def QuizGet(request, elementlimit=-1, qid=None, type="-1"): """get quiz Args: request: Django default parameter elementlimit: -1 for unlimited, other positive number is the max element client wants to retrive Returns: XML file, the example could be seen in ../samples/quiz.xml """ if request.method == 'POST': elementlimit = int(request.POST.get('elementlimit', '')) username = Login.objects(session=request.session.session_key).first() xml = Element("root") i = 0 if qid is not None: quizset = Quiz.objects(id=qid, creator=username.username) elif type == "-1": quizset = Quiz.objects(creator=username.username) else: quizset = Quiz.objects(creator=username.username, type=int(type)) for quiz in quizset: xmlquiz = Element('quiz') SubElement(xmlquiz, 'creator').text = smart_unicode(quiz.creator) SubElement(xmlquiz, 'id').text = smart_unicode(str( quiz_info = Element('quiz_info') while len( > 0: quizinfo = try: SubElement(quiz_info, smart_str(quizinfo.type)).text = smart_unicode(quizinfo.description) except KeyError: pass xmlquiz.append(quiz_info) SubElement(xmlquiz, 'description').text = smart_unicode(quiz.description) attachments = Element('attachments') SubElement(xmlquiz,"attnum").text = str(len(quiz.attachment)) for attach in quiz.attachment: xmlatt = Element("attachment") SubElement(xmlatt, "description").text = smart_unicode(attach.description) SubElement(xmlatt, "file").text = smart_unicode(attach.file) attachments.append(xmlatt) xmlquiz.append(attachments) correct_answer = Element('correct_answer') for answer in quiz.correctanswer: xmlans = Element('answer') SubElement(xmlans, 'string').text = smart_unicode(answer.answer) SubElement(xmlans, 'attach').text = smart_unicode(answer.attach) correct_answer.append(xmlans) xmlquiz.append(correct_answer) wrong_answer = Element('wrong_answer') for answer in quiz.wronganswer: xmlans = Element('answer') SubElement(xmlans, 'string').text = smart_unicode(answer.answer) SubElement(xmlans, 'attach').text = smart_unicode(answer.attach) wrong_answer.append(xmlans) xmlquiz.append(wrong_answer) SubElement(xmlquiz, 'manual_difficulty').text = smart_unicode(quiz.manualdifficulty) SubElement(xmlquiz, 'auto_difficulty').text = smart_unicode(quiz.autodifficulty) tags = Element('tags') while len(quiz.tag) > 0: tag = quiz.tag.pop(0) SubElement(tags, 'tag').text = smart_unicode(tag) xmlquiz.append(tags) xml.append(xmlquiz) i += 1 if elementlimit != -1 and i >= elementlimit: break return HttpResponse(smart_unicode(tostring(xml,encoding='UTF-8')),content_type='text/xml')
def QuizInsert(request, xml=''): """insert quiz into database Args: xmlstr: A xml string, the root label is root, and each quiz is enclosed by <quiz></quiz> label Returns: ERR UNKNOWN: unknown error XML EPT: xml is empty QUIZ ADD OK, id=%d %d represent for id in database """ returnmsg = 'ERR UNKNOWN' if request.method == 'GET': return HttpResponse('NO GET METHOD') if request.method == 'POST': xml=smart_str(request.POST.get('xml','')) if xml == '': returnmsg = "XML EPT" else: #try: #xml = str(xml).decode() #xml = str(xml).encode('UTF-8') quizxml = fromstring(xml) #except: # return HttpResponse("XML ERR") quizall = quizxml.findall('quiz') while len(quizall) > 0: qp = QuizParser(quizall.pop(0)) username = Login.objects(session=request.session.session_key).first() quiz = Quiz(creator=username.username, description=qp.GetDescription(), manualdifficulty=float(qp.GetManualDifficulty())) info = qp.GetInfoDict() #fill quiz info if info is not None: try: if info['type'] is not None:'type', description=info['type'])) quiz.type = int(info['type']) except KeyError: pass try: if info['choose'] is not None:'choose', description=info['choose'])) except KeyError: pass try: if info['order'] is not None:'order', description=info['order'])) except KeyError: pass try: if info['selection number'] is not None:'selection_number', description=info['selection number'])) except KeyError: pass #fill quiz attachments attch = qp.GetAttachmentList() if attch is not None: for tmpattch in attch: try: quiz.attachment.append(QuizAttach(description=tmpattch['description'], file=tmpattch['file'])) except KeyError: pass #fill answers answer = qp.GetCorrectAnswerList() if answer is not None: while len(answer) > 0: try: tmpanswer = answer.pop(0) quiz.correctanswer.append(QuizAnswer(answer=tmpanswer['string'],attach=tmpanswer['attach'])) except KeyError: pass answer = qp.GetWrongAnswerList() if answer is not None: while len(answer) > 0: try: tmpanswer = answer.pop(0) quiz.wronganswer.append(QuizAnswer(answer=tmpanswer['string'],attach=tmpanswer['attach'])) except KeyError: pass #fill tags tags = qp.GetTagList() if tags is not None: while len(tags) > 0: try: tmptags = tags.pop(0) quiz.tag.append(tmptags) except KeyError: pass returnmsg = 'QUIZ ADD OK id='+ str( return HttpResponse(returnmsg)