def downloadAllVideo(): conn = dbConn.getConn() global VideoCount VideoCount = 0 routerCount = 0 cTask = conn.cursor() #大的任务表 cData = conn.cursor() #每个data_表 thread_list = [] cursor = cTask.execute("SELECT name ,router,autoDownload from rsshubtasks") for row in cursor: if (row[1].find("douyin") >= 0 and row[2] == 1): routerCount = routerCount + 1 cursor2 = cData.execute( "SELECT title,link,downloaded,timestamp from rssData where rssName='{}'" .format(row[0])) for row2 in cursor2: if (row2[2] == 0): t = threading.Thread(target=downloadOneVideo, args=(row[0], row2[0], row2[1], row2[3])) t.start() thread_list.append(t) for t in thread_list: t.join() str(routerCount) + " routers need autoDownload " + str(VideoCount) + " videos downloaded") conn.close()
def downloadOneVideo(name, title, url, timestamp): conn = dbConn.getConn() global VideoCount try: os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.abspath('..'), 'web', 'static')) head = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25' } page = requests.get(url.replace("/playwm/", "/play/"), headers=head) page.encoding = 'utf-8' #print(page.url) webvideopage = requests.get(page.url, headers=head) if (os.path.exists(os.path.join("video", name)) == 0): os.makedirs(os.path.join("video", name)) with open( os.path.join("video", name, title + "_" + str(timestamp) + ".mp4"), "wb") as code: code.write(webvideopage.content) summary = '''<p style="display:block; text-align:center;"> <video controls="controls" width="300" height="600" src="/video/{}/{}"> </video></p>'''.format(name, quote(title) + "_" + str(timestamp) + ".mp4") conn.execute( "UPDATE rssData set downloaded = 1,summary='{}' where rssName='{}' and title='{}'" .format(summary, name, title)) conn.commit() VideoCount = VideoCount + 1 + " " + url + " downloaded") except: pass conn.close()
def deleteRssTask(rssName): conn = dbConn.getConn() conn.execute("DELETE FROM normalrsslinks where name='{}'".format(rssName)) conn.execute("DELETE FROM rsshubtasks where name='{}'".format(rssName)) conn.execute("DELETE FROM rssData where rssName='{}'".format(rssName)) conn.commit() conn.close()
def countAllRecords(): conn = dbConn.getConn() cursor = conn.execute("select count(rowid) from rssData") for row in cursor: cnt = row[0] conn.close() return cnt
def countOneRecords(rssName): conn = dbConn.getConn() cursor = conn.execute( "select count(rowid) from rssData where rssName='{}'".format(rssName)) for row in cursor: cnt = row[0] conn.close() return cnt
def getRsshubServers(): serversDict = [] conn = dbConn.getConn() cTask = conn.cursor() cursor = cTask.execute( "SELECT ID,Adress,FuncNum,FirstCheck,LastCheck from rsshubServers") for row in cursor: d = dict_factory(cursor, row) serversDict.append(d) conn.close() return serversDict
def getAllDbRssData(start=0, num=10): rssDict = [] conn = dbConn.getConn() c = conn.cursor() cursor = c.execute( "SELECT rssName,title,summary,timestamp,link,downloaded from rssData order by timestamp desc limit {},{}" .format(start, num)) for row in cursor: d = dict_factory(cursor, row) rssDict.append(d) conn.close() return rssDict
def addServer(ID, ServerAD): conn = dbConn.getConn() FC = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime()) LC = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime()) try: FN = getFuncNum(ServerAD) conn.execute( "INSERT INTO rsshubServers (ID,Adress,FuncNum,FirstCheck,LastCheck) VALUES ({},'{}',{},'{}','{}')" .format(ID, ServerAD, FN, FC, LC)) except: logger.error("AddFailed " + ServerAD) conn.commit() conn.close()
def updateNormalRssLink(url, name, round, title): if (url == "" or name == "" or round <= 0): return -1 conn = dbConn.getConn() try: linksql = "UPDATE normalrsslinks set link='{}' , round={} ,title='{}' where name='{}' ".format( url, round, title, name) conn.execute(linksql) #修改普通rss任务 conn.commit() conn.close() except: return -1 return 0
def addNormalRssLink(url, name, round, title): if (url == "" or name == "" or round <= 0): return -1 conn = dbConn.getConn() try: linksql = "INSERT INTO normalrsslinks (link , name , round , title) VALUES ('{}','{}',{},'{}')".format( url, name, round, title) conn.execute(linksql) #建普通rss任务 conn.commit() conn.close() except: return -1 return 0
def updateRsshubTask(router, name, round, recommendedServerID, title): if (router == "" or name == "" or round <= 0 or recommendedServerID < 0): return -1 conn = dbConn.getConn() try: linksql = "UPDATE rsshubtasks set router='{}' , round={} ,recommendedServerID={},title='{}' where name='{}'".format( router, round, recommendedServerID, title, name) #修改rsshub任务 conn.execute(linksql) conn.commit() conn.close() except: return -1 return 0
def addRsshubTask(router, name, round, recommendedServerID, title): if (router == "" or name == "" or round <= 0 or recommendedServerID < 0): return -1 conn = dbConn.getConn() try: linksql = "INSERT INTO rsshubtasks (router , name , round ,recommendedServerID,title) VALUES ('{}','{}',{},{},'{}')".format( router, name, round, recommendedServerID, title) #建rsshub任务 conn.execute(linksql) conn.commit() conn.close() except: return -1 return 0
def updateAllServers(): conn = dbConn.getConn() c = conn.cursor() #Ad= input() cursor = c.execute("SELECT ID,Adress from rsshubServers") thread_list = [] for row in cursor: t = threading.Thread(target=updateOneServer, args=(row[0], row[1])) t.start() thread_list.append(t) for t in thread_list: t.join() conn.close() logCenter.destroyLogger(logger)
def getRssTaskInfo(rssName): conn = dbConn.getConn() cTask = conn.cursor() cursor = cTask.execute( "SELECT link , name , round , lastget, title,unread from normalrsslinks where name='{}'" .format(rssName)) for row in cursor: newDict = dict_factory(cursor, row) newDict['isRsshub'] = 0 cursor = cTask.execute( "SELECT router , name , round , lastget , recommendedServerID ,title ,unread from rsshubtasks where name='{}'" .format(rssName)) for row in cursor: newDict = dict_factory(cursor, row) newDict['isRsshub'] = 1 conn.close() return newDict
def updateOneServer(ID, ServerAD): conn = dbConn.getConn() LC = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime()) try: FN = getFuncNum(ServerAD) if (FN == 0): FN = getFuncNum(ServerAD) if (FN == 0): conn.close() return sqlupdate = "UPDATE rsshubServers set FuncNum={},LastCheck ='{}' where ID={}".format( FN, LC, ID) conn.execute(sqlupdate) conn.commit()"Updatedone " + ServerAD + " " + str(FN) + "个功能") except: logger.error("UpdateFailed " + ServerAD) conn.close()
def getRssTasks(): normalDict = [] rsshubDict = [] conn = dbConn.getConn() cTask = conn.cursor() cursor = cTask.execute( "SELECT link , name , round , lastget, title,unread from normalrsslinks where active=1" ) for row in cursor: d = dict_factory(cursor, row) normalDict.append(d) cursor = cTask.execute( "SELECT router , name , round , lastget , recommendedServerID ,title ,unread from rsshubtasks where active=1" ) for row in cursor: d = dict_factory(cursor, row) rsshubDict.append(d) conn.close() return (normalDict, rsshubDict)
def getOneDbRssData(name, start=0, num=10): rssDict = [] conn = dbConn.getConn() c = conn.cursor() cursor = c.execute( "SELECT rssName,title,summary,timestamp,link,downloaded from rssData where rssName='{}' order by timestamp desc limit {},{}" .format(name, start, num)) for row in cursor: d = dict_factory(cursor, row) rssDict.append(d) if (rssDict != []): conn.execute( "UPDATE normalrsslinks set unread=0 where name='{}'".format( row[0])) conn.execute("UPDATE rsshubtasks set unread=0 where name='{}'".format( row[0])) conn.commit() conn.close() return rssDict
cursor = cTask.execute("SELECT name ,router,autoDownload from rsshubtasks") for row in cursor: if (row[1].find("douyin") >= 0 and row[2] == 1): routerCount = routerCount + 1 cursor2 = cData.execute( "SELECT title,link,downloaded,timestamp from rssData where rssName='{}'" .format(row[0])) for row2 in cursor2: if (row2[2] == 0): t = threading.Thread(target=downloadOneVideo, args=(row[0], row2[0], row2[1], row2[3])) t.start() thread_list.append(t) for t in thread_list: t.join() str(routerCount) + " routers need autoDownload " + str(VideoCount) + " videos downloaded") conn.close() #以下为main开始 VideoCount = 0 logger = logCenter.getLogger("dyDownload") conn = dbConn.getConn() if __name__ == "__main__": downloadAllVideo() logCenter.destroyLogger(logger)