async def insertOrUpdateAccountInfo(self, discord_user_id: int): results = await self.getGw2AccountDataFromUserId(discord_user_id) results = {key: Json(value) for (key, value) in results.items()} # Insert all JSON data into database try: with db.create_connection(**config_data) as connection: with connection.cursor() as cur: query = """ INSERT INTO Gw2AccountInfo VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET (account, achievements, skins, titles, minis, outfits, dyes, finishers, wallet, materials, bank, inventory, pvp, characters) = (EXCLUDED.account, EXCLUDED.achievements, EXCLUDED.skins, EXCLUDED.titles, EXCLUDED.minis, EXCLUDED.outfits, EXCLUDED.dyes, EXCLUDED.finishers, EXCLUDED.wallet, EXCLUDED.materials,, EXCLUDED.inventory, EXCLUDED.pvp, EXCLUDED.characters) """ cur.execute( query, (discord_user_id, results['account'], results['achievements'], results['skins'], results['titles'], results['minis'], results['outfits'], results['dyes'], results['finishers'], results['wallet'], results['materials'], results['bank'], results['inventory'], results['pvp'], results['characters']) ) connection.commit() except Exception as e: print(e)
async def add(self, ctx, key: str): connection = db.create_connection(**config_data) discord_user_id = if not self.check_key_exists(connection, discord_user_id): try: cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute("INSERT INTO Gw2ApiKeys VALUES (%s, %s)", (discord_user_id, key)) await ctx.send("Adding new key to be tracked.") connection.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) else: try: cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute("UPDATE Gw2ApiKeys SET api_key = %s WHERE id = %s", (key, discord_user_id)) await ctx.send( "Key already stored. Updating old API key with new key.") connection.commit() except Exception as e: await ctx.send( "There was an error storing your API key. Please try again later." ) print(e) connection.close()
def launch_anova(): with database.create_connection() as conn: cols = [] for i in ANOVA_COLS: if i in request.args: cols.append(i) cols.append('Income') data = database.get(conn, cols) anova_result = analyzer.anova_cols(data, cols) return render_template("anova_result.html", result=anova_result.split('\n'))
def analyze(): field1 = escape(request.args.get('field1')) field2 = escape(request.args.get('field2')) with database.create_connection() as conn: data = database.get(conn, [field1, field2]) contingency_table = analyzer.get_contingency_table( data, field1, field2) statistic, expected_table = analyzer.get_statistic_and_expected_table( contingency_table) return render_template("analysis.html", field1=field1, field2=field2, contingency=contingency_table, statistic=statistic, expected=expected_table)
async def getUserAPIKey(discord_id: int) -> str: """ Get the Discord User's API key from the database and return it. :param discord_id: The Discord User Account ID from message context object. :return: str: The Discord User's API Key. """ result = None try: with db.create_connection(**config_data) as connection: with connection.cursor() as cur: print("In getUserAPIKey(). DiscordId: ", discord_id) cur.execute("SELECT api_key FROM Gw2ApiKeys WHERE id = %s", (discord_id,)) result = cur.fetchone()['api_key'] print(result) except Exception as e: print(e) return result
async def getCurrentGw2AccountInfo(self, discord_user_id: int): results = None try: with db.create_connection(**config_data) as connection: with connection.cursor() as cur: query = """ SELECT * FROM Gw2AccountInfo WHERE id = %s """ cur.execute( query, (discord_user_id,) ) results = cur.fetchone() except Exception as e: print(e) return results
def main(): leboncoin = wrapper.Wrapper() item_type = "appartement" results = leboncoin.get_research("10", item_type)["ads"] #print_item(results[0]) print("gonna create table") connection = database.create_connection("./database/leboncoin.db") database.creat_table(connection) print("creation complete") print("gonna add all items") for result in results: item_to_add = item.Item(result) database.insert_if_not_exist(connection, item_to_add, item_type) print("insert done !") #leboncoin.print_item(results[0]) #leboncoin.export_to_excel(results,"test_result.csv") """for result in results:
def post_insert_data(): form_result = {} if request.json is None: if (request.form.get('EmploymentField') not in VALUES['EmploymentField'] or request.form.get('EmploymentStatus') not in VALUES['EmploymentStatus'] or request.form.get('Gender') not in VALUES['Gender'] or request.form.get('LanguageAtHome') not in VALUES['LanguageAtHome'] or request.form.get('JobWherePref') not in VALUES['JobWherePref'] or request.form.get('SchoolDegree') not in VALUES['SchoolDegree'] or request.form.get('CityPopulation') not in VALUES['CityPopulation'] or request.form.get('MaritalStatus') not in VALUES['MaritalStatus'] or request.form.get('JobPref') not in VALUES['JobPref'] or request.form.get('HasDebt') not in VALUES['HasDebt']): return render_template("insert.html", selected=VALUES, message="Value error") form_result['EmploymentField'] = request.form.get('EmploymentField') form_result['EmploymentStatus'] = request.form.get('EmploymentStatus') form_result['Gender'] = request.form.get('Gender') form_result['LanguageAtHome'] = request.form.get('LanguageAtHome') form_result['JobWherePref'] = request.form.get('JobWherePref') form_result['SchoolDegree'] = request.form.get('SchoolDegree') form_result['CityPopulation'] = request.form.get('CityPopulation') form_result['HasDebt'] = request.form.get('HasDebt') form_result['JobPref'] = request.form.get('JobPref') form_result['MaritalStatus'] = request.form.get('MaritalStatus') try: form_result['Income'] = int(request.form.get('Income')) except ValueError: return render_template("insert.html", selected=VALUES, message="Income must be int") else: form_result = request.json with database.create_connection() as conn: return render_template("insert.html", selected=VALUES, message=database.insert(conn, form_result))
async def startGw2Session(self, discord_user_id: int): results = await self.getGw2AccountDataFromUserId(discord_user_id) results = Json(results) # Insert all JSON data into database try: with db.create_connection(**config_data) as connection: with connection.cursor() as cur: query = """ INSERT INTO Gw2SessionInfo (id, StartInfo, StartTime) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET (StartInfo, StartTime) = (EXCLUDED.StartInfo, EXCLUDED.StartTime) """ cur.execute( query, (discord_user_id, results, dt.utcnow(),) ) connection.commit() except Exception as e: print(e)
async def wvw_session(self, ctx): discord_user_id = result = None try: with db.create_connection(**config_data) as connection: with connection.cursor() as cur: query = """ SELECT * FROM Gw2SessionInfo WHERE id = %s """ cur.execute( query, (discord_user_id,) ) result = cur.fetchone() except Exception as e: await ctx.send("Error processing !session wvw") else: # startAchievementInfo = {value['id']: value for value in result['startinfo']['achievements']} endAchievementInfo = {value['id']: value for value in result['endinfo']['achievements']} startDeaths = {'current': sum([character['deaths'] for character in result['startinfo']['characters']])} endDeaths = {'current': sum([character['deaths'] for character in result['endinfo']['characters']])} startTime = result['starttime'] endTime = result['endtime'] startWvWInfo = { 'WvW Repairs': startAchievementInfo.get(306, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Kills': startAchievementInfo.get(283, {'current': 0}), 'Yak Escort': startAchievementInfo.get(285, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Yak Kills': startAchievementInfo.get(288, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Camps': startAchievementInfo.get(291, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Towers': startAchievementInfo.get(297, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Keeps': startAchievementInfo.get(300, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Castles': startAchievementInfo.get(294, {'current': 0}), 'Warclaw Kills': startAchievementInfo.get(4641, {'current': 0, 'repeated':0}), 'Warclaw Gate Damage': startAchievementInfo.get(4644, {'current': 0, 'repeated':0}), 'Deaths': startDeaths } endWvWInfo = { 'WvW Repairs': endAchievementInfo.get(306, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Kills': endAchievementInfo.get(283, {'current': 0}), 'Yak Escort': endAchievementInfo.get(285, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Yak Kills': endAchievementInfo.get(288, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Camps': endAchievementInfo.get(291, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Towers': endAchievementInfo.get(297, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Keeps': endAchievementInfo.get(300, {'current': 0}), 'WvW Castles': endAchievementInfo.get(294, {'current': 0}), 'Warclaw Kills': endAchievementInfo.get(4641, {'current': 0, 'repeated':0}), 'Warclaw Gate Damage': endAchievementInfo.get(4644, {'current': 0, 'repeated':0}), 'Deaths': endDeaths } # print(startWvWInfo) # Normalize Warclaw Kills if 'repeated' in startWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']: startWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']['current'] += startWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']['repeated'] * 5 endWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']['current'] += endWvWInfo['Warclaw Kills']['repeated'] * 5 # Normalize Warclaw Gate Damage if 'repeated' in startWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']: startWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']['current'] += startWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']['repeated'] * 100000 endWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']['current'] += endWvWInfo['Warclaw Gate Damage']['repeated'] * 100000 # Get the difference between each current value in the WvWInfo Dicts wvwDiff = {key: endWvWInfo[key]['current'] - startWvWInfo[key]['current'] for key in startWvWInfo.keys()} print(wvwDiff['Deaths']) # Calculate time difference timeElapsed = endTime - startTime hours, remainder = divmod(timeElapsed.seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) playTimeStr = "{}h {}m {}s".format(hours, minutes, seconds) embed_time_format = "%X UTC" user = if embed_perms(ctx.message): desc = """ You started playing at **{}** and stopped at **{}** for a total playtime of **{}**\n \n `Note: Deaths are tracked globally` """.format(startTime.strftime(embed_time_format), endTime.strftime(embed_time_format), playTimeStr) # Default to the numerator if denominator is 0 for Kill Death Ratio wvw_kdr = wvwDiff['WvW Kills'] / wvwDiff['Deaths'] if wvwDiff['Deaths'] else wvwDiff['WvW Kills'] em = discord.Embed(title="WvW Session Stats", description=desc, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at, color=0xFF0000) # Playtime information # KDR em.add_field(name='WvW Kills :crossed_swords:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Kills'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Deaths :skull:', value=wvwDiff['Deaths'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='KDR', value=wvw_kdr, inline=True) # Zero Width space unicode character # em.add_field(name='\u200b', value='\u200b', inline=False) # WvW Information em.add_field(name='Camps Flipped :circus_tent:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Camps'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Towers Seized :synagogue:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Towers'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Keeps Captured :european_castle:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Keeps'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Castles Liberated :japanese_castle:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Castles'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Yaks Slapped :meat_on_bone:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Yak Kills'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Yaks Escorted :ram:', value=wvwDiff['Yak Escort'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Supply Spent Repairing :tools:', value=wvwDiff['WvW Repairs'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Warclaw Maul Kills :lion:', value=wvwDiff['Warclaw Kills'], inline=True) em.add_field(name='Warclaw Gate Damage :shinto_shrine:', value=wvwDiff['Warclaw Gate Damage'], inline=True) em.set_author(name=user.display_name, icon_url=user.avatar_url) await ctx.send(embed=em)
def main(): db_conn = database.create_connection('coronavirus.db') now = processTime = now.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S") URL = '' page = requests.get(URL) soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser') last_modification_string = '' # Obtenemos la descripción de la última modificacion try: last_modification = soup.find('li', id='footer-info-lastmod').getText() last_modification_string = last_modification.replace( ' This page was last edited on ', '') last_modification_string = last_modification_string.replace( u'\xa0', u'') last_modification_string = last_modification_string.replace('.', '') except: print('can\'t get last time exception') # Obtenemos los datos de los paises country_table = soup.find('table', class_=[ 'wikitable', 'plainrowheaders', 'sortable', 'jquery-tablesorter' ]) tbody = country_table.find('tbody') trs = tbody.find_all('tr') for tr in trs: isACountry = False countryData = {} ths = tr.find_all('th') for th in ths: country_link = th.find('a') if country_link: if len(country_link.text) > 3: isACountry = True countryData['get_datetime'] = processTime countryData['country_name'] = country_link.text #print(country_link['href']) if isACountry == True: tds = tr.find_all('td') if len(tds) >= 3: if tds: countryData['cases'] = textToInt(tds[0].text) countryData['deaths'] = textToInt(tds[1].text) countryData['deaths_rate'] = (countryData['deaths'] * 100) / countryData['cases'] countryData['recovery'] = textToInt(tds[2].text) countryData['recovery_rate'] = (countryData['recovery'] * 100) / countryData['cases'] countryData[ 'original_last_modification'] = last_modification_string new_country_id = country_numbers.insertOne( db_conn, countryData) #print(countryData) database.close_connection(db_conn)