def setupSessionTable(): SessionTable.createTable(CONFIG_BROKER['local'], CONFIG_DB['dynamo_port'])
def setup_session_table(): """Create Dynamo session table."""'Setting up DynamoDB session table') SessionTable.createTable(CONFIG_BROKER['local'], CONFIG_DB['dynamo_port'])
def setupSessionTable(): """ Create Dynamo session table """ SessionTable.createTable(CONFIG_BROKER['local'], CONFIG_DB['dynamo_port'])
def createApp(): """Set up the application.""" try: # Create application app = Flask(__name__, instance_path=CONFIG_PATH) local = CONFIG_BROKER['local'] app.config.from_object(__name__) app.config['LOCAL'] = local app.config['REST_TRACE'] = CONFIG_SERVICES['rest_trace'] app.config['SYSTEM_EMAIL'] = CONFIG_BROKER['reply_to_email'] # Future: Override config w/ environment variable, if set app.config.from_envvar('BROKER_SETTINGS', silent=True) # Set parameters broker_file_path = CONFIG_BROKER['broker_files'] AccountHandler.FRONT_END = CONFIG_BROKER['full_url'] sesEmail.SIGNING_KEY = CONFIG_BROKER['email_token_key'] sesEmail.isLocal = local if sesEmail.isLocal: sesEmail.emailLog = os.path.join(broker_file_path, 'email.log') # If local, make the email directory if needed if local and not os.path.exists(broker_file_path): os.makedirs(broker_file_path) # When runlocal is true, assume Dynamo is on the same server # (should be false for prod) JsonResponse.debugMode = app.config['REST_TRACE'] if CONFIG_SERVICES['cross_origin_url'] == "*": cors = CORS(app, supports_credentials=True) else: cors = CORS(app, supports_credentials=True, origins=CONFIG_SERVICES['cross_origin_url']) # Enable AWS Sessions app.session_interface = DynamoInterface() # Set up bcrypt bcrypt = Bcrypt(app) # Root will point to index.html @app.route("/", methods=["GET"]) def root(): return "Broker is running" if local: localFiles = os.path.join(broker_file_path, "<path:filename>") # Only define this route when running locally @app.route(localFiles) def sendFile(filename): if (config["local"]): return send_from_directory(broker_file_path, filename) else: # For non-local installs, set Dynamo Region SessionTable.DYNAMO_REGION = CONFIG_BROKER['aws_region'] # Add routes for modules here add_login_routes(app, bcrypt) add_file_routes(app, CONFIG_BROKER['aws_create_temp_credentials'], local, broker_file_path) add_user_routes(app, app.config['SYSTEM_EMAIL'], bcrypt) SessionTable.LOCAL_PORT = CONFIG_DB['dynamo_port'] SessionTable.setup(app, local) return app except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() trace = traceback.extract_tb(exc_tb, 10) CloudLogger.logError('Broker App Level Error: ', e, trace) del exc_tb raise
def checkDynamo(): """ Get information about the session table in Dynamo """ SessionTable.getTable().describe()
def createApp(): """Set up the application.""" app = Flask(__name__.split('.')[0]) local = CONFIG_BROKER['local'] app.config.from_object(__name__) app.config['LOCAL'] = local app.debug = CONFIG_SERVICES['server_debug'] app.config['REST_TRACE'] = CONFIG_SERVICES['rest_trace'] app.config['SYSTEM_EMAIL'] = CONFIG_BROKER['reply_to_email'] # Future: Override config w/ environment variable, if set app.config.from_envvar('BROKER_SETTINGS', silent=True) # Set parameters broker_file_path = CONFIG_BROKER['broker_files'] AccountHandler.FRONT_END = CONFIG_BROKER['full_url'] sesEmail.SIGNING_KEY = CONFIG_BROKER['email_token_key'] sesEmail.isLocal = local if sesEmail.isLocal: sesEmail.emailLog = os.path.join(broker_file_path, 'email.log') # If local, make the email directory if needed if local and not os.path.exists(broker_file_path): os.makedirs(broker_file_path) # When runlocal is true, assume Dynamo is on the same server # (should be false for prod) JsonResponse.debugMode = app.config['REST_TRACE'] if CONFIG_SERVICES['cross_origin_url'] == "*": cors = CORS(app, supports_credentials=False, allow_headers = "*", expose_headers = "X-Session-Id") else: cors = CORS(app, supports_credentials=False, origins=CONFIG_SERVICES['cross_origin_url'], allow_headers = "*", expose_headers = "X-Session-Id") # Enable AWS Sessions app.session_interface = DynamoInterface() # Set up bcrypt bcrypt = Bcrypt(app) @app.teardown_appcontext def teardown_appcontext(exception): GlobalDB.close() @app.before_request def before_request(): GlobalDB.db() # Root will point to index.html @app.route("/", methods=["GET"]) def root(): return "Broker is running" # Add routes for modules here add_login_routes(app, bcrypt) add_file_routes(app, CONFIG_BROKER['aws_create_temp_credentials'], local, broker_file_path, bcrypt) add_user_routes(app, app.config['SYSTEM_EMAIL'], bcrypt) add_domain_routes(app, local, bcrypt) SessionTable.LOCAL_PORT = CONFIG_DB['dynamo_port'] SessionTable.setup(app, local) if local: checkDynamo() else: SessionTable.DYNAMO_REGION = CONFIG_BROKER['aws_region'] return app