def upload_data(contents, filename): """Upload Files and Regenerate the file list.""" if contents: for i in range(len(filename)): FileUtils.upload(filename[i], contents[i]) return common.success_msg('File Uploaded Successfully: ' + str(filename)) return ""
def lr_save_model(n_clicks): model_name = db.get('cl.model_name') if model_name is None or model_name == '': return ("", "") file = db.get("lr.file") model = db.get("lr.model") params = db.get("lr.params") anova = db.get("lr.anova") error_mean = db.get('lr.error_mean') summary = db.get("lr.summary") x_col = db.get("lr.x_col") y_col = db.get("lr.y_col") m = { 'file': file, 'tag': db.get('tags')[file], 'type': 'linear', 'name': model_name, 'model': model, 'params': params, 'anova': anova, 'summary': summary, 'x_col': x_col, 'y_col': y_col, 'error_mean': error_mean } models = db.get('models') if models is None: models = {} db.put('models', models) models[model_name] = m return (common.success_msg('Model "' + model_name + '" Saved Successfully.'), "")
def hor_save_model(n_clicks): model_name = db.get('hor.model_name') if model_name is None or model_name == '': return ("", "") file = db.get("hor.file") model = db.get("hor.model") order = db.get("hor.order") params = db.get("hor.params") anova = db.get("hor.anova") error_mean = db.get('hor.error_mean') summary = db.get("hor.summary") x_col = db.get("hor.x_col") y_col = db.get("hor.y_col") m = { 'file': file, 'tag': db.get('tags')[file], 'type': 'Higher Order Polynomial', 'name': model_name, 'model': model, 'order': order, 'params': params, 'no_of_coeff': len(params), 'anova': anova, 'summary': summary, 'x_col': x_col, 'y_col': y_col, 'error_mean': error_mean } models = db.get('models') if models is None: models = {} db.put('models', models) models[model_name] = m return (common.success_msg('Model "' + model_name + '" Saved Successfully.'), "")
def ts_do_time_series_analysis(n_clicks): msg = 'Starting Time Series Analysis ...' print(msg) ts_thread_1 = TSThread(n_clicks, "Thread-" + str(n_clicks), 1) ts_thread_1.start() msg = 'Time Series Analysis Started.' print(msg) return common.success_msg(msg)
def hor_predict_data(n_clicks): predict_data = db.get('hor.predict_data') y_col = db.get("hor.y_col") if predict_data is None: return "" params = db.get("hor.params") predict_data = [float(predict_data)] predicted = Predict_final_values(predict_data, params) return common.success_msg('Predicted Dependent Variable (' + y_col + ') = ' + str(predicted))
def lr_predict_data(n_clicks): predict_data = db.get('cl.predict_data') if predict_data is None: return "" predict_data = get_predict_data_list(predict_data) model = db.get("lr.model") params = db.get("lr.params") if len(predict_data) != len(params) - 1: return common.error_msg('Pass Valid InDependent Variables!!') predicted = model.predict(predict_data) return common.success_msg('Predicted Dependent Variable = ' + str(predicted))
def clean_save_file(n): ## Team 2 API Integration df = db.get("raw_data") file = db.get("file") sheet = db.get("sheet") tags = db.get('tags') div = None if (not n is None) and (not df is None): try: df, cleaned_df, defective_df, stats = data_cleaning(df) if not sheet is None: file = FileUtils.append_file_name(file, sheet) file = file.split('.')[0] path = FileUtils.path('clean', file) cleaned_df.to_csv(path, index=False) ### Tag the cleaned data ### if file in tags: tags[file] = tags[file] + 1 else: tags[file] = 1 col_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=stats['col_name']) col_df.loc[0] = stats['col_type'] stat_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Tag', 'Total no of Records', 'Cleaned no of Records', 'Defective no of Records' ]) stat_df.loc[0] = [ 'Tag ' + str(tags[file]), stats['row_total'], stats['row_cleaned'], stats['row_defect'] ] div = html.Div([ common.success_msg("File is Cleaned & Saved Successfully!!"), html.H2('Cleaned Data Statistic'), dbc.Table.from_dataframe(stat_df, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True, style=common.table_style), html.H2('Cleaned Data Schema'), dbc.Table.from_dataframe(col_df, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True, style=common.table_style) ], style={'margin': '10px'}) except Exception as e: return common.error_msg("Data Cleansing API Error: " + str(e)) return div
def stats_table_and_linear_regression(json_ordered_data): if json_ordered_data is None: return (common.msg(None), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), y_ycap_fig, error_fig, "", "") dff = pd.read_json(json_ordered_data, orient='split') col = list(dff.columns) y = list(dff[col[-1]]) data = [] x_col = col[:-1] y_col = col[-1] data = [[] for i in range(len(x_col))] for i in range(len(x_col)): x = dff[x_col[i]].values.tolist() data[i] = x ##Team 3 API Integration try: model = LinearRegression() db.put("lr.model", model) db.put("lr.x_col", x_col) db.put("lr.y_col", y_col) (summary, params, ycap) =, y) db.put("lr.summary", summary) db.put("lr.params", params) db.put("lr.ycap", ycap) error_mean = model.model_stats()['mean'] db.put("lr.error_mean", error_mean) except (Exception, ValueError) as e: return (common.error_msg("Linear Regression API Error: " + str(e)), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), y_ycap_fig, error_fig, "", "") df_stats = common.get_stats_df(summary, x_col, y_col) table1 = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(df_stats, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True, style=common.table_style) df_coeff = common.get_coeff_df(params, x_col) table2 = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(df_coeff, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True, style=common.table_style) trace_1 = go.Scatter(x=list(range(len(y))), y=ycap, name='Y Predicted (ŷ)', line=dict(width=2, color='rgb(229, 151, 50)')) trace_2 = go.Scatter(x=list(range(len(y))), y=y, name='Y Actual', line=dict(width=2, color='rgb(106, 181, 135)')) ydiff = [y[i] - ycap[i] for i in range(len(y))] trace_3 = go.Scatter(x=list(range(len(y))), y=ydiff, line=dict(width=2, color='rgb(236, 10, 15)')) fig1 = go.Figure(data=[trace_1, trace_2], layout=y_ycap_title) fig2 = go.Figure(data=[trace_3], layout=error_title) error_mean = html.H2('Error Mean = ' + str(round(db.get('lr.error_mean'), 4))) ##Team 5 API Integration anova = get_anova(y, ycap, len(params)) db.put('lr.anova', anova) anova_div = common.get_anova_div(anova) return ( common.success_msg("Linear Regression API Exceuted Successfully!!"), table1, table2, fig1, fig2, error_mean, anova_div)
def stats_table_and_hor_regression(json_ordered_data, hor_order): if json_ordered_data is None or hor_order is None: return (common.msg(None), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), y_ycap_fig, error_fig, "", "", "") dff = pd.read_json(json_ordered_data, orient='split') col = list(dff.columns) x_col = [col[0]] y_col = col[1] dff = dff.sort_values(by=x_col) x = list(dff[col[0]]) y = list(dff[col[1]]) ##Team 4 API Integration try: db.put("hor.x_col", x_col) db.put("hor.y_col", y_col) (ycap, params) = Building_model_equation(x, y, hor_order) print(params) params = params.tolist() print(params) db.put("hor.params", params) db.put("hor.ycap", ycap) db.put("hor.order", hor_order) error = 10.0 for i in range(len(y)): error += y[i] - ycap[i] error_mean = error / len(y) db.put("hor.error_mean", error_mean) db.put("hor.error_mean", error_mean) ## Team 3 API call for Summary Statistics model = LinearRegression() (summary, params_ignore, ycap_ignore) =[x], y) db.put("hor.summary", summary) except (Exception, ValueError) as e: return (common.error_msg("Higher Order Regression API Error: " + str(e)), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), y_ycap_fig, error_fig, "", "", "") df_stats = common.get_stats_df(summary, x_col, y_col) table1 = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(df_stats, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True, style=common.table_style) df_coeff = common.hor_get_coeff_df(params) table2 = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(df_coeff, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True, style=common.table_style) trace_actual = go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, name='Y Actual', mode='markers', marker=dict(color='rgb(106, 181, 135)')) trace_predict = go.Scatter(x=x, y=ycap, name='Y Predicted (ŷ)', line=dict(width=2, color='rgb(229, 151, 50)')) ydiff = [y[i] - ycap[i] for i in range(len(y))] trace_error = go.Scatter(x=x, y=ydiff, line=dict(width=2, color='rgb(236, 10, 15)')) x_title = "x (" + str(x_col[0]) + ")" y_title = "y,ŷ(" + str(y_col) + ")" y_ycap_title = go.Layout(title='Actual vs Predicted Y Plot', hovermode='closest', xaxis={'title': x_title}, yaxis={'title': y_title}) error_title = go.Layout(title='Error Plot', hovermode='closest', xaxis={'title': x_title}, yaxis={'title': 'Error = y - ŷ'}) fig1 = go.Figure(data=[trace_predict, trace_actual], layout=y_ycap_title) fig2 = go.Figure(data=[trace_error], layout=error_title) error_mean = html.H2('Error Mean = ' + str(round(db.get('hor.error_mean'), 4))) ##Team 5 API Integration anova = get_anova(y, ycap, len(params)) db.put('hor.anova', anova) anova_div = common.get_anova_div(anova) independent_var = ','.join(x_col) return (common.success_msg( "Higher Order Regression API Exceuted Successfully!!"), table1, table2, fig1, fig2, error_mean, anova_div, html.H2(independent_var))
def stats_table_and_linear_regression(json_ordered_data): if json_ordered_data is None: return (common.msg(None), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), y_ycap_fig, error_fig, "", "", "") dff = pd.read_json(json_ordered_data, orient='split') col = list(dff.columns) x_col = col[:-1] y_col = col[-1] if len(x_col) == 1: dff = dff.sort_values(by=x_col) data = [[] for i in range(len(x_col))] for i in range(len(x_col)): x = dff[x_col[i]].values.tolist() data[i] = x y = list(dff[col[-1]]) ##Team 3 API Integration try: model = LinearRegression() db.put("lr.model", model) db.put("lr.x_col", x_col) db.put("lr.y_col", y_col) (summary, params, ycap) =, y) db.put("lr.summary", summary) db.put("lr.params", params) db.put("lr.ycap", ycap) error_mean = model.model_stats()['mean'] db.put("lr.error_mean", error_mean) except (Exception, ValueError) as e: return (common.error_msg("Linear Regression API Error: " + str(e)), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), generate_table(pd.DataFrame(columns=[])), y_ycap_fig, error_fig, "", "", "") df_stats = common.get_stats_df(summary, x_col, y_col) table1 = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(df_stats, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True, style=common.table_style) df_coeff = common.get_coeff_df(params, x_col) table2 = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(df_coeff, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True, style=common.table_style) if len(data) == 1: trace_x = data[0] x_title = "x (" + str(x_col[0]) + ")" trace_actual = go.Scatter(x=trace_x, y=y, name='Y Actual', mode='markers', marker=dict(color='rgb(106, 181, 135)')) else: trace_x = list(range(len(y))) x_title = 'Sequence of data points' trace_actual = go.Scatter(x=trace_x, y=y, name='Y Actual', line=dict(width=2, color='rgb(106, 181, 135)')) trace_predict = go.Scatter(x=trace_x, y=ycap, name='Y Predicted (ŷ)', line=dict(width=2, color='rgb(229, 151, 50)')) ydiff = [y[i] - ycap[i] for i in range(len(y))] trace_error = go.Scatter(x=trace_x, y=ydiff, line=dict(width=2, color='rgb(236, 10, 15)')) y_title = "y,ŷ(" + str(y_col) + ")" y_ycap_title = go.Layout(title='Actual vs Predicted Y Plot', hovermode='closest', xaxis={'title': x_title}, yaxis={'title': y_title}) error_title = go.Layout(title='Error Plot', hovermode='closest', xaxis={'title': x_title}, yaxis={'title': 'Error = y - ŷ'}) fig1 = go.Figure(data=[trace_predict, trace_actual], layout=y_ycap_title) fig2 = go.Figure(data=[trace_error], layout=error_title) error_mean = html.H2('Error Mean = ' + str(round(db.get('lr.error_mean'), 4))) ##Team 5 API Integration anova = get_anova(y, ycap, len(params)) db.put('lr.anova', anova) anova_div = common.get_anova_div(anova) independent_var = ','.join(x_col) return ( common.success_msg("Linear Regression API Exceuted Successfully!!"), table1, table2, fig1, fig2, error_mean, anova_div, html.H2(independent_var))