_C))
    np.save(logs_dir + 'task_' + str(task_id) + '_lookupvocab',

    iou = calculate_iou(best_test_prob_hops, test, task_id)
    print('Best IoU: ' + str(iou))

    return max_trainAccuracy, max_valAccuracy, max_testAccuracy, iou